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Items tagged with: spam

It's 2024 and #Google is now requiring bulk #email senders to use DMARC, SPF, & DKIM when emailing #Gmail users. 👍


This is a great step, BUT why did they allow bulk senders to send #spam emails without proper #security standards until now? 🤔

People complaining: #Decentralized services are bad because #spam can't be effectively fought against...
My current half a year lasting experience on centralized #google drive service:

Hello all Fedi Admins who have problems with spam!

The Mute List 2.2.2

I have been updating the spam list and found ~104 additional instances that continued spamming! I, with lots of help of other Fedi Admins, have compiled the instances into a list which mutes them, and does not defederate from them!

I'd highly appreciate a small donation here as I've worked really hard and long on creating this, which given my current schedule I can hardly justify! Thanks!

There is a new type of spam, the same instances are affected as before. Those responsible in Japan are said to have been arrested.

Download the list here.

Instructions and Explanation of the List.

Once this list is imported, most of the spam is gone. The whole thing is easy for you, with just one click! In addition, no instance is blocked forever, no followers etc. are destroyed or unfollowed, only muted.

You can simply import this list by going to https://yourinstance.tld/admin/export_domain_blocks/new and replacing yourinstance.tld with the domain of the instance you are the administrator of!

Alternatively, you can also click on Settings => Moderation => Federation => Import to import this list.

Note that although all instances can be imported with one click, these instances must be removed individually when the spam is over.

Also note that it only makes sense to import this list and mute the spam instances if you have blocked your spam locally and permanently, as described here.

Here's to a spam-free Fediverse :apartyblobcat: !

#MastoAdmins #FediBlock #Spam #Spamwave #Fedimins #FediAdmin #FediAdmins FediAdminEN

Hallo alle Fedi-Admins die Probleme mit Spam haben!

Die Mute-Liste 2.2.2

Ich habe die Spam-Liste aktualisiert und ~104 zusätzliche Instanzen gefunden, die weiterhin spammen! Ich habe, mit viel Hilfe von anderen Fedi Admins, die Instanzen in einer Liste zusammengestellt, die sie stumm schaltet und nicht von ihnen deföderiert!

Ich würde mich sehr über eine kleine Spende hier freuen, da Ich wirklich hart und lange an der Erstellung dieser Liste gearbeitet habe, was Ich angesichts meines aktuellen Zeitplans kaum rechtfertigen kann! Dankeschön!

Es gibt eine neue Art von Spam, die gleichen Instanzen sind betroffen wie vorher. Die Verantwortlichen in Japan sollen verhaftet worden sein.

Downloaded die Liste hier.

Anleitung und Erklärung zur Liste.

Ist diese Liste importiert ist ein Großteil des Spams vorbei. Das ganze ist für euch leicht, geht mit einem klick! Zudem wird keinerlei Instanz für immer geblockt, keinerlei Follower etc. zerstört oder deföderiert, sondern nur stummgeschaltet. Das ist sehr leicht umkehrbar.

Ihr könnet diese Liste einfach importieren, indem ihr auf https://yourinstance.tld/admin/export_domain_blocks/new geht und yourinstance.tld durch die Domain derer Instanz ersetzt, von der ihr der Administrator seid!

Alternativ könnt ihr auch auf Einstellungen => Moderation => Föderation => Importieren drücken, um diese Liste zu importieren.

Beachtet, dass zwar alle Instanzen mit einem Klick importiert werden können, dass aber diese Instanzen einzeln entfernt werden müssen, wenn der Spam vorbei ist.

Beachtet auch, dass es nur Sinn ergibt, diese Liste zu importieren und die Spam-Instanzen stumm zu schalten, wenn ihr euren Spam lokal und nachhaltig blockiert habt, wie hier beschrieben.

Auf ein Spam-Freies Fediverse :apartyblobcat:​ !

#MastoAdmins #FediBlock #Spam #Spamwelle #Fedimins #FediAdmin #FediAdmins FediAdminDE

Woha, this is unexpected: in a future update mastodon will automatically turn off open registration if no mod has logged in for a week or longer:

This is great news, and should hopefully significantly cut down on abandoned servers being used to send spam!

(And this is in addition to also having open registrations off by default on new servers.)

Great news!

#mastoadmin #spam

Deň som tu nebol, a že sa mi cnelo za vami. Ale zdá sa, že #spam je nadobro minulosťou. Tak #dobréRáno vám a príjemný deň k tomu.

The big wave of spams is over? Thank you FediAdmins for doing what you do!

