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Gerade den Rant eines Fotografen gelesen, der angesichts des LAION-Urteils meinte, man könne KI-Zuzler nur noch dadurch sabotieren, indem man falsche Alt-Tags eingebe, damit die Deppen nicht auch noch die menschlich vergebenen korrekten Inhaltsangaben mitlutschen könnten. So nutzen ChatGPT und Co. die Angaben für Sehbehinderte zu ihren schmierigen Zwecken. Eigentlich wäre es mir lieber, den Alt-Text korrekt eingeben und den KI-Bots im Feed den Zugriff verbieten zu können.

Jail time for Montana man who smuggled and cloned an endangered 300-pound sheep

He takes his hobbies seriously.…

kámo dnes sa to vlečie ako týždeň pred výplatou

T-Mobile reaches $31.5 million settlement with FCC over past data breaches

Apparently, T-mobile is now mandated to implement better cybersecurity controls, such as properly segmenting networks and using phishing resistant #MFA.

This settlement covers the breaches in 2021, 2022, and 2023. Will we get a 2024 special? 💀

#cybersecurity #infosec #databreach…

Jimmy Carter turns 100 today. He is proof that decency and goodness can exist in public service.

Did you know that Jimmy Carter heroically saved Canada from a nuclear meltdown when he was a naval officer?

It's true!

The world’s first nuclear reactor meltdown occurred in the Ottawa Valley — and a young U.S. naval officer was brought in to contain the disaster — 72 years ago.

Leading a team of two dozen men, 28-year old Lieutenant Carter had himself lowered into the damaged reactor.

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Etel Adnan:

It was Beirut, all over again,
because the sea rose on its feet
and unleashed a litany
of words,
it is Beirut, all over again,
because poets die
rather than surrender,
because they speak of hope,
and do not wear
their words like a necklace
of pearls,
because poets refuse to die,
and carry hope on their
backs, and go from door
to door, like bees do
from flower to flower,
to leave messages of defiance
in the
people’s hearts.

📢 The GStreamer Conference 2024 schedule is now up!…

See you next week in Montréal!

PS: don't forget to register

#gstreamer #linux #multimedia

oi, every time I close and open my jaw, I hear a wooshing sound in my right ear, hate when fluid gets trapped like that.
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A $621 million suit for ~$41,000 in "damages" for archiving thousands of musical recordings that would otherwise be lost to history.

This is nothing short of an effort to end the @internetarchive from major music labels and we should all be furious.…

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by the idea that asking nicer is how you debug malfunctioning computers
in reply to Jeremy Kahn

@trochee Indeed. I just fed the original post to Claude with no context, and it came back with a typically verbose response that missed the point.

jkap sure decided to end cohost the most way possible, huh
in reply to fluffy 💜

As much as I keep on armchair-architecting about how Cohost “could” have been an indieweb player, they were very specifically against interop in any meaningful way because they felt that centralized silos were the way to go for community building and moderation

so of course they shot themselves in the foot, repeatedly, regarding moderation, which I’m sure was a major contributor to their eventual burnout

in reply to fluffy 💜

my hope is that in this new surge of renewed interest for having your own damn blog on your own damn website, this finally gives #indieweb the push for adoption that it’s been sorely needing

it’d also be really funny to me if the indieweb community got totally overrun by socialist therian plural furries with a taste for anti-racist action

cada día comprendo menos lo de los derechos de autor, las patentes y demás mierdas, algún día en un futuro a la gente les parecerá mentira haberlas usado. Reconozco que la gente tiene derecho a comer y esas cosas, habrá que buscar un método, pero este no es. Quizás a lo mejor si dejamos el puto individualismo y trabajamos con el mismo afán para la comunidad

Apparently I can't find the health and safety policy for @XOrgDevConf ...

And it's happening next week, here.

Is the fedi for losers? « La question est provocante et intelligente : le Fediverse semble être un repère d’écologistes, libristes, défenseurs des droits sociaux, féministes et cyclistes. Bref la liste de tous ceux qui ne sont pas mis en avant, qui semblent « perdre ».

Je n’avais jamais vu les choses sous cet angle. Pour moi, le point commun est surtout une volonté de changer les choses. Or, par définition, si on veut changer les choses, c’est qu’on n’est pas satisfait avec la situation actuelle. On est donc « perdant ». En fait, tout révolutionnaire est, par définition, un·e perdant·e. Dès qu’iel gagne, ce n’est plus un·e révolutionnaire, mais une personne au pouvoir !»

Ode aux perdants,, 1 octobre 2024 :…

he tenido que cerrar la ventana del patio de luces porque algún vecino se dedica a fumar en la ventana y creo que de humos ya chupo los suficientes por la calle. Ojalá prohibiesen el puto tabaco.

Bauen ältere #Autofahrer mehr #Unfälle? Die Statistik sagt ja – aber sie zeigt nur die halbe Wahrheit, sagt ein Verkehrspsychologe. Warum Altersstereotype die Unfallzahlen verzerren und Pflichtuntersuchungen keinen echten Nutzen bringen: #Verkehr #Unfall #Senioren @freystil…
in reply to RiffReporter

ich wäre ja für Pflichtuntersuchungen und Pflichtauffrischungskurse alle 5 Jahre, unabhängig vom Alter. Sollen einfach alle Autofahrenden machen.

