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Ahora que algunos grupos de extrema derecha están recogiendo ayudas para las zonas afectadas de la DANA, recordar esta noticia de lo que pasó en La Palma…

Is it possible to install an add-on or configure something in #KODI (#LibreELEC) so that I may use Kodi as a play-back device for anything with sound on my Android mobile?

I can play back Android-local mp3 files using Yatse but I want to use my sound setup for playback of all sorts of stuff like podcasts, videos, ... without having a second app/data setup on Kodi.

in reply to Oskar

@oskar_mbr Thanks!

I'm looking for a more generic solution. Using yatse, I do already have the same functionality compared to Kore, as it seems.


in reply to Karl Voit

thank you for the clarification. it seems i did not understand the question in the first place. i don't use kodi for generic sound playback but a bluetooth audio connection

📣 Do-It-Blind (DIB) online Besprechung am Montag, 4. November, um 19:00 Uhr. Du bist eingeladen!… Wöchentlich am Montag um 19:00 besprechen wir neue Formen der digitalen und inklusiven Zusammenarbeit. Mach mit! 🛠️ #make #blind #inklusion

I was today years old when I learned that the French for 'mansplaining' is - delightfully - 'mecsplication'/'mecspliquer'.

('Mec' basically = 'bro'.)

And the French-Canadian variant - 'pénispliquer' - is even more direct.

Hey lovely beings of the fediverse, I'm a #neurodivergent woman seeking others who have a passion for #breathwork, #hypnosis, and #meditation, and other subjects that might be related. I'm actively working on being able to speak about these things in everyday conversation, both because I'd like to connect with more folks who have at least some understanding of any or all of these things, and in an attempt to teach myself that the world won't end if people don't have that prior knowledge/understanding. To that end, any and all replies are welcome.
PS: I'm also a #writer, and maintain a youtube channel where I post soundscapes and other things, though mostly soundscapes at the moment. That channel can be found here:
in reply to CommunityBelonging

Hi, lovely person! I am another kind of neurodivergent person, who also loves meditation, breathwork, and might sometimes write, I also occasionally break things. :) I hope you're well. Oh and did I forget to mention I live on the other side of the world? Exaggerated of course, only now, I have to wish you good afternoon. :) I'd love to chat, or whatever is comfortable. If I find something interesting, I tend to talk a lot.

Linus Torvalds kicked the Russians out of Linux, now they're creating a sovereign Linux community in Russia…
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

««Hay una cosa muy evidente, y es que la evaluación de la gestión de la catástrofe generada por la DANA la hacen quienes la padecen, y estos han dictaminado que hay deficiencias graves cuando a una semana semana de la lluvia aun hay basura sin retirar que puede ser foco de infecciones, hay posiblemente cadáveres en los garajes, o hay falta de alimentos y suministros básicos que no llegan a la población más vulnerable.».

📌 Aquí está la rueda de prensa de Antonio Maíllo:

Quantum entanglement explained:

Socks come in pairs. If you put a sock on your left foot, the other sock of the pair instantly becomes the “right sock,” no matter where it is located in the universe.

Po dlouhé době vyhrál k obědu dönner od Turků. Porce jak pro dva. Hrozná nálož. Fotku sem raději dávat nebudu, nebo řeknete, že jsem prase. 😀

Take a job that could be done literally anywhere, use it to make people live like this so that office buildings stay valuable and then announce that the health and wellness program now includes mindfulness coaching and yoga.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to mhoye

A real question: has anyone done the correlation of valley company board members, their real estate investments, and return to office mandates?
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 55 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (FreakyFwoof) as your invitation code.
in reply to Andre Louis

Great to see this many pi miners, more than I've seen in a very long time. Until last Friday there were only two in my circle mining. Now there are 7. Love to see it.
in reply to Andre Louis

there'll be a limit at which you get actual cash out of this thing though, surely?
I have no idea how any of it works.
in reply to Andre Louis

I stopped a couple of years ago, didn't really see it going anywhere. Am I wrong? Is it more interesting than I initially thought?
in reply to Patrick Perdue

@BorrisInABox Given that Pi Coin is worth a fluctuating amount of USd, last I checked around 39/coin, I'd say it might well be. I never got into Bitcoin when I should have, stupid to do that. With this even if it went nowhere, pressing a button on a screen once every day doesn't hurt. I've amassed quite a collection doing that, as I think I've missed less than a week in all those years.
in reply to Andre Louis

Quite interesting. Are they actually convertable? and transferable nowadays, or? Because I read about these yesterday, but, I think that paper was a bit older. Haha.

