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From the Florida Outreach Center for the Blind: Recording Available: glide workshop…

#blocklist update:

Added to my spammy-subdomains.txt list. While I have been aware of this for the past year, the number of subdomains on fedi has increased and the spam risk is too great (at least one person reported spam).

I should have added this months ago, to be honest: free easily-created subdomains and partially-managed hosting (networking) all in one for a product with sufficient popularity without heavy moderation of spam generally spells out a terrible place way to run an instance. Get a domain name.

For more about spammy-subdomains, see the supplementary blocklists section of my fediverse blocklists.

in reply to Seirdy


Moreover, I’ve had an increase in requests to add entries to shared blocklists. I normally don’t take requests for shared lists except in extreme situations, and in those cases I only do overrides as part of the process documented in the article. If I think an override is controversial, I ask a couple sources most likely to disagree; if multiple sources are opposed to adding an entry that overrides consensus, I don’t.

The point of FediNuke is to show what basically everyone agrees should be blocked, and that leaves out a lot of awful (and less-awful) entries. The goal isn’t to make a blocklist that’s enough; it’s to make a blocklist whose entries you probably agree with. As the docs say, this list is not comprehensive. It’s a huge compromise. There’s a reason why our blocklist isn’t just FediNuke; FediNuke is a list to compare other lists to, or a starting point for blocklist-skeptics. If you choose to trust FediNuke (and it’s fine if you don’t; I’m not “making” anybody use it on principle), then your list should eventually be a superset of what you import from it.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Looks like my Behringer Xenyx 2222FX mixer has almost had it. Am now trying to decide what brand of mixer to go for. I'm looking for a good 16-channel analog model, not something that's controlled digitally. Any suggestions?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Kelly Sapergia

This is the one I have if it helps you. This is the web page from the store where we purchase all our audio equipment.…

I’m making a 13.7 billion year long timeline with 5th graders mostly to teach them the difference in scale between billions and millions— but also to get them curious (I hope) about the way things bunch up and cluster together. I need more ideas for “significant events in the history of the universe/earth”

Nothing too technical.

Unknown parent

The one that really got me was archaeopteryx pre-dating T-Rex by something like 100 million years. Apparently the "birds evolved from dinosaurs" thing put the assumption in my head that birds, well, came after all the dinosaurs

It's darkly hilarious that discussion about the cutting edge of productized LLMs centers around "counting the number of letters in a word by simulating all recorded human communication and recursively search for discussions about counting”
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

How many European airports have intersecting runways frequently in simultaneous usage?

Cairo status: at the point where renaming a struct field and adding comments to the others actually makes the fucking code easier to understand.
in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

I'm waiting for the "Wait, we never actually use the data stored in this field" moment 🤣

Paseando por Coyoacán. Reminiscencias de otro siglo.
in reply to Errantus

Wow. Podría ser la tiendita de la esquina de la calle donde viví mi primera infancia.

Arrived in Anaheim for #TPAC2024 Now eating cardboard pizza and drinking carbonated sugar water 🖖🏼

🕐Z #NowPlaying At the top of the hour why not jazz up your day with a new edition of Smooth and Easy with Kelly Sapergia. an hour of Smooth #Jazz, #Chillout and #EasyListening music.… #TGVRadio 🤎🎷🐝🎧🌬️🎵

in reply to David Goldfield

I just subscribed to his weekly newsletter. I'm eager to see what he has to say.

Texas has purged about 500K eligible voters from voter rolls

Nebraska potentially changing its Electoral count to winner take all so they all go Red

Georgia is requiring 5-6M votes be counted by hand

Red states have closed more than 10,000 polling locations in Black/Latino neighborhoods

This is how Republicans are organizing to steal the election

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Went to the bike shop for brake pads, talked to my repairman for a bit, explained polygon rasterization in simple terms to him, he gave me free brake pads. It was a good day.

Nice find by my friend @s3phy visiting me, who is giving me this genuine branded #Lodge no.5 #castiron pan found in a trashcan on the street on his way back from the supermarket today 🧐

Top-tier guest AAA+ would host again 👌

#upcycling #garbagefinds

Bike dividers that don't physically block cars and trucks are just municipal "thoughts and prayers".

Российская Федерация — светское государство. Религиозные объединения отделены от государства. Обеспечивается светский характер образования в государственных и муниципальных образовательных организациях.

Знаете, что это за экстремистский текст?

Re last: I remember times when #SamsungTTS was an awful, I mean, really horrible piece of… software. And recently I had to launch TalkBack on my beloved wife's Samsung Galaxy A35. It is not an evolution, it's a revolution: English, French, and Russian voices sound so much better!
in reply to André Polykanine

I mean, it's still really not great. It sounds kind of offputtingly happy.

I wish there was Samsung TTS for Sapi5, but like that's ever going to happen!

Things I didn't have on my cyberpunk dystopia bingo card: restarting Three Mile Island to power Microsoft AI…

The Mastodon canary token story continues.

The token has been pretty much dormant for the last few months (except for hits from Google), but now we have a new player in the game. The ByteDance spider, ByteDance being the company behind TikTok.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

So, if you're curious where your Mastodon data eventually ends up, even if you're on an anti-scraping instance and have your accounts set to disallow scraping, the answer now seems to be "China."

