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Got very excited by @matt demo of AccessKit integration in #GTK

AccessKit is a cross-platform abstraction for accessibility infrastructure written in Rust.

His work will bring a11y support for GTK on macOS and Windows as well as for the new accessibility architecture on Linux code-named "Newton".…

#GNOME #rustlang #accessibility #a11y #Linux #Windows #macOS

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in reply to Sonny

If you want to learn more, checkout their talk "Modernizing Accessibility for Desktop Linux"…

GNOME reshared this.

in reply to Sonny

Just watched it and it is really interesting. I am so fascinated by these completely alternative ways to interact with a computer.
The screen reader does not tell what it can see on the screen, but rather communicates directly the interface of an app to the user, its structure and content.
I hope this new accessibility stack will be ready as soon as possible! It will be like an update from #GNOME 1 (or 2?) to current (right now 46) for sighted users.
in reply to Sonny

this is awesome news. Linux needs a good a11y framework.
in reply to Sonny

seeing a C API exposed makes me extremely happy! :D