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I wish vector search as a thing would die, or return to the back seat and let traditional indexing things have the first shot.

"oh but vector search is great because it clusters similar concepts!"

Yeah you know what concepts are similar? Different names, different model numbers for things, things that are related to _but different from_ what I searched for.

If I search for "morgan", a result for "morton" is a bad result. If I search for "atari ste", a result for the atari falcon is bad.

in reply to Dave Anderson

I swear half the degradation in websearch these last few years isn't due to content farming and SEO spam, it's purely that search engines collectively decided that people were searching with the wrong words, and that giving them results that are loosely about the broad chunk of concept space near the thing they asked about is better than giving them what they fucking asked for.

Sure, tell me about related concepts. Separately from the results for the sodding word I searched for.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Nunca pensei dizer isto: O Pedro Nuno Santos está cheio de razão e não pode aprovar um orçamento de estado nestas condições. A proposta do IRS e socialmente injusta e não resolve nada, mesmo numa perspectiva mais de direita, as alterações de IRC só acrescentam borlas a quem já pouco contribui e muito deveria.

If you run any service, you should try to use it without #google from time to time.

Just log out from Google for a week and observe how your service works. Maybe you realize, that you prepared a nightmare service for ungoogled customers.

in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

For example this youtuber invested into his own video service to be less dependent on youtube. But if you try to log into your existing account without google, you have to pass the #reCaptcha purgatory.
What an irony...

And for some reason they log you out after several days, so nextime you want watch other released episode you have to pass reCaptcha again...
I am sooo annoyed by this...

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Hello Stroongers!
Here's part two of #StroongeCast where we answer some user comments about us as a couple, expound more upon the peeling of the orange, discuss our respective mother-in-laws, talk about whether hugging is more of a cultural thing perhaps, and get interrupted twice.

PS. Stick around until *after* the closing music for a little outtake...

For those who want to listen elsewhere, we're pleased to announce that we have an RSS feed so you can paste this into your podcatcher of choice, be that Apple Podcasts, downcast, Overcast etc.

Orange Responses (and then some)
Download here:…
RSS feed:…

in reply to Andre Louis

I tested the feed on the PC in luna RSS, in downcast, and in overcast on the phone. I haven't checked to see if the straight podcasts app will eat it or find it.. but I did dump it on my VR Stream for fun, and into my BTSpeak and both blindy products ate it like achamp.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Long read but the TL;DR is basically that SaaS is the canary in the coalmine for the #growth fallacy. The arithmetic is so simple it boggles the mind how this mindset came to dominate in the first place: Growth stagnates for these megacorps because there's no more customers. Once you're on 95% of all PCs there's simply no remotely reasonable way to keep growing, let alone grow faster, yet that's what these supposed "business geniuses" expect.… #EdZitron #tech #business

I'm so tired of reading takes on moderation that begin and end with "decide what content I see". That's not even half the question.

It's not about what I see. It's about who can see me. I want to be in control of who has access to me.

For all of it's myriad flaws, activitypub does actually do that, somewhat. And other protocols just don't. Either they're 1:n, 1:all, or all:all. It's so baffling to me that this is the only option that even attempts to do 1:some.

in reply to Jenniferplusplus

And it's even more baffling that no major implementation has actually taken advantage of that. Followers only should be just the beginning of how you control who're speaking to, not the end.

Every time someone creates an alt on this network as a way to partition their posts to specific audiences should be understood as a failure to live up to the best promise of activitypub.

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in reply to Jenniferplusplus

It's insane to me that Mastodon prides itself on privacy-friendlines, and there's still no followees-only option. X has that, for GOd's sake.

I wish eSpeak on IOS could handle higher speech rates. Anything past 75 percent just sounds weird.

Okay y'all, I need to understand this. So someone said that a Pixel 8 is faster than an iPhone 15. Can someone help me understand why someone would say such a thing? The iPhone 15 has a much better SOC than even the Pixel 9, and Google has said that they aren't pushing for benchmarks. This person is using a screen reader, TalkBack and VoiceOver. Meanwhile, to me, the Pixel 8 feels even slower than my iPhone SE 2020, and the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE. Like I guess it could be their way of coping with Android, but I mean there are people who genuinely like it. And yes, it has LLM image descriptions now, so I mean there are people that will put up with it just for that feature. But, meh, sometimes people are unknowable.

