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'The BBC has confronted a neo-Nazi in Finland who shared online instructions on how to commit arson with UK rioters during the summer.'

On his Telegram accounts, Mr Rasanen celebrates Hitler and promotes a neo-Nazi group called the Nordic Resistance Movement'

Just how sucked up is this young man,, Hitler would have had him shot for the colour of his skin.

Racist are as thick as 2 short planks

in reply to Merry Christmas

I've given up on stupidity.
My family drove to vote for Brexit down a Welsh road paid-for by the EU, and they still thought their 98% white british population was being overrun by forreigners. You just can't fix stupid.
If they'd had a reasonable case, even if I disagreed with it, i could've gotten behind them. But they didn't, and doing things just because you're told bothers me more than most things.
in reply to Sean Randall


Many of my Brothers and Sister and their partners voted Brexit because of immigrants, given one of my Sisters who voted because of immigrants has a Greek daughter in Law and 3 half Greek Grandchildren and a half Polish Grand child all living in the UK than and now, all I can say is you can't fix racists.

It broke my heart and we are still not talking.

Five Cable TV Networks That Are Most Likely to Shut Down in the Second Half of 2024, Including Freeform & Boomerang – Updated October 2024…

Spectrum Offers Free Wi-Fi at 90,000 Access Points Following Hurricane Helene…

We're changing the dates a little: we remove #hyper support from #curl already in the first release of 2025:…

Eight years ago I started collecting #curl credit screenshots, and it has grown into a pretty fun set:…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

@markd Well, you could start by asking for a sample of each product that uses it. That'll net you an A380, for starters!

Stadt @koeln und der KölnMarathon bereiten in diesen Tagen den am Sonntag stattfindenden Marathon vor. Dabei werden schon jetzt entlang der 42 km langen grünen Markierung Absperrmaterialien auf der Radverkehrsinfrastruktur eingelagert. Hauptsache der Autoverkehr ist nicht betroffen.

Die von Behörden registrierte Gewalt gegen Obdachlose ist in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich gestiegen.

Today we celebrate German Unity Day!

On October 3rd in 1990, Germany became one, and became a truly democratic country. 🗳️

We are reminded that we can't take the freedoms we currently enjoy for granted, including privacy & the freedom of speech.

#germany #freedom #privacy #surveillance

in reply to Tuta

The real so called "Unification Day" (ger. Der Einigungs Tag) was 11.11.1990, but new government chooses different "official" date for it due to the historical very bad events that took place on that particular day in the past, which collides with this national, supposed to be happy, holiday. So officially is now the 3rd of October instead of the 11 November.
As for this "true democracy", well.. opinions are very different even now, as they were back then, few years after the event. 🤷‍♀️
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Tuta

Wovon träumt ihr?
Wir sind nicht ein Land geworden. Und mit der AFD kämpft eine Partei darum, die Demokratie abzuschaffen und die Macht zu ergreifen!

What do you dream of?
We have not become one country. And with the AfD, a party is fighting to abolish democracy and seize power!

Sindicatos de clase preocupados por las exigencias de aseguradoras privadas. Reconozco que esto no lo vi venir.

La asistencia sanitaria de los funcionarios, en el aire: las aseguradoras amenazan con abandonar Muface…

in reply to modulux

@modulux parece mentira que el funcionariado no esté en el sistema público. No tiene razón alguna el tema. Por cierto que la Casita Encantada también estuvo en una asewguradora y acabaron por negociar una integración a la seguridad social. Y menos mal porque me da a mi que si no íbamos a estar muchos en una situación bastante de mierda.
in reply to Juan CBS

Es un tema curioso de historia juriídico-administrativa, pero básicamente en España se empezaron a crear mutuas de accidentes, hubo unas leyes en 1900 y 1908 que fomentan estos sistemas, pero eran de adhesión voluntaria. En los años 40 se crea un seguro obrero forzoso, pero que no se aplica a los funcionarios. Los funcionarios tenían cierta protección social mediante los estatutos y leyes de función pública y los derechos pasivos, pero eran una mierda, y por eso crearon o continuaron estableciendo mutuas voluntarias propias, que además no suponían gasto al Estado. En los 60 la seguridad social incluye por primera vez un régimen especial de funcionarios, y en los 70, buscando una homogeneización del sistema, se engloba todo el tema de mutuas, para los funcionarios civiles del Estado, en una sola. Y desde entonces nadie ha querido tocar mucho, aunque hoy se considere un sistema a extinguir.

