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Spotted on an evening walk on an isolated beach in Aotearoa #NewZealand

A small human (5?) holding up a kite so her older brother can get it in the air. She's an expert holder, picking it up every time it falls on the sand. The patience and optimism that it'll fly eventually seems infinite.

A man (30s?) with a thoughtful aspect pushing a wheelbarrow down to the water line. He's got all the gear for a perfect few hours fishing. A while later he's spotted in a deck chair next to a low table with a picnic on it while waiting for a catch.

A small group of young humans directed by a man (40s?) in setting up a sand-drawn rugby pitch. He's wearing a bucket hat and has the air of a dad on a mighty mission. Within minutes he has teams sorted and is running up and down the sand umpiring. This is serious business

Two grey haired naturists walking along the treeline on a quiet patch of the beach. From a distance they look like two tranquil, rather pink wild creatures happily holding hands as one of them points out different cloud formations crossing the skyline.

A couple of women (20s?) smooching while standing in ankle deep water. They pause to take a selfie and then one abruptly stoops and splashes the other. Shrieking, chasing and more smooching to follow.

Any typos spotted in this post are lost after being locked in overnight after the sunset gates were closed at this beach. If spotted give them a drink of water and a ride to the nearest town. They will appreciate breakfast.

Hey #openstreetmap people, i need your help again.
I'm using Overpass Turbo for the first time and struggling with a query that should be simple.
I've checked various help files but can't find anything.
I just want to show roads that have no speed limit. (So i know to go and fix that).

Something like:

in reply to Simon Hobeck

thus should do the trick as well…
in reply to Joost Schouppe

@joost_schouppe thanks, this is useful and essentially what I was looking for with Overpass.
I currently prefer MapComplete simply because I can quickly fix any missing values rather than jump between browser tabs.
Once I've completed the gaps, maybe then I can review older inputs.

in reply to Marián Kyral

taky mam vzdycky "radost", kdyz vidim update tohohle molochu. Bohuzel mam jednu appku, kde to nejde vypnout a zatim sem byl linej ten -9999 ebuild poradne prozkoumat, jestli bych to nevypl nebo je to nak vic zadratovany. Naivne sem si myslel (tak pred pul rokem), ze zkusim prepnout par balicku na binarni, ale ono to nejde (zatim?) uplne mixovat. Jen pokud existuje -bin alternativa separe, i u LO sem musel prejit na kompilaci, protoze -bin je zoufale stara a dle bugzilly to moc nevypada.
in reply to mahdi

@mahdi No je to na …

Firefox 30 minut, libreoffice cca 1 hodina, qtwebengine 2 hodiny 🤷‍♂️

in reply to Marián Kyral

@Marián Kyral @mahdi Já mám Firefox a Thunderbird binární, protože tam jsou updaty hodně časté, Libreoffice kompiluju na svých třech strojích pod hodinu (jsou to děla), na čas Qtwebengine se mi nechce vzpomínat.

Zkoušel jsem binpkg gcc, protože mi chvíli zlobila jeho kompilace, ale jinak té binpkg větvi Gentoo rozumím tak, že je spíš pro případ, kdy člověk spravuje síť a nechce kompilovat na každém PC.

in reply to Jiří Pavlík

@jiri @mahdi

Ta binární větev je pro všechny, kdo využívají nejčastější kombinaci USE flagů. Pokud člověk moc nedivočí, tak se použije binární balík. Jinak se kompiluje.

