Items tagged with: Commons
Today is #ILoveFS Day!
It is the day to appreciate all the people involved in #FreeSoftware & #OpenSource.
Not just developers & maintainers, but also designers, translators, documentation contributors etc
Personally I'd like thank:
@AntennaPod @inkscape @libreoffice @openstreetmap
Thank you all for your work! It is much appreciated!
I Love Free Software Day - FSFE
On the annual “I Love Free Software Day” we express our gratitude to all Free Software contributors. Join this special event and become part of a lovely community! #ilovefsFSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe
Lest das Buch. Es wird euer Leben zum besseren verändern.
"Frei, Fair und Lebendig – Die Macht der Commons"
#commons #sachbuch #gesellschaft
Commonsbuch Band 3: Frei, Fair und Lebendig – Die Macht der Commons
'Frei, Fair und Lebendig – Die Macht der Commons': Dieses Buch soll Mut machen. Es vereint ein beziehungsreiches Denken mit einer neuen Art zu handeln. Das Ziel: eine freie, faire und lebendige
Die @openhomefoundation freut sich übrigens über Sprachschnipsel eurer Stimme. Es soll nur "OK NABU" eingesprochen werden, also viel einfacher als etwa bei #commonvoice
Gerne so viele unterschiedliche Sprecher wie möglich, damit später dies wakeword zuverlässig erkannt wird…
#stt #stimme #voice #nabu #crowdsourcing #commons #nlp #ml #homeassistant #hass #iot #smarthome
It's pretty unsavory how everybody talks about #MarketPlaces when it comes to platforms for distributing apps. I guess because of #DMA. But it's important to take a step back once in a while and appreciate that like many other #FOSS platforms #FDroid is not a maket place, it's a #commons.
I've just published my first ever blog: "The Tragedy of the Non-Commons"
I wrote it in July, frustrated by a Twitter thread about how the Tragedy of the #Commons continues to be taught at universities. I then left it (it's somewhat experiemental) but with #COP27 and #Twittermigration coinciding this week, I just wanted it to be out there. Would love for it to be shared here on our #digitalcommons and grateful for any comments…
The Tragedy of the Non-Commons - Pauline von Hellermann - Medium
The climate and ecological emergency is a Tragedy of the Non-Commons. The fact that most resources and power are in the hands of the few has terrible consequences for us all. The ‘Tragedy of Commons’…Pauline von Hellermann (Medium)
Exactly what I told the EU parliament:…
The Future of Internet Regulation at the European Parliament
A brief write-up of my talk at the EU Parliament last week with embedded videos of my talk and a link to my slides.Aral Balkan
Hello new followers! I've been bad at hashtags, which are crucial here for discoverability, so here's some of them.
I try to toot interesting things related to #activism about #ClimateChange / #ClimateCrisis / #EarthBreakdown, from the perspective of #degrowth / #ClimateJustice / #sustainability. I'm one tiny part of #ExtinctionRebellion.
I build #FOSS / #OpenSource / #commons and #SmallTech using #rust and will write more about that soon.
Third, occasionally #philosophy, #anticapitalism.
systemic consultant for organizational development and design. I think that #cooperation, #commons and #self-organization in regional contexts is the only is the only way to get out of the climate crisis.
I cooperate with different people/orgs in the area of self-organization, was part of a sustainable housing project for about 6 years (#MietshäuserSyndikat) and have quite extensive professional record in #developmentcooperation, #energy topics, #climate policy and infrastructure.