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“You possess an energy you do not understand?”

“Yes, silly, isn't it? Only my professor at the Academy seemed to understand it.

— Monarch and the Doctor, in “Four to Doomsday”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Mám v telefonu 5 instant messaging aplikací:
• Messages - ano, SMSky, ale díky RCS už to má blíž k IM aplikacím; tohle aspoň občas používají všichni
• Google Meet - to minimálně v mém okolí nepoužívá nikdo :)
• Viber - příčetnější část rodiny
• WhatsApp - zbytek rodiny, řemeslníci; se skřípěním zubů
• Signal - pár dalších kámošů

A musím říct, že z toho úplně happy nejsem 🙁
Jak jste na tom vy?

in reply to Martin Bodlák 💙💛

Mně stačí Matrix na
Díky mostům na Telegram, Signal, Whatapp, Messenger atd. stačí jedna aplikace.

Bugfix rate in the #curl project is currently racing to an all-time high.

(yes, presumably this also means we insert more bugs as well as there need to be something to fix...)


I hate it when I'm talking to myself and suddenly realise I wasn't listening, and then I have to start all over again.

The Unrequited Love
of an Olympic Pole Vaulter

I guess
it wasn’t
to be

your bar
was set
too high
for me

it’s been
four years
since we
last met

and I
got over
you yet

I still have never used an AI tool to help me develop.I see fancy demos all the time. I see nothing I want to use.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

They feed those tools answers from SO don't they? Do they program it somehow to recognize when the answers are wrong? Do they take age into account? When I ask it to hack me out some C++ metaprogram is it going to give me a constexpr based one or some C++03 TMP monstrosity? I used to write those.

I mean...I don't use the thing because I care if my code works and isn't ancient on birth. :p I also rarely actually GOT answers when I actually asked instead of answered. Yeah, about tha

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I think you are correct at this point. Copilot offers me what I want 5% of the time. 45% I see where it’s going but no. 50% is just garbage, even going against intellisense. Overall that makes me slower. Claude is supposed to be better.

I've spent these last few years deciding what I'd change my name to if I had the ability to do so. A few days ago, I finally decided on Hugo.

CI/CD (Continuous Irritation / Continuous Disappointment)

#dobréRáno priatelia fediversa a pekný deň.. dnes je piatok a veci sa menia, dnes asi teda mám predsa len voľno..

IF Amazon charged an extra percentage for DRM-free EBooks, I'd pay it.
in reply to Andre Louis

Not if that extra goes to Amazon and not the authors. Then they're just pulling in cash because they can. I won't pay a "your shit sucks and you don't care" tax.
in reply to Simon Jaeger

@simon it does feel like a blind tax.
Publishers and authors can't often even sell separately because of the restrictions from things like Kindle unlimited and whatnot. it's a stupid situation. An eBook should be readable by anything, ripe for Braille transcription due to UEB supposedly disambiguating everything and yet there's all these pissing contests over DRM going about.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @simon IMO Amazon is the tech company most deserving of antitrust scrutiny, and it doesn't get any.

Audible/kindle are so large that they can do almost anything they want, and what they do is plainly anticompetitive.

What we get instead is petty squabbles over who gets the 30% cut from a Spotify subscription and laws that make iOS devices less secure.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki @cachondo @simon Can't really disagree on Amazon, but also can't really agree re Apple. In particular, the whole "you can only use WebKit" thing is *not* just about security. There are perhaps some security arguments with regard to alternative app stores, but Apple are also spreading a whole bunch of near FUD because it suits their agenda.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @cachondo @simon I don't really disagree on the WebKit aspect. I'm not saying there should be 0 regulation, some policies (like the one forbidding developers from freely linking to their websites for purchasing), don't lie well with me.

If I wanted sideloading, I would buy Android though.

in reply to Sean Randall

@miki Amazon MP3 is DRM-free, Apple did this first I believe or at least early on, Apple of all people, so why are EBooks still locked down in this idiotic, evil manner?
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in reply to Andre Louis

@cachondo @simon Short answer, because they can be.

Amazon pretty much controls both the distribution market and the reader market, so there are no compatibility challenges and no downsides to doing it this way.

Compare that to e.g. Poland, where the market is a lot more fragmented, you have dozens of publishing companies and ebook stores, dozens of ebook reader brands, and customers that want to use all possible combinations of these.

The only way to make that possible is offering PDF, epub and mobi downloads, as well as using watermarking as a piracy deterrent instead of DRM.

FediMeta, FediNuke

Sensitive content

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in reply to Seirdy

FediMeta, FediNuke
what's fedi nuke? that hashtag shows nothing else but this post on my instance
in reply to the esoteric programmer

re: FediMeta, FediNuke

@esoteric_programmer this article describes FediNuke. A subset of a subset of the blocklist, with receipts, for the worst instances on Fedi. It’s designed to be suitable for new admins who don’t know a good starting point but are wary of most blocklists.

