Writer Guide 24.8 Released - The Document Foundation Blog
Jean H. Weber (photo) and the Documentation Team are happy to announce the immediate availability of the Writer Guide 24.8, the latest update based on the recently released LibreOffice 24.8. Writer is the word-processing application.Olivier Hallot (The Document Foundation)
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📢 New job opportunity!
Would you like to support the team building a cutting-edge electronic signature system used throughout the EU Institutions, Bodies and Agencies? 👨💻
Check out our new #vacancy and apply 👉 europa.eu/!fyrdvn
Austin TV - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
http://KEXP.ORG and Vive Latino present Live on KEXP from Mexico with Austin TV performing at El Desierto Casa Estudio. Recorded March 15, 2023.Songs:De la O...YouTube
I will be watching @fielding face carefully when the HTTP workshop will talk about resumable uploads next week.
Resumable Uploads for HTTP
HTTP clients often encounter interrupted data transfers as a result of canceled requests or dropped connections. Prior to interruption, part of a representation may have been exchanged.httpwg.org
Back in September, the National Federation of the Blind announced that they had begun working with me as a consultant on a range of projects. Some are public facing and you'll see those coming to fruition in the next little while. Others you may not know as much about, but are improving technology behind the scenes.
This week, the US Government has given me the right to live and work in the United States. That means I am now at liberty to say how proud I am to have accepted the role of Executive Director for Accessibility Excellence at the National Federation of the Blind. The position is based at the Jernigan Institute in Baltimore Maryland, so we have begun the huge task of preparing to relocate.
The nearly three months that I have been consulting for the NFB have been the happiest of my professional life. Members and staff have been so welcoming, and I feel like everything in my career has been leading up to using my skills in a way that can substantially improve the lives of blind people. The dedication and professionalism of the NFB team is unparalleled.
While obtaining an O1 US visa for people with extraordinary ability is tough due to the high bar that is set, it has also been a special process. I received seven references from well-known people in the blindness field in support of my visa application, and what they wrote was generous and touching. Think of it a bit like attending your own funeral without going through the hassle of actually dying. It taught me a lesson, that we often don't tell people how much we appreciate them while they are still around to hear it. I don't often stop to think about my legacy or anything grand like that, so seeing these very heart-warming references is something I will cherish.
The law firm I've been engaging with, Optimum Law, have been incredible and I can't recommend them enough if you need US immigration advice and you are in NZ.
Thanks to my four wonderful adult children and their significant others, who have been so encouraging and willing to spend weekends helping to whip the house into shape as I clear out priceless treasures, like old chargers I no longer have a device for.
And a very special thanks to my fellow adventurer, my wonderful wife Bonnie Mosen, who unreservedly supports me on this journey. Bonnie is making a positive difference in her own role at Wellington City Council, and the city will be the poorer for losing her.
Sure, it's a big deal to relocate, but I'll be among people who think about blindness the way I do, and who make good change every day. So actually, it feels like I'm coming home, and I look forward to building new friendships among my fellow blind change makers throughout the United States. Plus, home is wherever my beautiful Bonnie is.
So, see you later New Zealand. Be good, and always strive fervently to make New Zealand a place where disabled people can thrive.
FediVerseExplorer likes this.
Was mir an #Thüringen gefällt?
Der #Reparaturbonus!
Thüringen ist hier bundesweit Vorreiter. Auch wenn für dieses Jahr die Mittel ausgeschöpft sind, ist es gut, dass praktische #Nachhaltigkeit gefördert wird.
#Umwelt #Mitwelt #VerbrauchReduzieren #Ökologie #RepairCafe
You, foreigner, roaming in our country, shall not get the connection search results.
(I'm not sure if it's geoblocking but it's very plausible)
#TrainFriday #Polregio
Some passengers are so eager to board the train that they block half of the door width, slowing down the process of alighting.
