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Items tagged with: cucumber

This post will be more about #Tech, school, and hobbies. I've been using a computer running #ArchLinux for a while now. I had a computer with #Windows10, but it wasn't running so great so I tried to put #Linux on it. Something went wrong and it wouldn't boot.
My mom had another computer she let me put Linux on. It's not as good as the other and only has 4 gb of RAM and 64 gb storage, but I can't afford anything better. I tried #Ubuntu and #LinuxMint, but I didn't like how out of date software was. Now I'm on #Arch and like a lot of things about it. My biggest issues are that I wish #Braille support was better and there are one or two apps I haven't been able to find equivalents for, or what I've found isn't as good. I love the customizability though, and the way you can put just what you want on the computer and no more. I also like the #commandLine. On #Windows, I was a #JAWS user, and there are some features I miss from that, particularly #PictureSmart, #SplitBraille, and being able to configure profiles for websites. The one Windows app I haven't found a good equivalent for is one called Perky Duck. It's an editor that lets you create Braille files using six keys on your computer keyboard. There's a Linux app called BrailleZephyr, but it has far fewer features and isn't as easy to use. This is needed for the #BrailleTranscription course I'm taking. I'm using BrailleZephyr now because it's my only choice unless I want to write my lessons with a Braillewriter and mail them in. I'm also trying to find an #accessible #Telegram client. I tried the web and desktop apps and they were both inaccessible.
I also tried some #gardening a while back. We were doing it inside but it had to be moved outside and my mom wound up caring for the #plants because it's usually too hot for me out there, but a couple nights ago, she took me out there to pick a #cucumber. I got to pick it, she cut it up, and we ate it. It was so much better than storebought cucumber! There are more growing, too, so that won't be the last one we pick. Helping grow and then picking that cucumber was really satisfying.
#accessibility #technology #gardening