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DebConf24 welcomes its sponsors!…

Still on X? Without notice, X has opted all users into training its "Grok" AI Model. To turn off this setting and stop your "posts, interactions, inputs, and results" from being used for training and fine-tuning Grok, visit and uncheck the checkbox.

DebConf24 starts today in Busan on Sunday, July 28, 2024…
in reply to Debian

it's a shame that the stream audio is badly garbled.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Peel the banana! The BBC’s grand plan for the Sixth Doctor…



I remember in the early days of front-end development, one of the advices we used to give to web developers is to please not start playing the videos automatically. Well, I feel like today we have a somewhat reverse situation where, for example, Youtube starts all the videos in a “muted” state. This means that, as a screen reader user, I am missing a few or more seconds of videos while I am looking for that “mute” button (by swiping or tabbing around). (1/2)
in reply to victor tsaran

This might not be YT but your browser, most browsers don't let websites play unmuted unless you click something first.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki Well, I am talking about YT web mobile experience in particular, but I encountered a few embedded YT plaers with a "mute/unmute" button right inside the player.

I’m starting to get really sad about this. How are we going to discover and share new accessible apps? How are developers going to interact with a huge subset of the community? Will someone step into the breach? Who knows.

Re, last boost: This actually makes me kind of sad. Applevis has been an amazing resource that I've recommended to my friends and consumers who want to broaden their knowledge on their apple devices, and find honest reviews about the useability of aps with voiceover. I wish all the best to the Applevis crew as they navigate these difficult times. I hope the site can soon return, as it is a great database for potential new Apple users.

For now, the most important thing to do is to support David Goodwin and the rest of the Applevis team for their dedication and attention to consumer use for visually impaired individuals.
I respect his decision to focus on personal life matters and his own mental health. Thank you, Applevis for giving us many great years of discussion and learning from one another. Applevis was a community in every true sense of the word. Until it returns, it will be a digital home that many of us will miss.
For those who may have my boost hidden or haven't seen it, here is the link to the blog post where David Goodwin announces the closure of Applevis.…

While sad news, this team has run themselves ragged maintaining the site. We all need time to shift gears and re-evaluate things. All the best to the team and their future! I shall miss the wonderful blogs after each WWDC and other Apple event. Onward and upward! The End of an Era: A Message From the Founder as We Announce the Closure of AppleVis | AppleVis…

How much money would we need to raise in order to make it worth someone’s time and effort to keep @AppleVis going? The content should always be freely available, but how many of us like me would be willing to kick in some each month to keep it going and pay the staff a little?

With the closing of Applevis, I think it's an important time to remind everyone of the blood, sweat and tears that go into people making communities, chat programs, websites and online games for us to enjoy free of charge. I don't know the first thing about coding or program building, but I appreciate the people who do and give their all to making places on the internet accessible and fun for others.
I don't know if there's anything I could do to help. I enjoy podcasting and writing blog posts, but beyond that all I can do is offer encouraging words to my team.
If anyone has a skill that they are good at, it may be useful to a community who needs all the volunteer help it can get. Places like Applevis were run by dedicated volunteers who weren't rewarded monitarily, but were passionate about sharing resources and learning from consumers who use familiar devices on a daily basis.
If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. Let's all step up when we might be able to do something. For those whose voices are being silenced, stepping up to help a volunteer-run community is one opportunity of getting your foot in the door. Don't waste it. :)

This is such sad news. #AppleVis was more than a forum, it was a community. They provided some of the best summaries of Apple events such as WWDC and others, and the app directory was so useful to check whether apps were accessible or not before wasting time and money on them. Not to mention the impact the site has had on accessibility at Apple. Not many sites would have such active communication with the accessibility team at Apple of all companies. A huge thanks and congratulations to David and the team for building such a valuable resource and sticking with it through the years…

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I'm very sad to hear that #applevis is closing down. It was a vital source of guidance for me as I learned to use my first iPhone. Having a central community to direct new blind users of Apple products was of tremendous value. I very much hope some way of preserving the community can be found. What a sad circumstance to have to put in the third edition of my book.

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It’s a very sad day. AppleVis has been a huge part of the #a11y community. Best of luck to David and the entire editorial team. Your work will be greatly missed.

