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in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

hate to break the party but it seems make install insists on trurl.1 existing, but the Makefile has no rule to convert to trurl.1

Ak budete mať možnosť jesť niečo z Josper grilu tak to skúste, stojí to za to. Raňajky... starts now
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Ah Ha!
Many thanks for that 'update'. I was aware of the triple usage. Also available as a hairdressing option :abloblamp:

I did get them all confused. I first heard of the MIT version of Curl. Really liked its inherent speed (totally dependent on doing the computing on the clients side)

So for example ray tracing could be done in real time. At the time this was something. Now of course it is commonplace.

Thanks again for the #linc


Das wird diesmal ein #FahrradFreitag in @fahrradkoeln!

Die #cmcologne startet wie gewohnt um 18h am #Rudolfplatz in #Köln

Alternativ gibt's die Lesung von @SheDrivesMobility um 18.30h an der Uni

Eine kurze Begegnung der #CMKoeln und #katjadiehl ist geplant!
Egal wofür ihr euch entscheidet, Teilnahme hier oder da ist ein Weg zur #Autokorrektur #VisonZero #RespectCyclists

Weitersagen, insbesondere in die weiteren #sozialeMedien, ist erwünscht.

in reply to Kampfteppich

Kannst du eine Bildbeschreibung hinzufügen? Dann teile ich gerne und komme vermutlich mit Partnerin auf Tandem vorbei.

Beware, there is an ongoing spambot attack in #GitHub issues in several projects were random people suggest "the fix" is to download a random file from Like this:
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Hubert Figuière reshared this.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

you can use codeberg instead of github.
There is a low probability to find spammer and hacker 👍
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I saw one of these with a link to Dropbox. Dropbox took the link down before I even saw the comment and the comment was removed very shortly after

Wer über das #Klima schreibt, sich mit dem Klima beschäftigt, hat häufig und zu Recht das Gefühl, es passiert zu wenig, wir kriegen nicht mehr die Kurve und alles wird den Bach runter gehen.

So wahr das ist, mit einer negativen Einstellung ist es leider auch schwerer Leute zu überzeugen.

Bei meiner Arbeit im #Handwerk sehe ich oft das Gegenteil: Wer ein Dach/Haus mit ökologischen Baustoffen wie #Holz und #Lehm saniert, hat es im Sommer kühler, im Winter wärmer und hat langfristig sehr geringe #Heizkosten und braucht keine #Klimaanlage
Gleichzeitig wird es schöner und gesünder dort zu wohnen, die Lebensqualität steigt.

Ähnlich ist es ja fast überall: Mehr #Fahrrad und ÖPNV, weniger Auto bedeutet: Mehr Lebensqualität, grünere Städte, mehr Gesundheit.

Weniger Kurzstreckenflüge und mehr Zugreisen bedeutet weniger Lärm

Eine Landschaft ohne Tagebaue und einer Luft ohne Abgase. Flüsse, in denen alle bedenkenlos baden können.

Das ist kein Verzicht. Das ist das gute Leben für alle.

in reply to Viktor Linsel

fällt mir sofort ein Zitat aus den Känguru Chroniken von ein. Das passt doch wie die Faust aufs Auge, oder? 😃
"Ja, wir könnten jetzt was gegen den Klimawandel tun, aber wenn wir dann in 50 Jahren feststellen würden, dass sich alle Wissenschaftler doch vertan haben und es gar keine Klimaerwärmung gibt, dann hätten wir völlig ohne Grund dafür gesorgt, dass man selbst in den Städten die Luft wieder atmen kann, dass die Flüsse nicht mehr giftig sind, dass Autos weder Krach machen noch stinken und dass wir nicht mehr abhängig sind von Diktatoren und deren Ölvorkommen. Da würden wir uns schön ärgern."

#trurl 0.15 is here:…

Live-streamed video presentation about this release at 08:00 UTC over at

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Very proud to have contributed significantly to that release with this magnificent commit:… 😆

daniel:// stenberg:// reshared this.

Womit man bei mir sehr schnell unten durch ist, ist dieses ganze "Du bist doch selbst schuld!" Gerede. Wenn jemand im Fernsehen gedemütigt wird, bist nicht du schuld, weil du dort hingegangen bist. Wenn dich jemand schlägt, bist nicht du schuld, weil du dich nicht gewehrt hast. Wenn dich jemand sexuell belästigt, bist nicht du schuld, weil du dich sexy kleidest. Wenn dich jemand ausraubt, bist nicht du schuld, weil du eine schöne Uhr trägst, die vielleicht ein Geschenk war. Es gibt keine passive Schuld. Schuld ist immer nur der Täter.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

OK folks. Alpha-testing for NVDA 2025.1 has started and, as usual, it's an add-on breaking cycle. The first add-on which doesn't work at all even upon altering its manifest.ini file is ColumnsReview. So if you depend on that add-on, don't update to the latest NVDA alpha for now. @NVAccess
in reply to Jage

@Jage Well, all I can say is that NVDA 2025.1 will be an add-on breaking release. However, it remains to be seen how seriously add-ons will be affected and how much effort is needed on the part of the devs to restore compatibility with 2025.X releases. We're just a couple alphas into the V2025.1 development, and ColumnsReview is gone for good. The rest of my 28 or so add-ons still work.
in reply to Amir

@Jage We still only break add-ons once a year. We have just released NVDA 2024.3, which most users should be on. Following that, we have released the first beta of NVDA 2024.4, which adventurous users may want to try.