Let 6 minutes of James Meadway’s Macrodose (from 1:30 minutes to 7:30) eloquently walk you through:

“Our wildly complex industrial capitalist economy, developed over the last 200 years, and refined – as in the semiconductor supply chain – into systems of exceptional complexity, was built for times of environmental stability and abundant resources. Those times are now coming to an end.“

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

"Bier’s first hit app, TBH, was marketed to teenagers 'requested address book access before actually being able to use the app'. [...] Bier’s reputation for success is built on this growth hacking technique, so I understand why he is upset."
"Apple’s solution is imperfect. But if it stops the Biers of the world from building apps which ingest wholesale the contact lists of teenagers, I find it difficult to object."

#Apple #Privacy #SocialMedia #Tech

in reply to Reilly Spitzfaden (they/them)

IMO Apple's policy would have been exactly the right one, but only if it had been policy from the start.

As it stands, Apple basically took away contacts access for new apps while leaving existing apps unaffected. This is good in the short term and bad in the long term. Existing apps can make any changes they like (including changes to their privacy policies!) and it's going to be a lot harder to switch.

Se acerca el meetup de #xalapacode !
Si están cerca de #Xalapa (Veracruz) caiganle a la platica en la Facultad de Estadística e Informática de la #UV…

New Low Price: Score the Latest Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet for Only $75 Before Prime Day…

beta5 of NVDA 2024.4 is now available for download and testing. For anyone who is interested in trying out what the next version of NVDA has to offer before it is officially released,

In Beta 5 we have fixed an issue where the custom multiple key press timeout was not honoured when repeatedly pressing the NVDA key. There are also updates to translations.

Read more and download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #FOSS #PreRelease #NewVersion

For Users of Reaper: The Reaper Accessibility Hoard: Containing Various Reaper Resources…

Microsoft Office 2024 gets you new versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more, no subscription required…

Who Will Care for Americans Left Behind by #Climate Migration?

#HurricaneHelene was the latest in a generation of storms that are intensifying faster and dumping more rain as the climate warms. It's precisely the kind of event expected to drive more Americans to relocate as climate change gets worse — leaving behind those who are older, poorer and more vulnerable.

#News #ClimateChange #Hurricane #ExtremeWeather #Migration #Science #Flood

This is powerful, and will touch your heart! Grieving Mother Explains How 7-Year-Old Son 'Became My Hero' Just Before He Was Swept Away by Helene Floodwaters.…

in reply to Corey Quinn

Would You Please add a description (alt text) to this image? Thanks. #ALTforMe
in reply to Matt Campbell

It's a version of the IQ Meme. It shows a graph with a gaussian function representing IQ score on the X axis and percentage of people on the Y. The meme features a dumb looking drawing of a guy on the left, a crying nerd on top of the bell (middle of the graph), and a person looking like some sort of monk on the right. The title says "email address validation". On the person on the left (least IQ) reads "check if it has '@'". The crying nerd (average IQ) reads "3 full pages of one regular expression". The monk at the end of the graph (max IQ) reads "check if it has '@'".


So according to this thread, in addition to the AI resume screeners, I also have to contend with the fake job postings made as a fraudulent signal of growth to investors? Who cares if a thousand applicants waste their times applying?

No, sorry. The world is burning. I have more valuable things to do with my time than throwing resumes past AI screeners for fake jobs.

In related news, actively considering changing careers. Spent a few hours in court recently supporting families being mass-evicted by an Austin co-op. Even if the situation itself was bad, being present and wearing a support sticker felt like a better use of my time than continuing to build managed Postgres.

in reply to Nolan Darilek

The number of places in tech where you can really make a *positive* difference in the world and also get paid seem to be shrinking. Or at least we're increasingly more aware how many tech companies are happy to boil the oceans for a dollar.
in reply to ocdtrekkie

Yeah, kind of where my mind's headed with this. Maybe keep tech as a hobby, do something more meaningful as a career. Sad I couldn't make it work for both.

New: Two men stole more than $1 million from DoorDash workers by impersonating them with customer service, getting access to their accounts, then draining them. In some cases customer service workers were complicit, indictment says:…

At the smart suggestion of @deborahh the Wise, I added a one-time donation link to my profile. I'm a busker and arts creator, and income precarity is now my middle name, so if you've ever enjoyed my music or podcast posts, here's an opportunity to virtually drop money in my guitar case and receive my heart-felt gratitude.

A nice homage to the PC/GEOS operating system. Also lots of video clips that show how quick and zippy it was (remember, this thing is running on DOS-era hardware).…

in reply to Vertigo #$FF

I made so many homework assignments using its word processor, and even a little newspaper. I even sent them a letter, asking for an SDK in Pascal rather than C!

(I think that was part of why I decided to learn C back in the day)

Is it weird to be nostalgic about high pressure sodium lamps?

I really do miss the orange Glow and I only really see them during travel in other countries now