The linked article describes how it’s made and the criteria I use. The bar for inclusion is higher than most lists: staff with Nazi imagery, staff participating in targeted harassment campaigns against marginalized users by sending shock content and sui-bait, staff posting anti-Black and antisemitic racial caricatures, etc. are all common reasons to end up on the list.

You can either scroll through receipts and pick which instances you want to block, or just import and review later.

This post is being typed using a BrailleSense 6!
in reply to Kyle Smith

Nice! You could probably put Tusky on the braille sense and post directly from it.

Wow! It's been a while since I've installed adobe reader. Is there a better way to read PDF's these days with screen readers? Edge is awful so I'm going the adobe rout and wowie do they try to force add ons on you! Sneaky brats!! It pays to look for checkboxes during an install I guess and make sure they're all unchecked.
in reply to Amy

@DavidGoldfield Try Bookworm:…
in reply to Amy

You ran into that check box for installing Mcafee Security around the same time I did and I forgot to check for it. For PDF files, I use the Biblos Braille Word Processor. It probably won't help with fillable forms but for general reading it's fine. I also use it for Epub files.
My instance of MalwareBytes Browser Guard initially blocked the site, claiming that it detected a trojan but VirusTotal only listed 1 out of 95 vendors which flagged the URL as being malicious.

Kiosks, touch screens and physical devices: a couple of issues and good examples for physical and screen reader accessibility for ATMs, kiosks, charging pole for electric vehicles, etc., and what the European Accessibility Act requires for such devices

One would expect progress to go forward, not backwards. 🙄…

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in reply to ttyS1

@ttyS1 At least now they have some working water taps after security - they removed them during covid.

Sovereign Tech Fund Preparing Fellowship Program For Open-Source Maintainers…

#OpenSource #fellowship

A quick accessibility review of the new Lenovo Tab Plus…

Screen Reader Basics That Both Blind and Sighted Should Know…

After the Afternoon break, last set of talks for today, in Bada the traditional 'Lightning Talks' by a multitude of speakers, the 'Cloud team BoF' (There is no cloud, it’s just someone else’s computer... But it can still run Debian says the summary) in Pado, and in CEO the 'Cloud team BoF' will bring together everyone who is into Kernel to discuss everything about kernel (not streamed) #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

For anyone looking for a Password Manager, I would seriously give Bitwarden a try. It has been around for a good while, but I first heard about it when Glen Gordon demonstrated it in FSCast.
If Glen has good things to say about an application, I always take a great deal of notice. He was the one who told me first about the Everything program which I use every day and which I've encouraged plenty of other blind people to use.
Perhaps I should write a lot more about the tools I use to get jobs done under Windows.

Back to the story, I've never ever got on with 1Password. I don't know why that is but I never found it easily usable under Windows.
Bitwarden is highly accessible and easily usable with JAWS. There is a great deal of configuration, and it does save you remembering different passwords. It also generates them for you, can populate the various fields if that is what you want, and you can launch sites previously stored.
There's a great deal more you can do with this app.
Glen does give some good tips about how to access the various alerts including shortcut keys and where to find them.

So again, if that is something people are wanting, it's an excellent option.

reshared this

in reply to Brian Hartgen

I tried it and I gave up. After clean Windows interface of KeePass this webby thing seemed to me just inconvenient. Virtual cursor on, virtual cursor off, focus jump, no real folder tree… no for me, but it's just my opinion.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion keepass is less functional, but I have full control of my data, it's open source and does what I need.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @menelion You can self-host Bitwarden and have the same amount of full control over your data.
in reply to Jayson Smith

@jaybird110127 @menelion and the portability of accessing the same database on Windows, ubuntu, android, iOS and fireOS?
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @menelion What you do is host your own Bitwarden server. Then all your clients connect to that server rather than the official one run by Bitwarden themselves.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @menelion And in case you're worried about hackers breaking into your server, Bitwarden does all encryption in the browser or client, so even if hackers stole your entire Bitwarden database, all they'd have is a bunch of encrypted blobs of data and no way to decrypt them.
in reply to Jayson Smith

@jaybird110127 @menelion IDeal and, if at any time I need a hosted solution that's almost certainly what I'd go for
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @menelion And another thing, since the encryption is done client side, even if a hacker replaced your copy of the Bitwarden server with his own evil, malicious copy that does who knows what, it wouldn't do him any good as he would still only get access to encrypted data.
in reply to Jayson Smith