#Android #iOS #accessibility #blind

in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

@fireborn Have you tried Prudence or CSR? Taht really shows you how responsive your Pixel can be. No idea why Talkback can be so sluggish sometimes. I mean, it's been much better in the last while, but man!
in reply to Just Martin

@mcourcel Turning off handle gestures in talkback in developer settings helps
in reply to aaron

@fireborn @mcourcel Wait, what is this setting and what does it do? What breaks if you have it off?
in reply to Mason

@Mason @mcourcel Nothing. In fact more breaks with it on, considering that with it enabled, on some devices double tapping will simply fail to work.
in reply to Mason

@Mason @mcourcel yup, so turning it off is something I would recommend everyone do, as it's on by default.
in reply to Mason

@Mason @mcourcel I think it was added in talkback 14 but dont quote me on that
in reply to Just Martin

@mcourcel Prudonse not so much, it’s modified talkback, but csr really does increase performance.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn I'd love to pay for CSR, but you just send a guy some money? Seems suspect to me.
in reply to Just Martin

@mcourcel I've bought it for 8 devices or there abouts and have never had an issue.
in reply to aaron

@mcourcel Even so, for most people the free version will offer more than enough.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn @mcourcel My issue is that both of the Isp's I use, although I suspect they're both Spectrum, that I use at work and home block CSR's license confirmation thing. Maybe they use Baidu, but I don't know. So I'd have to be on cellular to verify, and since the ESim is in the iPhone, I don't wanna deal with all that. Although maybe I could use the hotspot? I suspect I'm one of very few users that run into this, however.

Veo cantidad de gente hablando del "consumo desmesurado" de energía de la IA –aunque en realidad se refieren a la IA generativa, por cierto– cuando ésta representa un porcentaje relativamente bajo –sobre el 10% la última vez que lo vi– del consumo energético de los centros de datos, que a su vez representa entre el 2% y el 3% del consumo energético global. Es decir, que estaría entre el 0,2% y el 0,3% del consumo energético mundial.

Por comparar, el transporte marítimo de mercancías representa casi el 9% del consumo energético mundial, y la práctica mayoría se obtiene a partir de combustibles fósiles. Y a menudo transportan productos del otro lado del planeta solo para ganar un céntimo más por unidad.

No sé, por poner las cosas en perspectiva...

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Ist die Geschichte von der Ehebrecherin und dem „wer ohne Sünde ist, werfe den ersten Stein“ noch „Allgemeinbildung“?
Mir fiel gerade auf, diese Geschichte funktioniert heute wahrscheinlich nur noch schwer, weil ich mich im Gespräch mit einer anderen Person evtl erst über die Definition von „ehebruch“ einigen müsste. Und wahrscheinlich ist das heute auch fließend. Und ich glaube, ich habe zum ersten Mal ne Ahnung was Konservativen da Angst macht 1/2.
in reply to MörtelMönch

Den Text habe ich nie verengt auf sexuelle Beziehungen verstanden/ gelesen...da steckt doch ne Menge Gesellschaftskritik drinnen.
#Bibel #Evangelium #FediKirche

Unexpected screen reader behavior: TalkBack incorrectly alters the focus when no more reading control exists…

Už mě zase mobilní operátor přivítal v zahraničí, správně napsal jméno navštívené země a pak přidal spoustu informací o tom, za kolik se volá "po celé EU," přestože Norsko v EU nikdy nebylo.
in reply to Ondřej Surý

@ondrej ano, to samozřejmě vím, stejně jako Island a Lichtenštejnsko. Ale není to EU. Stejně tak není v EU Velká Británie, přesto ta zpráva (a naštěstí i ceny služeb) vypadají stejně.

Přitom by stačilo to zprávu formulovat třeba takto: "Užívej si v {země}. I tady, stejně jako v celé EU máš ceny jako doma…"

in reply to Ondřej Caletka

Vidíš, a to já už si ani nepamatuju, jak vypadá volání v UK.

Máš pravdu, ale asi je pro operátora jednodušší napsat EU než zmateným lidem vysvětlovat co to znamená EHP nebo ESVO ;).

айтишники странные..

типа, они реально работают вот с этим?

ПО — пасмурный очкарик
ОЗУ – очень злая улитка
ОС – острый сырок
ЦПУ – целевой паучий умысел
ПК – пентаграмма кашелотов

Muy interesante y necesario el debate que han abierto en @humanite_fr: ¿cómo reconquistar el mundo del trabajo frente al Rassemblement National? En las últimas legislativas muchos trabajadores y trabajadoras se abstuvieron o votaron mayoritariamente a la extrema derecha.…


Me: I’m gonna save so much money by not drinking alcohol or coffee

Tea: may I offer myself as a special interest ?

Me: :TakeMyMoney:

Zajtra u nás končí čašníčka s ktorou som robil celé leto aj jar, ide robiť na inú prevádzku manažérku, bude mi chýbať lebo sa s ňou dobre robilo a bola taká fajn normálna.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I finished hearing the last Living Blindfully episode this afternoon. I'll miss the show dearly, but what a high note to go out on. Well done to @JonathanMosen and everyone who has helped make the show as special as it was.

V dnešní době doslova na koleně vzniká různý open source hardware. Dnes jsem narazil na digitání fullframe fotoaparát. Vývoj ještě není u konce a v podstatě na něm děla převážně jeden člověk. Výstupy již však jsou. Je to fascinující co všechno lze "doma" dnes vyrobit.

Hey @Tutanota, where’s the “not spam” button? I can’t find it anywhere and I keep getting legit emails wrongly marked as spam.



meine kopffe

edit: či koppfe?

