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New blog post! Debugging a rustc segfault using some very cool illumos debugging tools.

Really excited about this one, it is a bit long but there was so much to cover, from how the stack and the heap works to virtual address permissions :D…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

People of Bangladesh protesting for their rights.

But the world is unaware about it, while thousands of people are dying. Please boost the post, let the world know.

I updated the #Freedesktop specifications website, to build it with some more modern tools - please let me know if you notice any issues! 🙂…

"Wir schätzen Ihre Privatsphäre" – jaaaa, gaaanz sicher! Und wir teilen sie…

* mit 1574 Partnern
* einschließlich genauer Standortinformationen
* um Ihnen gaaaanz private Werbung zu schicken

Man beachte: Es gibt nur "Alles akzeptieren" – nix anderes. Friss oder stirb!

Unter "Zwekce" geht's dann weiter: 683 Anbieter fordern Zustimmung an. Aha. Laut Taschenrechner wollen also 891 "einfach mal so ohne". Toll. Das schätzen WIR nicht!

#werbung #tracking #cookiebanner #privacy #privatsphäre

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Früher haben wir sowas nicht gewusst und es hat uns vermutlich auch nicht interessiert ...

There's a project that has been going around today that uses an LLM to insult someone based on their GitHub profile. I admit I got caught up in the "fun" of this, and didn't think about how sad it is that we think it's cool to tear down each other or even ourselves.

Until I came across this contrasting project by @cadey, which instead uses an LLM to praise someone based on their GitHub profile:

Unknown parent

Matt Campbell
@FluidEscence It might feel less generic if the prompt included details about specific repos, like the prompt for the insult thing apparently does.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@FluidEscence I was going to do that, but I'm already hitting rate limits as it is!

New video!

So you're new to Linux, and you're wondering what the what is an ISO file? Or maybe you just don't know why you can't DD a CD?

Here's a video that explains a bit about ISO files, and how to create flash media from them.…

in reply to Veronica Explains

wow.. that's such garbage. Ventoy's fine, but it's not the end-all, be-all.
Anyone who claims one shouldn't talk about other options because *thing* exists.. is just wrong.
in reply to Liam

It's weird that this happens in computing discourse, because relying 100% on one thing always leads to tears eventually.

Even weirder when it happens in FOSS circles, as FOSS is supposed to be all about alternatives and freedom of choice. It's like a few people actively want there to be monopolies? (Assuming it's not people from a project shilling for themselves of course.)

#curl's 265th command line option is called --skip-existing. Lets you completely skip a download if there is a local file present already.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Direct Click, Direct Swipes, and Direct Scroll Functions in Jieshuo Screen Reader…

Beim Klimaschutz geschehe systematischer Rechtsbruch, sagt Rechtsanwalt Remo Klinger @umwelthilfe im DLF. Deshalb seien Klagen auf mehr Klimaschutz oft erfolgreich.…
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

SCAM ALERT: Data centers bring practically zero local jobs. They are a tax break scam everywhere they operate.

"Washington lawmakers approved a tax break for data centers to create more jobs in rural Washington, but they can’t say how many jobs the state actually got. Repeated expansions turned a modest program to bring a budding industry to rural areas into one of the biggest corporate tax giveaways in the state."…

Myslím, že takhle nějak asi chutná zimní směs do ostřikovačů. Třeba to někdo potřebuje vědět. #alkohol
in reply to brabitom

@brabitom Hostitel @andrej to přinesl když už tam bylo po dně. Naštěstí. A stejně ještě zbylo. Asi :-D Prý jako nový nebyl tak zlý.

Andrej měl ještě druhý vzorek, to už byla o něco lepší směs do ostřikovačů. Ale výrobce raději nenapsal složení... ;-)

меня успешно забанили в гугле

Thanks to @FluidEscence, I just learned you can customize touchpad gestures. Windows has presets like volume or switching desktops, but you can also bind any hotkey to a gesture. Right now, a 3 finger tap restarts NVDA, just as a test. I never knew this was possible.…

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Sensitive content

Priznajte sa, kto to bol?…

Excited about this year's @wpa11yday keynote speaker! Don't miss it!… #WordPress #a11y

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This initiative calls to require publishers that sell or license videogames to consumers in the European Union (or related features and assets sold for videogames they operate) to leave said videogames in a functional (playable) state.