Ever notice how in any group of activists or volunteers that there are the Talkers and then there are the Doers?

Be a Doer.

(This is as much admonishment to myself as advice to anyone else FWIW :)

Uhoh, I'm told I have to be aware of CyberSecurity this month. Good thing it's only this one month, would suck to have to deal with this all the time.

To celebrate the start of Cybersecurity Awareness Month in a way that isn’t full of corporate nonsense, compliance bullshit, and self-congratulations: I declare October 1 “Death to RFC 8404 day”.

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in reply to Seirdy

basically it frames the normalization of “encrypt all traffic and metadata” as a burden to network operators who rely on visibility and describes the need to balance safety with unsafety to ensure that adversaries (like network operators) can still operate without having to adapt.

Authored by Dell and AT&T reps.

in reply to Seirdy

The fact that RFC 8404 got published by an AT&T representative is the best evidence that we need Encrypted Client Hello and normalization of overlay networks.
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Seirdy reshared this.

I still think it's hilarious that when you look up the most viewed videos on YouTube, folks like Ed Sheeran and Bruno Mars are getting absolutely crushed by Baby Shark and Wheels On The Bus

so true honestly I fucking hate modern app notifications. what happened to keeping notifs to a minimum I feel like every new app I download I have to just disable notifications for out of the box.


Jetzt geht es in der SPD doch noch rund um den aktuellen Eskalationskurs in der Asyl- und Sicherheitspolitik. Erst der offene Brief, der Scholz, Faeser und die SPD-Fraktion warnt, Terror mit Migration zu vermischen und die Rhetorik der Rechten zu übernehmen. Jetzt kommt weitere Unterstützung aus dem Bundestag: „Auch wir halten den Kurs, der gerade in der SPD in der Migrations- und Asylpolitik eingeschlagen wird, für falsch.“

#Sicherheitspaket #Unsicherheitspaket #SPD…

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Sensitive content

Unknown parent

kink after a bad scene

Sensitive content

After analyzing more than 1k contracts, the verdict is in and it is clear:
"Our analysis demonstrates that research institutions seem to be 'trapped' in transformative agreements. Instead of being a bridge towards a fully #OpenAccess world, academia is stuck in the hybrid system. This endows the legacy (non-Open Access) publishing houses with substantial market power. It raises entry barriers, lowers competition, and increases costs for libraries and universities."


20 hudebních alb, které ovlivnily to, kým jste. Jedno album denně po dobu 20 dnů. Žádné vysvětlivky, žádné recenze, jen obaly alb.

Happy Tuesday, this week is busy with work involving at least 3 to 5 teams or more, Let's go and crush to preempt accessibility problems of the future as much as possible today. Wishing all Masto people a joyous safe day with many successes and the best learnings from your failures.
And to those impacted by Hurricanes, wars, and natural events, I think of your plight each day and hope for safety.
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The more I listen to my Spanish podcast, the more I find words that Spanish has borrowed from English. Well, Mexican Spanish, at least. It makes sense, given how many words English has borrowed from Spanish, but it's still funny to me to hear native Mexican Spanish speakers say "test", "tip", "ticket" (for receipt), and more. I expect languages to use American company names like Facebook or Google, but common, everyday words that have found their way into Spanish still surprise me.
in reply to Alex Hall

same has happened to Hungarian to a very large extent - words like Showtime especially, but also many scientific or technological terms just end up being English words with Hungarian endings postfixed. Kind of amusing, I've come to accept it these days but boy did it bother me as a teenager going back there or talking to friends and still recognizing so much English.

Independent test of #OpenAI’s o1-preview model achieved near-perfect performance on a national #math exam (landing in the top .1% of the nation’s students).

o1 also outperformed 4o on the math test, but took about 3 times longer to do so (10 minutes vs. 3 minutes).


#teaching #assessment #AI #LLM #edu #higherEd

Because #Teams is slower than molasses flowing uphill, I break many conversations out into separate windows to save time across chats.

But Teams does not use window borders. So unless there is a lot of activity with the colored word bubbles as backdrops, holy shit is it hard to see then grab a corner to resize (something I need to do on the regular).

The Teams UI continues to be one of the most user-hostile ones I have ever seen from Microsoft.

And I used Bob.

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in reply to Adrian Roselli

I know for me from a keyboarding standpoint it still proves more challenging than Slack sometimes, at least on the rare occasions I get to use it, so I'm not surprised visually it has shortfalls like this. Not to say Slack is perfect either, they both get even slower than molasses on DSL-quality internet connections or hotspot, but that's neither here nor there I guess and a topic of performance optimisation
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg I never liked Slack (still don’t), but holy shit is it like butter compared to the CPU-crushing UI-failing UX-hostile platform that is Teams.