I'm skipping out of the online version of IETF (again) because it feels silly to pay 200 USD to listen in to a one hour meeting.

Gerade auf Droidblind gepostet: App-Updates vom 04.11.2024…

soy el único que piensa que podríamos usar la mierda de ley de partidos para ilegalizar a los movimientos fascistas?
in reply to modulux

@modulux siempre se puede buscar al juez adecuado para que lo tome en cuenta, igual que hacen ellos, sólo que ellos lo tienen más fácil, hay más donde elegir.
in reply to Juan CBS

No, estas cosas van directamente a una sala especial del TS.

Buttons are superior to touch interfaces in almost all places.

Our previous gas stove and oven had buttons and dials and it was clear, easy & quick to operate.

Our new induction stove and oven uses touch. Everything takes easily three times as long.

Existe una petición oficial a la Unión Europea para que desarrolle y aplique activamente un sistema operativo basado en Linux en todas las administraciones públicas de los Estados miembros de la Unión.

Puedes adherirte y apoyar la petición (previo registro en el sitio del Europarlamento) en:…

in reply to Linux Spain

@modulux Interesante, porque si esto fuera una realidad estarían obligados a hacerlo completamente accesible para cumplir con las directivas europeas
in reply to Ramón Corominas

Es la esperanza que nos queda, porque hasta ahora... la accesibilidad es bastante deficiente.

Bueno gente, pues junto a mi hermana he creado una web de ayuda (principalmente, dar información y servir de punto de encuentro digital) para los damnificados por la #DANA, focalizada en #Paiporta (que es donde vive ella), pero con un enfoque que tal vez le pueda resultar útil también a gente de otras zonas afectadas. Si podéis difundir, se agradece:

Here's an idea for a talk by me at #fosdem Interesting?


"Tightening every bolt"


Things to do in order to sleep well while having your C code in twenty billion installations. A talk about what the curl project does to minimize security risks: Security, Safety, Reproducibility, vulnerability handling and the processes and tooling around it.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

daniel:// stenberg:// reshared this.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

it would be nice to see you hit the topic of not being able to do so as well when pressures, mental distractions, managers, co-workers, wars, friends, relatives, elections, etc all give you reasons to do poorly.
(Not necessarily a negative way even)
This is from my limited time writing chill* code in c# for addons to 3d modelling and BIM tools.
Nothing fancy, but geeze there are some hurdles.
*chill code = like 2 people might call if error, and can likely move on without it fixed.
in reply to thejikz

@thejikz right, because that is the real-world challenge isn't it? Knowing is one thing, actually being able to do it and to keep doing it, is the hard work.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

this is probably on a motivational poster in some form, if not, let it be. :D

Are you a policymaker, an IT officer or do you work in public service delivery in public administration in EU Member State?

We offer trainings that helps ensure that the policies are digital ready, from planning to the implementation stage.

Help us make our trainings better fit your needs 👉!h4t48f

fun apple watch tip

Sensitive content

in reply to Casey Reeves

fun apple watch tip

Sensitive content

in reply to Casey Reeves

fun apple watch tip

Sensitive content

in reply to Andre Louis

fun apple watch tip
Yeah, always tapped here three times as well. To wake it up I mean.
in reply to Andre Louis

fun apple watch tip

Sensitive content

in reply to Casey Reeves

fun apple watch tip

Sensitive content

in reply to Andre Louis

fun apple watch tip

Sensitive content

in reply to Sean Randall

fun apple watch tip

Sensitive content

#Dnf this #Fanfiction. The opening chapter was enough to tell me that the Harry Potter mentioned in the summary holds very little relation to the Harry I might enjoy reading about.

After the war Harry Potter's world falls apart. Then he is offered a chance to try and make a better future for himself and his friends. Of course things are never simple.

