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As neither of the current Accessibility team representatives are able to log-in to, team meetings are suspended until further notice. Bug scrubs will continue to run as normal.

Totally fine!… #A11y


“We were trying to get to a show and got four Uber denials within a half-hour period. These denials happened after sending a message to the drivers letting them know that we would be traveling with a service animal.” – Guide Dog User in California, January 2024

This is one of many rideshare denials. End the discrimination. Respect our guide dogs and white canes. It’s our #RightToRide. #StopGuideDogDenials #Rideshare #Discrimination

an meine Followys in Köln. Wer kennt einen Location nähe Köln Hansaring, wo ich kommenden Mittwoch (16. Okt) abends, nach der Arbeit, nicht allein sein muss.

Bin die nächste Woche dienstlich in Köln und würde mich sehr freuen den Abend nicht allein meinen Gedanken auf dem tristen Hotelzimmer verbringen zu müssen.

Es geht mir wirklich in erster Linie um: Nicht allein sein. Ich muss nicht unbedingt neuen Bekanntschaften machen, es reicht schon ein Umfeld, wo nette Menschen zu Small Talk bereit sind. Hauptsache nicht allein auf dem Hotelzimmer.

Gern einen Boost und bei sehr konkreten Ideen auch eine direkt Nachricht.

Danke Euch ❤️
:boost_requested:​ ​:reboost:

OH: "Antibrumm"-Spray, aber gegen Autos statt gegen Mücken.

Budúci týždeň opäť dlhý plus vo štvrtok Piváreň, pravdupovediac už teraz sa mi nechce. Ten ďalší by som mohol robiť menej.
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Odpísal som na päť ponúk v podstate každá z nich sa mi páčila a keď sa uskromním si to budem môcť "v pohode" dovoliť. Tak to som zvedavý tiež.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Ozvali sa z jednej, aj to z tej čo je najďalej a čo sa mi najmenej páčila.

Jung, links, propalästinensisch – und am wenigsten antisemitisch

Eine neue Studie der Uni Mannheim zeigt: Der Antisemitismus-Vorwurf gegen linke Studierende geht »an den Tatsachen vorbei«. Zwischen propalästinensischen Einstellungen und Antisemitimus bestehe kaum ein Zusammenhang.…

вы бы стали жить в мире, где я буду правителем?

  • да (4%, 1 vote)
  • конечно (0%, 0 votes)
  • разумеется (9%, 2 votes)
  • сосиска (86%, 19 votes)
22 voters. Poll end: 3 weeks ago

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 15 updated and 1 added apps:

* BinEd - Binary/Hex Editor 🛡️

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

The repair works in the Mülheimer Brücke will not be done by November as promised and the new date is "end of March at the latest".
I know "I bet this construction work will not be finished on time" is not a particularly wild guess in Germany, but nonetheless: called it!

Excel, Word, PowerPoint und Co. sind mittelmäßig. Weil sie aber allgegenwärtig sind, muss die reale Welt an ihre Mittelmäßigkeit angepasst werden. Wie aber können wir dieser Abhängigkeit vom Mittelmaß entkommen?…

Ward Christensen, co-founder of first online BBS system and creator of XMODEM, dies at 78. Peace.

reshared this

Woohoo! It's a pity I haven't tried the #tuba #fedi client built with #gnome technologies earlier. It's verry accessible with a #screenreader. I am running it on the desktop using the keyboard to navigate.

Thanks to @ChristineMalec and some amazing friends, my slightly early birthday present yesterday was to go up in an Extra 300 aerobatic aircraft and experience roles, loops, etc. Even got to take the controls for a bit. This was a completely amazing experience. This is a two seater aircraft that is specifically designed for aerobatics. A video is coming as soon as I get it. There will also be an audio described version.
in reply to Just Martin

@mcourcel We are already talking about doing it again at some point. Not at all cheap though.
in reply to Jason Fayre

@mcourcel Just being there was exciting, but not as exciting as it'll be to do it myself on my birthday!
in reply to Jason Fayre

@mcourcel I wonder if there's a language with a word or concise expression for the joy we take in the happiness of our beloved.

Debian will participate in this year's December Outreachy round with the projects "Automatic Indi-3rd-party driver update" and "Migrate the Debian main website to HuGo". We are currently in the Intern selection period and are looking forward to start the work. See . #debian #outreachy

has anybody been able to explain why the spanish dystopian film series "platform" names its characters after seemingly random indonesian words (goreng, perempuan, kekasih, daging babi, imogiri, trimagasi/ terima kasih)...