#krita #ArtWithOpenSource #FediArt #MastoArt #spam

Are you seeing spam? A poll

The fediverse is dealing with a major spam attack -- Heise has some coverage (in German).

But not everybody is seeing spam. Are you? If so how much?

@fediversenews #fediverse #spam

PS: if you are seeing spam, there's also afollowon poll asking where

  • No spam -- lucky me! (83%, 10 votes)
  • Just a bit (16%, 2 votes)
  • A lot (0%, 0 votes)
  • So much that I'm almost ready to log off (0%, 0 votes)
12 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

:boost_love: Boost if you think groups like @NGIZero and others should band together and fund a hard fork of #Mastodon that prioritizes trust and safety, and the needs of #Fediverse admins to protect their users from abuse.

⭐ Favorite if you would support with a little money, too.

#MastoAdmin #FediAdmin #spam #ForkTogether

A poll about the current spam situation:

How important are spam filters on the fediverse? (Also think about the future)

(1 = Not important / 5 = important)

#poll4today #poll #spam

  • 1 (0%, 0 votes)
  • 2 (16%, 1 vote)
  • 3 (0%, 0 votes)
  • 4 (33%, 2 votes)
  • 5 (50%, 3 votes)
6 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

im getting really tired... -w-

summary of today:

someone on a Japanese hacker forum decided it was a good idea to spam the entire Fediverse because they wanted to cancel a minor that DDoSed a Discord bot which apparently made them lost millions (what?)

A Discord bot. I can't make this shit up man.

The real culprit seems to be someone who goes by mumei in the forums, whose first post was literally a threat to ap12, that if they don't delete their "Kuroneko Server" Discord bot, they will spam every blog, forum and SNS and cancel him.

This shit is ridiculous.

The ap12 account from mastodon-japan was actually fake, and this dude impersonated a minor to get all of the Fediverse (us) to bully him.

The forum admins didn't even stop this. Why? lulz apparently. #fediblockmeta#fediadmins#fediadmin#mastoadmin#mastoadmins#spam#cybercrime#cybersec#infosec#drama#discord

My #Mastodon mentions are filling up with #spam in a language I don't understand (I think Japanese), with offers to join a Discord server where I can apparently buy stolen credit cards and other personal info. Anyone else?

Looks like there is a wave of spam bots coming from as I've been hit by about 10 different accounts so far.

I've reported them all and blocked them as well. I hope everyone else will do the same.

#MastoAdmin #Admin #MastodonAdmin #MastoAdmins #Spam

Resolved: Microsoft Outlook Blocking All Email from Domain as Spam.

This is just another example of how much power Microsoft has. But sometimes I'm not sure they really know what they're doing.

Anyway, dealing with Windows email users (businesses and individuals) can be a nightmare.

If you plan on using your own email server, sooner or later you'll be playing this game too.

#microsoft #outlook #hotmail #email #spam @Tutanota

Už se tady zase množí čínský spam. Vždy vytvoří jiný účet, ale stejných 10 příspěvků. Registrace samozřejmě přes Gmail. Ještě on-line herny, to je druhý neštěstí a to i na Pixelfed #spam

I think that this #ableist #eMail bs should be #illegal and does not satisfy the notification requirements.

Also even for #abled people this is just bad, since a lot of them - like myself - will be sometimes if permanently on #WWAN like #2G, #3G or #4G and thus not download attachments at all, but only the text.

And yes, I do also automatically mark all #HTML - #eMails as #Spam so they won't even show up in my #Inbox.

I have banned and purged from everywhere, based on this

2023-01-29T10:27:59Z worker [INFO]: Server peer update start {"url":"","worker_id":"85e31dd","worker_cmd":"UpdateServerPeers"} - {"file":"UpdateServerPeers.php","line":54,"function":"execute","uid":"a33038","process_id":295381}
2023-01-29T10:27:59Z worker [INFO]: Server is unknown. Start discovery. {"Server":"","worker_id":"85e31dd","worker_cmd":"UpdateServerPeers"} - {"file":"GServer.php","line":358,"function":"check","uid":"a33038","process_id":295381}

Since then worker doesn't pull in spambots again.

Now, it would be neat to know:
1. What exatly happened (I don't know the protocol that deeply)
2. Who did what
3. How to prevent that from happening in the future (both network-wise and locally)

#spambot #spam

Multiple Former Twitter Employees Note That Musk’s New Favorite Tool, Polls, Are Easily Gamed By Bots

#elonmusk #twitter #polls #bots #spam #1