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Why is it important to challenge disinformation, especially for journalists and the media?

Because disinformation sticks around!

Christopher Columbus claimed he could get to India through his chosen route, basically every educated person said no. He managed to get funding to go anyway, totally ended up in the wrong place, but called the indigenous people Indians, despite it not being India at all. To this day, people still use the word, they're not Indians, they never were, they knew that at the time. It's been over 500 years!!!

After a lot of work, I got Windows TTS for Doom pretty much the same as it has been in Linux for a while now. While working on the Windows version, I noticed that a lot of people who were playing wre not native English speakers.

I added in a setting so that the language could be set, and if the language is not English it uses Google translate to translate the text to their specified language before sending it through as speech.

I am wondering how many people who use the Linux version in Linux Game Manager would be interested in this functionality?

  • It's fine like it is. (0 votes)
  • This would be awesome, I would use it a lot. (0 votes)
Poll end: 2 months ago

in reply to Billy

Well now I have to have it for windows! That’s so freaking cool.
in reply to Drew Mochak

there is this huge article on the audiogames forum where a lot of the work is on going, and there's a lot of information from both me with the TTS stuff and one of the Toby Doom developers.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Triple alignment captured near Turin, Italy. The photograph took six years of attempts and was recently featured on the NASA Astronomic Picture of the day.

Credit: Valerio Minato


in reply to Pomaranč

Toto je tak genialny zaber, ze som si to az siel overit na NASA... neskor som zbadal, ze niekto uz tento kontext pridal.

I gave a guy the thumbs down instead of a middle finger when he cut me off. His face was confusion and shock. I whole heartily recommend this action.

If MIT cancelled their Elsevier contracts how long until they copy the UNAM and get a sci hub mural

Carmen McRae with the Dave Brubeck Quartet: "Take Five" (vocal version)… #music

Beim ZDF Spezial zum Messerangriff in Solingen fühle ich mich fast wie ein Monster, weil es mir persönlich reicht, wenn der Täter nach geltendem Recht bestraft wird.
in reply to Sarah bleibt müde

Markus Söder will mir auch erklären, dass wir uns in Deutschland nicht mehr so richtig Zuhause fühlen. 🖕

Recently I encountered a thread where someone was asking “Does having a kid become less expensive once they are easy enough to not need childcare?”

I don't have the kind of experiences that would let me answer this question yes-or-no, but what struck me as interesting was 99% of the respondents said “No, after they grow out of childcare, you are paying for summer camp!” Almost every single one talked about the immense burden of paying for summer camp.

I am sure summer camp is a great experience for many kids, but I am really struggling to see why so many people think this is mandatory ?? I was not sent to summer camp when I was a kid... but somehow it seems like the majority of American parents think that it is a requirement / fixed cost that their own decisions can have no impact on. Very bizarre.

Ruský Elon Musk hraje vabank. Je zatčení ve Francii jeho další šprým, nebo se tentokrát přepočítal?…

How to Activate and Customize the Speak Keyboard Input Aloud Feature on Samsung One UI…

Advice on suffering with POTS by an old dysautonomia pro

Sensitive content

Marcus Herrmann shares how you can apply the 80/20 rule to accessibility, and make progress.

#DigitalAccessibility #Accessibility #A11y

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Updated my sortable tables post.

It now notes that NVDA, JAWS, Narrator, and VoiceOver / iPadOS will announce when you sort a table column.

That means VoiceOver on macOS and TalkBack do _not_ announce a sort.

Dramatically better than when I wrote it in 2021 yet still utterly inadequate.…

#a11y #accessibility

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to Adrian Roselli

I happen to catch this while browsing on the Mac OS 15 beta, and it looks like Apple has addressed this at least partially. VoiceOver won’t say anything when you press the button so you still need the live region for that, but if you move off and back onto the button it will say something like “Author, button, sort down/up.” Mac OS 15.1 in Safari.
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach I hope it’s coming. It’s so frustrating to have to keep a live region for it on desktop. Even more frustrating to be inconsistent with its own mobile platform.

Why? Just, why. Why is everything a Discord now?

I hate it.

in reply to Dachary

Discord is a CHAT APP!

If you have static information to convey, that does not belong in a CHAT APP!