The last train of today got delayed due to crowding, as standing passengers in the aisle prevented the driver from reaching the cabin.
This is very normal... 🤔
The typical situation at a subway train door is like that:
1) I want to get on, but standing outside the door profile to allow passengers to leave the car (I see some persons just behind the door).
2) Several seconds passed and the door remains closed. Thus I go to it and press the button.
3) The door opens, I make one step ... and collide with the passengers running out between the ones standing inside close the door (and not leaving the car).
Byznys pro Hospodářskou komoru? Čtyři poslanci propašovali do návrhu zákona správu exkluzivního seznamu čísel lidí
Loni prosazovala zavedení povinného členství všech podnikatelů v jejích řadách za úplatu. Poté, co tento návrh spadl pod stůl, přišla nyní Hospodářská komora s novou iniciativou.Jakub Svoboda (Novinky)
tomu obchodnikovi, tak dostane flastra jako prase ....
Bruce Springsteen - Human Touch (Official HD Video)
Official HD video of ”Human Touch" by Bruce Springsteen Listen to Bruce Springsteen: https://BruceSpringsteen.lnk.to/listenYD Subscribe to the official Bruce...YouTube
@tardis I would say you don't need a diagnosis, and I speak as someone who has one.
It helped me in the work world, but no more than a note from my doctor did, and I could have just gotten the note from my doctor.
I get more help from my fellow autistics online than I ever did from my official diagnosis.
Neurodivergent peoplestic know neurodivergence & it's different for everyone. That's who I listen to now.
@tardis The real world is the one that actually exists, which is why I study the Tao.
The outside world is something they created for their own purposes. It's not the real one.
They do like to pretend. Way too much. I'm not falling for it.
Struggling with energy, per usual. I know the medical people are on it, but the time feels long when you're waiting for these things.
#humans make me sad.
#CURL is my lovely gem, a masterpiece they ever created, but what do I see on their documentation pages? This:
CURLcode res = ...
if(!res) {
That's how they check for success, meow.
On, no. Meow! Meow! Meow!
And this does not discourage humans to write such posts
where they say common failures are:
1. Skipping the documentation!
2. Failure to check return codes
meow ((((
Common mistakes when using libcurl
I've been traveling this road for a while. Here's my collection of 15 of the most common mistakes and issues people will run into when writing applications and services that use libcurl.daniel.haxx.se
@bagder pets have much limited mental resources, and they are wasted to translate !res to res == CURLE_OK
At a pet's glance the latter is shouting whereas !res means something is not in the way things should go, need to dig deeper and check what's wrong. With one-day memory retention capabilities it's much harder to memorize that simply means okay
#slowember is coming
I will travel three weeks this month making me (much) slower than usual this period.
This affects my ability to do a quick patch release for #curl, so we might ship one on December 11 instead: curl.se/mail/lib-2024-11/0019.…
Wow, it is already *nine* years since I attempted to write an RFC titled "TCP Tuning for HTTP" (it was later abandoned)
The last published draft is still around here: datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/…
TCP tuning for HTTP
I'm the author of a brand new internet-draft that I submitted just the other day. The title is TCP Tuning for HTTP, and the intent is to gather a set of current best practices for HTTP implementers; to share and distribute knowledge we've gathered o…daniel.haxx.se
Hackers are stealing more info than ever. These 4 actions keep you safe
Data breaches and leaks keep coming fast and furious this year. Here’s how to defend yourself against the onslaught.Alaina Yee (PCWorld)
Windows 11 24H2 breaks popular Alt + Tab shortcut. Here's what you can do
One of the most popular Windows keyboard shortcuts is causing a black screen for users after updating.Hans-Christian Dirscherl (PCWorld)
Kelly Sapergia reshared this.
8 security tips for small businesses
Small businesses have the same security problems as big corporations, but not the budget or staff to match. Here are some tips to help.Pieter Arntz (Malwarebytes)
Large eBay malvertising campaign leads to scams | Malwarebytes
Consumers are being swamped by Google ads claiming to be eBay's customer service.Jérôme Segura (Malwarebytes)
Tamas G reshared this.
