Items tagged with: content
Ve fediverse slýchám, že potřebujeme obsah, ale čím víc nad tím přemýšlím, tím víc docházím k tomu, že spíš potřebujeme interakce.
Sítí, kde většina lidí jsou pasivní konzumenti a kde většina obsahu je prázdná, protože je dělán na objem, máme dost.
Za sebe můžu říct, že si chvilku ve fediverse užiji víc, když přečtu deset postů a na část zareaguji, než když jich pasivně projedu stovku. A myslím, že v tomhle je krása fediverse, že to jde.
TLDR pomaleji skrolujte. 😁
I compiled a list of the accessibility resources I use to make content easier to access for everyone.
If you toot, tweet, write or post, check it out 👇
Are AI tools really as smart as creative writers? 🧐 It looks like we will soon know for sure. In any case, AI and its influence on our societies must be watched closely: After all the tools were trained with human writers content who they are now supposed to replace.…
Read more on this issue and why ChatGPT is a privacy nightmare: 👉…
#ai #creative #content #writers #privacy #chatgpt #bard #ernie
GPT-4 Can’t Replace Striking TV Writers, But Studios Are Going to Try
The desire to replace writers with AI is a symptom of the larger problem that the guild is fighting for—which is that companies do not value writers and their work.Chloe Xiang (VICE)
YouTube's music content on your Linux desktop? - MONOPHONY 🎵
No videos - just the main thing from this new simple app: music!
* Save To Library for albums
* Playlists to add songs on
* Radio Mode lets the app choose
* NO sign-in to YouTube account
* Play, previous, next, shuffle and loop
#Monophony #music #YouTube #content #entertainment #desktop #Linux #Flatpak #radio #apps
Flathub—An app store and build service for Linux
Find and install hundreds of apps and games for Linux. Enjoy GIMP, GNU Octave, Spotify, Steam and many more!