Bohužel čím větší balík, tím více USE flagů a tím větší šance, že se bude muset kompilovat. Nebylo by špatné, mít nějaký nástroj, který by mi řekl, kterými USE flagy se liším.

in reply to Marián Kyral

@Marián Kyral @mahdi Je to teda tak, že se portage sám rozhodne, že bude ignorovat option --getbinpkg nebo podobnou?
in reply to Marián Kyral

byvalo i hur :) kdyz sem s gentoo zacinal, tak muj 6kg notas s P4 daval ~24h :-P (nastesti pomerne rychle byl pak i binarni) ... btw firefox ma udrzovanej www-client/firefox-bin (esr i nejnovejsi), takze tady du cestou nejmensiho odporu.
in reply to mahdi

@mahdi Ten FF mě vůbec netrápí. Ani LO. Zato Chromium byl jiný příběh. Tam bin balíček byl, ale zrušili ho, kompilovat to nechci, tak jsem skončil u FlatPacku. Občas v něm potřebuji něco otestovat a na to mi flatpack stačí.
in reply to Marián Kyral

taky pouziju Chromium zridka, jen kdyz chci neco otestovat, existuje… odkud beru
in reply to mahdi

@mahdi 😀😀😀 to jsou pro mě zprávy z jiného vesmíru. Se divim, že vás to baví.😀😀

Fairphone 4 and sensors

Full post here.…

I bought a Fairphone 4 as a part of my project of de-googling my life.

Playing with different operating systems, I somehow ended up with a phone where most of the sensors didn't work, even if they did when I got the phone.

#EOS #DeGoogling #FairPhone4 #FP4 #MurenaOS #UbuntuTouch

What's the rule about changing the clocks? Spring forward, fall into a pit of despair?

Listening to @FreakyFwoof latest episode and this gets me thinking about interdependence care. Ever since I was young, it was stressed to me, even to the degree of harm because I developed unhealthy pride and got into some very unsafe situations because my pride lead me to creating a toxic environment of internalized ableism for myself, that independence was the only way to go, but blind people when I was growing up did not want me to practice interdependence care. I was to be fully independent, at all times. I was never to ask for help, from anybody, and while I don't want to explain all the lonely situations that put me in, I'd like to illustrate how interdependence care can be beneficial.

I was at a disabled persons house the other day with a group of disabled people. They knew carrying things was going to be problematic for me, with my cane, and the plate stacked with food, so they asked me if they could carry the food while I helped someone else pour a drink they asked assistance for and couldn't physically do. I said yes, and soon, we all were helping each other out and no agency was removed from anybody. Interdependence care looks different from the traditional care model because agency isn't taken away from anybody. It allows us to get to know each other and our bodies, which is a very intimate space. But by allowing other people into that very intimate space, a whole new kind of person centric care can emerge. It allows me to utilize words without qualifiers because when I speak of spoons, these loved ones instantly know where I'm coming from because we all practiced interdependence care, which is a type of love that I haven't seen much. There's only care, and no judgment, and it's far less lonely than being independent.

#Care #Disability

Once Linux’s Biggest Enemy: Darl McBride Dies and Nobody Notices…

Voy a relatar extensamente mi experiencia personal de la #dana viviendo en Picanya, pueblo que está separado de Paiporta por el maldito barranco:

Dia 1: A las 19h nos quedamos sin luz, agua y gas. Metro y medio de agua en la calle. Avisan de que no salgamos de casa, ¡a las 20:15! (Una hora después) Damos por perdidos los coches del garaje. Nos salvamos porque vivmos en el primer piso. No dormimos.

Dia 2: Salimos y vamos a ver la casa de mis suegros como podemos, esquivando coches amontonados. Tienen el garaje inundado y sin puerta. Nos dirigimos al centro del pueblo a preguntar si nos pueden cargar el movil para estar informados y en pleno paseo suena la alarma. Pavor entre los vecinos, parece ser que han soltado una presa para que no se rompa y viene otra ola. Al final nada, pero nos hemos tenido qie volver a casa corriendo. Finalmente pasamos la tarde (limpiando) y noche en casa de mis suegros porque estan saqueando casas y no tienen puerta.

Dia 3: Pasan muchos helicópteros pero nadie a pie. Nos pasamos la mañana limpiando. Consigo cargar el móvil utilizando el portátil del trabajo que tenía batería. No tenemos casi comida, así que me dirijo al punto donde todo el mundo viene con bolsas de compra. Resulta que es el mercadona, está la puerta forzada y todos cogen lo que quieren. Cojo estrictamente lo que necesitamos y vuelvo a casa. A mediodía el garaje sigue casi igual y la rampa medio despejada. Los vecinos nos miramos las caras con desesperación. Llega un grupo de chavales y nos ofrecen ayuda pero les decimos que ayuden al lado por que son mayores.