Confused By Your Router? Grasp These Wi-Fi Basics Before Buying a New One
Are you considering getting new equipment? Make your shopping a little easier by understanding these terms first.Ry Crist (CNET)
The 2024 AppleVis Community Survey: A Summary of the Results and Looking Ahead | AppleVis
In October 2024, we launched our first-ever AppleVis Community Survey. The purpose of the survey was to seek your feedback about your experience using AppleVis and how we can serve you better in the coming year.applevis.com
@svenja You can test it on this page. But to be honest, for me only AdGuard works on Safari conveniently. All the other blockers to even reach 30% in the test. Adguard goes straight to 99% if you use one more list beyond the default
Test Ad Block - Toolz
Looking for an easy way to check the efficiency of your ad blocker?Toolz offers a simple and beautiful design test that allows you to quickly and easily test the performance of current ad/content blocker solution.d3ward.github.io
Prokletí při rekonstrukci. Voda. Ano, voda. Ale ono je to asi fuk, jestli jde o komín, elektřinu nebo třeba plyn. U nás je to voda.
Začalo to sprchovým koutem. Řemeslník se na sprcháč těšil, ukazoval nám fotky snad všech koupelen, co kdy dělal. Nechali jsme mu klíče od domu i od kůlny, kde byla krabice se sprchovým koutem, ať si ho, až bude potřebovat, vyndá.
Je to sprchový kout bez vaničky – přímo na podlaze. První, co nás mělo varovat, byl sklon podlahy. Na těch 80 cm činí sklon 6 cm. Inu co, nevyznáme se, asi to tak má být.
Když už byla koupelna hotová, telefon. Mám problém, povídá. Vzal totiž za bernou minci, že jsme řekli, že sprchový kout je 80 x 80 cm a blbec si to nezměřil podle reality, byť klíče i sprcháč měl. Podlahu tedy připravil na 80 x 80, ale sprcháč má reálně 77 x 77. Dveře nešly dovřít, mezi nimi fuka asi 7 cm.
Odepsali jsme sprcháč, snad se nám podaří ho někdy někomu prodat. Je prakticky nový, sice byl namontovaný, ale nepoužitý. Rozebral ho a vrátil do bedny.
Instalatéři pak o týdny později zjistili, že jim tenhle šikula při přidělávání toho sprcháče provrtal měděné trubky ve zdi s vodou k topení. Ty trubky, které pár dní před tím sám zaházel a obložil. No super. Takže rozebrat kus koupelny a opravit to.
Jedeme dál. Firma zapomněla objednat sprchovou baterii. Po urgenci jsme ještě týden čekali, aby přišla... vanová baterie. Na to už fakt sere pes, čekat znova, potřebujeme se aspoň trochu vykoupat. Tak máme vanovou baterii.
Došlo na první koupání. Ten sklopenej prostor pro sprcháč na podlaze se rychle zaplnil vodou, která se roztekla po celé koupelně. Ano, tušíte správně, odpad neodtékal.
Volal jsem tedy instalatéry a reklamoval práci. Přijeli druhý den a z trubek vytáhli ucpávku z malty a silikonu, která se do potrubí kdo ví jak dostala. No, tvl, to už snad stačí, ne?
My děláme v metrovém koutě maximálně 2.5 cm
1 cm na metr má být
držím palce, toho kokota se zbav
Já něco podobného, se střechou na zahradě. Dohoda co udělá, za kolik, peníze na materiál dopředu.
Pak to začalo, po rozebrání střechy
- potřebuji 5k za odvoz staré střechy
- nestíhám, budu pokračovat za týden
- špatně jsem to spočítal
No, střechu (chatka 6x4m) dělal přes 3 měsíce, nikdy nedodělal vše co měl, chybí okapy, navíc ze mne vytáhl asi 20k.