The End of an Era: A Message From the Founder as We Announce the Closure of AppleVis | AppleVis…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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Dan Robinson Reviews the New Tecsun S-2200X Portable Receiver

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and supporter, Dan Robinson, who shares the following review: Tecsun Delivers The S-2200X – New Life For A 16-Year-Old Cabinet Design by Dan Robinson Some months ago, I learned from Anon-co that Tecsun planned to release an update to the S-2000 receiver, which for the past 16 years also sold under other names such as the Grundig Satellit 750 and later the Eton Satellit……

The End of an Era: A Message From the Founder as We Announce the Closure of AppleVis | AppleVis…

WestphalDenn reshared this.

in reply to David Goldfield

What are we going to do now? Who will provide Apple update & app reviews for us going forward?
in reply to Jessica Dail

@KE8UPE It's impossible to predict. Now that this announcement has gone viral in our community, it's possible that others may step up to take over. Again, it's impossible to predict, at this point.

I see athis again and again… Why release the software upgrade if you know it’s bad? I mean, this apology is OK, but could have been avoided. Isn’t what we have betas for?…

Breaking news: #AppleVis website that brings blind Apple users together to share tips and knowledge is to close after 14 years:… #accessibility #blind
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

"I contain multitudes."
[Including, plants, & animals].
A short list.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Low-Tech Magazine now offers its complete book collection in DRM-free epub format! Get you some.…

[Blog Post] The End of an Era: A Message From the Founder as We Announce the Closure of AppleVis…

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in reply to Dave Taylor

Well, you will hear about new apps and new stuff, first, because upgrades are always posted on Macrumors, and such other sites, but also people find a lot of good apps and talk about them, so it'll be fine. there'll be other projects ran by people, it's not the end of the world, we have to be a bit more positive, like I said in a reply, every thing comes to an end, no matter the reasons, what we can do is move on and learn to adapt, to find other creative ways to do things, I believe this will encourage people to talk more amongst themselves and share ideas, and that, sometimes leads to good connections. We could be useful to each other.
in reply to Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺

Let's wish their staff all the best and many new opportunities, good moments and good memories. this is better, and I am sure each of us will remember the website for many more years to come.
in reply to Kay

Yeah, that's for sure. I just wanted to be a little bit positive, to wish everyone the best, and to ensure all of us that the world isn't ending. We would know if it is. But it's not this month or the next.
in reply to Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis @ChocolatePie Stop trolling. You're linking two entirely different things, and you know it. People like you are the reason all the good things die. Wishing people well is of course in order, and thanking them for what they did, but there is no site currently that will tell us if anything works with VoiceOver, no directory, no way to find apps if you don't follow somebody that happens to use them, which is much harder without twitter, so, frankly, just go away!
in reply to Dave Taylor

@davetaylor2112 @tardis @ChocolatePie Absolutely. Sites like MacRumors aren't going to alert us about accessibility improvements and regressions with new updates. The type of fragmentation you're suggesting is a step back compared to having one reliable resource that contains this information.
in reply to David Goldfield

I have seen accessibility announcements in these sites, maybe on Apple's themselves, but in any case, where's our wish for creativity and experimenting? that way, we can alert others, who in turn will alert others and so on.
in reply to Dave Taylor

I am not surprised there'll be such comments. I am neither trolling, nor harming anyone. I am simply wishing people the best from all my heart, and I appreciate their work. I am neither a troll, but you appear to be one hostile person, and to actually have the audacity to offend others. thank you for that, at least now I know what a troll is. someone who wishes people the best, tries to be positive and ensure others. At least it's not spamming. I thought it was spamming and hate, but you just changed my definition of it, for this, I am grateful. You learn something new each day. :)


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@KimCrayton1 is one of the people that I'm bringing with me to my convo with @renchap .


* She should not have to experience this
* It should be easier for admins at DAIR, and across the whole Fediverse, to prevent this

The content that drew the harassment was simul-posted on Mastodon, BlueSky, Twitter, and other social networks. Only Mastodon drew this level of racist replies. I need you all to believe Black folk when we say that Mastodon *is* the nazi bar.

