DM-5, DM-7, DM-550, DS-50, LS-3
@radiorobbe @svenja einer von euch beiden vielleicht? ;)
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El subidón que me da cuando veo el título del correo del "BOE nuestro de cada día" que manda @civio y sale "El gobierno nacionaliza..."
Después ya veo que nacionaliza a otro deportista y se me pasa
EDIT: Aunque se baje el subidón, "El BOE nuestro..." siempre es interesante.
TIL `curl --show-error`. How many times have I wanted this 😞
`--show-error` is great, it will output any error on standard error, which is a crucial as it allows you to write code like:
version=$(curl --silent --show-error | jq '.info.version')
If it succeeds, `jq` gets its input, but just as importantly, when it fails, the output isn't written into the `version` variable.
As always, read the *fine* manual at:
Cc: @bagder
@Hipska I don't think we can change that default without risking causing havoc in a bazillion scripts.
The error message is sent to stderr so you can catch it, and you can also get it with the -w option
My daughter’s friend just called me uncle, in English. I don’t run a shop!! 😂😂
– it’s an SEA thing, kids call all adults, including strangers, uncles or aunties. In Indonesia many of us use the Dutch loan words, oom and tante, and very rarely use the English words. Specifically in Malaysia and Singapore, non family aunties and uncles are more often people who run shops, food court stalls, or restaurants.
Oh well. My current #ttrpg campaign I might have crashed, but at least this means I can fantasize about new campaigns I want to run.
One recurring problem of running campaigns at my age (late 40s) is that it is hard to find a group where everyone can consistently show up for every session - we all tend to have different obligations.
So ideally you want to have a campaign framework where each player character has some excuse for being absent for any given adventure - and yet there should be some justification for why they can jump back in during the next session.
This pretty much rules "epic quests" with lots of travel out. In the past, I've ran campaigns where the PCs have a specific home base and explored their surrounding area. But I am curious how you handled the problem.
Which elements are put out by which screen reader, how does the output differ?
I've seen such an overview linked within mastodon a while ago. The web site contained a table with elements and their output in the three named screen readers.
Maybe one of you knows where I can find such an overview.
#ScreenReader #jaws #nvda #voiceover #a11y
Dexed, a free and open source VST/CLAP emulation of Yamaha DX7 is accessible now. Been having heaps of retro fun here, it's easy to load and tweak sounds. There's a decent collection of cartridges that come bundled with it (each cart contains a fistful of sounds), other collections are easy to find.
Tip for REAPER users, once a cartridge is loaded, the sounds on it can be scrolled through using the Presets combo box in your FX window. The Dexed developer has made their browser window nice and accessible, so if you're hopping through carts best to stay in there, I've just noticed it's a few less keystrokes to change sounds within the same cartridge when I'm revisiting the FX window is all.
Get it here:
Loads of extra carts here:…
Don't forget to promote the LibreOffice 2024 Schedule app!
LibreOffice reshared this.
This fancy glass plaque/trophy I got is really hard to photograph. "Microsoft MVP"…
«En un Estado de Derecho, las normas penales no tienen destinatario en función de qué colectivo hablemos, eso es derecho de excepción. Las normas penales son iguales para todo el mundo.
Impunidad es lo que ha pasado en Murcia, con los empresarios que han prostituido menores y se van a ir de rositas, y por cierto, el Partido Popular no ha dicho ni una palabra. Eso sí es impunidad».
📌 Ya puedes escuchar la intervención de Enrique Santiago en "La hora de la 1" TVE1
Application developers this month: What new features can I use in Python 3.13?
Open source library maintainers this month: What new features can I use in Python 3.9?
My favorite USB-C cables are on sale today. They support up to 240w charging and are 10 feet long. 6 foot USB-C cables are always just a bit too short. Plus they have a built in cable tie. I just ordered a few more for my backpack and around the house.
This is an affiliate link so I get a little bit of a kickback.
Diese finde ich allerdings dubios. Die einzige Forderung an die MPs: "Sorgen Sie dafür, dass das breite Informationsangebot in Fernsehen und Radio erhalten bleibt!"
Zudem ist völlig unklar, bei wem man unterschreibt, wer der Organisator ist.…
Er betont, dass es auch künftig eine Meinungspluralität im #ÖRR geben muss. Zudem betont er, dass es eine ausreichende Finanzierung geben muss. Falls er dabei bleibt, wäre viel gewonnen, auch wenn er oft im Ungefähren bleibt.…
Liminski sagt im #DLF etwas ganz Entscheidendes über den Widerspruch der Öffentlichkeit gegen die Reformen: in dem offiziellen Verfahren sind schon mehr als 2000 individuelle Eingaben eingegangen. Das ist gewaltig.
Bis Freitag könnt ihr auch noch Eure Meinung formulieren. Das ist zwar aufwändiger, als eine Petition anzuklicken, aber dies wird (anders als eine Petition) auch wahrgenommen.
@Tutanota What happens with my, when TLD .io disappears??
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