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Basic Webxdc support is almost there. If you're on Ubuntu Touch 20.04 (Focal), Mobian or Droidian, check out a pre-release:…

Feedback welcome :awesome:

More details in the wiki:…

This pre-release cannot be installed on UT 16.04 (Xenial), but in the final release, Xenial will be supported.

#DeltaTouch #Webxdc #DeltaChat #UbuntuTouch

Wife is mad because she thought I was staring at a woman in our gym. I was actually day dreaming wondering if Brazillian footballers, on going pro, get forewarned they may end up playing/living in Manchester or some other rainy shit-hole.

Tengo una pregunta curiosa. ¿Por qué un usuario común querría usar una VPN? Yo tengo una para acceder a los cacharros que tengo en casa, pero yo no soy un usuario común, soy informático.
in reply to Jesús Pavón Abián

Para pillar contenidos con limitaciones por geolocalización, por ejemplo música o vídeos en algunos sitios.

Inspired by the Olympics our 12 year old has done the local 5k Park Run this morning! Not sure on time but he just rang to say he was the 2nd child across the line! 🙌 I was cheering him on from bed haha!

I'm afraid we have no time for codes and manners.

— The Doctor, in “The Edge of Destruction”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Včera som nechlastal a mohlo by mi to vydržať aj dnes...

After the afternoon break at 5:00 PM KST (08:00 UTC) in Bada, we share our DebConf24 Closing Ceremony. Some final statistics and we bid farewell to Busan and look forward to DebConf25! Thank you all for coming to DebConf24!… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Zjistil jsem, že mám vhodnou kameru pro přispívání do Mapilary (svobodná obdoba StreetView).

A protože u nás v okolí není téměř nic zmapováno, řeším, jaké cesty mám primárně na kole projíždět.

Buď silnice, ulice, hlavní tahy (aby se pokrytí dorovnalo StreetView nebo Panoramě).

Nebo spíš primárně polní a lesní cesty, cyklostezky, turistické trasy atp., aby vznikla výhoda zmapovaní toho, co nikdo jiný nemá.

  • Silnice, ulice, hlavní tahy. (100%, 2 votes)
  • Polní a lesní cesty, cyklostezky, turistické trasy (0%, 0 votes)
2 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Soutok dvou šumavských řek – Otavy a Vltavy. Zvíkov objektivem Michala Bártíka.

There's a post doing the rounds on how students were divided into groups, some using #AI and some not, and the AI users solved the assignment faster and correctly, but the non-AI users were able to do it by themselves later on.

I don't think the conclusion is what many people are making of it. If anything, that shows the AI is doing effective intelligence amplification, since it extended the cognitive reach of students to a task they were not able to solve without it. It does mean it is not an effective learning tool, in an unguided form, but what matters is what people are enabled to do by tools. Likewise, I expect a calculator enables students to complete assignments more quickly and correctly, but, without explicit exercises, means students are less agile at completing operations without it. This may matter in exam conditions, but in real life we work with tools to stretch our capacities.

Yes, I know calculators are deterministic and truth-preserving in ways LLMs aren't, but that's not the issue in this case since we are told the assignments were solved correctly.

There are lots of potential and actual issues with LLM-based AI systems. Some are likely to sort themselves out, such as energy efficiency, since they're research targets and it is a major cost. Some, such as unreliable results and biases, might prove less tractable. But it is becoming increasingly difficult to pretend that, as a tool, it has no use whatsoever to anyone.


Dnes začínam až o štvrtej na prevádzke kde som ešte zatiaľ nerobil, plus je to v nákupáku čiže očakávam "chai či mač latte" a "čia miau miau" limonády najmä a rôzne druhy samičiek k tomu, no uvidíme.
in reply to David Kredba

@Nheghathivhist1 neznášam priliehavé handry, nenosím... maximálne punkerské kárované nohavice, ináč nič, vôbec.

🇩🇪#StopKillingGames - Gamer starten EU-Bürgerinitiative: Ab sofort kannst du mit deiner Unterschrift Computerspiele vor dem willkürlichen Abschalten durch Hersteller schützen. Wir brauchen 1 Mio. Unterschriften!

📝Jetzt unterschreiben:…



Aufzeichnung #Piraten-Webinar:…


Wir #Piraten unterstützen die Initiative von Anfang an!

in reply to Patrick Breyer

🇬🇧#StopKillingGames - Gamers launch EU Citizens Initiative: As of now your signature can help save video games from being remotely disabled by their publishers. We need 1 mio. signatures by EU citizens!

📝Sign now:…


Updates by #Pirates:…

We #Pirates have been supporting the initiative from day one - so should you!

