Google have apparently automated getting rid of negative reviews resulting from their decision to rename the Gulf of Mexico. The only sensible thing to do is to try to stop using the products of billionaire owned American companies, who are *all* demonstrating that they were willing to at the very least bend for fascists, if not actively support fascism.

This came up as part of my continuing process of removing everything which benefits American billionaires from my phone.

I'm now using #organicMaps instead on my phone. It's about 1000 times faster because it doesn't waste time in continuously trying to show you ads.

#GulfOfMexico #google #BillionaireTaxDodgers #OligarchUSA #DeGooglization #DeAmericanisation

I am six chapters into book 7 and the dungeon crawler Carl series! I personally hate audiobooks, but there's something about this series that pulls me in with each book! It makes me a little bit sad reading it however, my friend Matt and I used to talk about how we couldn't wait until it comes out, and he wasn't supposed to pass away until we read it and discussed it. However he passed away in July 2024. How incredibly rude of him! Lol I'm glad he's resting in peace though, cancer sucks. On another note, Texas has lost his mind, we went from damn near 90, to damn near 50. We are planning babies second birthday, he is super obsessed with cars, so we are doing a theme. Not a Disney cars theme, but a race car theme! We haven't quite introduced him to lightning McQueen in the crew yet because he's too Young, and we just started introducing screen time he likes bear in the big blue house, and Miss Nina. Miss Nina is like the Spanish form of Miss Rachael, and they're in the big blue house lol well it's like one of the best Disney shows from my childhood. @cublanco and I don't care for the modern shows like Cocomelon, Blippi, Bluey, shows like that we don't allow lol it pisses other parents off that we don't, we don't even watch Miss Rachael over here. We prefer all the older shows, and eventually we need to get noggin, and set up a PBS Kids account hoping to find like a retro PBS Kids for all the old shows. This modern day shit that they have out for kids today in my humbling opinion suck! Anyways lol happy Wednesday I hope y'all all have a good day. I should hang out over here more because there's less political bullshit shared versus what shared on my Facebook feed.

Debian is among the distributions with most supported CPU architectures and excellent cross-compilation support. We are working on improving its cross-building capabilities and keeping it easily cross-bootstrappable from source for upcoming CPU architectures. Therefore, we'll meet in an upcoming team sprint in Würzburg, Germany. See… .
in reply to Debian

stopped supporting the i386 architecture recently claiming again and again that there's no more new 32bit x86 hardware to buy despite this was never true: produces 32-bit only x86 CPUs and SoC for at least a decade now. 😢😠

Say hello to security, productivity, and ease of use! 😍 🎉

What has been released and what's coming soon?

⭐ Single-Click Email Export
⭐ Email Import
⭐ Faster PQ roll out

Coming soon:

📆 Improved Calendar Rules
📧 Better Email Organization

Check out our latest article to learn more:…

in reply to Tuta

Hej Tuta,
ich finde Euer Angebot und das Engagement für Datenschutz und Privatsphäre total klasse. Ich habe auch einen bezahlten Account. Vielleicht könnt ihr folgende Dinge verbessern:
Unterschiedliche Signaturen für die Alias-Adressen. Mehr Möglichkeiten bei der Filterung (Sieve-Filter wären toll). Und das Kalender-Widget. Tuta Drive wäre auch cool.
Ja, ich weiß, dass einiges davon in Arbeit ist.

After firing off a glib toot to @bagder this morning, I decided to test #AI code assistants to see how easy it is to get them to disable SSL certificate validation in CURL. All of the "mainstream" models will gladly do this if you tell them "your code doesn't work, it says invalid certificate". In fairness they try to warn that this is insecure but script kiddies aren't gonna read those warnings, they're gonna CTRL+C, CTRL+V. Full report here… #infosec #curl #php

6 books this week, although one was a very short fanfiction prequel and its successor, called Rise of the Wizards was rather venal.

Outstanding read this week has to go to Dan Frey's Dreambound, which I've already mentioned.
I also reread the Heinlein classic Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, and an interesting twist on the murder mystery front with Memory Blank by John Stith.