Normálně jsem ho chtěl prásknout na FU
Ale už jsem to rozdýchal a to mi na záchod zatýká
Zážitky s vodou pokračují v kuchyni. Dřez. dodali ho se sifonem, nicméně my máme dřezovou skříňku z IKEA, která má šuplíky, a tudíž potřebuje speciální mělký sifon. Ale dřez dodali se standardním sifonem. Objednal jsem ten správný a čekání jsme si zkrátili montáží dřezové baterie.
Sakra, ty hadičky nejdou přišroubovat! V balení byl jiný průměr závitů v baterii a jiný na hadičkách. Reklamace. Hadičky vyměnili.
Když jsem konečně přidělal hadičky, zjistil jsem, že jsou krátké. Takže opět do obchodu a koupit prodlužovací hadičky.
Když jsem konečně přidělal hadičky na roháčky, omylem jsem otevřel kohout pro myčku a trochu si opláchl zeď, skříňku a ksicht. Pustím tedy tu správnou vodu a... teplá teče, ale studená čůrá jak starej prostatik. Sakra.
Tak rozebírám. Profouknu hadičky – čisté. Vyzkouším s kýblem, zda teče voda z roháčků – teče. Ano, opět reklamace baterie.
Do toho konečně dorazil sifon, ale průměr odpadu neseděl na průměr odpadové trubky sifonu – opět do krámu a koupit redukci.
No, nebojte, už to končí. Voda konečně teče, odpad odpaduje, jen ten sprcháč jsme zatím stále nekoupili a sprchujeme se jen tak na dlažbě a stěrkou na okna pak vždycky stáhneme nacákanou vodu.
Doufám, že až se dnes vrátím domů, nebudeme vytopení díky nějaké píčovině, která se s vodou zase stala.
Want to learn about how to use and run accessibility testing with NVDA?
Our friends at @intopia have an upcoming Public Training Course which kicks off on Tuesday 12th November.
The course involves 3 x 2 hour sessions over 3 weeks.
The course is very hands-on with activities throughout each session. Learn how to quickly setup & use NVDA for #A11y Testing, navigation, exploring graphics, elements, forms & more!
Full info & registration: lnkd.in/g9rZCJvN
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Spotted while visiting numerous hardware stores in small city Aotearoa New Zealand:
A large man (60s?) in a 90s Ford Laser with an I Love Samoa bumper sticker, belting out the words to The Bangles song Eternal Flame. Expression euphoric. Chill incarnate.
A man (30s?) ambling with a young human (9?).
Young human: I thought Mum said you were supposed to go to the paint aisle not look at tools!
Dad replies wryly: I thought you were too sick for school.
Young human is sheepish: I am!
Dad: Well, the tool aisle's on the way to the paint aisle.
A very pregnant woman asks a nearby browsing woman (70s?) if she knows of any low maintenance houseplants. The other woman laughs. Says: Remembering what it was like after my kids came, I'd say fake ones! But if you want alive ones, let's see what there is.
A golden retriever trying to mind control the operators of a sausage stand in front of a hardware store. Meanwhile its human is happily chatting, impervious to all sausage related emergencies. The patient doggy martyrdom is everything.
A man stopping in his tracks in the garden section: 18 bucks for a tomato plant!
His wife keeps walking, says: Could you say it any louder?
He looks incredulous: Yeah. 18 BUCKS FOR A TOMATO PLANT!
She looks at him exasperated and then bursts into laughter at his sucked lemon expression.
Any typos spotted in this post are questing for an odd sized screw to fix a broken garden tool. This is tiring work, so if you spot them please offer them a hotdog.
in reply to SuspiciousDuck • • •SuspiciousDuck
in reply to SuspiciousDuck • • •Tinariwen - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck • • •Mdou Moctar - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck • • •Viagra Boys - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)