Dia 4: Empiezan a llegar decenas de personas a ayudar. Es el día que más avanzamos, dejando el garaje prácticamente vacío con solo algo de barro. En todo el día no ha aparecido ni un militar. Vuelve la luz a casa de mis suegros y podemos ducharnos por primera vez. En mi casa no hay luz ni gas, el garaje sigue inundado.

Día 5: Llegan los militares y oh... ya no los necesitamos...


Well I can't say I've ever seen a Vroom error before.

'{"error":{"code":"unauthenticated","message":"Exception of type 'Microsoft.Vroom.Exceptions.UnauthenticatedVroomException' was thrown."}}'

in reply to Andre Louis

The first result for Microsoft Vroom has this to say: "This protocol enables a protocol client to send an HTTPS request to a protocol server using common web technologies to access data and perform operations." I trust that has sufficiently cleared up the matter?
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes I asked Google gemma 2 what it thinks it is, and got this. Whether it's true or not is a different matter. Though it sounds vaguely plausible I have my doubts.

Microsoft VROOM (Virtual Reality Optimization and Orchestration Manager) is an open-source tool designed to simplify the deployment and management of virtual reality (VR) experiences on Azure cloud infrastructure.

It automates tasks like provisioning VMs, configuring VR software, and managing user access. VROOM aims to reduce the complexity and cost associated with building and running VR applications in the cloud.

in reply to Andre Louis

@jscholes there's also VROOM (Virtual Robot Overlay for Online Meetings) is an experimental system for exploring the social experience of robotic telepresence ...

The world has turned into avoiding scams and trying to make shit work all the damn time. I just want something to go right. Somewhere where I'm not worrying about accessability or being taken advantage of, or having to do my due diligence about every god damn job I apply for. I'm so discouraged. I really don't want to do any of this anymore.

They say that being taken for a ride and being refused over and over gets easier. It doesn't. You just get numb to it after a while and you wonder what the damn point is.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Simon Jaeger

Nah dude. I get this shit from blind folks all the god damn time.
in reply to Estelle

I assume they're kidding themselves. I can't get behind the attitude that blindness sucks 100% of the time"and everything sucks, but I'd never tell anyone it gets easier. Maybe when it's one thing again and again, like dog refusals, you get used to dealing with it and have a plan in place, but even then, it's still stressful and hard to deal with.
in reply to Simon Jaeger

The three habits of highly successful blind people: be born in the right country, marry a sighted person, and do nothing.
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes @simon It's understated how true this is. So many blind people outright dismiss each other by saying "Well, there's this work-around for [task that should be a 30 second ordeal], surely we have more things to worry about!" As someone that struggles with diagnosed ADHD that already makes it hard to do things, blindness cuts my energy in half on most days. The cumulative blind tax, comprised of all of the micro-inaccessibilities of life, adds up after a while.
in reply to Tristan

@jscholes @simon The harsh reality: blindness *is* a barrier, and the world literally isn't built for you. It doesn't ruin everything, but it is something that is part of the calculus that goes into whether an activity in life is doable or enjoyable. Pretending that it isn't is just fooling yourself and setting a bad example for those that might look up to you. (I should really find an instance with better character limits.)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Tristan

