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Items tagged with: orgmode

started a year ago after years of modern IDE, just to use #orgmode

by now i still see the usage of emacs as no way to be my IDE of choice, because it would need many customisations.
for org tasks it is great, but to code, OMG there is so much shit to do to have something decent.

How many of you recently getting started to Emacs?

If you love :emacs:, please boost.

If you use :emacs: for under 1 year, please share your experience.

If you use :emacs: for programming or anything else, please share.

#Emacs #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #OrgMode

  • Yes, I recently started to use Emacs (22%, 5 votes)
  • Yes, with some issues (please share) (9%, 2 votes)
  • Yes, I already use Org-mode (50%, 11 votes)
  • Yes, but I need more resources to learn (18%, 4 votes)
22 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago