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Back in March I scanned through a terabyte of old geocities sites with the goal of finding *all* the 88x31 buttons. Recently, I realised that I didn't scan for all the geocities subsites (e.g.,, etc). I've fixed that mistake and have added 1.8k new 88x31 buttons from Germany, Brazil, Hong Kong and many more international sites. Feel free to explore the updated site or download the zipped button archive (31k buttons, 156MB)

>>> <<<

#indieweb #smallweb #geocities
#neocities #88x31

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Tech Companies Can't Find Good Employees, and It's Their Own Fault…

Site Update:

User registration is now online. You can now register for an account.

iAccessibility Forums are now fully created. Users may now post in any of the forums.

App Directory is still under development, and should be ready in the next couple of days.

Guides are still under development

Apple OS bug tracking is also still under development.

We will keep everyone updated as more features of the site come online.

Head to to create an account.

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to iAccessibility

Have you considered talking to the Applevis maintainers to just migrate the data owner? They should be able to give you the db

Po včerejších bradlách mám svalovicu jak sviňa.

Gente indignada porque en Galicia llueve en verano. Este año apenas se ha visto el sol.

Esto es el norte, amigos. Cuando veníais aquí "por el fresquito" iba en el pack. Que os haya coincidido unos años geniales tras la pandemia, que es cuando se puso de moda, no quiere decir que sea la norma.

Toda la vida fue así. Si no os gusta la lluvia el norte no es para vosotros. No se puede pretender tener sol y 23 grados como si esto fuera un climatizador a voluntad. A veces coincide, a veces no.

in reply to christian 💀

A ver, este invierno fue eterno. Duró prácticamente hasta julio. Eso tampoco es normal. Ahora por suerte ya podemos decir que hay verano.

The End of an Era: A Message From the Founder as We Announce the Closure of AppleVis | AppleVis…

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Není to úplně pravda. Zbytečný negativismus a plýtvání životem?
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Právě, že to chápu. Taky mám občas takový období, kdy mě všechno a všichni serou. Naštěstí stačí udělat nějakou zhovadilost jako si koupit kyblík smaženejch kuřat nebo si dát pivo a během pár dní to samo odezní.

Deprese nebo propady v náladách máme jednou za čas všichni. Jenom je dvousečný to psát online, protože se potom vždycky objeví nějakej rozumbrada, kterej na klinickej problém doporučí si jít zaběhat nebo zacvičit. To se mi potom plaší kladiva, když to čtu a je to jako kdyby tě někdo píchal špendlíkama do očí.

in reply to Johnny in Mirrorshades

Johnny wrote:

(...)protože se potom vždycky objeví nějakej rozumbrada, kterej na klinickej problém doporučí si jít zaběhat nebo zacvičit(...)

Jako člověk, co se s depresí léčil ale musim potvrdit, že tohle dost významně pomáhá :)
in reply to Schmaker

chápem.. pohyb pomáha ale denne urobím ~30km v práci (čo ma relatívne baví a robí mi peniaze), to je okej. Posledné dni sa zase opäť zamýšľam prečo som sám a nenachádzam odpoveď. Keď počúvam cudzie rozhovory a chovanie sa niektorých párov voči sebe tak to nechápem ešte viac. Bývanie ma prestalo "utešovať", peniaze tiež, alkohol pijem ale moc z neho nemám. Pozitívne ale je, že začínám mať pár ľudí s ktorými sa dá u piva pokecať, čo som dlho nemal.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

In 2022 I became #curl's 1000th commit author and was congratulated as such until I had to confess to @bagder that I wasn't: I had used two distinct email addresses and was thus only the 999th.

The record (…) doesn't reflect this, but it is my #sundayConfession

in reply to JP Mens

Contributing to the curl project is a career booster.
Our lead Enterprise Architect was awestruck when he saw the "NASA 2020 Mars helicopter" badge on my Github profile. That became how he'd introduce me to others...
in reply to JP Mens

I'm sure you are not the only one counted more than once. Water under the bridge by now though as we count 1288 authors.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Thanks to @mcourcel, I just ordered some glue for assembling large 3d prints. Just hope this clip from Trailor Park boys won't apply to me.…