Sadly, that's true, and I agree. Also, I went over my crazy anxieties today to ask for help. Lot of the blind people wouldn't be happy. But I met an awesome student and we shared a meal soo. There are nice people, after all. Because of quote try to always be independent quote thing, a lot of people think it's good to look down on others who don't mind help. Also, inaccessibility is way too real. None of us should struggle alone. Letting ourselves be helped isn't a crime, sharing isn't a crime. And if a phone call is easy for person A, it's an absolute anxiety attack cause for person B. We are different, and the sad reality is that what works for one, doesn't work for all. Your 3 second task can turn into a 30 minute task for someone else. And no one should be made to feel bad about it. People should be encouraged for trying, not stepped on because they are struggling. Also, the world is broken for real. And not only from the Reddit posts, but I have seen it live and yeah. The world is the shit that hit the fan right now. Also, to all humans who struggle with ADHD and autism, or anything really, good luck, may you get more energy, and my double thumbs up for not giving up. Because I know the other end of things when people have given up and it's grim. Soo, keep on fighting, and lots of patience. And it's totally alright to feel tired and vent it out.
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes @cachondo @simon Heally. That's downright awful and negative. I have a sightedperson and yes, I was born in America. But I am a court reporter who busted her butt to get where she is. I have also traveled over the country by myself, lived on my own since I was 16 so I would not get beat anymorwh. So that do nothing part just ticks me off honestly.
in reply to Eden Linnea

I don't want to be evil, but I believe 0% of what you just said. Just by. The writing. Also, different people, different lives, different cultures, different struggles. Just saying. I have difficulty, really, reading what you wrote. And I hope the comment I am about to send won't be rude. Because I really struggled, and I still do not make sense of what you wrote.
in reply to Eden Linnea

@EdenLinnea I didn't take @jscholes comment to be against those who work for a living. The do nothing part to me said that there are people who are lucky enough to be born into a country that will support them financially, meet a sighted person to do all the things they can't or won't learn to adapt their way around, and then don't work or even attempt to.

Just my interpretation

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @jscholes I was led to understand might have been sarcasm involved. Unfortunately, that doesn't always come through intexts. AllI saw was really the one comment and I" just stunned that someone would say that a blind person successful would be those three things. I was not raised around many blind people, so I think my stances can sometimes be harcore. I had to be tough and beearned to be from an early age. I know not everyone's experience is mine. I have a hardheadedness a lot of people don't have and have often used that to get where I needed to be. Sometimes my bluntness doesn't make me a lot of friends, but x'sn intentional.
in reply to Eden Linnea

@EdenLinnea @jscholes It's a bit of a stereotype, perhaps, but I know a lot of working-age blind people here in the UK who live off the benefits system. They've told the government they are incapable of work, which means they receive money each month without having to do anything for it.

Now I'm not against disability money or anything, but just as an example, one person I know is receiving roughly £26,000 a year in state benefits. I know that this person hasn't got the best qualifications or experience, but equally if they can spend all day cultivating followers on twitch, it's wrong, in my mind, to then claim they can't use technology to look for work or improve themselves.
That 26k is more than a sighted adult can earn on a full-time job at minimum wage, by the way, just as a point of comparison.

Conversely, I know people who have such complex medical needs that there's no chance they should ever be forced to re-train or look for work. They are truly and indisputably disabled to the point where we should, as a society, provide for them.

I guess the problem is some people might think that about young blind people with nothing else wrong with them. Until you've lived it, you can't always see the possibilities.

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo I'm less concerned about the morality of capable blind people claiming benefits. I'm far more dismayed at the number of people refused government assistance who truly, very evidently cannot work, the gaps in or complete lack of employment history those blind people will have to present if they decide to apply for a position they actually want one day, and the possibility of the government assistance being withdrawn at any time leaving them with nothing.

Those last two certainly gave me a lot of anxiety before I found work, although some people don't seem concerned or aware. Either that, or they're putting on a show of not being worried about it. The more benefits you save for a rainy day, the less you get given. @EdenLinnea

in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes @EdenLinnea I don't know if they just aren't aware or just accept it under a sort of fatalistic, this is what I have now and i'll make the most of it sort of ideology.

All the time i was looking for work I was constantly stressed that I'd lose the benefits I did have. Nobody was interested in me proving I was looking for work, which begged the question as to why I got the benefits in the first place.

