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v noci som si musel dať tepláky a mikinu a úplne zavrieť okno... #dobréRáno


PayPal is updating their ToS to let themselves give your data to merchants starting Nov & they're banking on people not knowing to opt out, SO to opt out before they start: go to Settings >Data & Privacy > Manage shared info >Personalized shopping, & toggle that shit off

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A přitom stačí trochu upravit jídelníček a pravidelný pohyb. Stokrát lepší, než drahé injekce 🤦…
in reply to Archos

Od auta jsem odvykl před pár lety tím, že jsem se ho zbavil. V nutnosti si auto pujčuji.

6. patro je idealní na bydlení, občas si dělám z návštěv srandu, že výtah nefunguje a poctivě šlapou semnou

Čas na sport se najde vždycky. Stačí ho prioritizovat víc, než internetovou prokrastinaci.

in reply to Michal 🇨🇿

Přesně, já vstávám v pět a domu z práce přijedu po šesté večer. Po práci jdu běhat a víkendy kolo. Taky se mi nechce, ale pak je člověk rád, že šel.

Mehr als 5.000 Menschen protestieren gegen Pläne, die Autobahn in Frankfurt am Main auf zehn Spuren zu verbreitern. Auf die Strecke dürfen sie nicht.!6036747

Krásné pondělní #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse 👋
Jako nechce se, ale máme ve čtvrtek státní svátek, tak ty tři dny už nějak vydržím 🤗

Pondělí, tma a tři stupně. No nic moc teda. A tak myslím na nedělu. Zatopil jsem si v dílně a bylo mi fajn🤗 #dobréRáno
in reply to Wolf70 🐺🐺🐈🐈

To věřím, my v nich na chatě měli podkovu a na samotíž kompletní topení. Pár briket a teplo po celé chatě. 😄👍
in reply to Archos

@archos já v to spálím všechny ořezy v dílně a co se do Peter nevejde, dá se ještě použít 😁

Danke #Merz! Der Typ hat echt mal so keine Ahnung von der Realität…

Wie kann ein normaler Arbeitnehmer solche einen Typen bzw. die dazugehörige Partei wählen?
Politik für den Bürger? Fehlanzeige!

Und den Umweltschutz auf der Strecke lassen, ist ein Schlag ins Gesicht der jungen Generationen.

Wer #Merz oder die #CDU wählt, der wählt Rückständigkeit und soziale Kälte!6036751/

#cdu #merz

Them: “This is not a paywall.”
Me: “whew”

Them: Provide your Email address”

Me: “that’s a payment, though. Personal information is a payment”

I was at a masked meetup in Golden Gate Park today, enjoying the company of fellow #CovidIsNotOver peeps. There's a discord server that we use to coordinate, and it's usually just an informal hang. We're not completely off the beaten path, but let's just say parking isn't a problem.

Guy (properly masked) walks up to us and asks us if we're a #CovidConsious group. He'd never heard of us, and thought he and his wife were the only ones.

Visibility matters, y'all.

#MaskUp #YallStillMasking

Every time government leaders get a raise, minimum wage should be raised by the same percentage.

Every time a CEO gets a raise, including bonuses, all workers should get their pay increased by the same percentage.

If they need raises in their living wage, it only goes to follow that everyone else does as well.

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The courier came to the door. He said, “Mate! I have two iPhones for you mate!” I said, “yeah mate, that’s what I was expecting mate”! He said, “Mate, why do you need two iPhones mate!” I said, “one for each ear mate”. He said, “that’s incredible mate”.

Now I have an incredible restore assembly line underway, where I’m running between Bonnie’s and my phones, so when she gets home, it’ll be all ready for her. Yea. She will be so happy, and her happiness is my purpose in life.

Made it over to the new instance. If something has gone awry and we are somehow not following one another, please follow me and I will follow you back. Please boost for reach. The migration process was really not a big deal at all. As usual, I made a big Fuss about it being over complicated and it wasn’t. Lol. Also oh my gosh I am so excited about having more characters. I promise not to spam you all with 10,000 characters each post, but it is good to know that it’s there for when I need it. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Our nieces and one of their moms stop by for a minute to drop something off. It was good to see them. I think we are going to do something together next weekend.