🗓️ Dnes začíná nejen vytoužená 3týdenní dovolená, ale i #AkceKoupelna 💪🚧👷‍♂️
Čeká mě vybourat starou (koupelnu, woe), starej 🚽, spojit to do jedný místnosti a vystřihnout nový.

Takže klasika - #DovolenaNaMalte . 🤭
Všechno, co bude trochu stát za zmínku, nasypu do 🧵👇.

A večer na vás dycky juknu, jestli tu neděláte 🐄iny, někdo se neprojmul po 🥒, jinej se neztratil v Metru, měli jste brambor nebo knedlik, nezlobíte 🐕🐶 a 🐈🐱 a tak vůbec. Tak pa, bando! 🙋‍♂️😍

P. S. Muziku mám na tři tejdny upečenou. 😉

in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@archos 😲 Tady je to holt naležato. Ale jen nad jednou místností, hned vedle jsou dvě s prkenným podbitím pod vazáky a rákosovým stropem. Obvodové zdivo kámen a hlína, 85 cm. A v nejstarší části jsou klenby, zdi 110 cm.
Konec přestávky. 😉

The official 'DebConf 25 BoF', the traditional meeting between DebConf N and DebConf N+1 teams, will be held in Bada at 02:30 PM KST (05:30 UTC) in the presence of the DebConf committee, followed by the 'DebConf 26: In Your City?' session at 03:30 PM KST (05:30 UTC)… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea #debconf25… #debian

I used "crowdstrike" as a verb at work today, to paraphrase: "CI is broken because github crowdstruck us with a bad rust compiler update". AKA: usable any time an automatic update from a vendor breaks your infrastructure.

All I'm saying is, if they didn't want this neologism, they shouldn't have ruined my flight home from Italy.


Ahora que están de moda las olimpiadas, me acordé de que en la universidad fui a casa de una compañera cuyo padre había participado en las olimpiadas del 68, boxeador con medalla, si mal no recuerdo. Su familia vivía en un departamento muy viejo en un eje del norte de la ciudad, creo que cerca de metro Guerrero.

Toda la familia vivía de esa vieja gloria, el sueño olímpico. ¿Cuántos atletas caerán en el olvido sin apoyos y sin planes a futuro tras centrar su vida en esa meta? 🤔

Recently, new talking crossing signals were installed at a busy intersection. This is good. Yay for my city. Problem is they only said when the walk sign was on, then counted down. They never said *which* street was safe to cross. To their credit, public works heard about this problem, and had it fixed in a few days. My point is, never be afraid to go to city hall, or public works, or whoever runs public accessibility in your area.
in reply to Andre Louis

these are the older type, which are fine but don't have the haptic. when the ticking mechinism breaks they can give you the most complex syncapated rhythm's when they're green and ticking quickly
in reply to Ashleigh Katherine

Ah yes, the ol' tickers. We don't have any of them in Brisbane. My guess (no research or evidence) is that Brisbane installed audio lights much later than Melbourne when only the new type was being used. Melbourne also does that weird thing on many lights where the arrow points upwards instead of the direction of the crossing, whereas I've never seen that in Brisbane; it always points in the direction of intended travel. I find that upwards pointing arrow super confusing.

Zlatý mix. Macháč se Siniakovou urvali triumf nad čínským párem, Muchová s Noskovou budou hrát o bronz
in reply to Jan

Já jsem to neviděl, jen jsem ráno otevřel RSS čtečku. No jo, ale zlato z LOH se počítá 👍
Možná i únava, přeci jenom to je zápasů za pár dní.
in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@Jann On se hlavně od 2. setu nechával opakovaně nachytávat BH prohozy po lajně. Ale ono to i na nejvyšší úrovni (nejen) v tenisu často bývá tak, že nevyhrává ten, kdo hraje špičkově, nýbrž kdo hraje míň špatně. Ve čtyřhře jde navíc hodně o souhru dvojic a ta může přebít individuální herní úroveň. Myslím, že naši byli v tomto o dost lepší a to rozhodlo, samozřejmě i spolu se štěstím v závěru.

a fucking disney song is stuck in my head again and i've thought about it too much not to post about it

“Poor Unfortunate Souls” from The Little Mermaid, both the Pat Carrol (animated 1989) and Melissa McCarthy (live-action 2023) performances, are such bops.

I haven’t even watched the 2023 movie; I just watched FilmJoy’s pet goldfish react to the movie last night, which prompted me to look up the 2023 version of the song and I loved it.

Ursula’s multi-layered manipulation in the song always kind of terrified me as a nine-year-old (I listened to it so many times growing up) because I doubted that I wouldn’t fall for such a ruse if it was less transparent:

  • deception without outright lies.
  • rushing the decision with “I’m a busy woman and I haven’t got all day”.
  • preying on a teenager’s first experience with both lovesickness and an abusive father.
  • simplifying a complex life-changing decision to the deceptively easy action of agreeing to a contract.
  • physically pulling her closer to egg her on to sign the contract, making it even easier for Ariel to do it in a split decision.
  • hiding her true motivations of wanting Ariel to fail to uphold her end of the contract, to enslave her as a bargaining chip for the throne.

