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Alice's Adventures in a Differentiable Wonderland -- Volume I, A Tour of the Land

Hoy, por ninguna razón en particular, me viene a la mente esta canción: El Intocable, de La Polla Records.…

I'll say this for Linux: if you're comfortable on the command line, life is sometimes way easier. Forget the terrible Windows update UI. Just apt update && apt upgrade -y and there ya go. 245 pacakages are now updating. I'll restart in a bit and I'm done. I also have all the bash commands I'm used to, without the few limitations and lag of WSL.
in reply to Alex Hall

I've never looked into Linux as a desktop OS. I run it on everything else, though
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo I've used Debian on servers for years at work. I've run a Raspberry Pi or three. I have Unraid installed on a home server. But I've never given Linux a serious chance as a desktop OS either.

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Todo bien y con ganas. Eso sí, el plazo que dimos para proponer artículos de la ley de medidas, ni puto caso.

Por lo demás, tengo puesto un poco el aire para refrescar el despacho de mañana, pero en un rato lo apago. Lo pondré mientras alga al café. No es necesario tenerlo todo el día.

BBC Says 450 Million Consume Its Global Programming…
in reply to David Goldfield

Yeah, and they'd have 300+ million more potentially if they actually allowed America to access their content. It's far less biased on American issues since they don't live directly in America and are therefore less affected.
in reply to rooktallon

@rooktallon I know. I wish they'd allow us legal access to iPlayer. That would be amazing.

We had a fantastic time watch the Rockies vs the Red Sox with everyone! Thanks for joining us at Coors Field!

Get ready, it’s likely Meta’s new Llama 3.1 models will be released tomorrow, and from results published by Microsoft the 405B parameter version goes head to head directly with GPT4O in most benchmarks, with the smaller variants showing significant performance gains when compared to Llama 3. If this holds up, I’m not sure I could see a reason to use cloud providers unless you have extremely specific requirements that open source can’t meet. We are truly living in a golden age for LLMs.
in reply to Chi Kim

@chikim How would you consider 70b q4 versus 8b q8, or even unquantized?

If 70b q4 can be run on inexpensive-ish hardware, this could be professionally relevant to what I do.

in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @chikim
You can only run Open AI models on the Open AI Cloud.

You can run Llama at any company you wish, finetune it for your own use cases, have an internal chatbot that knows your company codebase etc.

in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @miki Yeah, You need to figure out the best model you can afford to run on your local machine and use that. For me, I can run llama3.1:70b-instruct-q5_K_M with 5 tokens/second on m3 max 64gb. If you have 16GB, you could can probably run llama3.1:8b-instruct-q8_0. If you run the model with longer context, it'll eat up more memory too.

Immer wieder findet man private Aufrufe zur Suche von vermissten oder gesuchten Personen. Warum es keine Gute Idee ist, diese zu teilen, haben wir hier für euch zusammengestellt.

#sicherimnetz #vermisstenmeldungen #fahndungsaufruf #blaulicht #medienkompetenz

in reply to Der goldene Aluhut

Was noch fehlt: Solche privaten Suchmeldungen werden teils auch von Tätern selbst erstellt, um eine Person ausfindig zu machen, die sich vor ihnen versteckt. Zb. weil sie aus einer gewalttätigen Beziehung geflohen sind. In so einem Fall bringt man die gesuchte Petson in grosse Gefahr.

According to the commit for on meta-llama Github repo, we're getting the updates: llama-3.1-405b, llama-3.1-70b, llama-3.1-8b. #LLM #ML #AI…
#AI #ML #llm

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Some of you have been asking us about the #remoteIncidentManager integration with @AiraVI and what this means for pricing. Good news, no changes whatsoever!
Receiving assistance through RIM itself is completely free, in fact, if all you plan to use RIM for is receiving help, you need not even register an account! Therefore, receiving help from an Aira agent incurs no extra cost to your Aira plan!
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

An update on this episode. Our foster:


in reply to John Dickerson

Per this episode: Dogs Can Smell Your Stress and Make Choices Based on It - New research seems to support the notion that dogs can read a person's mood via their scent. Dogs involved in an experiment appeared to have their own moods changed by the human sweat/breath odors presented to them. This "contagious emotion" then appeared to inform choices and actions made by the dog.…

Tech companies are desperate to convince you that laws come out of nowhere, for no reason. “I'm just a poor, innocent prisoner, who's been physically assaulted (by another inmate)”, they say to the media, leaving out that they're there in the first place for armed robbery and multiple homicides.

Any preferred-media site that begins a story with some variant of “first, the EU introduced a law,” is actively, knowingly, lying to you. It took nearly two decades of misconduct before the laws came in

Something you may not have realised is right-handed: playing cards.

When you pick up a card with your dominant hand and add it to the front of a card you're holding in your non-dominant hand, you create a fan towards your dominant hand.

Standard playing cards have a small version of the number and suit in two corners so that you can see them no matter which way up the card is, *as long as they're fanned right*, and many modern card games follow suit (ha!) without thinking, for the convention or aesthetic

Consider mirroring important summary information in both left and right corners (Ticket to Ride does a great job putting the suits in both corners while maintaining the pleasant asymmetrical feel of having them in one)

It's admittedly only a tiny accessibility issue, but it IS an accessibility issue, so have think about it.

#GameDev #Accessibility #a11y #TableTop #CardGames #BoardGames

in reply to Bornach

@bornach @ben @MedusaGladiatrix poker deck vs bridge deck. In Europe I was used to the latter. The size of cards is different too.

