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"The mid-90s were shit! Computers only had 4 MB of RAM and home Internet speeds were 28 kbps and if you wanted to take your music with you, you had to carry CDs or cassettes."

And I bought a house with a garden and a garage on a graduate starting salary. So, y'know...

posting to link to later for future FediMeta

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Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Seirdy

can't wait for a bunch of people to like and boost this who do the exact thing you're criticizing

So I have found that app called Structured for #iOS and #macOS and this is a very accessible planner. Its features are only a few but for me its a positive. What I love is the day timeline. This way I know how much break time I have, how much time I have left to complete a task etc. I really recommend it. #apple #productivity
Unknown parent

@ke7zum Thank you. I like to investigate such apps.

‘Case you are using @MonaApp app on Mac OS, you may not know that it comes with extensions to allow you share content and receive notifications and such. For some, obscure to me, reason these extensions are turned off by default. I assume it’s Apple’s doing. But why? After I turned them on, I am now able to share links from Chrome, via File > Share menu, etc.
Go to System Settings > Extensions and look for Mona stuff! Enjoy!

Tamas G reshared this.

Unknown parent

victor tsaran
@FluidEscence I did not enable the notifications during the initial setup. Also, I didn't check into those notifications. I was primarily concerned with sharing... Good to know though! :)

A first look at Apple Intelligence and its (slightly) smarter Siri…
Unfortunately, most of these features are nearly impossible to access with VOiceOver. Let’s wait for the next beta, shall we?
Unknown parent

victor tsaran
@FluidEscence It does a somewhat better job with Wikipedia questions and such, but yeah, there's def still work to do!

Daniel's weekly report August 2, 2024…

libuv, patch release, trurl, podcasts, backdoors, reproducible builds, QUIC, Enterprise, BoF

in reply to daniel:// stenberg:// is 404 for peasants like us (who are not members of said org^Wenterprise or whichever that onion layer is called)
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Science was just the idle pastime of some hobbyists and eccentrics until someone exploded an atomic bomb, and now it's a sword of Damocles hanging over everyone. Sh$t got real before anyone realized it.

All I need to be productive every day.

- Any editor with decent syntax highlighting
- Terminal
- pdb

extra: Solarized Light Theme

#meme #ide #python #tt

News on #PeterCapaldi 's second album: The first single "Bin Night" will be released in September. The album itself will be released in March next year. :mastodance:…

@strangeseawolf @lappenjammer

Thoughts. Long post
Moments are like the waves in an ocean. Good, bad, they all pass, but always leave something after them, just like the wave leaves water, it exists from water, it's not independent in itself, it needs the water to exist, the water needs the earth, fire needs wood, something flamable, wood comes from trees, earth and soil help the trees grow, the earth depends on the universe, and the universe depends on space..... Everything depends on something for its existence. and we depend on everything for our existence. The more we grow, and develop in some aspects, the more we forget the simple fact that life is simple, that enlightenment is for everyone - not just for those who have grown up with the teachings of seeking it. But we also expect enlightenment to be complicated, shiny, glorious, full of fireworks and sensations while in fact, it is simple, it comes to us at once, or it comes to us in glimpses... Thus, life itself is simple. It is temporary, yet it is not, death is temporary too, unless one chooses to perceive it as something permanent, and fear it, or fear life, or not take these things seriously. They may be temporary, but we must make the best of all, while it lasts, to live and focus on the present, to open to not knowing and to know, while being opened and admit that for all its development of the world, we don't know anything. We are so disconnected from nature, and sick, and fearful, and worried. Of what? Are we going to carry all these developments to our grave? Are we starting our next lives with these things, or is it all anew? We need none of these things, yet, such is the age we live in, where material is so present, where all measurements are material - how much wealth you have, or your neighbour has. It's no longer in knowledge... and for what? So we can worry about all these things, to have no true peace of mind, to not be free from our selfishness and ego...

Should we use the Forgejo upgrade party to update Codeberg, too?

  • Sure. No risk, no fun! (55%, 101 votes)
  • No. No deployment on Friday evening! (44%, 81 votes)
182 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

in reply to

Codeberg is now upgraded to Forgejo v8, enjoy!

Read the #Forgejo blog post about the release:…

We are currently fixing an issue where the API version is not properly announced (human oversight during the deployment) which might cause issues with third-party clients. It will be fixed every moment.

in reply to

Thanks to the Forgejo developers for their good job. We appreciate the high quality of this release with a lot of careful testing (both automated and manual), good release notes, and user testing and research in the design process.

If you want to help making Forgejo a sustainable long-term success, consider chipping in via or contributing to the project.

Looking for your next gig? Check out to add your name to the list of #php developers looking for their next role.

She has a real good example of how algorithms on platforms like Instagram not only try to make you addicted but also divide us even more

I real LOVE the fact Mastodon and most of the Fediverse software avoids this all together

in reply to stux⚡

🤔 People keep saying that Mastodon doesn't have this problem "because no algorithms," but Mastodon absolutely does have this problem.

For example, whether or not a fediverse user sees this post that I'm writing right now, depends on whether or not their admin thinks that they should see posts from hachyderm, or from me in particular. 🤷🏿‍♂️

Someone is still deciding which replies you see and which ones you don't see, presumably for your safety and enjoyment.

