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Items tagged with: Jabber

#XMPP Community

Elbe-Sprint #Hamburg 2023
Several days of fruitful exchange and projects around XMPP!

Thu, 22-06-2023 18:00 CEST — Sun, 25-06-2023 12:00 CEST

Hacker-Space of CCCHH (@ccchh)

Read the details:…

#jabber #standards #interoperability #sprint #federation #chat

BTW. wer bei der Bekämpfung von #Spam im #XMPP Unterstützung sucht - kann hier helfen! #antispam #xmpp #jabber #prosody #ejabberd

XMPP/Jabber people, have you seen @joinjabber?

They're a collective trying to get XMPP to a wider audience by improving the user experience, and they have a website that helps non-techy people to sign up:


This is really nice to see, there's so much potential in XMPP as an alternative to Whatsapp etc.

It's really easy to use XMPP once you've got set up, but finding a well-run well-maintained server, and finding a good regularly updated app, have historically been more difficult and scary than they needed to be.

Looks like JoinJabber are doing something about it! 😃

#XMPP #Jabber

Can't imagine #Jabber without #stickers anymore!

@dino and @gajim when? 🙂


We now have support for #weblate translations in our website:…
#jabber #xmpp

We've recently opened #Jabber / #XMPP support channels for end-users and for server operators!… and…. Members of the community will be happy to help you with your technical issues and setting up your server for the first time respectively!

Today I discovered #Quicksy. It's a spin-off of the #XMPP app "Conversations(.)im", developed by the same people, but designed with ease of use in mind. It actually links with and uses your phone number to sign in so it's easy to on-board new users, and easy for new users to find people in their contacts list that already use it. But, it is just a standard XMPP client, so it is still capable of communicating back and forth with people on other XMPP / #Jabber servers.

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

The Summit if over 😢 But it was great to have it again 😃 We are at #FOSDEM from tomorrow. See you to talk about :xmpp: & #RTC

Read on the topics:…

#opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #jabber #standard #europe

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

A nice fact about the #international collaboration within our network can be seen by the present languages at our summit:

🇩🇪 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 🇮🇳 🇳🇱 🇵🇱 🇸🇪 🇪🇸

🇪🇺 🌍

#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber #europe #standards #global

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

After a short recap on #WebPush, we are continuing with the agenda: MAM


Chat via

#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber #europe #standards

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

We are just starting over on the 2nd day at the XMPP Summit 25!
But where are you? This way please: ⬆️


Chat via

#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber #europe

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

After a short break the last topic for today was MUC & MIX.

Read our pre-notes:…

Join the chat via

#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

The first topic we discussed and reviewed was #Push 2.0.

Read our pre-notes:…

#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber

#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

We are just starting with our 25th XMPP Summit (finally)!

We will have two days of exchange before the #FOSDEM at the weekend.

We will keep you posted here! :xmpp:

#jabber #rfc #standards #interoperability