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in reply to Archos

@archos Začínal jsem s Rouvy, ale Zwift mi sedí nejvíc — virtuální krajina bez stále se opakujících natočených a zpomaleně divně vypadajících aut, UI, podpora platforem, dostupná cvičení (intervaly, testy). Prostě Just works.

Ve fediverse slýchám, že potřebujeme obsah, ale čím víc nad tím přemýšlím, tím víc docházím k tomu, že spíš potřebujeme interakce.

Sítí, kde většina lidí jsou pasivní konzumenti a kde většina obsahu je prázdná, protože je dělán na objem, máme dost.

Za sebe můžu říct, že si chvilku ve fediverse užiji víc, když přečtu deset postů a na část zareaguji, než když jich pasivně projedu stovku. A myslím, že v tomhle je krása fediverse, že to jde.

TLDR pomaleji skrolujte. 😁

#fediverse #content

kto si myslí že som zodpovedný by mal prehodnotiť svoje úvahy
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in reply to SuspiciousDuck

ale zajtra už idem do práce a od zajtra, vlastne už teraz som si dal jednu pokračujem v liečbe, vážne..
This entry was edited (2 days ago)

You can either hear these images or you never had the chance to play these systems.
There’s a an entire art of boot animation/sounds that modern consoles simply don’t have.
in reply to David Amador

I don't know the gamecube and the playstation one. The Sega one I know from PC ports of their games. :)
in reply to Bubu

@Bubu I’ve seen it on the ports, but hearing that sound blasting from a CRT is just something else
@Bubu has 10K+ users 🥳 🚀

#loops #fediverse #tikTok

Mention of DV/abuse, looking for advice

Sensitive content

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Somewhere in France, there's a company that keeps sending me pool email alerts everyday at 8 AM. Even though we are not using their product anymore. I'd reach out, but I'm just too lazy.
in reply to Martin from Toronto

ha, I have this for a payment provider we no longer use. I have an empty email going back months at just after midnight, or 1:00AM with the time change on a Friday morning.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo I have a weekly email to my work address telling me my timesheet is overdue on a system we moved away from nearly 2 years ago.

@JamminJerry It's all your fault! Your order of "Redragon K618 PRO 3-Mode..." has shipped!, Unread,, 2:31 a.m.

The ferris wheel in Vienna with the full Moon.

(Apart from cropping this is an unedited photo, it really looked a bit surreal with this lighting all around.)

#vienna #wien #ferriswheel #photo #nofilter

No, ono to je tak, že když napíšu, že jsem byl v Mogau, zásadní buddhistické lokalitě, o které se dnes píše na, poté, co jsem přejel Gobi na solárním kole, tak to sklidí dva favy. Když napíšu rádobyvtipnou satiru, kterou se v podstatě vymlouvám na to, že pořád nemáme upgradnutou instanci, tak to ale všichni boostujou.

A tak je to na sociálních sítích se vším :-)

Nicméně, povahou Buddha je stále čist.

Tras el post que publiqué anoche acerca de la negligencia que comentieron con nosotros, els bombers forestals del País Valenciá, manteniéndonos en base y negando nuestra actuación en la #DANA hasta 2 dias después del desastre, hoy me levanto con la noticia de que el CECOPI empieza a retirar a bomberos forestales de otras provincias porque “ya no hay trabajo para hacer” (wtf!)

Esta gente debe ser procesada por ineptitud. No puedo levantarme más cabreado.……

in reply to modulux

@modulux el que defiende Muface no defiende lo público con carácter general.
in reply to Jesus Margar

No, ese desde luego que no, pero muchos funcionarios, sobre todo los más jóvenes, optan por tener su prestación sanitaria fuera de MUFACE.

Dneska to vidím bledě. Napadl sníh, klouže to, je tam zima, nedá se nic dělat, v takovémhle počasí nemůžu zodpovědně dělat svoji práci.
Kdo by se proboha v tomhle nečasu vydal z ložnice do pracovny!

Damnit 念无双people, why are you stingy with the promos??
Ok at this rate I want to say all I want is for A Moment But Forever to release now so that I can stare at the pretty people.
Ok ONE specific pretty person, admittedly.
Also realised that it's not that I dislike #xianxia. So much of xianxia is catered to the 20s demographic. I want the characters to be more mature and older. We older folks want our fantasy stories too & this is a rare one that caters to older audiences.

