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HP have finally admitted that the printer ink subscription model has failed, so now Logitech are queueing up to give it the old school try with an inkless subscription printer analogue.…

IEEE's MAC address allocations have a weird pricing structure.

If you want to buy a 12 (aka 4096 addresses), that's $855 one time (or $0.20 per MAC address).

However you can buy 20 bits of space (1Mil addresses) for $2,030 one time !, and 24 bits (16Mil) for $3,375 one time !

I somewhat question the desire to buy 4096 MAC addresses when 1 million is only around 2x the price.

in reply to benjojo

I heard a story that cost of MAC addresses was a factor that caused IPv4 multicast to be designed to use only 23 bits from group id in the MAC address.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Quoting directly from the GPL: `The “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it.`

If a project is so difficult to build, package or redistribute that the only practical way is to use docker then this is hardly #FOSS.

Please boost for visibility if you don't mind.


lol stream in t-12 minutes. The upstairs, where my studio room is, is sweltering. Why do I do this to myself? :P
in reply to Florian

Ouch. Well, I don't know, but you do. Sooo, have fun streaming. Haha. And get a lot of cold stuff to drink, and eat, like, get ice cream, and cold Cola, and cold something. :D

I see a lot of the drama that is happening between people of color on the platform and the mastodon dev team. I feel like I need any to help, but I'm not exactly sure the best way to do that. I'm more wary of making things worse tbh.

But I feel like there are two important things that feel clear to me. I want to say it out loud and have people either correct me or help me understand better.

in reply to Marco Rogers

The fediverse is a lot of work. And right now, it doesn't make anybody any money. In fact it costs a lot of money ab free labor.

Investing in the fediverse only makes sense if it *actually* gives us control of our own destiny.

I'm gonna repeat this a lot. Because it's going to take a while for people to unlearn what we usually do and instead create new dynamics.…

in reply to Marco Rogers

I'm done fighting with white Europeans who are committed to willfully misunderstanding and downplaying racism. I honestly do not want to spend another second trying to get them to care enough to change their priorities.

Instead, I want to know how I can find and support people that are aligned with my values. I want to enable those people to work on a platform that I can use. And we don't need permission from the mastodon team to do so. They're not in charge.

#DoctorWho x #StarTrek
Friendship is universal


#QT… this is why I spent most of 2019 traveling the world talking about the harm inflicted in marginalized spaces when white folx refuse to acknowledge their complicity and allegiance to white supremacy and anti-Blackness

When white LGBTQ+ folx aren’t able to step outside whiteness, Black and brown folx must ignore their shared marginalized experiences in order to protect themselves from your racism and you become the “enemy”

in reply to Kim Crayton ~ Her/She

FWIW your posts in recent days have raised a few peoples' consciousness, including mine. Among other things, Masto has an “invisible attacker” problem, i.e. nobody else can see the abuse that gets pushed into your face. While the people saying “it’s easy to fix, just fix it” are wrong - it’s a hard problem - that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be a priority. Thanks for raising your voice.

I’ve just come across someone not from an English-speaking nation with the surname of Dadbin. What’s that? Why, of course, it’s the place where Dad throws the useless junk that won’t ever get thrown in the bin.

Ugh. The new Web site redesign is absolutely horrible. The Series page is unwieldy and links in the Doctor Who heading are all unlabeled. I wish I thought to volunteer to beta test before they released this nonsense on the world. I'll be reaching out to them on Twitter to find out who I can deliver feedback to.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Damn guys, Apple kinda knocked it out of the park with Siri's TTS updates in 18.1. Why is no one talking about this? It's a pretty big improvement over the previous generation of neural stuff they were doing, and it works with the listen to page feature in safari as well so you can have it read any content. It's not quite at Eleven Labs quality, but it's pretty close. I think they're using similar architecture under the hood, and it's all on device as far as I understand. For all devices, they updated the versions used by VoiceOver and speech accessibility, and they now have several different voice styles you can choose from such as "Reduced Inflection" and "narration." Really good to see they seem to be concentrating on good high-quality TTS once more, and hope the trend continues.

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in reply to Zachary Bennoui

@FluidEscence @gallagher123123 What is more inappropriate, to talk about the new Siri sound or actually share it? Hehehehe!
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @FluidEscence @gallagher123123 Yeah definitely share, need to hear this in headphones. Maybe ask Siri some questions while you're at it lol. I'm also really excited about all these new writing tools and summarization. Just from @gallagher123123 and I playing around with it yesterday, it seems really impressive.