Poslední aktualizace Windows jsou stále tragičtější a pomalý průzkumník se již nedal používat. V minulosti jsem měl velmi špatné zkušenosti s některými linuxovými distribucemi, ale zdá se, že #VanillaOS 2.0 mi sedí. Uvidíme časem. :)

👉 Ukázka prostředí:…

#AndroidAppRain at today brought you 16 updated apps. No new apps have been added, but one app has been removed at the request of its developer: Raccoon for Lemmy is no longer maintained, even the source repository has been removed.

Still, enjoy the 1176 remaining and any future apps in the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Journalistin erneut als "Faschistin" bezeichnet: Stephan Brandner muss 50.000 Euro Ordnungsgeld zahlen…

We had a lovely meal this evening. @lulu_bear will write about that in time.
I've been playing briefly with the Enafore Mastodon web-based client. It is a wonderful thing.
The UI is almost perfect, just a few things I would like to improve, which I can do easy enough. I can use it as a standalone app rather than a web page.
But the great thing is, filters and muting works.
So if there comes a point when I need this option, I will be able to have it.

Geheimplan-Recherche: Eine Entgegnung auf die Kritik von „Übermedien“…

ds9 constitutes a utopian vision of the future because it depicts adult friends who routinely have time to meet in-person and play video games together
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

yes cis world good you can see that it's wrong to exclude cis women from things due to suspicion of them being trans women, now

now do the other half where you realize it's wrong to exclude trans women from the things for being trans women :catplead:

A new major release for Fractal and Cinny, shields in Element X, and libolm marked as deprecated. That and more happened This Week in Matrix!…

in reply to The Foundation

@josh Really curious about the Cinny release, it’s.. nicer that on macOS and doesn’t fail on the unread status. What do you use?
Unknown parent

The Foundation
@err931 libolm is only used in clients, not servers.

To boost Trump, prominent racist, transphobe, and con-man Elon Musk has launched a PAC that harvests voter data through a deceptive "voter registration" app.…

Heute wird FragDenStaat 13 Jahre alt! 🎉🎉🎉

politics, shitpost, transphobia

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For iPhone 15 Pro with the action button, can shortcuts be used to toggle mute? If so, I plan to set that up when I get my 16. Mute when I leave the house, un-mute when I return. That'll free up the action button for something else, though I'm not sure what yet.

:drgn_think: There should be a metadata visibility day!
in reply to Slatian

See also: the invisible metadata antipattern and invisible data Considered Harmful.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Die Partnerin und ich haben - jetzt, wo wir eine Garage haben, um unser #Tandem unterstellen können - am vergangenen Wochenende Köln - Monheim und zurück (45 km)gemeistert, bevor das #Pino in die Werkstatt durfte. Es fährt sich jetzt viel leichter. Allerdings fehlt uns die lange Kette. Die konnte die Werkstatt nicht besorgen, weil Spezialteil
Unknown parent

@DieSpastigerin Ich dachte ja, dass ich das im zweiten Beitrag getan hätte. 😉
Unknown parent

@DieSpastigerin guter Hinweis. Hatte ich gar nicht so auf dem Zettel.

Die auf Übermedien formulierte Kritik an der Geheimplan-Recherche von Correctiv hat ein zentrales Problem, findet unser Autor Andrej Reisin. Denn sie will vom Wesen des zeitgenössischen Rechtsextremismus nichts wissen. (€)…

in reply to Katja Diehl…

Die Gruppenarbeit des Todes ist endlich wirklich abgeschlossen. Alle haben bestanden, was ich angesichts offensichtlich nicht selbst geschriebener Beiträge wirklich zum Aufregen finde. Aufregen ist ein gutes Stichwort, denn alle, die wirklich wenig bis gar nicht gearbeitet haben beschweren sich richtig laut darüber, dass sie "nur" eine 4,0 bekommen haben. Bei mir ist es eine 2,7 geworden. Damit kann ich gut leben, obwohl generell viel mehr drin gewesen wäre. Nur nicht mit dieser Gruppe.

Results of LA’s 3-year basic income experiment were “transformative”. It gave people “time and space” to improve their lives by “landing better jobs, leaving unsafe living conditions and escaping abusive relationships”.…
in reply to

Of course! UBI works. It's more complicated that that, but it works.

The owner class *hates* social safety nets—UBI being the ultimate safety net—specifically *because* they give people space to find better jobs. The owners don't want you to find a better job. They want you to be stuck with the shit job they give you. That's it. That's the mystery.

reshared this

QT: transphobia, misogyny, olympics

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We bought a new washer and dryer for our home. We got LG models and wow, the accessibility is simply awesome!

Does anyone here have experience with the accessibility of Roland Cloud Manager on Windows? I want to buy Sound Canvas VA, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to do it. I worked out how to select the plug-in but can't figure out what to press to buy it.

Bits from the DPL…

The Fifth Circuit just gutted the rest of the Voting Rights Act.

Court doc……

`font-size: small` for the main text is NOT a proper style.

there is something about smart, successful people that seems to make them think that because they understand one area super well, they understand all areas well

New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Claude by Anthropic… #android #app #ai

RJ-11 is one of the worst design for plug. RJ-45 too for the same reason.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

Name another connector where the immobile/fixed end (female for an 8P8C) can be easily field terminated and preserve an extremely high signal quality.
in reply to James Just James

@purpleidea as long as it doesn’t rely on a very small plastic bit to hold…. You are only as strong as your weakest link.