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“Trump: You have to get out and vote. You won't have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won't have to vote anymore.. In four years, you won't have to vote again.”

It's clear as day what this means coming from anyone, and triply so coming from a ridiculously corrupt narcissistic fascist who thinks dictators and autocrats are cool, who rarely misses a chance to tell everyone about that.

It'll be interesting to see what our Trump-whisperer press tell us it means.

Buenas buenas. Leo la lista internacional y pienso que alguna gente debería, bien leer la GPL y molestarse en comprenderla, bien revisar cual es la versión de la GPL bajo la que está licenciado NVDA. Lástima que mi inglés no sea el suficiente para entrar en la discusión, pero comienzo a aburrirme de algunas "aclaraciones" perentorias en orden a que los complementos deben cumplir con la GPL para ser distribuidos o tonteras parecidas
in reply to modulux

@modulux Jaja, caigo en lo mismo que critico, y es que en realidad va a depender de qué entendamos como trabajo derivado V/S el uso del trabajo. Todo me lleva a pensar que en mi legislación la expresión trabajo derivado no es tan fácil de llevar a un complemento, pero me equivoqué en extrapolar aquello
in reply to mk360

Siempre fue un tema polémico. Yo la verdad creo que no hay una respuesta bien determinada hasta que se pronuncie la jurisprudencia o la ley de forma más explícita. Pero por ejemplo en yanquilandia tuvieron el caso de Google contra Oracle sobre las APIs de Java que parece ir por el camino de que sí, el uso de una API implica obra derivada.

I'm pleased to announce that the following reviews are now available from my Audio Reviews page: Grizzly Gulch Western Extravaganza and Chillingham by Bavisoft (originally produced for ACB Radio's Main Menu), Blindfold Bowling for iOS by Kid Friendly Software, and Homer On A Harley by Jim Kitchen. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did producing them.

victor tsaran reshared this.

in reply to Kelly Sapergia

This is definitely a blast from the past. Long before social media I found some of these reviews on or sometimes linked by the game creator. I know your Chillingham review got me un-stuck on at least one occasion.

Please note that the following community call is not being hosted by Blazie Technologies but we're quite happy to see others hosting such calls.

ACB Community Call: Getting to Know the BT Speak From Blazie Technologies: Sunday, July 28, 12:00 PM Eastern Time…

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#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 10 updated apps and added 2 apps to the basket:

* Grocery Genius: a feature-rich shopping list Android app with offline-first mode
* Bazarnote: a simple note taking app keeping the necessary minimal information during bazaar

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

@Friendica Support @Michael Vogel
Hallo Micha, der @Malte Friendica ist jetzt auch bei der Zwenkauer Flaschenpost. Leider können wir beide uns nicht als Kontakte verbinden. Seine Kontaktanfrage die ich annehme verbindet uns nicht (es bleibt als ausstehende Kontaktanfrage). Und wenn ich die Verbindung starte, kann sich Malte auch nicht verbinden.

Hast du irgendeinen Trick zum überlisten der DB auf Lager ? Kann ich das irgendwie händisch reparieren ???

in reply to Michael Vogel

Würde es etwas bringen, auf unstable zu wechseln? Allerdings würde ich das ungerne machen, da ich mir letztens schon meine alte Friendica Instanz dabei zersemmelt habe.
in reply to katzenjens

Nun, es hat sich im RC sehr viel getan. Aber es ist wie immer: Man sollte beim Update systematisch vorgehen und vor allem sollte man alle seine Daten (insbesondere die Datenbank!) vorher gesichert haben und auch getestet haben, dass man sie wiederherstellen kann.

So oder so wäre es sinnvoll, einen Backup-Account zu haben, mit dem man dann bei Problemen kommunizieren kann. Das gilt sowohl für den Wechsel von stable auf RC als auch für das normale Update.

I never realised that in Rugby it was called a scrum.

Dream, neutral.
I had the strangest dream involving me in my 20s taking a van to the airport, being sad leaving the UK, while a passenger right by me explained a feasible, but not very practical, crypto scheme that also helped defeat traffic analysis. My dreams are really odd lately.
in reply to modulux

Dream, neutral.

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web accessibility: code formatting

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in reply to clar fon

web accessibility: code formatting

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