Substack is the best social network (if you can even call it that) that ever exists, ever existed or will ever exist, and nobody can convince me otherwise.

How does Bitwarden for Windows rate in terms of accessibility?
in reply to Bruce Toews

Adding to that, I'm curious about BitWarden's accessibility on other platforms, as well. I'm personally not interested in leaving 1Password but since BitWarden offers a free tier of service, many people will want to try it.
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield Not only a free tier, but from all reports, a very good tier. My enjoyment of OnePassword kind of soured after version 6.
in reply to Bruce Toews

@DavidGoldfield I've been a user of Bitwarden since 2018 and I like it. The extension has a bunch of keyboard shortcuts to autofill or generate a password. The current version of the mobile app is serviceable, a few buttons could be labeled better and going between passwords in the list takes multiple flicks, but they have a brand new app in beta testing that's a rewrite with native API's and for once a redesign makes things much cleaner for us and that new app is a joy to navigate

U.S. Senate racing to vote for the horrific Kid's Online Safety Act today. It will likely pass by an overwhelmingly large bipartisan margin, thanks to politicians who don't have a damned clue about how dangerous it will be to both children and adults (or just don't care). It will subject the most vulnerable children to more abuse, block access to crucial information, and require everyone including adults to use government IDs to verify their ages and link them to their social media accounts -- perfect for privacy breaches and government tracking.

Its future in the House is less certain, but there's no telling in an election year. Its ability to withstand inevitable court challenges is even more questionable.

But it's a horrible law that would set the U.S. on the path to an abusive Chinese-style censored and tracked Internet here.

Amazon is expanding its one- to two-day delivery to rural areas in the US, using hyper-efficient warehouses, contracted drivers, and mom-and-pop shops (Wall Street Journal)……

Links 2.30 Terminal Browser Is Out With Minor Fixes…

OrCam to halt developing visual aid devices…
Might be worth covering on the podcast
in reply to David Goldfield

I want to find something about what they offer for people who have a hearing loss.
in reply to David Goldfield

@Bruce_Toews hope this is better than their reading offerings. They are competing against that app called heard that which in my view is really good! except you can use your existing headphones.

FYI. I saw this today when someone shared it in my Facebook feed, and it looks legitimate, as it also has a quote from OrCam. It is not entirely surprising, although I believe they were just exhibiting at the blindness conventions earlier this month. What a whirlwind the last few days have been in the blindness assistive technology world with the AppleVis closure and now this as well. OrCam to halt developing visual aid devices - Globes… #blind #lowvision #visuallyimpaired

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Inklusion ist kein Bullerbü, wo sich alle an den Händen fassen und im Kreis tanzen. Inklusion bedeutet menschliche Vielfalt vollumfänglich zu akzeptieren.

Auf der Suche nach Hörstoff hab ich bei Uve Teschner gelesen, dass er von Cory Doctorow "Red Team Blues" eingesprochen hat, um dann festzustellen, dass der Link zu Audible nicht mehr funktioniert.

Und die CD-Fassung bei Amazon nicht lieferbar ist.

Kann es vielleicht sein, dass Herr Doctorow nicht möchte, dass seine Sachen über Audible laufen?…

in reply to Klaus

Rückmeldung vom Verlag:

"leider wird "Red Team Blues" weder jetzt noch in Zukunft als Hörbuch erhältlich sein. Es tut mir leid, dass Sie sich bereits auf die akustische Version der Geschichte gefreut haben."

in reply to Klaus

Also moment: Da wird ein Hörbuch produziert und dann erscheint es nie? Oder geht es nur um Audible als Plattform? Das wird vom Autoren ja nicht zu unrecht weiträumig umgangen. Ich habe das Gefühl, den Prozess nicht zu verstehen. So eine Produktion kostet zu Recht ja ordentlich Geld. Damit fängt man doch nicht vor der Rechteprüfung an oder?

Screen Reader Basics That Both Blind and Sighted Should Know…

Tamas G reshared this.

📊 Quick poll! As a developer in the ecosystem, how do you feel about Apple (the company, not the products) these days? Where’s everybody's mood at?