When Hillary Clinton was the nominee, she was called "Hillary” by fans, opponents, and media alike. I was told “that's because 'Clinton' means 'Bill' in people's heads," and I didn't entirely agree, but OK.

Now Kamala Harris is the presumptive nominee, and she's "Kamala,” not "Harris.” There is no other President Harris.

Trump isn't "Donald," Biden isn't "Joe,” Obama wasn't "Barack.” In 2016, it was possible that this wasn't gendered. But I can’t buy that anymore.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Since I started posting music on Soundcloud in 2015, if I sum all the money I've earned from my music across all the streaming sites, including Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube, my music income is $40.51.

My yearly Soundcloud subscription is $145 a year.

I pay for my music to be available for you to listen to.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

In case you missed it: Accrescent is now mirrored in the GrapheneOS App Store! This helps GrapheneOS users securely and easily obtain Accrescent from a trusted source.

GrapheneOS highly values privacy and security as we do, so we're excited about this collaboration.…

#privacy #security #accrescent #appstore #android

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to FDA approved :verified: lychee

@PaintedDurian We don't plan on allowing other app installers such as Obtainium in Accrescent at this time. But in general, all apps in Accrescent are uploaded by their respective developers, so it's up to them to determine whether they want their app in Accrescent.

food (veg)

Sensitive content

💗 Handmade 💗 glass seed beads 💗 adjustable clasp 💗

Hot Pink Dreams Triangle Peyote Stitch Beaded Bracelet…

DM with customs or questions!

#Cvkvlv #CvkvlvBeadwork #Mvskoke #Native #Indigenous #NativeAmerican #Beadwork #Jewelry #Bracelet #Handmade #IndigenousCreatives #IndigenousArtist

Today, Reaper's release candidate tightens up tab order and labelling in a single reworked dialog. No changes other than accessibility. Nada. Zip.

TBH it was already solid enough that I wouldn't have been at all mad if they'd decided to press go and refine in the next update, but instead, they went one more round and made sure that keyboard/screen reader users have a decent UX on arrival.

Why is this small gesture a big deal? Well, I might be able to take a day off at some point! I mean, name another DAW developer who's done that without anyone asking/convincing. I'll wait...

reshared this

in reply to Scott

@jcsteh Let’s ask our good Reaper friends to improve the a11y for some of their stock plugins. My forum posts didn’t get any traction. I really think that part of Reaper has been a bit undertaken-care-of. I know JS stuff is hard, or nearly hard, without some serious extra work, but VST? :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @jcsteh Have you checked them lately? I did a full run through of stock plug-in GUIs and had them clarify a load of labelling, there have also been improvements in js GUIs in recent times. They've even adopted OSARA's keystrokes for adjusting sliders in stock plugs now.
in reply to Scott

@jcsteh Good call, and thank you! I was so used to the old way of doing things. It didn’t even occur to me to just tab around… Thank you! One immediate thing I see though is that when the tab stops on a slider, VoiceOver on Mac OS doesn’t speak anything. SLiders are workable if you use VO navigation though. But at least edit fields can be typed into! :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @jcsteh Yeah VO navigation still needs some love, that's a much bigger project and I've got no idea when it'll happen. Sorry to hear sliders are still acting goofy with VO, thought they'd already been fixed. I'll chase that up.
in reply to Scott

@jcsteh No worries! We still have the old way as a plan B! :) Cockos guys have gotten us so far already! :)

Disability:IN Announces 2024 Inclusion Awards with Winners in 12 Categories…

Color me surprised.…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Hugo Awards Disqualification Statement…

in reply to David Goldfield

They're not a bad program. I would warn folks that since the computers are donated, they might not be the latest and greatest.-t

Master these Windows 11 features to supercharge your efficiency…

Celebrating 34 Years of the ADA and Explaining the Latest DOJ Web Accessibility Regulations! - Blind Institute of Technology…

The First Doctor and Steven reunited…

Do y'all have any suggested resources for writing a resume when you're career switching?

:drgn_think: Why on earth have we failes to make it easy to hook up our most sophisisticated document renderers to locally running applications, while it is trivially easy to point them at some centrally hosted application on any other computer.

No localhost isn’t the solution, why can’t the application talk to the browser without involving the network?

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Slatian

I think I understand, but I think a separate local web server that accesses the sockets used by any number of applications to “translate “ this protocol to HTTP is probably a better solution than teaching a browser to use this new sockets-based protocol, simple as it may be.

This sounds similar to CGI and its cousins.

in reply to Seirdy

This is because the browser still needs an HTTP stack anyways, not just for browsing but just to keep its components and extensions up to date. Either way, it’s using the network. What you’re describing is better for a basic webview than a full-fledged browser.

Cool OSPO job at UC Davis, within the library system, focused on sustainability. This could be really interesting for the right person. CLOSES THURSDAY so pull the trigger quickly if this is you.

#getfedihired #OpenJobs #opensourcejobs cc @jobs @osjobhub


Kinda tired out tonight, so obviously I spent it doing a bunch of art stuff and then I made a fake safety infographic as side content for my game projects, instead of actually working on those.…

El futbol llanero devora las chinampas de Xochimilco:

Desde hace más de una década en cientos de chinampas ya no se siembra, se juega futbol. Ya sea porque los propios chinamperos decidieron cambiar los cultivos por balones o porque otros fueron despojados de sus tierras. Se trata de una zona declarada Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad.