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Items tagged with: Immigration

Exec at #Trump Media Jumped the Line for U.S. Visa After Company Lobbied #GOP Lawmaker

A former aide to Rep. Don Bacon, a #Nebraska #Republican, said she intervened on the company’s behalf even though she thought it was inappropriate.

“It was specifically the congressman that suggested I needed to deal with it.”

#News #Immigration #Politics #Government #Business #TrumpMedia…

This week's comic: Many white Americans fail to assimilate
#cartoon #comic #race #immigration #racism #uspol

French police use aggressive techniques to stop migrants from crossing English Channel

> Officially, police are strictly forbidden from intercepting migrant boats at sea as they attempt to cross the #EnglishChannel. But, after months of investigation, Le Monde and its partners, Lighthouse Reports, the Observer and Der Spiegel, have documented many situations in which officers attempted to destabilize, or even sink, the small boats.… #France #migration #immigration

In the Netherlands, natives 8% less likely to cooperate with a non-Western immigrant, in second stage of a trust game, if immigrant trusts the native

In other words, the returns to being trustworthy are lower for the immigrant

By Cettolin+Suetens in EJ—> #immigration

Greater exposure to foreign-born classmates causes ↑ native math+reading test scores, greatest ↑ for black students

Uses *within household* variation, full universe K–12 data from Florida 2002–2012

Forthcoming in REStud by Figlio et al.—> #immigration

Immigration-driven increases in ethnic/occupational diversity—measured by surname diversity in full-universe census—caused ↑ innovation in US counties, 1850–1940

Not compositional: robust to surname FE

Simply meeting more people unlike oneself causes more new economic ideas measured as patents, including 'breakthrough' highly-cited patents

By my star GMU colleague Jonathan Schulz, +Posch & Henrich—>… #LaborEcon #Immigration

Does immigration cause reduced support for social policy?

73 research teams—using identical data—reached vastly different estimates.

"Researchers must make analytical decisions so minute that they often do not even register as decisions."

Breznau et al.—>… #immigration #laborecon

How Climate Change Will Redraw Maps and Borders.

As global warming intensifies, many parts of the world will become uninhabitable and millions will be forced to migrate, leaving map borders needing to be redrawn based on climate rather than geopolitics or sovereignty.
#climate #climatechange #immigration…