Catholics, others respond to mockery of Last Supper at Paris Olympics…

My brothers both have a Nintendo Switch. So I'm mildly curious about that platform. One of my brothers showed me his, and it seems to boot to the home screen pretty fast (like two or three seconds), assuming that's a cold boot and not waking from sleep mode. I'm torn between admiration for the Switch system software team, developing a lean and mean OS of their own, and dismay that it has zero accessibility for totally blind people. There's still no screen reader on the Switch, right?
in reply to Evdog1245

@Evdog1245 Oh damn, disappointed about the 30-second cold boot. I wanted to believe that somebody still cared enough about efficiency to do better.
in reply to Matt Campbell

Yeah, it definitely seem like a pretty long time from when I press and held the power button, to when I heard the little chime that plays when the home screen comes up. And this was a switch light but I don’t think it has a lower quality processor. I’m actually curious how long it would take to boot up a brand new switch, it actually plays a really cool boot up sound on first w boot when the set up screen comes up.

Whoa! I just found something Orca can do that NVDA can't. In Firefox, Orca supports the standard find command. Press ctrl-f, type, hit escape to close the search dialog, and Orca's focus is where the search result is. NVDA and, to my knowledge, Jaws both require screen reader searches and don't work with ctrl-f.
in reply to Alex Hall

it's worse than that. JAWS takes over CTRL+F so people don't know the difference.

Not that with JAWS the browser find is overly useful, but it's the idea of just hiding something mainstream that bothers me.

Olga Rusakova shares the ups and downs of #OpenSource project marketing - with 5 great tips.… #OpenSource

We tried to buy an ebook... it was DRM protected and required some weird adobe ID and installing some obscure calibre plugins to maybe eventually be able to read it.

Returned them and bought @pluralistic's Radicalized instead [1].



This entry was edited (1 month ago)

As usual great post from @yatil…

Fixing issues in development is way cheaper for sure. Wish #NIST had some values for fixing issues upstream? So many problems could be fixed (I think) if we pushed to fix accessibility issues in the software that we use.

Open source is a big part of the internet. Almost everything includes some open source packages. How do we get folks contributing beyond the scope of their project?

My favorite conspiracy theory about the #Paris2024 Olympics is still that the only reason the opening ceremony is not being held in a stadium is so Macron can avoid being booed by 100,000 people on a worldwide broadcast 🤓


Sensitive content

in reply to Poll Bot


Sensitive content

AppleVis sympathy

Sensitive content

in reply to André Polykanine

AppleVis sympathy

Sensitive content


когда унылая лошадь говорит что хамас нельзя уничтожить - это неправда. точно так же можно было бы говорить что немецкий нацизм нельзя уничтожить. но его уничтожили.

но конечно без первого этапа - уничтожения военного потенциала - обойтись ни как нельзя.

in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion я не вижу ни чего дурного в том что палестинские арабы хотят свое государство, хотят участвовать в олимпиаде и пр. Они имеют на это право если не ставят себе целью уничтожить Израиль и убивать евреев. Если спортсмены выступают без лозунгов хамас - это ок.
in reply to Galactic Jew 🇮🇱

Согласен. Просто я не видел особо бурного протеста палестинцев против того, что творит Хамас. Но опять же, я не читаю по-арабски и только начинаю учить иврит.
in reply to André Polykanine

нет такого протеста, наоборот - широкая поддержка.

но это вопрос очень сложный, из чего эта поддержка состоит. насколько тут играет роль тот самый «социально одобряемый ответ»

возвращаясь же к истории немцы тоже поддерживали гитлера. и эта проблема решается. если ее решать.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion ну поддержка спортсменами хамаса скорее всего могла бы быть выражена на английском :-)

Друзья, я заметила, что в феди очень молодая аудитория, и для меня это кстати, удивительно)
Стало интересно узнать, кто мои соседи в этой соцсети, какая возрастная группа вообще:)
Сделайте пуньк в голосовании и передайте голосовалку дальше😀
По желанию можете еще написать в комментариях о себе, на комментаторов подпишусь, в целях расширения ленты и взглядов💖

  • До 16 лет (6%, 2 votes)
  • 16-25 лет (13%, 4 votes)
  • 25-35лет (20%, 6 votes)
  • 35+ лет (58%, 17 votes)
29 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Hello, world!

We are FAFO, a non-profit semiconductor and analytical chemistry research lab in Munich.

