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A los chavales que creen que ser nazi es el nuevo punk: hoy ha habido una manifestación de rojos en Valencia y una de fachas en Madrid. Las fuerzas del estado han cargado contra la primera y han escoltado a la segunda. Dadle una vuelta.
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in reply to Giorgio Grappa

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An unanticipated oasis of calm this morning with Father And Son, the Album by Art Garfunkel jr.
The good wife springs into music madness from November, weekends from now on are a chaotic wirlwind of cleaning, shopping, rearranging and generally making ready for the festive period with routine background music accompanyment.
So to hear a voice from my youth, aged and blended with his son, was a bit of unexpected variety.

We're now suffering through Together At Home by Boe and Ball, but you can't have it all.

LB: ya que se habla de bibliotecas e invitaciones para apoyarlas, os cuento que para mí siempre fueron un lugar bastante hostil. Estanterías repletas de libros que jamás podría leer, salas de silencio donde jamás podría trabajar en grupo... así que nunca he pisado una biblioteca en condiciones. Nunca he hecho lo típico de irme a estudiar a una, sentarme en una sala a leer o pedir prestado un libro. En las ordinarias, claro.
in reply to José Manuel Delicado

Lo mismo digo, aunque me pregunto si ahora con los libros electrónicos y un portátil les podría sacar algún partido.

remember alphachip, a 2021 google paper that claimed that their RL-based methods outperformed the state-of-the-art methods for chip macro placement?

according to this new meta-analysis, their results dont replicate and are full of errors. there's also been allegations of fraud 👀…

Hoy quiero saber vuestra opinión sobre poner almíbar en los croissants.

  • Me da asco. (23%, 4 votes)
  • Es un crimen. (23%, 4 votes)
  • Lo odio. (17%, 3 votes)
  • No soy persona, me gusta el almíbar. (35%, 6 votes)
17 voters. Poll end: 6 days ago

modulux reshared this.

in reply to modulux

De acuerdo con David! Los que tienen esa cosa sólo sirven para mancharse las manos con cosas pegajosas. Además, el azúcar es malo! tirarlo así pegado a los dedos no tiene ningún sentido!
in reply to Óscar Gorri

anda que no. Eso tiene que estar casi tan bueno como la... venga, que tengo que sacar el tema otra vez. Sí, la pizza con piña!
in reply to José Manuel Delicado

Para los que habláis de la pizza con piña. ¿La piña se pone natural o deshidratada cuando la metéis en el horno?. El otro día me comentaron la segunda opción y no suena tan desagradable.
in reply to modulux

En Domino’s tienen una pizza de Kitkat. Eso si que levanta el estómago, jejeje.
in reply to Juan Nuñez

dominos debería estar prohibida así en general, por malos. Son peores que telepizza, que ya es decir. Buscaros un restaurante de cercanía, que suele haberlos muy decentes.
in reply to Juan CBS

Por cierto, no debería yo decir esto, pero muchas pizzerías están apareciendo como sombra de los famosos kebab. En Italia los auténticos maestros son los egipcios que hacen unas pizzas muy decentes. En España también están empezando a entrar con mucha fuerza.
in reply to Óscar Gorri

pues fíjate, aquí hay un restaurante que está llevado por gentes del norte de áfrica, no sabría decirte de donde, pero me da reparo y nunca lo probamos. El reparo no lo tengo tanto porque no sea italiano, sino por tener una carta muy extensa, cartas extensas significan generalmente cocina lamentable o, con suerte, poco buena.
in reply to Juan CBS

La ventaja de la pizza es que hay una sola masa y muchas formas de condimentarla con poquísimos ingredientes. Yo le daría una oportunidad con alguna de las clásicas.
in reply to Óscar Gorri

Pues yo, desde que probé los Croissants auténticos, o los más franceses que conozco, y hay varios sitios en Madrid donde los hay, desde luego no les echaría nada de nada de nada más que su propia composición. (1/2)
in reply to Enrique Varela Couceiro

Se pueden encontrar buenos croissants aquí, pero los hay que buscar, y huir del almíbar, claro. En Coruña creo que había un sitio que también los hacía buenos pero ya hace años que no voy.
in reply to Juan CBS

Yo, ni Domino’s, ni Telepizza, ni ninguna cadena. No conozco ninguna que sea buena. De todas formas, nos preocupéis que pronto sacarán la pizza de nutella, y dejaréis de discutir de la piña, que por cierto, para mi gusto, no debería aparecer jamás en una pizza.
in reply to Enrique Varela Couceiro

La de nutella es ya vieja! En Italia se encuentra hace muchos años. En algunos sitios la suelen acompañar a petición de coco rallado.
in reply to Óscar Gorri

Bueno. Pues entonces hagamos la pizza de lacón con grelos, que más tonterías hacen con las empanadas y no nos quejamos. Ja ja
in reply to Enrique Varela Couceiro

Por aquí en Santiago hay un sitio que ha ganado premios con pizzas muy peculiares. Sicilia in bocca creo que se llama.
in reply to Enrique Varela Couceiro