On this day, at almost exactly this minute in 1999 (for the last of it, anyway,) I recorded this snapshot of stuff from various North Carolina radio stations, as the band was particularly good that night/early morning. Radio isn't quite like this anymore. A lot has changed in 25 years.…

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in reply to Patrick Perdue

Boombox and broken antennas, that rings a bell. 🙂
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in reply to Marek Macko

Also have you experienced mechanical tuning knobs? I used to break them during a sporadic E season. Made my dad quite upset. :)
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V souvislosti s blížícím se #mastopivo bych apeloval na @xChaos a @gandalf, zda by vyjímečně mohli počítat i s několika nealkoholiky a řidiči a měli pro nás nachystané nějaké ty Birelly.

Za mne nejraději Pomelo-Grep, ale asi zvládnu i jiné příchutě (např. polotmavý Karamel-Citron). Co ty, @archos, souhlasíš?

in reply to Archos

já se točenýmu nealku rozhodně nebráním, ale pokud by naše sešlost nevypila celý sud, tak by bylo možný, že by byl problém s tím zbytkem, nevím...

Bernard švestka mi taky docela chutná.

Piráti odchází z vlády a končím tedy i já.

Mám radost, že se podařilo tolik skvělých věcí a že jsem mohl pracovat v tak úžasném týmu. Podařilo se nám nastartovat systémové změny, vytáhnout z popela roky mrtvé projekty.


Me dan ganas de intervenir sobre agricultura regenerativa pero, en realidad, no tengo ni puta idea del tema así que no voy a decir nada.
in reply to José Manuel Delicado

Por lo que he leído por ahí, pero ya te digo que no tengo mucha idea del tema, la agricultura regenerativa puede dar buenos resultados en determinados suelos y cultivos, aunque a veces requiere de más pesticidas y demás pero favorece la conservación y recuperación del suelo.

The officers approached the door, a brief nod between them, and they knew it was time to begin the familiar sequence. The first officer knocked loudly three times, while the second took on a speaking role.

“Police! Open up!!”

After a few moments of quiet, a gruff voice, muffled behind the closed door, spoke up.

“Come back with a warrant,” came the unwelcoming reply.

“Oh, but we have one. We have a signed search warrant for this property, so come on out,” the officer confidently replied.

“I wanna see it, then,” the voice from inside countered. “Slide it under the door.”

The officers looked puzzled, no one had ever asked to actually see the warrant.

“Well, we don’t have a paper copy of it,” the first officer said.

“Right, everything is on Docusign these days,” the second chimed in.

“Put your phone through the letter box then, I’ll take a look at it on there.”

“I’m not going to give you my phone,” the second officer replied, his phone now in hand. “What’s your email address? I can forward you a copy.”

The gruff voice provided an email address to the officers.

“Ok, I’ve sent that it should be in your inbox now.”


“Ok, check spam - sometimes they go into spam,” the first officer interjected.

“Ah yes it’s in spam. But it’s not opening, it says I have to login to my DocuSign account. I don’t have a DocuSign account?”

“Well. Can you just sign up then?” Asked the second officer.

“I ain’t paying for DocuSign!” The voice replied abruptly.

“I don’t think you have to pay, it’s free to view documents.”

“I don’t wanna risk it, I have so many subscriptions,” the voice inside responded.

The officers contemplated their next move.

“Do you have a printer?” One asked.

“Yes,” the voice inside responded.

“Ok, does it have AirPrint?”

“I think so? How could I tell?”

“What’s your wifi password? We’ll join the network and we’ll be able to tell,” the officer responded.

“Ok. Wifi password is $42xnskwfgewzfgekueod!&3.”

The first officer rolled his eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, after breaking the WiFi passcode into manageable chunks, the officer was finally connected.

“Ok. I see the printer. It has AirPrint. Thank God. Ok, I’m printing now.”

“Nothing is happening,” said the person inside the house.

“Ah, it just said you’re out of yellow ink. Do you have any more yellow ink?”

“I do not, but why do you need yellow ink? Just print it in black and white?”

“Yeah these new printers want you to have all the inks before you print.”

“No way. And yet, I’m the criminal?” The voice inside replied.

“Right?” The officers laughed, before finally becoming resigned to their fate. “Ok, we’re going to go print the warrant at the station. I’m out of daily printing credits so will have to wait for them to reset at midnight. Please don’t go anywhere or remove any evidence from the property until we come back.”

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🤖 XR Accessibility: for people with hearing disabilities by @JoeLamyman

"Extended Reality (XR) experiences tend to focus on providing immersive sounds and directional audio to convey information. But we need to consider how we convey the information in these experiences to people who can’t hear them."

#XR #VR #accessibility…

I got tired of losing my Meta glasses case, so I did 2 things: 1. Stuck a rectangle earth magnet on the back so that I can stick it to the fridge when I'm not using the case. And 2, I velcroed an air tag on the top of the case, so that I can locate them by sounds when I haven't stuck the case on the fridge. Now to figure something out for the glasses themselves. Guess I could put an air tag on the inside of the lense, since I don't use them to see anyway. Hmm, that might actually work.
in reply to Just Martin

ooooh those are good strategies! Especially if you have a reliable spot to place the case. I'm not sure about an AirTag on the lense itself, it might work but if you have the clear ones people would obviously see it. Otherwise maybe! Would be curious to know if it could still fit in the case that way.