Having branched for that beta means we can start integrating the previously planned potentially add-on breaking updates into alpha - which is targeted at NVDA 2025.1 (so, a release & a half from now). No shortening of the cycle, just lots of heads up time for add-on devs :)


It’s kind of cutesy when Xcode crashes right after the project is successfully built, not even run, just built, and successfully at that. :)

Reminder to US citizens age 18 and above: Don't get cocky! Register to vote. If you are registered (especially in a red state), check that your registration is still valid. Get all your friends and loved ones to do the same.

You can find information on how to register (and check your registration) at

May the vote be with you!

NEW: Apple is laying off about 100 people in its Services division in a rare move. The cuts impact Apple Books, News and other teams in Eddy Cue’s growing division…

I checked my iPhone for iOS 18.1 beta updates after work and what did I see? Nothing did I see. What? Two weeks passed and nothing for us to play with? :)

I was proud to join in solidarity with other blind leaders from around the globe to urge that Australia's primary agency serving blind people prioritize centering blind leadership. I invite others interested in supporting blind leaders to sign on

Shell Phone Show Tackling Timers on the BlindShell Classic 2

Show Notes: Shell Phone Show - Episode: Tackling Timers on the BlindShell Classic 2 Introduction In this episode of the Shell Phone Show, Adrian, also known as Driza, demonstrates how to use various timer functions on the BlindShell Classic 2. This includes a walkthrough of the minute timer, interval timer, stopwatch, and setting timers with the Lady A app (Amazon Alexa).…

What is the tallest building in the world? The library – it’s got the most stories!

I was just sitting in my studio, recording this week’s Living Blindfully, when “ding dong”, that’s my impression of the doorbell ringing ya see.
So I ran up the steps from my little studio to the door, to be greeted by a friendly Internet-selling person. Said person then asked me whether anyone was home who used the Internet, obviously concluding that there was no point trying to sell Internet service to the blind guy.
I seized my chance, said we didn’t have that here and didn’t need it, and off they went on their way. Now perhaps there was an educational opportunity here, but hey, it saved me a lot of time so I could get back to my podcast which will be uploaded via the Internet I can’t use.

Warning, rant incoming! What the hell is going on with Independent Living Aids and LS&S Products? All I want to do is buy a couple packs of lock dots. Both these companies are now leveraging UserWay, and their websites are terrible! I started an order on ILA, went to check out, got the CAPTCHA, clicked "I'm not a robot, and was then told to select all images with stairs! TBC
in reply to Al Puzzuoli

Ugh. I often forget how many Web sites use these awful overlays because I use AccessiByeBye to hide them.

Remembering the time when between emergencies I went with a red cross colleague to buy a new trashcan with a foot pedal for our station kitchen, and I played ventriloquist with it on our way to the cashier opening and closing its mouth commenting everything, and my collegue was pissed because he thought it was not appropriate in uniform.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

NVDA 2024.4 Beta 1 is now available for download and testing. For anyone who is interested in trying out what the next version of NVDA has to offer before it is officially released, we welcome you to download the beta and provide feedback using our issue reporting process.

This release includes a number of improvements in Microsoft Office, braille, and document formatting.

For full information and to download, go to:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #FOSS #PreRelease

reshared this

in reply to NV Access

You folks are doing amazing work. NVDA just keeps getting better and better. Thank you for making it freely available to anyone who needs a good and robust Windows screen reader. #NVDA #NVDASR

Unmute Presents Community Unmuted on 27 August

You can tune into this call live every Tuesday. In the Unmute Presents Community Call on August 27, 2024, we focused on technology, accessibility, and upcoming Apple innovations. Participants engaged in a lively discussion about expectations for the Apple keynote, highlighting desired features for accessibility improvements in new devices. Attendees shared hopes for design enhancements and better battery life, while……

Watch: Afghan women defy Taliban's new draconian law by singing for their freedom…

Okay, I just found this on Youtube. A guy smashes clocks. He doesn't really describe much, but I love how he says something about time's up or a saying about a clock, then smashes a clock! For those of you like me who love glass breaky noises, some good stuff in here for you!…
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield No, you've got that wrong. Anyone who enjoys smashing clocks clearly has too much time on their hands…or too many ways to tell time…or something.
in reply to Jayson Smith

Yes. I read some of those clock puns in a second hand joke book.

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project Improved filtered strings for gzdoom.

Join Blazie Technologies on Main Menu Live: Wednesday, August 28, 8:00 PM Eastern Time
We're scheduled for the second hour of the show.…

Today I realized I could manage most of my Sims 4 mods with git/GitHub with proper version control via something called S4TK. Spent the evening converting my mods to it w/ great success. This is going to make keeping track of changes with game updates much easier.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

What is it with downloading random shit from your CMake? Lazyness? Incompetence?
in reply to Hubert Figuière

I'm fine if people do this and provide an alternative to bypass it. But when it's mandatory it's ridiculous.

Respect for distro developers who have to deal with this too often and increasingly.

in reply to Jérôme Carretero

@cJ it often require to read the unpleasnt cmake to maybe find a workaround. At least it's not vcpkg. This one is garbage.

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the master branch of the linux-game-manager project Finally fixed the repeating of iwads when launched through the game launcher.

Updated the MOTU M4 on #Linux write-up with PipeWire bits. Great audio interface for the price.…