To be successful, a European citizens' initiative has to reach one million statements of support as well as minimum thresholds in at least 7 countries.

telegram link:

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Dnes jsem to měl akorát. Od Lokte začalo poprchávat, tak nebyl čas ani na #birellovka a aj jsem #cyklovýlet malinko zkrátil, ale dobrá zpráva , že ještě týden v práci a pak dva týdny dovolená
in reply to Archos

Já tento týden zjistil, že pás v posilce umí přehrávat televizní noviny, tak je pouźívám, jako nový časovač :D
in reply to LukeAlmighty 🇨🇿

Jo to není špatný 😄😄 Já to dělám u cyklotrenažeru. Pustím film a šlapu 😄😄

Dixons' Commodore VIC-20 advertisement along with the Dragon 32 and TI-994A. #RetroComputing

"The Open-Source AMD GPU Linux Kernel Graphics Driver Nears 5.8 Million Lines"

Insane is a word that comes to my mind.

That's about 33 times the size of curl - for a set of drivers.…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

a fine illustration of the world most software engineers would be living in if we didn't have the facade of the x86 ISA hiding inter-generational microarchitecture differences from us.

Máme už nejakú medailu? Ak keď nebudeme mať žiadnu, bude sa za to zodpovedať kpt. Danko?

edit: ah shit

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Blind Information Technology Specialists FUNDRAISING With Terri Lynn
Our group is working to help blind and low vision people to achieve all they wish through the use of technology. You can help by purchasing these delicious nuts, snacks, & chocolates. Every purchase brings us one step closer to realizing our goal.
A portion of every product sold on this fundraising website benefits Blind Information Technology Specialists!

Starting now, #curl shows extended help for a given command line option if you write it after --h. Like "curl -h --location" or "curl -h -O"

Shipping in the pending curl 8.10.0 in mid September.…


If you’re a feed reader developer/contributor and want to help thousands of sites with misconfigured server caching reduce their hosting costs:

  • Support conditional-GET with Last-Modified headers.
  • Support conditional-GET with ETag headers.
  • Support the RSS ttl element in feed markup.
  • Support the syndication module in feed markup.
  • Request compressed formats (gzip and Brotli; Zstd is also becoming available now). libcurl should have support, if you’re using that.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Seirdy

Feeds are some of the most-requested pages on a lot of sites, and full-text feeds are often rather large. The feed-paging module helps but not everyone aggressively pages since client support is limited.

I like the idea of having one feed containing everything I’ve written, even if it isn’t the default feed. A single-file archive of my site optimized for feed readers. But if my default feed becomes paginated (the Brotli-compressed version is approaching 300kb; I’ll paginate it once it crosses 500kb), I’ll want my alternate unpaginated full-text feed to have very conservative refreshing.

I imagine a hypothetical future in which I host my site on a single-board computer on a home internet connection, and I build my site for that use-case.

in reply to Seirdy

People have been hosting websites for decades and misconfigured server caching is still a thing. It won’t go away. Client developers can’t expect servers to all be well-behaved, and should make leeway for this reality when reasonable.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this extraordinary song by the UK folk group the Young’uns. In stunning style, it tells the true story of a young man in the anti-fascist protest in London in 1936. It makes me ask myself each time, how much courage do I have?…

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AI Chat Bot Accessibility Issues from a Blind User’s Perspective…

The sad closure of AppleVis, and why it needs to be archived…
in reply to David Goldfield

I downloaded the entire AppleVis website locally on my Mac, which took up approximately 30GB of disk space.

in reply to Tuta

hey, for those of us who aren't Windows users and never have been strongly, could you make "?" also be a shortcut to help? (Some of us also use compact keyboards, or are otherwise used to ctrl and alt instead of F-keys...)

"Thou shalt forever forswear and abjure the vile notion that All The World's A Windows Box" -- Me, after Henry Spencer, circa 1990

Pamatuji jak jsem poprvé viděla tenhle obrázek ....neskutečný kanón ... nejdřív vyvinuli tohle ..aby následně kolem toho postavili co ? .....
Ano ...A10 ❤️