We exist to bring together people and tools necessary to advance not the cutting edge of manufacturing, but the cutting edge of making bathtub semiconductors and other Weird Hacks in your local hackerspace.

We've just rented out our first location and brought in a gorgeous 1980s JEOL T330A SEM. Restoring it to working condition is our first project, and this is where we'll keep you posted.

Earlier this cycle Teemu Ikonen added support for displaying track position / length and a progress indicator to #phosh's media player widget 🥳 :

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Tak že, hodně mezi lidmi, ale melancholický? Chce to nějaké spojení. Třeba hrát divadlo, dělat hudbu. Někomu s něčím pomáhat?

👏 more 👏 developers 👏 need 👏 to 👏 hear 👏 this

I can count on one hand the number of my clients over the past couple of years who haven't either over-architected for scale or were unnecessarily concerned about it (prior to coming to me for strategic advice, of course 😉).

You don't need to understand Distributional Little's Law to figure this out, it's obvious with primary school level math.

(screenshot excerpt from…)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

reshared this

European Nations' Cup champions

Back row: Marco van Basten, Ronald Koeman, Frank Rijkaard, Erwin Koeman, Ruud Gullit, Hans van Breukelen.
Front row: Adrie van Tiggelen, Arnold Muhren, Berry van Aerle, Jan Wouters, Gerald Vanenburg.

The road to the trophy:
12-6-1988 Netherlands 0-1 Soviet Union
15-6-1988 Netherlands 3-1 England
18-6-1988 Netherlands 1-0 Ireland
21-6-1988 Netherlands 2-1 West Germany
25-6-1988 Netherlands 2-0 Soviet Union

#football #knvb

Desayuno de tostadas con aceite, zumo de pomelo, y una buena taza de café solo. Más o menos como el de todos los días, pero hoy con más calma.

Recently started dating someone from Sweden and oh shit I have bad news about how Blåhaj is supposed to be pronounced

in reply to Robin Jayasinghe

ich vermute das wird auch mit der Verwirrungstaktik von #fdp #cdu und #csu zu tun haben.
Wir fahren dann in Zukunft doch mit e-Fuels, da brauchen wir doch jetzt keine Elektros zu kaufen.
#cdu #fdp #csu
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Wishing David Goodwin of @AppleVis all the best for the future. May he have the more peaceful, balanced life he seeks.
Having run several high-profile community initiatives in the blind community over the last 25 years, much of what he wrote in his final blog post resonated with me strongly. You can never completely switch off. It may be Christmas day, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be a technical issue that requires immediate attention, or someone decides to do a bit of attention seeking by throwing a verbal grenade into some public forum. You can never switch off and you never know when your family life is going to get utterly disrupted.
The sense of duty and obligation is real, which I’m sure made this decision all the more difficult.
Legacy is an important consideration. Right now, AppleVis is a strong brand. It can be tempting to just hand it over, but then you have the potential heartbreak of watching from the sidelines as the brand you started gets eroded.
Perhaps someone will come forward in whom he trusts, maybe even with some money to buy the site as a going concern and give him some financial recompense for all his time. But in the end, it’s his site. He thought of it. He started it. He built it. He did the lion’s share of maintaining it. He can shut it down if he wants to. When he started the site, he didn’t sign a contract in blood in front of the altar of the blind community saying he was committed to keeping it going forever regardless of the financial or personal cost.
If he doesn’t want to hand it over, something new will fill the void. The trick though will be avoiding fragmentation. In some respects, a bunch of competing sites may be healthy, but there is no advantage in, say, multiple directories of accessible apps.
One way or another, the community will continue to be served. Sometimes you just have to realise that you’ve done your time and it’s time to step back. No matter what happens, it doesn’t detract from the extraordinary and considerable contribution AppleVis in general, and David in particular, have made.
I’d like to hope we can put another human being’s mental well-being uppermost in our considerations.

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in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@archos Jasně že máte. Drsnější a neučesaný kraj vyžaduje drsnější obyvatelstvo. 👍
Pro mě zůstává Boží Dar a tamní rašeliniště srdeční záležitostí.
in reply to Kateřina

Jo Boží Dar a okolí nemá chybu. Rád tam jezdím i na kole. Sice brutální kopce, ale stojí to za to 👍👍