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Items tagged with: prosody

:ynh: :jabberxmpp:

#YunoHost devs are testing #Prosody as #xmpp #jabber replacement for metronome to get better integration with the system and better compliance with jabber standards. Also new default features as A/V calls.

It's on early development, without ETA!!

great news IMO đź‘Ś

thank you 🙏 🧙

#prosody trunk nightly build 1887 now supports systemd notifications via a pure #Lua implementation (it does *not* use libsystemd). Future builds, starting with 1888 will have this enabled when running under systemd. Could help with race conditions on startup of external components and other services, delaying them until Prosody is ready to accept connections.

pretty much the best messenger around!

I've been using it (and #prosody) to connect all my family over my personal server for a decade now.

And there's no company involved that can read our chats or store our photos. :-D

I set up #Prosody last weekend, and I haven't checked file uploads yet. The setup was incredibly simple, and resource usage is next to nothing. Added #Biboumi to make it function as my #IRC bouncer too, and it works like a charm!

This leads me to believe that even the current state of XMPP is already beats Matrix by a wide margin. Its easier, less resource hungry, faster, and there are already multiple good server and client implementations available.

Probably #Prosody has some problems related to Message Archive Management (including MUCs), my #XMPP server is facing some issues and downtime...…

But I am confident I can improve or even fix this 🙂 My monitoring already alerted me a few times but a friendly user told me about the issues, too. That shows me this is a serious problem and I have to do something!

In case anyone is wondering about how to "update" a valid certificate from #letsencrypt that for some reason #prosody states is already expired, just run:

prosodyctl --root cert import /etc/letsencrypt/live

Assuming you have a valid certificate in place already configured for your domain. Saved me some headache!

More info:

#xmpp #selfhost

As of last night #Prosody trunk now supports #DNSSEC #DANE authentication natively for both incoming and outgoing server-to-server connections! 🎉

I want to enable file uploads on my #XMPP server. (XEP-0363). I'm running #prosody. The docs say "The domain specified in your Component line should ideally be a direct subdomain of your VirtualHost."

Does this mean I cannot use the same domain as my VirtualHost for this? So if my server runs on, uploads would have to be on a subdomain for that or a different subdomain entirely?


BTW. wer bei der Bekämpfung von #Spam im #XMPP Unterstützung sucht - kann hier helfen! #antispam #xmpp #jabber #prosody #ejabberd

We had a great time at #FOSDEM! If you came to see @mattj and @zash from the Prosody team at the Real-time Lounge area, it was nice to meet you! If not, maybe we'll catch you next year :)

As well as @mattj's talk about FAST auth in Prosody, also check out Saúl's talk about how the #Jitsi team used #Prosody and #XMPP to scale video conferences to over 10000 participants. The recording is now online:…

utterly failing at setting up my #prosody #XMPP-Server with mod_http_file_share…

response on 5281 looks fine in browser, certs are okay-ish, but upload never starts

no documentation apart from prosody-page about that module

great. -.-

This evening I pushed a #Prosody community module that acts as a #UnifiedPush server. It allows apps on your phone to receive push notifications, using #XMPP as the delivery channel instead of Google's proprietary FCM or regular polling.

It uses a protocol devised and implemented by @daniel and all credit goes to him for this idea and first implementations.

It's all experimental stuff, but I'm already using it to get realtime notifications in #Fedilab 🙂…

XMPP End of the Year Talk 2022!

Let's have a good time with the #XMPP Community folks!

Short talks:
- On #ActivityPub, #Movim, #Prosody development, XMPP + #QUIC

When: 6th Dec 2022, 19:00 CET (tomorrow!)
Join via this instance:…

(technical issues as always)

#jabber #standards

Small prosodyctl shell improvements, XEP-0440, watchdog API tweaks, updates for OpenSSL API changes and some new cryptographic hash functions.

June was probably not the most active month in #Prosody trunk #dev but that's to be expected since there was a release from the stable branch.