#Cdrama #Cdramas

This entry was edited (3 days ago)

Keď ťa hitne na ulici a potom na pive čakáš kedy ťa to prejde.
This entry was edited (3 days ago)

is it just me, or is the entire #gnome ecosystem virtually integrated into accomodating bigtech and bigtech only?

i recently tried to reach out to developers and met a wall of amazon, fastly, microsoft and cloudflare. i don't think its possible to meaningfully contribute the gnome ecosystem without being poached/disrupted by the corporates.... pretty sucky :(

in reply to find you on fediverse

I honestly don't understand what are your objections to infrastructure requirements, really. We have had our own (donated) infrastructure for more than two decades, but it's really hard to make it work on minimal staffing and volunteer time. For instance: we just got hit twice in a month by a bunch of AI web scraping that broke everything, with contributors unable to actually do anything. The price of the admission to play in this space is higher than 20 years ago.

Estoy leyendo Pórtico, el clásico de la ciencia ficción de Frederick Pohl, y tengo que reconocer que lo que más me flipa es el concepto que tiene el autor sobre los niños pequeños y el tamaño de las cocinas.

En serio.

A partir de aquí "microspoilers".

Aparece una niña de año y medio que habla como un adulto. En ningún momento se plantea siquiera que sea una niña excepcional en ningún sentido.

Luego describe que las naves Heechee son muy pequeñas. "El interior de una nave Heechee, incluso una Cinco, no es mucho más grande que la cocina de un apartamento", para luego apuntillar "de ese total de espacio disponible, unos cuarenta y dos o cuarenta y tres metros cúbicos". ¿Perdona? ¿42 metros cúbicos? Eso es perfectamente una planta de 20 metros, 4x5 con 2 de altura. ¿Cuándo han sido las cocinas de los apartamentos tan enormes?

¿¿Había visto este señor alguna vez un niño o una cocina??

#Booktodon #Portico

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comrade danielle and myself at a solidarity protest for brauni, a housing project near s-bahnhof neukölln. the case has been postponed but the judge ruled that the landlord's grounds for eviction were invalid! also it started snowing suring the drag king performance

Cinco detenidos en #Brasil🇧🇷 (un policía y cuatro miembros de las fuerzas especiales del Ejército) por planificar el asesinato del entonces todavía presidente electo Lula, del vicepresidente electo Geraldo Alckmin y el juez del Supremo Alexandre de Moraes en diciembre de 2022

Detalle: han sido detenidos en Río de Janeiro, mientras operaban en la protección de la cumbre del #G20

#golpe #terrorismo #política #noticias…

This entry was edited (3 days ago)

It's snowing in the Valleys, clumps of fluffy flakes interspersed with sleet.

It's not settling in my semi-urban area, but the mountains on the horizon have disappeared, which typically means they'll be dusted white when they re-emerge from the clouds later.

They're like a theatre performer doing a costume change under cover of artificial smoke.


Two quick updates: 1. Be My Eyes now seems to support Bluetooth headsets. Remember to grant Bluetooth access after updating.
2. PiccyBot’s latest update allows Pro users to describe videos up to 5 minutes long.
For YouTube videos longer than 5 minutes with an available transcript, PiccyBot will now give a summary of the contents. #Android #AI

I really love my job, but some days when the pages are overwhelming, I just want to take a month off. I probably could afford to, but I'm always scared to take a vacation.
in reply to Eden Linnea

ugh I often have the same problem. Two strategies I've come up with:
- I split vacation days to only one single Friday of the week for a month and usually coming back on Monday I'm not overwhelmed by what has come up in Slack and meetings.
- Take days when work is a bit slower, like Christmas or holidays, but the downside that you travel with the pack, so to speak (So for me I'm limiting it to local-ish travel to destinations that are no more than an hour away from home.)
Sadly in a world where a lot changes or the work can pile up quickly if not attended to, this can be harder said than done, so I do get the feeling. Hope you can find a break soon.

Not sure I'd have gotten a taxi to the office in this weather. Luckily for me the home office is attached to my garden. my average commute nowadays is pretty nice, more so when the heater kicks in so it's toasty when I arrive.
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes clever, took me a minute there!

The wife insists it is a 'Summer House' and half of it will be used for 'Enjoying the nice weather' when we have it.
For me, I have a solid desk, good wifi, and enough power outlets for my job so happy for now!

His dog is a guide dog, as he's doesn't care where he's going.
in reply to Col

I'll top that with: "Any dog is a guide dog if you don't care where you are going." 😂

It’s #InternationalMensDay today.

This isn’t a laughing matter. As the trustee of a charity dedicated to stamping out domestic violence, I know that almost all of this (97% +) is perpetrated on women by men. That doesn’t mean that men don’t experience domestic violence too. And yes, NOT ALL MEN, etc.

Lots of men are struggling. Suicide rates are shockingly high and toxic male role models are everywhere.

Today, let’s try to help each other be better. Have a great day.

in reply to swisslet

So much of what 'being a man' meant as a child is now, looking through the lens of me being an adult, having a family, home and job etc, ridiculously toxic. I'm lucky to have left that behind.