Secret calculator hack brings ChatGPT to the TI-84, enabling easy cheating

Tiny device installed inside TI-84 enables Wi-Fi Internet, access to AI chatbot.…

A need to be important is usually painted so negatively, but I think we forget that there are other reasons for wanting to be important, that have nothing to do with wanting power over others. Sometimes we want to be important to some person or cause, simply so we belong to something that's greater than ourselves. This isn't always bad if channeled correctly, and can connect us to a greater sense of purpose. Feeling like you have a place in the grand scheme of things can be a powerful motivator

Gajim 1.9.4 has been released 🎉

This release integrates XMPP Providers (@xmpp_providers), supports Hats and brings many improvements and bug fixes. Thank you for all your contributions!

If you like to support Gajim with a donation, feel free to visit

#xmpp #gajim #chat…

Nicoco reshared this.

Not replying when your whole body is itching with a strong desire to send something really sarcastic back. *that* is the restraint that builds character.

At least that's what I tell myself.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Sometimes, it is important. The OP may learn something and build their own character.

Big Tech's vast surveillance exposed by FTC. Protect your privacy with Purism's ethical tech. #PrivacyMatters #Purism…

Congrats Danielle!

Thanks for an awesome presentation at #matrixconf on the power of Element Server Suite.

For more information about ESS visit

"A topic dear to my heart: there is no functional URL/URI standard today."

I wrote on the #HTTPbis mailing list:…

This week we released GNOME 47 “Denver”! 🥳

To find out more, and to see what else happened this week, you should check out the latest issue of #ThisWeekInGNOME!



This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Fascinating presentation at #matrixconf from Jan Kohnert at gematik.

Germany’s healthcare industry is developing the Matrix-based TI-Messenger standard. An excellent example of interoperable secure communications.

#TIMessenger #TIM

Let's say someone's running down the street, waving a machete left and right. A pedestrian doesn't manage to jump aside and gets killed. Do we call that murder?

So why, when someone is speeding in a few ton iron coffin and killing someone, we are talking of "unfortunate accident"?


in reply to mgorny-nyan (he) 🙀🚂🐧

Nobody talks about cyclists in this context though. A speeding car like this is really either an accident or the driver is a dickhead which happens not too often. However, bikes and scooters speeding on pedestrian zones — all the time. they are just freaking dangerous for pedestrians, and nobody cares, because it's "healthy" and "green". As a person hit by a cyclist (fortunately without consequences), I compare *them* to that guy waving his machete.
in reply to André Polykanine

A) Whataboutism
B) Strawman (nobody cares...)
C) You were hit by the bike, which you yourself say is the equivalent of the machete swinging, and there were no consequences. Yet you belittle the dangers of cars (accident or douchebag)

Uvažoval jsem, že bych pokaždé, když někdo hodí lístek do urny, pustil fanfáru nebo potlesk. #volby #zápiskyzkomise
in reply to Archos

No je to smutné. Přitom kraje taky mají dost pravomocí.
in reply to Marián Kyral

My chodíme s manželkou ke každým volbám a teď teprv po strašně dlouhé době premiéra, kdy oba musíme vynechat, protože nás dostal nějaký virový parchant (čili marodíme). Kdyby už politici pohnuli s tou digitalizací, bylo by to hned jednodušší, dalo by se hlasovat z domova (mohlo by to jít třeba i z datové schránky).
@archos @rholas
in reply to Marián Kyral

@mkyral @archos Mají jich fakt hodně. Lidi by si měli uvědomit, že kraje například:
1. Spravují silnice II. a III. třídy (tedy největší část silniční sítě mimo místních komunikací)
2. Objednávají autobusovou dopravu, spěšné a osobní vlaky
3. Zřizují a spravují skoro všechny střední školy a část základních
4. Zřizují a spravují významnou část nemocnic a zařízení sociální péče
5. Zřizují a spravují významnou část kulturních zařízení
6. Rozdělují dotace jak z krajského rozpočtu, tak částečně i od státu a z EU
in reply to Archos

@archos Docela dost. Třeba mezi 20.00 a 22.00 jsme měli tři voliče, z toho jedna je člen komise a jeden její manžel, tj. přesně jednoho člověka z ulice. Ne, že by to jindy byl takhle večer úplný fičák, ale dnes to byl extrém. Doufám, že se mýlím, ale vypadá to minimálně u nás na hodně nízkou účast.
in reply to Archos

@archos většinou když jdu volit, bývá nátřask, fronta, … Mívám pocit, že bude rekordní volební účast, ale nakonec je třeba jen mírně nadprůměrná.

Dneska bylo poprvé u voleb na Praze 3 úplně mrtvo. Tipuju, že i 20% účast bude nakonec úspěch. I kandidáti byli před volbama naprosto neviditelní - žádné plakáty, meetingy, jen 1 leták do schránky.

LinkedIn is "TikTok" for middle aged people.

You know how older people are always scared of TikTok messing up young people's minds with disinformation and bullshit, of influencers getting kids to do dumb shit for their profit? That's exactly what LinkedIn does for middle aged people: A constant stream of weird influencers selling absolute garbage to people who are unsure about what their job means and what they care about.