Ejem: En Italia también se comen algo parecido a los grelos. La diferencia es que es la misma mata pero cogida bastante antes, más tierna y pequeña. En pizza se suele poner con salsichas especiadas. Por cierto, es ahora la época en que se encuentran frescos. Se llaman Brocoletti.
in reply to Óscar Gorri

Bueno. No tengo ni idea de eso, pero los grelos, ya sabes: son los brotes tiernos del nabo, que se recogen antes de que florezca. Es decir, en esta época también es cuando más están en comida. (1/2)
in reply to Enrique Varela Couceiro

Creo que en Galicia los recogen más subidos que en Italia. Yo aquí los encuentro más tiernos y algo más amargos, pero son la misma planta.
in reply to Óscar Gorri

Hay que distinguir grelo de nabiza. El grelo suele ser tierno y amargo. La nabiza es algo más dura.
in reply to modulux

Exacto! Recordaba algo yo sobre eso. Entonces, en Italia y en Galicia se come lo mismo. Aquí gusta bien tierna y amarga.
in reply to Juan CBS

Pues a mi los grelos me gustan mucho, por ejemplo con chorizo, huevos y patatas.
in reply to modulux

tengo ganas de ver los resultados de la encuesta. Yo tampoco soy persona!
in reply to Éric Duarte

No me imaginaba la cantidad de traidores pro-almíbar que me iba a encontrar.

And the "purebrew" project still continues to upgrade packages on this ancient Mac MIni 2014:

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/llvm/19.1.3: 8,041 files, 1.8GB, built in 892 minutes 46 seconds

Apple, you’re doing the Dynamic Island wrong…

Seeing AI Can Now Describe Videos…
in reply to David Goldfield

This is awesome and I can't wait to see the progression in this type of technology! Keep in mind it does take a very long time to render the description on even a one minute video so don't plan on your two-hour movie being audio described in a flash. My colleague recorded a demo video in our little group tech training session and it was about 10 seconds. I think it took about one minute or a little less to give us the description. It was really cool, though.

A New Chapter: Welcome to…

If you've been looking for that next semi-cheap music-making fix but haven't decided what to get, consider Ableton Move.
If you look at the official videos, literature and documentation, you'd be fooled into thinking that it's not actually accessible. This is incorrect.
It runs a web-server for helping you manage samples,recordings and sets, but it also has an undocumented screen-reader which I demonstrate in this video.
Next to Komplete Kontrol, I can say that this has been the most innovative, fun and game-changing piece of hardware I've owned and I thoroughly enjoy working with it.

#InspiredBySound - Let's Move! (Ableton Move Accessibility Overview)
Excerpt from Peter Kirn's blog about Move:
‘How do I access Move with a screen reader?
Andre Louis has a walkthrough for you, as pointed out here in comments! And as always, it’s terrific. This is honestly worth a watch for sighted users, too, to understand how these interactions work – and it’s required viewing if you work in instrument design.’
#Ableton #AbletonMove #Accessibility
#ScreenReader #A11y #Blind

My experience voting as a person with a disability…

AMC Networks Takes Full Control of BBC America in $42 Million Deal…

DuckDuckGo Is More Than Just a Search Engine Now…

It's Not a Real Job. It's an Employment Scam - CNET…

7 Morning Home Safety Checks Everyone Forgets…

Xfinity Internet Review: Plans, Pricing, Speeds and Availability Compared…
in reply to David Goldfield

I'm still waiting for them to bring the symmetrical speeds to my neighborhood. Waiting, waiting, waiting.
in reply to David Goldfield

I can't tell if they offer anything over a gig from thddI have the gihabit plan. I'd like more symetry. I live in a large area. Portland, Oregon area.

Here's Why Experts Say You Shouldn't Use an AirTag to Track Your Pet…

🧣Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 11/2024 - Title:
🟡 "Ada takes windows where she
finds them and makes windows
where she needs them." 🐿️
🔴 "Ada nimmt sich Fenster, wo sie sie
findet, und macht Fenster, wo sie
sie braucht."
#StreetArt #Art #Chalkart #Artist #SidewalkChalk #3DArt #Squirrel #Window

What’s New in Jieshuo 20241108: Offline OCR Overhaul & AI Enhancements…

Takže přátelé, #Vánoce se blíží a jak jsem varoval, tak už je to tady - #DarujHračku

Máte jedinečnou možnost rozsvítit aspoň na jeden den oči dítěti, který moc důvodů k radosti nemá. Akci organizují každoročně #Tango manažeři na vozíčcích, což je samo o sobě něco, co si zaslouží obdiv.

Představte si, že můžete náhodnýmu prckovi dopřát zázrak pod stromek a splnit mu přání. Buďte #Ježíšek.

Často to nedělám, ale tentokrát prosím - boostujte. On totiž i ten pitomej boost může znamenat radost v očích jednoho prcka.