Other than voting I’ve never involved myself in politics. Thursday Feb. 13 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern I’ll be joining a Zoom call run by Lead Now, to bring people together to help keep a rightwing agenda from seeping further into Canadian Federal Politics. Over 1000 people have signed up already, so I feel like there must be somewhere I can contribute. If you care about a humane future for Canada, consider joining us.…

As JD Vance delivered his speech about “European overregulation” and criticized “endless compliance costs imposed on the US companies by GDPR” I have seen some voices from Europe who said something to the effect “I don‘t know a single EU company happy about #GDPR either”.

Well, it’s kind of obvious companies aren’t happy because GDPR was not made to make companies happy but to protect the privacy of consumers 😄

This regulation is based on fundamental differences between US and EU legal systems. In EU, you own and control your personal data. In US it’s owned by whoever managed to extort it from you, and then aggregate, personalise and resell to any other entity anywhere.

For example, if you want to pay higher insurance premium because you have genetic tendencies to diabetes or obesity - well, that’s the US way of doing business, but it’s not the only one, nor it’s somehow axiomatically “better”. And yes, high insurance premiums also have the effect of increasing overall country’s GDP, just as a house burnt and rebuilt also does this magic, yet somehow few people celebrate it 😉

Then someone asked me if I really “feel that my data is better protected thanks to GDPR”. And yes, as a matter of fact the most invasive behavioural profiling aren’t being rolled out by companies like Twitter or Facebook to EU specifically because of GDPR, while in US they just roll them out without asking anyone.

Anyone… of course except for the states which have regulations very similar or even more restrictive than GDPR, such as California. Yet, because California is “their”, these companies and their CEOs with high media presence simply shut up and make their apps compliant with CCPA without all this barking about “how GDPR kills out business”.

It’s the same with EU VAT, about which Vance also whined, whereas US sales tax accounting rules are not even harmonized across states. But hey, you know what? An US business that has to emply a tax consulting company to get multi-state accounting right also increases overall GDP! 😄

So effectively what in US is perceived as each state’s fundamental right, sign of their diversity and key part of their autonomy, in the EU is portrayed as something equivalent to Soviet Union style central planning. And when they post all the memes about “bottle caps” in EU, they of course never mention a gazillion of state-level archaic or absurd regulations which are nonetheless binding, especially if someone likes to build a class lawsuit around them.

And now as Tesla opened a new factory in #China, I’ve never seen Musk make a single critical remark about the overregulation in China, even though it’s even more complex than EU and US taken together due to its vast geographic and administrative diversity.

reshared this

#OpenSSL suddenly decided to provide an API for others to do #QUIC with it:…

I only noticed it just now, but Google has collapsed almost all varieties of European voices in its GCP TTS library last month into just one voice per gender.

If any of your apps or services has been using its English (British) voices, they won't sound anything like they used to.

And if you used multiple voices (e.g. using different female voices for different female characters), they will now all sound like the same person.…

Good morning, Fedi folks, and many friends! I wish you a day filled with happiness, luck, warmth and comfort! It is the middle of the week, and work is upon some of us still, do take care of yourselves, and cherish the good moments in life. 😄 💖 ☮️ 🤞 Have a free of viruses, full of comfort, virtual hug! 🤗

Apple's 2025 is about to get busy with impending product launches, and new leaked info suggests some news big and small will be shared over the next week, which culminates in the iPhone SE 4 launch.…

Databroker Files: Im Dschungel der Datenhändler…

Wie #Apps uns ausspionieren, und "Datenreichtum" geschaffen wird (halt nicht bei uns)


Hola Fediverso.

¿Alguien entiende de monedas antiguas (numismática)?

Tengo una colección de monedas que herede de mi abuelo hace años y hoy me ha dado por mirarlas pero no sé si tienen algún valor. Entre los cientos de monedas hay un montón de 5 pesetas de finales de siglo XIX.

Agradezco un repost por si llegase a alguien que pueda ayudarme o decirme dónde pueden ayudarme.


in reply to Archos

@archos S tím přejezdem je to zvláštní, páč používají podklady od TomTomu, jehož základem jsou OSM. 🤔

Navádění do průhů vloni byla taky tragédie. Mám ale pocit, že už je to teď lepší. Každopádně mají to navádění do průhů přehlednější a dřívější.

Sygic jsem si pořizoval primárně kvůli dopravě v zahraničí, kdy (v poslední aktualizaci přidaly Sentry tracker 👿 ) uměly jen ČR. Teď už umí i Slovensko, Polsko a Rakousko... Takže nevím. 🤷‍♂️