WestphalDenn reshared this.

in reply to Allison Meloy

Here's an interesting question related to the character limit issue. Does the limit only apply to the posts you create or does this also apply to posts you read from other instances as well since your home instance is a proxy for all the posts you read in general? #mastodon
in reply to Khronos

@khronos It only applies to posts you create. Each instance can specify the character limit of their choosing.

Founders of #SunMicrosystems, 1983(?) and 2006 (at CHM). Vinod Khosla, Bill Joy, Andy Bechtolsheim, Scott McNealy. #Suntember

"I say that NVDA changed my life, because only we know how difficult it is to get a job, and companies rarely want to pay for software licenses." - Mykael, Brazil.

Read Mykael's full testimonial at:…

Helping people achieve independence is our passion at NV Access. Thank you Mykael!

#Independence #Empowerment #Accessibility #NVDA #ScreenReader #NVDAsr

Weitere Fragen zur #Barrierefreiheit und #Screenreader

Ich habe ein Manuskript, das vor allem aus Dialogen besteht, also wie ein Hörspiel oder Theaterstück. Eine Hörspielumsetzung mit echten Personen ist wohl unrealistisch.

In der visuellen Version werden die Sprechenden durch Emojis vermerkt, die kann ich leicht durch Namen ersetzen, als AltText oder in einer extra Version.

Wie würdest du so etwas lesen wollen?

#blind #sehbehindert

in reply to Hraban (fiëé visuëlle)

Namen sind wahrscheinlich einfacher, da ihre Aussprache vorhersehbarer ist – Emojis werden immer standardisierter und die meisten sind zugänglich, aber sie können oft auch eine längere Beschreibung haben – was nicht ideal ist, wenn sie wie in Ihrem Beispiel regelmäßig verwendet werden.

Benutzt du einen #Screenreader oder Ähnliches?

Vermute ich richtig, dass eine einfache HTML-Seite (ohne JavaScript oder kompliziertes Layout) bei gleichem Inhalt grundsätzlich barrierefreier ist als eine PDF-Datei? Wie ist es mit ePub?

Wertet dein Screenreader PDF-Tagging und Alternativtexte aus, oder liest er nur vor, was an der Oberfläche zu sehen ist?

#blind #sehbehindert #Barrierefreiheit #accessibility #TaggedPDF

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Hraban (fiëé visuëlle)

Ah, danke. Ich kenne mich mit ConTeXt nicht aus, aber wenn die Ausgabe in HTML einfacher ist, würde ich das auf jeden Fall wählen. Es ist standardisierter, für alle einfacher zu verwenden und im Allgemeinen einfacher zu erstellen und die Zugänglichkeit zu gewährleisten.
in reply to NV Access

ConTeXt ist eine TeX-Variante, Parallele zu LaTeX, aber mit einer viel kleineren Community.
Bei LaTeX wurde in letzter Zeit mit erheblichem Aufwand das Tagging für barriereärmeres PDF verbessert. Die ConTeXt-Entwickler stellen die Validatoren zufrieden, im Bewusstsein, dass gutes semantisches Tagging anders aussieht. Solange man TaggedPDF aber nur mit Acrobat Pro analysieren kann, und das niemand finanzieren möchte, wird nicht mehr passieren.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Ich habe schon mehrmals versucht den #NVDA zu konfigurieren, damit ich einigermaßen Websites mit dem #Screenreader testen kann, aber ich bin zu doof dafür 😭
Gibt es irgendwo ein gutes Tutorial?

Every so often I go read the Amazon reviews for replacement SawStop cartridges and see how many fingers have been saved lately

Even the folks reporting false positives on wet wood, nails, etc almost always give five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

kink, rope

Sensitive content

in reply to elise (but lewd)

kink, rope

Sensitive content

in reply to elise (but lewd)

kink, rope

Sensitive content

I find myself really irked by the headline here. The problem is not a "simple website bug", the problem is that they wrote thousands of lines of code without ever thinking about what the trust boundaries are, or should be.

This is a massive design flaw. The idea that cars should be controllable from some mothership is bizarre (and not needed for app control - have a digital signature from the mobile device). The idea that cars are enrolled even if the user didn't set up an account is similarly broken. This isn't a "simple website bug" but a massive failure to consider the security implications of features.

Some of these science videos I see on TikTok are so absurd I'm convinced I'm being trolled.