The rest of the movie was pretty mid with questionable messages (“Kiss the Girl” was so problematic), but “Poor Unfortunate Souls” was not among its long list of problems.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Seirdy

a fucking disney song is stuck in my head again and i've thought about it too much not to post about it

Sensitive content

in reply to easrng (she/her)

re: a fucking disney song is stuck in my head again and i've thought about it too much not to post about it

@easrng whats disney jr

is it a TV cash grab devoid of the artistic value of the movies whose IP they milk to sell merchandise

This is the new demo song in Logic 11. Absolute banger, and she produced this herself. Hate Logic's UI and accessibility issues, but Apple sure knows how to get me into artists I've never heard of.…
in reply to Zachary Bennoui

Great writing there... Woner where would you start to record a thing like that! :)

Accrescent 0.23.0 is out! This release makes multilingual support a little bit better, prevents you from accidentally using your metered data by default, and improves the security of its dependencies.

See the release notes below 👇…

#accrescent #privacy #security #appstore #android

At War with Satan for the Unborn…

in reply to Debian

the heck is "post-open source era"? we didn't even evolve to the opensource one yet
in reply to Debian

This seems very interesting. I hope it was recorded and soon shared somewhere (where?)

oh my goodness oh my GOODNESS

AbilityNet appoints new CEO…

FDA Approves Blood Test for Colon Cancer: What to Know About Colorectal Warning Signs…
in reply to David Goldfield

I wouldn't take it. A local dock said its not effective. What if the test was negative?. I heard it won't ve available for the rest of the public for 3 to 5 years.

The morning session starts at 10:00 AM KST (01:00 UTC) with the 'Visa Team BoF' in Bada, the talk 'DebConf Attendee to Debian Outreachy Intern: My Journey in Opensource' in Somin, 'DFS #5, Karl Popper and free society' (not streamed) in Pado. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Weird request: Does anyone know where I can find Indonesian language B movies made until 1998 or so?

So happy to pay for them, but want to further indulge in my most recent overly-specific hyperfocus before it fades.

Today Saturday 02, August, is the last day of DebConf24, starting at 10:00 AM KST (01:00 UTC)! Have a look at the schedule for the day… . We remind you that you can watch most of the talks streamed online by clicking on Venue names in the schedule.… #debian

So if we assume the thing that seperates esports from "real" sports is the fact that esports are platforms built by a company who want to sell their platform to more people, rather then trying to sell the experience of viewing a game to a general audience, thus they can never prioritize stability or usability over Getting More People To Live Service Baby

...are there any esports that DON'T have this problem? that DO qualify?

in reply to Seirdy

oh right id software open sourced the quake engine some time ago
in reply to not_leader

A concern for no-longer-developed games is bugs. Outside of speedrunning tournaments, there’d be the question of whether to treat certain maneuvers as valid or patching the game to make them impossible.

I still don't have a link for the disabled voters for harris zoom that starts in an hour. If they aren't sending out the links, I don't think people will show up. Kind of frustrated by this I have to say.
Unknown parent

Holly Anderson
@JEkis here is a link to the form.…

Helloooooo @frameworkcomputer!
*Dances around with unbridled excitement*
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Jason Evangelho

uhhhh, I ordered mine but with the new AMD processors and it’s scheduled for mid September

In the past few days, Biden and Harris have:

-Captured 2 cartel kingpins
-Completed a multi-year and multi-country hostage deal with Russia
-Recognized the opposition leader as the winner of the Venezuelan election

And they did it all while masterfully transitioning a presidential campaign from Biden to Harris.

These are the kinds of unprecedented times I am okay with living through.

Recorded a jazz jam last night with my good old Edirol r09HR recorder and with a little normalization, it sounds as incredible as ever. I'm still impressed by this thing and it was released, what 2008 2009? How can the zoom H1 really improve on it? Please note that AGC was on so no need to manually adjust recording levels and it still came out fine. I'd let folks listen to it but well it wasn't really that great, all levels of musicians and my playing sort of sucked. I got lost during the melody of In A Sentimental Mood for god sake, pretty embarrassing.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

I remember holding the R09 once, it felt like if I so much as looked at it funny, or sneezed the wrong way, it'd fall apart. Hated the feel of it.
in reply to Andre Louis

I remember R09HR quite fondly. There was something attractive about the mic quality to my ears. The biggest issue was that you could hear the press of a button in every recording. The unit felt so fragile though. Definitely, not a very reliable road companion!