Israel's ongoing massacre of Jabalia refugee camp is one of the most violent attacks on Palestinian people in a year of violent attacks, in 78 years of violent attacks.

People need to stop scrolling past these crimes of humanity. No more excuses. Or saying "it's complicated".

Everyday, Palestinian people are being slaughtered by Israel, and too many people don't care because they're racist shits who don't see Arabs/brown people as human.

(Yes, you, the person that will report me for this post, you are a racist shit)

@palestine #Gaza #Genocide #FreePalestine #AntiArabRacism…

I favourite a lot of cool stuff on Mastodon. I'd love a service to go through that stuff on a regular basis, pick some of it at random, and remind me of it. Maybe by email, DM, or whatever.

Note: last time I mentioned using favourites in this way, Mastodon's corrections brigade came out in force to tell me I should be using bookmarks instead. Please don't do that again.

in reply to James Scholes

you still can't export your favorites? What the hell is this?
in reply to Talon

I really like this idea though. I put it in my cool ideas.txt file which are full of ideas all of which I will definitely for sure get to within my lifetime.

To je brutál…
in reply to Archos

Není nějaký sestřih toho podstatného na cca ±10 minut? 🤔 96 minut nemám a posouvání je vlastně neodborný střih, kdy mi občas něco podstatného může uniknout 🤷🏻‍♂️, takže bych to nechal na odbornících 😊.
in reply to Ferda 😼✔️

Já moc velký odborník na střih videa nejsem, dělám to úplně stejně jako ty :-)) . Já jsem hlavně koukal na ten konec, na to zachycení.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Ferda 😼✔️

@ferda Vlastně stačí jen tohle… :-))
in reply to Archos

Super 👍🏻, dám si to ještě jednou 😊, to se neokouká 😁, díky 💚.

Had a conversation last week that went something like this:
Person A (marketing): we need to redesign our website so we can make it more informative
Me (CTO): great
Person B (PM): I have the old WordPress account info, maybe we could start over on that
Me: lol absolutely fucking not
in reply to Matt May

Have you decided what you're using instead?

My little company is also redesigning our website. We were already using WordPress, and we've started a new WordPress site. With everything Matt Mullenweg has been doing lately, I'm tempted to suggest using something else, but I don't know what. Having such a wide selection of themes and plugins is certainly convenient.

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Not yet, but I’m kind of a minimalist. It might just be a static site in Eleventy with a blog/newsletter hosted on Buttondown.

Hey, they did it! People have known for a long time that in 4 dimensions you can pack equal-sized balls so that each touches 24 others. In 2008 someone showed that's the best you can do. But in April this year, three mathematicians showed there's essentially just 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦 you can accomplish this!

This way is easy to describe. Take the points whose coordinates are all integers, together with those whose coordinates are all integers plus 1/2. Use each of these points as the center of a ball of radius 1/2. Then each ball touches 24 others. This pattern is called the 𝗗𝟰 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲.

The new result shows that if you pack equal-sized balls in 4 dimensions so that each touches 24 others, you're 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑑 to create a version of the D4 lattice - possibly rotated, translated and/or rescaled.

This sort of thing is hard to show: it took a lot of fancy math and two weeks of calculation on a standard desktop computer. I believe only other dimensions where we know a result like this are 1, 2, 8 and 24. In dimension 3 it's just false: you can pack equal-sized balls so that each touches 12 others, and this is the best you can do, but there are uncountably many different ways to do it!

We've spent decades trying different things to counter our rising domestic extremism problem. Good news: We've finally found a strategy that seems to work.…

Deutschland braucht mehr Einwanderung und eine großzügige Asylregelung.

Trápí mě taková existenciální otázka. Přejmenuje se Xfce, až bude plně podporovat Wayland? :-)
in reply to Jiří Pavlík

Xf v názvu pochází z toolkitu Xforms. Vzhledem k tomu, že to Olivier Fourdan přepsal do GTK už v roce 1999, změna názvu už má zpoždění čtvrt století. Dávno se to mělo jmenovat Gtce! 😃

I'm a little puzzled at the salience that is being given to the Apple conclusions on #LLM #reasoning when we have lots of prior art. For example: LLMs cannot correctly infer a is b, if their corpora only contain b is a. #Paper:

#AI #MachineLearning #logic

in reply to modulux

I think it's just people looking for confirmation, and the name apple attached somehow is giving that research more public light, when it really is just another paper on how to get better benchmark to study "reasoning" capabilities. I put reasoning in quotes since it means such different things depending on if you are in the field or not.
in reply to mnl mnl mnl mnl mnl

I tend to think so too. I suppose it shouldn't really surprise me, but I expected a bit more critical engagement.