[Let's Try Again by DayDreamer315]](…)

in reply to Sean Randall

All the themes I like least: head of a billion houses, blocked from magic because of evil evil, love potion...
in reply to modulux

@modulux Trope or not, Manipulative Dumbledore is always an attention-catcher because truly, he's ugly enough inside for it to b believable. May not be the point behind this particular fic, but it rings true imo.
in reply to Andre Louis

Yeah, it's not my favourite, but some stories with a manipulative Dumbledor, evil or just ruthless, are well done. I just think the stories of making this absolutely overpowered lord of all the houses, shis diamonds, marries 50 girls type character is not something I'm into.
in reply to modulux

@modulux One of the better Dumbledore's I've read in recent times are in the fics by Wok Fried Rice. Really brilliant writing all around.
in reply to Andre Louis

@modulux He's good in those stories, and actually cares about his students.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof @modulux I only read a taste of magic, but he didn't have much of a part in it as far as I recalled?
in reply to Sean Randall

Oh a taste of magic was very fun. He did play some role, though mostly as the headmaster figure rather than a political mastermind.
in reply to Sean Randall

@modulux I'd say he had a fair part to play, no? He got Harry away from his relatives, allowed him to have the club room etc, didn't try to stifle him, I mean yeah. I'd say he did quite a lot.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof @modulux I guess I'm so used to him meddling in fanfic that to me, he just let Harry get on with things in this one. That's more rolling with what happens than directing in a positive way. But he's been written so many ways, I guess a light hand on the wheel might come across to me as not doing much.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof @modulux I can't say if I wouldn't have grown to like it, it's a biggy.
But from the offset it's a very different story.

Hey #FRZ peeeps! (and everyone else)

There is a new spam wave that seems to be abusing weakly secured instances. The toots look like this:
[Some @ mentions]
[Picture with QR code]

If you see any of these, please report them as spam so we can block them at the source. I'm not sure if anyone here needs to hear this, but obvs do not follow the URLs in the QR codes, they are probably malicious.

in reply to szakib

Addendum for mods/admins:
In the last spam wave, we found that most of the spam comes from instances we have had zero, or negligible, contact with. If you check the details of the server in the Moderation/Federation menu and it shows that there are no followings to/from it, it is safe (and wise) to suspend the whole server, not only the reported user. (More new users are usually spawned as long as the server is unsecured.)

#moderation #spam #admin

what's the current state of being able to raad Kindle books in VDR? Any tools I should be aware of in particular?
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz


Well, it used to be possible to download a book to the Kindle for PC and decrypt it using Calibre. But it's an ongoing race between Amazon and DRM plugin devs, and Amazon is currently in the lead.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
daniel:// stenberg://
@jpmens I can't think of anything more important happening this week
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

That's Wednesday. If you can schedule a downtime for your website for tomorrow evening, I can get ice cream in preparation for the release...

Spam from the account zdx1h15j3j at

And now just got one from

Looks like a new wave of open-signup spam.


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Stuff like this is why I have always been saying that Android is great for those who either never go out and always have sighted family at hand, and those who can't afford anything else. This person knows their tech, and yet this still happens.…

Powered on my Galaxy S20 to test a website. Realized the test called for Chrome and I was still using Samsung Internet. Installed Chrome. Chrome caused Google's Talkback to stop repeatedly. Android eventually killed Talkback. Neither my Talkback shortcut nor my Prudence shortcut are working. I couldn't navigate the phone with a physical keyboard. There's no message on the screen about why the Talkback shortcut isn't working--it just isn't. My laptop's ADB key got removed or expired. So, I have a brick. Not an important brick, but still a brick. Or, I can call Aira and get them to painfully walk me through the process of finding the exact controls on screen while I enter my passcode (which I can actually do quite reliably), open settings, walk the lonely road to accessibility, find the thing I can't quite remember the name of because I'm using Google Talkback, turn it on and hope it doesn't crash again.
I can go back to Samsung Talkback, but it makes the phone feel half a decade slower. So I either need to tame Google's Talkback or give it to someone sighted, because I won't inflict this bullshit on anyone else.

If you are a person anywhere on the autism spectrum, you may experience "Justice Sensitivity" and if you're like me, you may find it difficult to understand how so many people don't and how this could possibly be the norm.

#autismSpectrum #JusticeSensitivity…

in reply to Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis I haven't experienced that so much, but sometimes when I am mentally tired or sleep deprived, certainly. I suspect I'm sort of just barely on the spectrum though, and my experiences are not representative of the vast sea of possibilities with neurodivergence.

The upside, of course, is being able to focus on incredibly complex, difficult problems that scare other people away. We're wired up differently, not wrongly.

in reply to Nicklas Johnson 🏳️‍🌈

Yep. I think I might be experiencing the same, but also all day long, like you experience it when you're low on energy or tired.

