curlhacker - Twitch
I'm Daniel Stenberg, maintainer and lead developer in the curl project. I stream curl related stuff. Release presentations, curl development and related topics.Twitch
Das wird diesmal ein #FahrradFreitag in @fahrradkoeln!
Die #cmcologne startet wie gewohnt um 18h am #Rudolfplatz in #Köln
Alternativ gibt's die Lesung von @SheDrivesMobility um 18.30h an der Uni
Eine kurze Begegnung der #CMKoeln und #katjadiehl ist geplant!
Egal wofür ihr euch entscheidet, Teilnahme hier oder da ist ein Weg zur #Autokorrektur #VisonZero #RespectCyclists
Weitersagen, insbesondere in die weiteren #sozialeMedien, ist erwünscht.
Hubert Figuière reshared this.
There is a low probability to find spammer and hacker 👍
Wer über das #Klima schreibt, sich mit dem Klima beschäftigt, hat häufig und zu Recht das Gefühl, es passiert zu wenig, wir kriegen nicht mehr die Kurve und alles wird den Bach runter gehen.
So wahr das ist, mit einer negativen Einstellung ist es leider auch schwerer Leute zu überzeugen.
Bei meiner Arbeit im #Handwerk sehe ich oft das Gegenteil: Wer ein Dach/Haus mit ökologischen Baustoffen wie #Holz und #Lehm saniert, hat es im Sommer kühler, im Winter wärmer und hat langfristig sehr geringe #Heizkosten und braucht keine #Klimaanlage
Gleichzeitig wird es schöner und gesünder dort zu wohnen, die Lebensqualität steigt.
Ähnlich ist es ja fast überall: Mehr #Fahrrad und ÖPNV, weniger Auto bedeutet: Mehr Lebensqualität, grünere Städte, mehr Gesundheit.
Weniger Kurzstreckenflüge und mehr Zugreisen bedeutet weniger Lärm
Eine Landschaft ohne Tagebaue und einer Luft ohne Abgase. Flüsse, in denen alle bedenkenlos baden können.
Das ist kein Verzicht. Das ist das gute Leben für alle.
"Ja, wir könnten jetzt was gegen den Klimawandel tun, aber wenn wir dann in 50 Jahren feststellen würden, dass sich alle Wissenschaftler doch vertan haben und es gar keine Klimaerwärmung gibt, dann hätten wir völlig ohne Grund dafür gesorgt, dass man selbst in den Städten die Luft wieder atmen kann, dass die Flüsse nicht mehr giftig sind, dass Autos weder Krach machen noch stinken und dass wir nicht mehr abhängig sind von Diktatoren und deren Ölvorkommen. Da würden wir uns schön ärgern."
#trurl 0.15 is here:…
Live-streamed video presentation about this release at 08:00 UTC over at
curlhacker - Twitch
I'm Daniel Stenberg, maintainer and lead developer in the curl project. I stream curl related stuff. Release presentations, curl development and related topics.Twitch
daniel:// stenberg:// reshared this.
@Jage We still only break add-ons once a year. We have just released NVDA 2024.3, which most users should be on. Following that, we have released the first beta of NVDA 2024.4, which adventurous users may want to try.
Having branched for that beta means we can start integrating the previously planned potentially add-on breaking updates into alpha - which is targeted at NVDA 2025.1 (so, a release & a half from now). No shortening of the cycle, just lots of heads up time for add-on devs :)
Reminder to US citizens age 18 and above: Don't get cocky! Register to vote. If you are registered (especially in a red state), check that your registration is still valid. Get all your friends and loved ones to do the same.
You can find information on how to register (and check your registration) at
May the vote be with you!
Shell Phone Show Tackling Timers on the BlindShell Classic 2
Show Notes: Shell Phone Show - Episode: Tackling Timers on the BlindShell Classic 2 Introduction In this episode of the Shell Phone Show, Adrian, also known as Driza, demonstrates how to use various timer functions on the BlindShell Classic 2. This includes a walkthrough of the minute timer, interval timer, stopwatch, and setting timers with the Lady A app (Amazon Alexa).