There's lots of evidence on the limits of LLM reasoning, as well as pretty basic self-reference and so on (how many letters l does this statement include?). And yes, reasoning is being used rather technically in the sense of deductive inference.

Mé tažení světem ipv6 pokračuje. Po rozchození připojení doma jsem nahodil ipv6 i na jednom svém serveru. Další bod na TODO je: Vykoumat jak přiřadit ipv6 jednotlivým kontejnerům v dockeru.
in reply to Smoon

Přístup k jednotlivým webům přes ipv6 na serveru jsem rozchodil celkem snadno pomocí nginx proxy, kterou jsem používal už pro ipv4. Dokonce jsem dle návodu rozchodil i ipv6 mezi kontejnery. Ale jak udělat pro každý kontejner jinou ipv6 z vnějšku jsem zatím nevykoumal. Přeci jen si říkám, že když tich ipv6 adres mam tolik, tak by běl mít každý web svou ...

The current chaos in WordPress caused by Matt seems like a good time to remind folks that the Mastodon “community” websites and trademarks are 100% owned by one man, despite pleas from current and former project members to make Mastodon a foundation with a board.

reshared this

Remember this? Where ministers belonging to the biggest party in government were hellbent on deporting a sick child before his application could be approved but their coalition partners effectively vetoed it meaning the kid and his family got asylum?…

Well, it’s looking like this pissed that party’s MPs off to such an extent that the government has collapsed, meaning we’re about to have an election about the same time as the Americans.

K obědu dát guláš s pěti a pak jít na #cyklovylet, nebyl úplně dobrý nápad. K tomu ten silný vítr. No jsem rád, že už jsem doma 😀
in reply to Archos…

Tady je recept s anglickýma titulkama. Ona použila asi 2,5 kila brambor na 80 klusek. Porce pro dospělého člověka je dle mého odhadu tak 8-10 klusek.

Please also fix this on Android @Tutanota . The Calendar app theme is blue but the date of picker is always green; and the date picker does not match the app dark themes; it is terrible when using it at night and we have this bright rectangle hurting our eyes.
in reply to Marcos D. Alves

Hi there! Thanks for sharing, we will pass this on to the team.

"The lady at the charity shop today told me she wishes ppl wd clear out their kids' old toys in the lead up to Xmas rather than after because she always sees parents in the days before Xmas looking for toys for their little ones who might be strapped for cash. She said there's rarely anything in before, but they get many toys after.
If you know your child is going to get lots of presents for Xmas this year, by clearing out early you could make another child's Xmas a lot more special."

If only they had encrypted email 400 years ago! 😆

Ľuboš Moščovič reshared this.

Usuarios ciegos de linux. ¿Creéis que hoy en día es factible trabajar en un aula con Orca y software libre? O sí o sí tenemos que irnos a Windows o a Mac? Estoy escribiendo un artículo sobre esto, y no me gustaría meter la pata. Hace muchos años que no le doy otra oportunidad a Orca.

Hey, @modulux, tú sabes algo de la corrección de TWBlue para poder leer los posts de personas que tienen unicode en el nombre? es una putada esto. Es que no recuerdo el usuario de Manuel Cortés

A la vuelta de la manifestación por #viviendadigna me he encontrado con Francisco Aijon, el padre de uno de #Los6DeZaragoza y hemos estado hablando un poco.

Están intentando presionar al #psoe a través de #sumar para ver si hacen algo, pero por lo que comenta no hay mucha esperanza.

Cago en todo.

Que asco de vida.

Was lustig ist: jahrelang sagen die Verschwörungsmenschen, man wolle Chips in den Kopf pflanzen. Dann kommt Musk, der will das mit seiner Firma Neuralink probieren, und die jubeln ihm zu weil er Trump unterstützt.

In 2024 the Apple Mail client on the iPhone is still a gigantic pile of shit. But hey, everybody hate email now thanks to Google two-decades of trying to kill it.