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Neblbne někomu po poslední aktualizaci aplikace pro Nextcloud z Fdroidu?
Mně pořádá chodí oznámení při stahování souborů došlo k chybě.
#Nextcloud #fdroid #app #android
in reply to Archos

Mám Nextcloud z F-Droidu starej 13 dní a synchronizace mi v týdnu běžela (aspoň směrem na server, zpět jsem nezkoušel)
in reply to Schmaker

No právě, že já ani nic nestahoval do telefonu. Za hodinu dorazí snad 30 oznámení.
in reply to Archos

ja narazil na bug, ted nedavno, ze to do telefonu synclo vse ze serveru. I adresare, ktery nebyly oznaceny k sync.
in reply to luke__666

@luke__666 Na F-droidu jsou myslím tři aktualizace za pár dní, tak snad to vše brzo doladí.
in reply to luke__666

Jo, to byl průser, dost lidem to vyžralo mobilní data, mně naštěstí jen baterku. Kvůli tomu musel NC dočasně pryč z mobilu, aktuální verze z F-Droida už tím netrpí.
in reply to Lukáš Jelínek

@aikencz Já mám poslední verzi z F-Droidu a dostávám upozornění o špátném stahování souborů :-(
Zkusím se odhlásit, jestli to nepomůže.

I found a blog I want to follow. Now I'm following it, in the same place I follow all my other long-form sources. RSS has been around for decades, and it's still great. No accounts, no proprietary API, no third-party server in control of the data, no relying on a single app.

I have cancelled all but one of my streaming video subscriptions in an effort to save money. I wanted to watch a certain movie but didn’t have a physical or digital copy, and didn’t want to purchase it. Suddenly, I remembered that libraries exist. Today I walked to the library and checked out a few movies on Blu-ray and DVD. For free. I feel strangely powerful. Support - and use - your local library.

#streaming #library #physicalMedia #DVD #Bluray #saveMoney

from alex (

Generally we think of alt-text as the domain of those with accessibility needs.

However alt-text is useful for many reasons, which benefit your viewers, as well as you, the creator!

Sorry I didn’t call you back. Forgot my phone could do that


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I posted this elsewhere, but I thought it was worth bringing here.

there's a common sentiment in some communities i'm in that people who understand computers at more than the most surface level can't really be trusted. and, yk, i get it; it's an inscrutable, esoteric, yet deeply powerful art, and the people who practice it are often quite disconnected from society by financial privilege or simple introversion. it's one of many reasons i call what i do wizardry, which is meant in the AD&D, swords and sorcery, Forbidden Tower sense - but, at the same time, it isn't actually magic; it's a complicated tower of social conventions baked, in part, into sophisticated patterns of metal on glass.

lots of folks in my little pocket of the 'net, myself included, use the term "computer toucher" broadly and with only a little irony to mean programmers, hackers, system administrators, computer engineers, and the like - but that's silly, right? if we're talking via the Fediverse, we're touching computers; if we're talking via Discord, we're touching computers; by definition, anyone reading this post in its original medium is a "computer toucher" in its literal sense.

i certainly don't believe it's incumbent upon everyone to understand "how computer work" in any detailed sense. i have four years of formal education and a decade of autodidactism behind my knowledge of things like the syntax and semantics of programming languages, the operation of network protocols, and the conventions behind USB device communication. i have an entire bookshelf full of titles like Linux Kernel Development and Rust Atomics and Locks. you do not and should not need to understand all this nonsense to live in the world. that said, i do think there is a basic level of competency that it's reasonable to expect from people who use computers on a daily basis, and the more i see companies like Apple and Google try to erode computer education, the more important i think it is to make sure people get some.

to analogize: i drive a car (i know, i hate it too lol.) i am not a "car person"; i know some people who are, which is great, because i can ask them for help with things like changing my oil. i don't really understand why i have to change the oil; does it like, get hot and chemically change? does it get contaminated with dust? i haven't found the time to look into it. i don't know how my car works; i understand that it's got an engine and a transmission (though i'm not totally sure what that is). and that's okay.

but can you imagine if i tried to drive a car without ever learning that cars use gasoline? if i tried to get a license without learning the difference between the accelerator and the brake? if i got angry and shut down the conversation when i said i didn't want to set my e-brake on a steep hill and someone tried to tell me that it's unsafe? that's absurd.

that's how i feel about computers. no, people shouldn't have to know what a kernel is to use Discord, and indeed they do not. but you do have to know that the car burns gas. you are on the hook for understanding the basic operating principle of the thing you're operating - the thing that runs every nook and cranny of the society you live in.

modulux reshared this.

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt I don't think it's that broad; the common sentiment is along the lines of "if you know about computers, your opinion on whether or not software is good/usable isn't worth considering," and so forth. Like the knowledge of how computers work makes us unable to see how "normal" people are affected by them. It's *sometimes* true, certainly...
in reply to !!__NORA__!!

All right, I think I get it. So they say we can't be trusted to recommend software that's usable for normal people, or to develop such software without input from a UX person or the like.