Oha, das ist provokativ: Dieser Blogartikel sagt:

- Nutzt kein #PGP / #GPG
- Nutzt kein #XMPP + OMEMO
- Nutzt kein #Matrix (im Sinne: verlasst euch nicht auf die Verschlüsselung)
- E-Mails verschlüsseln ist sinnlos

Ich kenne den Autor nicht und würde ihn nicht erwähnen, würde der Artikel nicht in ernstzunehmenden ITSec-Newslettern zitiert…

Meinungen? #itsec #security

in reply to Senioradmin

Der verlinkte Artikel über OMEMO ist kompletter Schwachsinn und da der Autor absolut nicht an einer Diskussion oder Richtigstellung interessiert ist würde ich den Post eher im Bereich FUD einordnen.

Morning all. It's a filthy cold, wet day out there and I have to go out! Having my Covid jab today. I was hoping to go grab a bite of lunch afterwards, but I'm not sure if I will, it's so cold. We're going to have snow later.
in reply to Lulu Hartgen

The air is just bitter here. Objectively I know it is 0 degrees, but breathing it in is somethin' else!
Stay safe. :)

Part of maturing as an engineer is recognizing the difference between "thing you would do differently" and "thing you should comment on during code review"

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Good morning Fediversistas! We walk out into winter once more, the snow thick on the ground, the dawn delayed by ominous clouds, the air sharp in our lungs, snowballs collect on leg fur and wellington boots, fingers tingle as we remove gloves to feed the swans, we are grateful for the snow, for the pictures it paints across the landscape, for the new day, and we walk on into it

Neobvyklý dotaz. Máte tipy na skutečně teplé zimní bundy? Tzn. takové, že jste v minusových teplotách při nošení na trupu nepocítili vůbec chlad?
Něco takového teď hledám.
in reply to Robin Bedrunka 🐞

Já mám od zatím velká spokojenost.
Kolikrát mám jen tričko po bundou.
in reply to Smoon

Přímo moje už tam není, jen jsem dal odkaz na značku. Mám podobnou jako zde…

If you are a WhatsApp user, then it's worth checking the size of the following folder if you find your main OS drive feels a little slim on space.
Hopefully, copy/pasting this into the run dialog or address bar should take you straight to it:


In here is a folder called 'Transfers' which is all the downloaded audio, photo and video from your various chats. It's safe to delete this, as it can just pull from the server again if needed.
Cleared out 4GB when I did this on one of my systems, and just over 800 MB on another.

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in reply to Andre Louis

oooh, so amazing to know about this, it cleared about 8 gigs for me, shocking. Wow. I wonder why the app doesn't just auto-delete this after a time period as it's cached content anyway, probably to preserve their server bandwidth if it meant your space got a little sacrifice - lots of apps (including Spotify) do this, but at least there you can clear storage within the settings section itself.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg I think WhatsApp does have a storage thingy somewhere in-app but I like delving into things, so I went hunting.

Idem z kontroly u lekára a ešte mi predĺžila doktorka antibiotiká. Cítim sa lepšie ale ty kks to som nečakal.
This entry was edited (3 days ago)

Discover the Buddhist Diamond Sutra, the World’s Oldest Surviving Complete Printed Book (868 AD)…

BOOM! If you were looking for the best privacy oriented email provider, this is the best deal! @Tutanota

Black Weeks at Tuta: Save 62% On Our Legend Plan! 💎 | Tuta…

in reply to alebaffa

Thanks for sharing 💪 Together we can build a better web!

El nuevo reglamento de Extranjería incluirá una regularización excepcional de miles de migrantes que pidieron asilo sin éxito…

in reply to Moustached Wulf

Parece un avance significativo, sobre todo cuando parece que es ir contracorriente. A ver si también se aprueba la ILP sobre regularización.


So, just now I learned that you can convert miles to kilometers with the Fibonacci sequence?

A mile is 1.609 kilometers.

The Golden Ratio, the ratio between Fibonacci numbers as they get large, is 1.618.

So, within about 1%. And large doesn't need to be that large, it's actually pretty accurate from about 8 onwards.

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 etc etc

5 miles is 8 km.
21 miles is 34 km.
89 miles is 144 km.

etc etc.

Kinda neat IMO.

Budapestet átnevezhetnénk akár Silent Hill-re is, olyan nagy (fene) köd van. Konkrétan Pestről alig lehet átlátni Budára a Duna felett.
in reply to MaZsola

Wow, that bad? I hope it lifts up, or whatever this is called in English. :D If it's constant though, it just kills the view totally.

In other words, we don't know...…

Pro-democracy activist Benny Tai has been jailed for 10 years over organizing an unofficial primary election in 2020, as Hong Kong’s High Court delivered sentences in the city’s largest national security case to date.…