Powered on my Galaxy S20 to test a website. Realized the test called for Chrome and I was still using Samsung Internet. Installed Chrome. Chrome caused Google's Talkback to stop repeatedly. Android eventually killed Talkback. Neither my Talkback shortcut nor my Prudence shortcut are working. I couldn't navigate the phone with a physical keyboard. There's no message on the screen about why the Talkback shortcut isn't working--it just isn't. My laptop's ADB key got removed or expired. So, I have a brick. Not an important brick, but still a brick. Or, I can call Aira and get them to painfully walk me through the process of finding the exact controls on screen while I enter my passcode (which I can actually do quite reliably), open settings, walk the lonely road to accessibility, find the thing I can't quite remember the name of because I'm using Google Talkback, turn it on and hope it doesn't crash again.
I can go back to Samsung Talkback, but it makes the phone feel half a decade slower. So I either need to tame Google's Talkback or give it to someone sighted, because I won't inflict this bullshit on anyone else.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn @dhamlinmusic I didn't think this could work. I thought the Talkbacks would clash somehow. If you try and do it the other way round (installing Google's while Samsung's is already installed) it doesn't work, so you have to uninstall Samsung's using ADB before you install Google's. At least that's how I remember it. I know I couldn't just install Google's and then start it. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't install at all.
in reply to Simon Jaeger

@dhamlinmusic correct. You uninstall Samsung’s Talkback and then install Google’s. Then you can reinstall Samsung’s

There should be a section of IMDB that explains exactly what happened at the end of a film, for all us thickos who don't get complicated or open endings. "What exactly happened?" category would be very welcome.

Este sábado se cumplieron 30 años del cocido en el que se plantó la idea del movimiento cultural gallego conocido como bravú.

Así que para mi #MusicMonday de este lunes haré un especial dedicado a la música con la que los gallegos crecimos en nuestra infancia y adolesciencia durante los 90.

Empezando, cómo no podía ser de otra forma, con la Oda ó futbolín de Os diplomáticos de Monte-Alto:

#NowPlaying #bravú

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Via Andrew Weissmann:

Let's please remember that the Republican presidential nominee is set to be SENTENCED for 34 felonies on November 26.

That he is a major party nominee is not normal. The rule of law matters.
Vote accordingly.

I asked where people who encounter problems voting (e.g. right wing intimidation) can get help. Commenters responded with great suggestions:…

Many thanks to you all!

I recently found a new podcast. The audio production is quite good, but there's one thing driving me absolutely nuts. The cast make heavy use of modern cell phones. For some reason, the sound designer uses a dial tone, the rapid beeping when a landline receiver is left off the hook, and the sound of the called phone's ringing stretched out far too long. All for cell phones. There's also the triple beep of a cell call ending, so they know cell phones. It's maddening.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki I've noticed it before in shows and movies. The wrong message send/receive sounds, playing iPhone sounds when the characters are obviously not using iOS, and of course, the classic hearing a dial tone on a landline when the other party hangs up. I just figured an audio drama would do better, since audio is the only way to communicate with the audience.
in reply to Alex Hall

the whole "hearing a dial tone after hangup" thing is more complicated than it seems. As far as I remember, there were some exchanges in the US which actually worked this way, particularly in the Hollywood area, hence why many producers believed that such behavior was the case for everyone.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki That's neat. I didn't know that. I'll be slightly more forgiving, at least for older movies.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki Oh wow! I always thought they just did it for efffect. I never new a phone exchange actually did that. In my experience, you get the dial tone but about 30 seconds later. Nothing more startling then waking up to that beap beap afterwards when you've fallen asleep on the phone.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki I don't think anyone got it immediately but in some exchanges you would get a dial tone after some number of seconds after they hung up.

zastanawiałam się, czy wrzucać dodatkowo u siebie, jako osobnego toota, skoro już krąży po sieci, temat kontrowersyjny, a ja cierpię na chroniczny niedobór doby ;)

ale w sumie mogę zapuścić linka i dodatkowo otagować:

Czy polska szkoła musi być uzależniona od Big Techów?…

#edukacja #szkoła #wychowanie #dzieci #nauczyciele #rodzicielstwo #eSzkola #cyfryzacja #edziennik #microsoft #komercjalizacja #bigtech

in reply to didleth 🇵🇱 🌈 🇺🇦 🇪🇺 ⚡

@avolha Z czasów licealnych / pandemicznych, to Polskie szkoły były tak niedofinansowane, że w praktyce kończyły uzależnione od Discorda, bo to było jedyne darmowe i sensowne na tą skalę rozwiązanie. to był dopiero prywatnościowy problem, zwłaszcza przy domyślnych ustawieniach i udostępnianiu kadrze informacji, kto, w co i kiedy gra.