(Hit view/see results in your preferred Mastodon client if you want to skip voting)

  • 🟢 Positive (27%, 240 votes)
  • 🟠 Indifferent (30%, 266 votes)
  • 🔴 Negative (42%, 374 votes)
880 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

in reply to Steve Troughton-Smith

Interesting snapshot of the zeitgeist. I feel we're looking at a generational shift which will have consequences going far into the future; Apple has traded decades of hard-earned goodwill for short term profit

ty vole je tu majiteľka.. ale, najskôr tu bol majiteľ, to bolo keď som si prenajímal tento byt, potom som spoznal takú babu ktorá deklarovala že je majiteľka odvolávajúc sa na majiteľa a dnes, je tu majiteľka.. operatívne som zistil že je to jej mama, a majiteľ? na to som sa nepýtal
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in reply to SuspiciousDuck

budeme mať pravdepodobne novú spolubývajúcu, čo robí tu #za_rohom a tá majiteľka 💦 💦 💦
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

does anyone here run a mailserver with encrypted mail storage per user that gets opened when logging into IMAP? i know solutions for that exists but a few years ago it looked very janky. i'm hoping it's easier now? ​:renote_requested:

In 2004, Howard Dean, then a viable candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, let out an enthusiastic yell during a campaign event. It ended his candidacy.

In 2013, Marco Rubio, considered a possible Republican presidential contender, drank water during a speech. It marked the end of his national political career.

In 2024, Donald Trump appeared to promise to end elections in the US if elected, and was cheered. He's polling roughly evenly with his opponent.

Best Password Manager in 2024…

Here is a brand new ad for friend, an "AI" hardware product.

I can't speak to the merits of the product from an ad or a teaser site.

But on scifi, I am expert. And I think it's absolutely wild they're going full Black Mirror here. It invites so many questions.

Do they MEAN to go Black Mirror? Do they KNOW they're going Black Mirror?

Is this a wink and a nod? Is this a consequence of the ~Cerebral Valley~ echo chamber? I am very, very curious!…

in reply to Danilo Campos 🇵🇷

I'm surprised that they think people want that. I'd want an AI "friend" speaking to me in my ear; there's surely plenty of precedent for that in science fiction.

These OTC Hearing Aids Are the Best Deal for You. Here's the Math…

For those of you interested in learning how to teach #Blind and low-vision kids and adults #TactileDrawing techniques, #Coding basics, then building up to creating their own digital #SVG graphics for tactile output and beyond, the Tangible Art & Design Adventures curriculum is now live online! Come check out the TADA adventure and share it far and wide!

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This whole thing about Whatsapp for windows running code without warning seems a bit misleading. I mean you have to choose to try and open an attachment for it to do anything.
Only an idiot would run code send to them without checking it, regardless of the platform it came through. Exactly the same thing can happen with an email or just by downloading a file, unless I'm misunderstanding something here.
in reply to Sean Randall

Completely overblown. If a contact sends you a Python file, and if you opt to open it, and if you have Python installed, and if you have Python associated with `.py` files, and if the Python version matches that expected by the script, and if the script doesn't use any external dependencies, and if the Python file is malicious, bad things might happen to you. This is exactly the sort of nonsense that leads to this:…

I archived all of the available @applevis podcasts. There are some gaps though, like I can’t find the one or two I did back in the early days. But at least I have what’s available now.

Khronos reshared this.

in reply to Moop

really hope it can also be archived in the Internet Archive or another site, not just podcasts but also documentation would be heartbreaking to lose.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg Me too, but I wouldn’t know how to even go about copying all of that documentation from the website, I imagine to a document of some type, then up to the internet archive. I wish I did. That’s going to be such a loss. I wish I knew how to save the entirety of a website to a document. That’s way beyond my knowledge base.

Hi there, @thunderbird

Trying to deactivate the Windows notification I get when messages are sent on matrix/irc. Any clues whether this is possible? I am almost sure it wasn't like this before 128.

Limited-time offer: Librem 5, our security-focused smartphone with hardware kill switches, now $649! Experience true digital privacy. Sale won't last! #Librem5 #PureOS #Pruism

Want to learn more about the Digital Executive Leadership Program and what we've learned from teaching it for over 5 years? Recently I hosted a webinar with some of our program instructors which you can find at:…

Thanks so much to Amanda Clarke, Jen Schellinck, @mgifford & Meghan Hellstern for sharing your perspectives!

Our next cohort is launching in October with new options for fully in-person, fully online, or hybrid. You can find all the details at:

20 degrees celcius is the hottest the weather ever needs to get. Anything more is pointless. It's warm enough to wear a t shirt and shorts and to get a tan.

Reading all these articles about the high traffic from AI bots, here is my experience from a small German hoster: It's a huge problem, and it is getting worse very fast. There are bots like claudebot from Antrophic which are so aggressive that they block whole systems, outranking actual attacks for example against WordPress. And they change their AWS cloud IPs so often that blocking doesn't help for long and they also ignore robots.txt. Our on-call is regularly alerted for such issues.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)