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Němčina je pro mě španělská vesnice. Umím říct snad jen Das ist meine scheiße. Takto bych reagoval pokaždé, když na mě někdo promluví německy. Bohužel se mi to občas stává. Bohužel někdy i v případě, kdy promluvím jako první anglicky. Buď mi chybí "východní" přízvuk, nebo fakt vypadám jak Němec.
in reply to DonBahno

pre mňa tiež a na škole mi vôbec nešla a nemal som ju rád, príde mi strašne komplikovaná a zbytočne (niečo ako Slovenský jazyk). Stretávam sa stým že drvivá väčšina Nemcov/Rakúšanov vedia aj anglicky a aj úplne úplne starý vedia niečo povedať. Už si sa aklimatizoval a máš aj rovnaký štýl obliekania a plus si blonďák...?
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in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@DonBahno keď sa ale "snažím" pri stole "hovoriť" nemecky pôsobí to vtipne a tu a tam aj niečo zo seba v nemčine dostanem, je to také no, win win haha (Ich nicht sprechn sie deutche... 🤦‍♂️ asi tak)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

To bych neřekl, nejsem ani blonďák, ani nemám modré oči, jsem jen vyžraný, ale to jsou stereotypy. Já maturoval z angličtiny za 1, ale z němčiny jsem byl rád za čtyřku, fakt mi to nešlo. Ale upřímně nevím, jak vypadá a jak se oblíká typický Němec. Stejně jsme všichni namixovaní. Ani v Nizozemí se mi nepodařilo přijít na to, jak vypadá typický Nizozemec. Možná prodavači herynků, stroopwafels a sýrů na trzích jsou tomu nejblíž.
in reply to DonBahno

keby postavíš osádku výletnej lode američanov/nemcov vedľa seba tak tam rozdiel bude, aj medzi rumunmi/nórmi/holanďanmi atď ale zase keby to premietneš na jednotlivca sa ten rozdiel stratiť môže to je pravda.
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in reply to Leonieke

Wat ik jammer - maar oplosbaar! - vind is dat er geen #kaart bestaat waarop je zelf met #fiets of #lopend een #route kan uitstippelen die je langs een aantal van deze #kunstwerken brengt.

Het dichtst wat daar bij komt is een kaart van waarop kunstwerken staan vermeld maar nu nog erg leeg is. Deze huisjes staan er bijvoorbeeld niet op. Het oplosbare bestaat eruit dat mensen ze wel zelf kunnen toevoegen. 😉 #DenHaag…

in reply to Hees Daman


@leonieke @MapComplete

Voor de duidelijkheid: #MapComplete werkt op/met dezelfde database waar heel veel apps op werken: (de Wikipedia van kaarten). Wat je toevoegt komt dus uiteindelijk bij iedereen terecht. Doen dus!

in reply to Sass, David

NIS2 is not regulation, it's a directive. That means NIS2 alone is not a thing for businesses, it's a thing for the governments - as each member state has to transpone the directive into a nation state legislation. E. g. I don't care the NIS2 alone, however I am looking for the novelisation of the Slovak Cybersecurity law.

This long intro brings me to conclusion I can't imagine any EU directive to be mandatory (for adoption) by default to Switzerland.

Today is a special day for the @libreoffice community.

14 years ago, we decided to take a bold step and create LibreOffice, the best open source office suite.

Since then, we've managed to take LibreOffice to the top of the open source community and release 29 versions with incredible features and match our interoperability in the market.

Congratulations to the LibreOffice Community of developers, marketers, documenters, advocates, managers and, above all, our loyal users.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Zajímavý rozhovor o online komunikaci, end-to-end šifrování a Signalu. Velmi odlišný přístup např. od Telegramu. #kybez…

I'm staying in Sunnyvale and it looks like I might have tomorrow evening free. If anyone in the bay area would be interested in catching up, let me know.

No, takže v našem okrese zvítězil kandidát hnutí ANO. Hnus.
in reply to Archos

@archos Samé tragédie. Myslím, že brzo bude republika celá světle modrá.
in reply to Robin Bedrunka 🐞

Ještě taková blbka, jí znám z hokeje. Tam vždycky řvala sprostě. :-)

My house isn’t messy, it’s just sorted by Date Last Modified

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Q: if you are currently a full-time software developer, have any specific results from software engineering research in the last 20 years changed how you analyze requirements, design or write code, deploy it, monitor it, organize teams, or track work? Please note: I'm not asking about indirect improvements (e.g., better static code analysis => better linting tools) or about impact of research in other fields (e.g., ML coding assistants). Thanks in advance for on-topic replies.
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The complaint against LAPD for raiding a medical imaging place bc they thought it was a grow op, getting their rifle stuck to the MRI, and quenching the magnet is jaw dropping even for regular cop incompetence…

(Edit: direct PDF link:… )

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If copilot was so good, why can't it detect spam on Github ?

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Najhoršie je ojebávať sám seba.
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in reply to Tytkoslovakia

meine vogel (tak to som povedať nechcel ale máš pravdu, malo to byť moje slová) :kekw:
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Could the teenage engineering people please jump the shark somehow so I can somehow stop coveting anything rolling past that's even vaguely adjacent to their staked-out esthetic.…

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