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Items tagged with: OnlineSafetyBill

The conversation with @josh and @matthew about @matrix on @FLOSS_Weekly was fascinating and for once I would have enjoyed more than an hour. Matthew's frustration with trying to explain to legislators why #ChatControl and #OnlineSafetyBill are so misguided was especially striking - I do hope @EUCommission listen.…

#OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Matrix

We're happy that #Apple has now joined the fight for encryption! 🔒

There is no magic key that allows the police to scan all chat messages, emails, and more for harmful content while not risking the security and privacy of everyone. This is technically not possible.

The more agree to this fact, the higher the chances that legislation is altered to protect everybody's privacy.…

#privacy #security #onlinesafetybill #chatkontrolle

In case you missed it. Meredith at @signalapp was excellent at setting out the problems with UK Gov’s plans to back door end-to-end encryption. If you haven’t done already please support @openrightsgroup campaign on this… #encryption #privacy #onlinesafetybill

#ChatControl #OnlineSafetyBill #EarnIt - Lots of politicians want to undermine encryption once again. When will they ever learn that a "backdoor for the good guys only" is simply not possible?

Learn here why we must keep fighting for strong #encryption:…

#OSB #CSAM #ClientSideScanning #Privacy

Politiker wollen wieder einmal die Verschlüsselung untergraben. Wann werden sie jemals lernen, dass eine "Hintertür nur für die Guten" einfach nicht möglich ist?

Secure communication apps are lining up to oppose measures in the U.K.’s #OnlineSafetyBill (OSB) that would make the web less safe for everyone: WhatsApp joins the fight against UK’s proposed version of the Online Safety Bill.

Read more:…

What does the #OnlineSafetyBill mean for the UK tech sector and the security of messaging platforms? Matthew Hodgson, CEO of @matrix spoke to the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 about the amendment imposing criminal penalties on tech bosses and how it threatens encryption.
#e2ee #privacy


The #onlinesafetybill:

1) Threat to free speech ✔️
2) Threat to privacy and security ✔️
3) Threat to competition ✔️
4) Threat to innovation ✔️
5) Threat to investment ✔️
6) Increased costs to businesses ✔️

Other than that...…


We are the front line of a global war on encryption. If we can’t fend off this sort of mass surveillance in a liberal democracy then all of humanity gets put in a darker path towards authoritarianism - look at people fighting against surveillance states in China and Hong Kong to see where this goes! #onlinesafetybill #privacy #clause104 come on fellow Brits. Let’s tell our MPs to drop the spy clause…

The government wants to get in your DMs.

The #OnlineSafetyBill will make messaging apps scan what you're saying and what images you're sharing before they get encrypted. It unlocks your privacy.

Email your MP (UK) today:…

#BlockTheBill #PrivacyIsOnlineSafety #privacy #freedomofexpression

"The idea that technology can provide a silver bullet to solve complex societal issues does not stand up to examination"

The Online Safety Bill will make a bad situation worse. Having context-blind algorithms scan our chats and images for whatever any government says is harmful will put all our privacy at risk of overreach.

Read the full article by our Policy Manager, Dr Monica Horten.…



🚨🚨🚨 The Government’s #OnlineSafetyBill is an Orwellian Censor’s Charter and will make the internet


WATCH & SHARE this video NOW 👇