@jaybird110127 @cachondo but the interface is still… not what I'd expect, let's put it like this. I spend way too much time to find a password in a folder.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion @jaybird110127 9 times out of t10 I just whack my auto-type hotkey on desktop. I only actually have to open keepass for 2FA, to get files out of my database etc.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @jaybird110127 Oh, you probably mis-understood. I'm a KeePass user for many years, and although BitWarden is very tempting because it's cross platform, its interface is still not friendly to me.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion @cachondo @jaybird110127 Have you tried the Bitwarden desktop app? I haven't used it myself as I use either the command-line tool or most often the web interface. Not sure how usable the desktop app is or isn't.
in reply to Andrew Hodgson

@andrew @cachondo @jaybird110127 Yes, I was talking about the desktop app. It's basically the web version wrapped into a Windows app. Would you elaborate about command-line, maybe this will be more convenient for me?
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion @cachondo @jaybird110127 I'm not surprised about the desktop app to be honest. Here is info on the CLI:

‘Sensational breakthrough’ marks step toward revealing hidden structure of prime numbers…

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Viernes. Y ya me queda menos para coger vacaciones. El último día que me toca trabajar es el 14, así que con hoy son 9, y luego cojo unas buenas vacaciones.

Talks at 3:30 PM (KST) (06:30 UTC) in #DebConf24 are 'Quickly Test Your Kernel with GitLab CI' in Bada, 'Ideas to Move Debian Installer Forward' in Somin, and 'preserving other build artifacts' in Pado. The 'Debian India BoF' (not streamed) is held in CEO #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Utah State University to open national center for digital accessibility of learning materials | StateScoop…

Join us at 3:00 PM (KST) (06:00 UTC) for 'A web service for building your own customized Debian live image' in Bada. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

After the break we return with 3 streamed talks at 2:30 PM (KST) 05:30 UTC) : 'deepin Linux: A Journey through Development and Packaging' in Bada, 'Debian Installer Usability Tests - Take 2' in Somin, and 'Past, Present and Future of Networking in Debian' in Pado. The '2nd Python Bof' held in CEO is non-streamed. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Konec Jaromíra Soukupa. Přišel definitivně o vliv na TV Barrandov. To je tak, když vsadíš na Okamuru, nebo zlodědka.…
in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

teda, v tom článku to popisují docela dramaticky. Zlomil vaz, přišel o srdeční záležitost,… Přitom před časem dal v jednom podcastu jasně najevo, že se toho chce zbavit 😀

in reply to Wolf70 🐺🐺🐈🐈

Chudáci hafani, místo abys je pustil dovnitř, jako každý den, tak musí najednou za sklem koukat, jak se jim tam roztahujou nějaký kočky. Styď se! 😁
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

In case anyone who cares missed this, based on user feedback, I updated my AxSHammer Firefox add-on to add "Kill all aria-label" and "Kill all ARIA roles". As always, this could do as much harm as it does good, so if it breaks anything, you get to treasure all the little pieces.…
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reshared this

in reply to Jamie Teh

as a web developer, this tool seems immensely helpful, thank you

The feeling of fixing 2 broken tests at the end of a work day

New entry in my “uses” page:

usvg is an SVG compiler, and one of the most under-appreciated tools I use. It compiles complex SVGs into simpler path-based SVGs. Edge-case SVGs may render incorrectly in some renderers (e.g. librsvg), but compiling them with usvg tends to iron these edge-cases out and make them more compatible. usvg is part of the resvg project, which is the most conformant SVG renderer I know of (and much smaller than librsvg if you include dependencies!).

I’ve sent all the SVGs on through usvg, and rasterized many of the emotes on with resvg.

(sorry for the delete-redraft; I posted the wrong link and the link preview didn’t update when I edited!)


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in reply to Seirdy

oh and both resvg and usvg are written in the orange crab language, which i know a lot of people on this network like.

If there isn't a restaurant on the Microsoft campus in Redmond called "Ctrl+Alt+Deli", an opportunity was missed.
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reshared this

I'm British so have never heard of a "DEI hire". They make it sound like it's about hiring people that are not qualified, so I can only assume it stands for Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka.

in reply to kb

@donkeyblam yeah it’s one of the pre-configured config files you can use to build the font. the website makes it easy to generate it.

Предупреждаю всех пользователей WSL! Пожалуйста, делайте мою ошибку, и регулярно сжимайте ваши VHD диски. WSL тупо не умеет сама шринкаться до определённого размера, кога увидит, что в виртуальном диске есть что шринкать. Я вчера, дорогие мои подписчики, сломал себе мозг в поиске виновника, жрущего аж 345 Gb места на диске, чтобы в итоге выяснило, что виновник сей Wsl, и что нужно именно сжать файлик vhdx. Держитесь, и не повторяйте моих ошибок.
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

теоретически уже умеет:…
…но практически есть прошлогодние жалобы, что портит данные, и решения не наблюдается:…

Так что лучше ручками 👀

in reply to D:\side\

@dside Мда. Я и автоматический вариант не рассматривал как вариант.