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Items tagged with: FDo

I maintain that we need a "fall guy" group in the Linux desktop space to fund, develop, and openly release stuff that would get the Internet mad at existing players, so they typically avoid doing them.

Keeping in mind the intent is to push things forward while not caring about peoples' gut reactions (because technology is more nuanced than a gut reaction!), this could include…

#Linux #OpenSource #FreeDesktop #GNOME #FDo #KDE

The reason why we need a good #floss #fdo camera stack - and why we do all this work around #libcamera and #pipewire on #linuxmobile is not because we want to make beautiful pictures and videos. I almost never take pictures - do you?
The reason is that we need to be able to scan BSOD QR codes 🤷


The Adwaita Icon Theme no longer follows the FDO spec, breaking e.g. KDE apps…
#ycombinator #kde #gnome #fdo

We're now working on filling the remaining gaps so this can become an actual reality on the #gnome (and generally #linux / #fdo / #gnu) desktop. And what can I say - things actually work out quite nicely! While on modern Intel or AMD systems the effect is mostly about lower resource consumption, on some low-end hardware there are visible differences on what you can play fluently.