There was one where they were putting a bunch of bees into tiny chairs in a miniature classroom. Then they placed explosives in front of the class and only fed the bees which attempted to investigate the explosives. As a result the bees became conditioned to instinctively stick out their tongues expecting food whenever they detected the scent of explosives. So they built a handheld explosive scanner where the cartridges are literally just rows of bees in tiny chairs and a computer vision algorithm which monitors how many bees stick out their tongues at any one time.

I though this has to be an elaborate prank, but according to Google, this is actually a real device that someone made.

Accessible Android Launches a Comprehensive Database to Catalog TalkBack and Jieshuo (CSR) Screen Reader Bugs Affecting Blind and Low Vision Android Users…

Malwarebytes Personal Data Remover: A new way to help scrub personal data online…

Portanto….. as duas pessoas que gritam “25 de Abril sempre” são agredidas pelos manifestantes do chega e a seguir a polícia prende-as, é isso?

Dois detidos na manifestação d...

Tive que procurar as imagens porque achava impossivel ter acontecido o que tinha visto relatado.

Mas vi na SIC Noticias às 22:00 as imagens do apoiante do CH a agredir violentamente com socos manifestantes pró-imigração, uma delas que cai violentamente no chão com o impacto.

O que faz a PSP? Deixa o agressor do CH ir em paz 😧 e detém 2 dos manifestantes agredidos 😧 após tê-los imobilizados de forma violenta 😧

A PSP mais uma vez a demonstrar de que lado está

NanoPi M6: High-Performance SBC with Gigabit Ethernet and M.2 SSD Expansion…

I have a little surprise coming for my fellow blind retro computing types. A lot of research, testing, troubleshooting and asking questions has gone into this, so I hope you'll appreciate it when it comes out.
in reply to Seedy of Chucky

2/ Progress is well under way now. Depending on what computer time I get and the amount of spoons I have, I should have it ready by either tomorrow or Wednesday.
in reply to Seedy of Chucky

3/ And... here it is! The accessible Windows 3.1 setup guide! Huge thanks to @tspivey's DOSBox guide for inspiring this project, as well as @datajake1999 for his awesome site.…

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Placed a WalMart order yesterday, it was delivered this morning. We allowed substitutions for most items. So I wake up to a message indicating they wanted to replace Great Value hot dog buns with…wait for it…wait for it…Great Value…oh boy this should be good…hamburger buns! One would think that just the fact that someone ordered hot dog buns would indicate that they want to fix hot dogs, and that hamburger buns would be entirely useless for this purpose…apparently not!
in reply to Khronos

@khronos Well then…why not substitute with a name brand of hot dog buns, which would in fact be higher cost?
in reply to Jayson Smith

I get you, they were just offering the basic bread thing instead of offering the speicific type of bread itself under a different brand.

Well that’s strange. When I plug in this HDMI dongle, I lose sound. I get it back immediately if I unplug it.
in reply to Allison Meloy

That's because hdmi has the ability to do both audio and video and your hdmi port can probably do both. You will need to set your default sound card to the internal one or whatever you want to be the default. You can also tell your screen reader to only use the sound card of your choice to lock it in. I encounter this when hooking up my ham radio from time to time because one of its functions shows up as a sound card to the computer.

If you want to, you can set your Mastodon account to automatically delete your own posts after a certain time period (for example posts older than 90 days). You can also set it to retain certain types of posts even after the period has elapsed.

There is a step-by-step guide about how to use this feature at:


The guide also answers lots of questions including why deletions sometimes get delayed, and whether auto-deletion stresses server resources.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

It's great to see a few people joining our little Cane And Able community here on mastodon. I’m so glad that we have @lynessence as our Community Manager. I couldn’t think of anyone better suited. I don’t mind paying the bills, but I’m glad she’s looking after it.
A reminder that many Mastodon apps allow you to view the local timeline, so you can view the posts of other members of this instance, even if you’re not following them.

New VOCR 2.1.0 with features from @vick21:
1. You can now search after scanning with Command + Control + F. The "search next occurrence" feature is coming soon.
2. When taking a picture with the camera, VOCR now displays options on how to process the image.…

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Our iPhones are out with the courier for delivery! 😌😌😂🥹😁🎅👏🙌
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

Wow, so many emojis from you!!! There must be a lot of excitement around the house! :)

A story doesn't need to tie up every single loose end in order to be a good story.