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Ihr fragt nach Zahlen - ihr findet sie natürlich in meinen Büchern :)
Hier zu den letzten Jahren der Bahnpolitik:
"von 45 100 km auf 38 400 km. Kein anderes Land hat mehr Zugstrecken stillgelegt: Dieser Anteil entspricht 40 Prozent aller in Europa stillgelegten Bahnstrecken. Das deutsche Autobahnnetz ist hingegen seit 1995 um 2002 Kilometer (18 Prozent) gewachsen."

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Estoy muy contento. He desbloqueado en la Deque University el certificado de currículum en "Deprecated courses". Cuando lo enseñe por ahí, me va a abrir unas puertas que ni siquiera soy capaz de imaginar!

My wishlist for @Tusky
1. Customizable accent colour (GH issue #4581)
2. "Performing lookup" modal on open as, the same as when user taps on a link to fedi post
3. Actually stop the video when going back to previous screen (GH issue #4586)

Rah j'ai plus de port #Firewire la lecture de mes cartes CF, se fait donc via USB. Putain c'est leeeeennnnnnttttttt

JAWS users, how do I switch between contracted and computer Braille using a Mantis? I know I can switch between Braille profiles, but that's not what I want

What if everyone too picture of their poop 💩 and labelled it with something else so that the no consent ML training be trained on literal shit?

It's been a while since I posted on my other blog "Jen Rohrig Design" which is about disability and accessibility but today I posted about a topic I've been thinking about for a while...

"How we talk about disability"

EDIT because this got boosted again - I combined my two blogs the post is now here:…


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Two sociologists are sitting by the pool. One turns to the other and asks, "Have you read Marx?" He replies, "Yes, it's these darn wicker chairs."

Hello! I’m an inconsistent poster and consistent lurker! I like bicycles, tabletop role playing games, and being a mom. Plus a rotation of five to 10 other things.
I’m originally from South Carolina, lived in Scotland for 9 years and now just moved to Finland with my wife and two year old.

Identifiers: bisexual, transgender, gay married, mom, ibs tummy ache warrior. Occasional computer toucher.

This is my sixth (seventh?) fediverse account and third currently active. Also and @branch

Hashtags: #Introductions #bicycles #CargoBike #ttrpg #trans

Heřmánek umřel. Můj oblíbený herec. Jdu si pustit "Žáku Kašíku, nežeň se".

Self-indulgent rant:

One reason why IMO, the case against "AI" is as cut and dried as the case against cryptocoins is that shutting those two sectors down through government action would immediately solve the household energy transition for Iceland, for example

The maths is fairly straightforward: switching personal transportation over to electricity here would roughly double household power consumption (give or take, with the assumption that current plans to improve public transport pan out)

New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Google Gemini accessible… #Android #app #AI

Thinking about writing an interactive story with Twine. Or rather wit a twine-based compiler.

Va a ser de las pocas veces que postee en castellano en esta cuenta, pero va hilo (largo) sobre la cuestión del #turismo y #fodechinchos:


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

@brian_hartgen apologies if this isn't the best way to ask, but might you consider adding Signal to Tweescake (assuming it permits third party access)? I've just started using Tweescake for Masto and really like the way it works. The Signal app is, unsurprisingly, horrible to use on iOS and/or Windows. Thanks.
in reply to Léonie Watson

I think you mean to message @app as opposed to Brian, I don't believe he codes for TC?
in reply to Andre Louis

Also Signal is very famously anti-third-party.

It probably could be done, it's open source after all, but TBH I wouldn't trust a Signal implementation from anybody who isn't an accomplished cryptographer. Those protocols are hard stuff, and it's incredibly reasy to get them wrong and not know it.

Zima se už může zeptat...
Víc toho nebude 😉

Jako vzpomínku a k uctění památky divadelního a filmového a herce Karla Heřmánka, zakladatele a ředitele Divadla Bez zábradlí, který zemřel v sobotu ve věku 76 let, uvedeme mimořádné změny v programu:

➖ Zámek v Čechách dnes ve 21:30 na ČT1,
➖ Úsměvy Karla Heřmánka dnes ve 23:05 na ČT1.

zdroj / 📸: Česká televize