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Items tagged with: DND

We have added the "Accessibility In Gaming Resources Guide" by Jennifer Kretchmer to the "Accessibility Resources" page on our website!

This guide provides a detailed overview of information, tools and resources related to all aspects of accessibility in the tabletop roleplaying game space.

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#A11Y #Accessibility #TTRPG #DND

When you let @micah choose the "candy" you hand out to trick-or-treaters.... #Halloween #NoTrick #D20 #DND

I am pretty much against biological essentialism and I do my best to ensure my work reflects that.

Unfortunately that is relevant to this review of representation in the 2024 D&D player's handbook which covers quite the range of topics.

It's spicy stuff! 😋 And quite refreshing to hear in honesty.

#5e #Dnd #wyrmworksPublishing…

Today in Techbros failing to understand consent:

The Microsoft overlords parachuted into management of the 5e, 5.5e and dnd brand are automatically updating character sheets made using DnDBeyond.

Just a simple tick box of "would you like to do this?" And they'd get a lot of happy compliance but, they don't get consent and won't care that you just don't change someone's character sheet without permission.

It. Is. Not. Done.…

@dnd #Dnd #5e #dnd524

Huh. My knees aren't cracky. Just lucky I guess. 😀

#dnd #dndmemes

Breaking Barriers: Accessible Braille 5e SRD!… The 1st-ever #braille 5e SRD is now available, making the core #DnD rules more accessible to all. #ttrpg

Remember to include little human touches in your work so that it breathes. Random bits of humour. Rude or angry graffiti. Kids playing with a rock.

(The trapped mason from Abbey de Sainte Foy, France, c.1050.)

#WorldBuilding #writing #ttrpg #dnd #AmWriting #WritingCommunity

What tweaks have you made to the standard monsters to make them even more terrifying?

#ttrpg #dnd #rpg #TabletopGaming

Wrote something:

Open Gaming License…

#dnd #ogl

#dnd #ogl

Hi, my name is Dan and I use They/He pronouns.

By day I'm a Platform Security Engineer, with a focus on container & cloud security, tooling and automation.

The rest of the time, I enjoy playing and (more often) GMing #DnD 5e, #photography (generally wildlife and landscape), good #coffee, cooking and #gardening. I'd love to learn machining, blacksmithing and welding.

I'm very politically left, occasionally post about #ADHD & other #mentalhealth stuff.

Nice to meet you! #introduction