So I ran up the steps from my little studio to the door, to be greeted by a friendly Internet-selling person. Said person then asked me whether anyone was home who used the Internet, obviously concluding that there was no point trying to sell Internet service to the blind guy.
I seized my chance, said we didn’t have that here and didn’t need it, and off they went on their way. Now perhaps there was an educational opportunity here, but hey, it saved me a lot of time so I could get back to my podcast which will be uploaded via the Internet I can’t use.
NVDA 2024.4 Beta 1 is now available for download and testing. For anyone who is interested in trying out what the next version of NVDA has to offer before it is officially released, we welcome you to download the beta and provide feedback using our issue reporting process.
This release includes a number of improvements in Microsoft Office, braille, and document formatting.
For full information and to download, go to:…
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #FOSS #PreRelease
reshared this
Unmute Presents Community Unmuted on 27 August
You can tune into this call live every Tuesday. In the Unmute Presents Community Call on August 27, 2024, we focused on technology, accessibility, and upcoming Apple innovations. Participants engaged in a lively discussion about expectations for the Apple keynote, highlighting desired features for accessibility improvements in new devices. Attendees shared hopes for design enhancements and better battery life, while…
We're scheduled for the second hour of the show.…
I'm fine if people do this and provide an alternative to bypass it. But when it's mandatory it's ridiculous.
Respect for distro developers who have to deal with this too often and increasingly.
And added Clean filter now (AANN), and it's now the default too.
Additionally, about dialog shows attribution for filters now (except for nearest/none, as that one is trivial and not based on anything), since the AANN shader is licensed under MIT ^^
Also fixed edges with the smooth filter, it was using the wrong texture wrap mode. Meanwhile Interframe Blending is now Blend Frames instead, and has an explanation in the UI for what it does.
And more filter work: there's a smoothing/upscale shader now, specifically xBRZ - there is a single pass freescale shader, so that was fairly simple to integrate.
This caused some trouble with attribution, as it has a dual license and AdwAboutDialog doesn't handle that very nicely... so I had to resort to a wall of text, oh well.
I also renamed filters to less generic and more technical names - it was honestly getting more confusing than helpful. Is "smooth" bicubic or xBRZ? Well, kinda both... So now it's just:
- Nearest (previously None or Sharp)
- Anti-Aliased (previously Clean)
- Bicubic (Previously Smooth)
- Smooth (Previously HD)
Maybe there are better names, but for now doesn't seem worth it.
In Nodezator's dev branch: changed the magnetic sockets feature to make it closer to what I envisioned originally: the nodes had hands and would help you by grabbing the new connection for you.
The hands are CC0 assets from the excellent
Final version is very similar, but decided to hide the cursor. Now I use the hand that extends from the 1st socket like a cursor, instead of having it offset behind the cursor as before.
Thank you all for the feedback, specially
lisa44Yes (handles from X). Feels and looks better. #Python #nodeeditor
Been actually working on other things but had an idea for another variant yesterday and didn't want to waste it (already in Nodezator's dev branch).
This time the cursor is a baseball #Python #nodeeditor
The Python core team has started discussing changes to its governance model. I do think it is time for change, and worth rethinking and tweaking the current model.
As mentioned in my #PyOhio keynote, it is one of the "changelongs" I want to see. I don't know how it should be changed, maybe someone else in the community can figure it out.
I just think we should continue to adjust and evolve the model, so I'm glad to see that the team has started such discussion.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg:// • • •lobster 🦞aka Lobster
in reply to daniel:// stenberg:// • • •Did you discuss Curl, the other lock?……
I loved the speed and usability of this language. We created Curlchat in it.
Sadly the language is centralised BUT oh so easy and readable...
Lorick who was one of our baby programmers, is probaly all grown up now...
daniel:// stenberg://
in reply to lobster 🦞aka Lobster • • •lobster 🦞aka Lobster
in reply to daniel:// stenberg:// • • •Ah Ha!
Many thanks for that 'update'. I was aware of the triple usage. Also available as a hairdressing option
I did get them all confused. I first heard of the MIT version of Curl. Really liked its inherent speed (totally dependent on doing the computing on the clients side)
So for example ray tracing could be done in real time. At the time this was something. Now of course it is commonplace.
Thanks again for the #linc