Falls Ihr es noch nicht mitbekommen habt: ab 15. November nimmt sich x.com in den neuen TOS u.a. heraus, Eure evtl. noch existierenden Tweets zum Anlernen von AI zu nutzen.

Ich hab meine sämtlichen 30541 Tweets gelöscht mit dem hervorragenden Script github.com/lucahammer/tweetxer von @luca
In der Beschreibung ist sogar eine Video-Anleitung auf deutsch und englisch. Vielen Dank! Angenehm schmerzfrei.

(siehe auch techradar.com/computing/websit… und x.com/de/tos )

Version 1.3 of #Pipilo on #iOS is out. Pipilo is a unique Fediverse app where you view posts one at a time in a horizontal timeline.

Main new features are bookmarks support, upgraded link previews with inline YouTube videos, navigation by tapping screen edges, post translation, post deleting, and collapsible post threads.

Check it out, share and enjoy!

Full release notes: pipilo.thanel.me/changelog
App Store: apps.apple.com/us/app/pipilo/i…

Haptic’s touch-based navigation helps blind and sighted alike get around without looking techcrunch.com/2024/10/29/hapt…

📣 New blog post

✨ Sliding Sync at the Matrix Conference — mnt.io/articles/sliding-sync-a…

I have presented Sliding Sync, a novel, fast and efficient synchronisation mechanism for the Matrix protocol, at the first Matrix Conference in Berlin. It's been many many months that I'm working on this project, and I'm joyful it's now available to everyone for a better Matrix user experience!

The article contains the recording + slides. I've highlighted other talks too.

#matrix #RustLang

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

I don’t get political very often on here, but this is gold! And yes, since this election will have worldwide repercussions, many of us outside the U.S. definitely hope for a particular winner. youtube.com/watch?v=se-didBGn8…

#USPolitics #Election2024 #Harris

We just released a big update, with support for the following:

- Full Table of Contents (during export)
- Apple Intelligence Writing Tools (where available)
- New iOS Shortcuts (via Control Center and iPhone Action Button)

We also fixed a weird crash when dragging a project from Backup onto the Library. For full release notes, see ulysses.app/release-notes

New song by the fabulous Marsh Family for these trying times.

"Bohemian Trumpsody" - Marsh Family adaptation of "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen about trump.

How is this real life? Wish it was fantasy!
Ought to be landslide, not a race to the final week
Look in his eyes, it’s up to you guys, you see
He’s just a playboy, he feels no empathy
Because he’s kinda dumb, kinda slow
Little lie, shitty joke
Every single swing vote really really matters to liberty

Full lyrics at youtube.com/watch?v=YY_8WzcHqM…

Our goal is to make @libreoffice available in as many languages as possible, so the whole world benefits from a free and private office suite. And Jonathan Clark has joined our team, to work on improvements to language support: blog.documentfoundation.org/bl…

Was mir an #Thüringen gefällt?

Z.B. die #Investition in #digitaleSouveränität #FOSS #OpenSource #OpenTalk #Videokonferenz
#Verwaltung #Digitalisierung #digitalePrivatsphäre

Welcome Marwan Yassini as #curl commit author 1311: github.com/curl/curl/pull/1545…

@Friendica Support
Seit 1-2 Tagen werden Links aus der ARD Mediathek nicht mehr richtig eingebunden. Ist das nur bei mir so?


Why they’re a dying company: More than a quarter of new code at Google is generated by AI / AI is hugely important to Google’s products, & it sounds like the company relies on it internally, too.


What is "Amoc" and why is it so important?

The dangers of a collapse of the main Atlantic Ocean circulation, known as Amoc, have been “greatly underestimated” and would have devastating and irreversible impacts, according to an open letter released by 44 experts from 15 countries.

There are indications that Amoc has been slowing down for the last 60 or 70 years due to global heating. The most ominous sign is the cold blob over the northern Atlantic. The region is the only place in the world that has cooled in the past 20 years or so, while everywhere else on the planet has warmed – a sign of reduced heat transport into that region, exactly what climate computer models have predicted in response to Amoc slowing as a result of greenhouse gas emissions.

Another indicator is a reduction in the salt content of seawater. In the cold blob region, salinity is at its lowest level since measurements began 120 years ago. This is probably linked to Amoc slowing down and bringing less salty water and heat from the subtropics.

It is an amplifying feedback: as Amoc gets weaker, the oceans gets less salty, and as the oceans gets less salty, then Amoc gets weaker. At a certain point this becomes a vicious cycle which continues by itself until Amoc has died, even if we stop pushing the system with further emissions.

The big unknown here – the billion-dollar question – is how far away this tipping point is. It is very difficult to answer because the process is non-linear and would be triggered by subtle differences in salinity, which in turn depend on amounts of rainfall and cloud cover over the ocean as well as Greenland melting rates. These are hard to model accurately in computers so there is a big uncertainty relating to when the tipping point will be reached.

FULL ARTICLE -- theguardian.com/environment/20…

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

We love our friends on Mastodon, so you are the first to see our latest Now Hiring post. We're looking for someone to join our team who loves tech and helping people. atguys.com/pages/jobs

People on the EN #Wikipedia keep editing the ill-fated communist leader Musso's name to be "Munawar Musso" or "Musso Munawar". (It's currently the latter.)

In any old newspapers from the 1920s-50s he was only ever Musso. The oldest appearance I can find online of "Munawar Musso" is from the World Marxist Review in English in the 1970s. In recent English and Indonesian books (2010s-2020s) he seems to be now referred to regularly as Munawar Musso.🤔

#Indonesia #Communism