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @EdenLinnea @jscholes You do know it’s 90% of work engaged blind people are unemployed? I don’t think they all told the government they were incapable. Maybe the government told them?
in reply to Charlotte Joanne

@Lottie @EdenLinnea @jscholes I know in theory those are the stats.
I also know just how many of my peer group of blind but otherwise able-bodied adults have gotten themselves in the 'I can't work mindset, and that's sad
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @EdenLinnea @jscholes I honestly think those people have decided they can’t get a job not that they can’t do a job. No matter how hard it is for people to work it’s harder for blind people to get work that’s the truth. I do think learn helplessness is playing a large part of this.
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes @simon can definitely not agree. Look at the social media of the Kantari institute. Yo'll find a lot of exemples prooving you wrong.
in reply to Fanny Bui

@Brailly615 @jscholes @simon A lot of examples of blind people who don't have any of these 3 things?

1. i think this was sarcasm, so I primarily think people are taking this comment too seriously.

2. The people who don't fit these steriotypes are few and far between. Privilege plays a massive role in how much access people have, and the reality is that people who don't have these privileges (because that's what they are) struggle vastly more than people who do.

3. I looked up the institute you mentioned, and - unless there are 2 institutes by the same name - this isn't even exclusively for blind/VI people, so finding the examples you speak of would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

in reply to Estelle

I really love the "look at social media of this and that." No, that is an unreal example. I can tell you that much. I have been in some social media boost the school's reputation around here, and it's all made up. Honestly, it saddens me when even blind people fall for that when we see the actual reality. Looking at the surface is not what makes the world tick. the surface is deceiving. The depths are the real deal. I am glad that I personally know what it means to live and not live with priveleges, to work and not to work, and to fight and not to. and trust me, the surface is simple, for me. But it's deep down that matters. and that matters for all. Because life isn't a fairytale of made up social media posts.
in reply to Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis @jscholes @simon No! what I'm talking about is real. I only recommended to visit the social media accounts of Kantari, because it's not so easy just to get to Trivandrum, Nepal, Hungaria, Kenia, Uganda or whereever. In the Kantari institute people from all over the world, especially from "not right" places, can apply for a course for social change makers. And many of the applicants are blind for the founder is blind herself. I personally know blind people from Uganda, from india, from Nepal, and i definitely know from one in Simbabwe, one in Gambia... They all applied for this Course by themselves and now run social Changing projects. I don't know the private situation of all of them, but I know for sure, that far not all of them have sighted partners. On the other hand I'm one of those born in one of the right Countries, and I know lots of blind folks here who are far away from such successes — I'd even include myself. I have a sighted partner, I'm lucky to have a good job. But I'm far not as successful as those people I told you about. In my opinion one of the very Important things for success in life, not only for Blind is, if you could keep your prilemal trust and get self confidence as a child. If this is the case, courrage, resilience, and social competence can be developed and a trustful basic attitude to life and the own abilities. No Question: being born in the right Country and having a sighted partner makes life a lot more easy and comfortable. But it's neither a nessecity, nor a guaranty for success in life!
in reply to Fanny Bui

It's not that simple. also, it's Hungary, and also, don't forget we all process information differently. this might've worked for you, or the people you mentioned, but it won't work for everyone. Life screws us enough that we don't have an equal chance. You've had luck, not many of us have had that luck, environment, family, etc. We don't choose it. so, we can be supportive of each other and try to have understanding towards each other, rather than saying, do this and do that. Because I know someone from your country who thinks absolutely the same, dismisses people's issues with a wave, until they understood that these issues can pile up on them too. and then, it kind of becomes hard when you're not prepared to deal with them. Nobody chooses their parents, their family, their environment or the way they learn, process information, or perceive the world. What we can do the best, though, is show support. Because I used to think the same way you do, except I was not born in a lucky family, or the right country. But with change, discovery and knowledge, come different experiences and views. I am glad it worked out for you, but please show some understanding and consideration for those who did not have the same luck as you. There are options, we just have to sometimes wander through all the obstacles to find them. But I believe it'll be better, eventually, and these days of frustration, tiredness, and sometimes, even hopelessness will be worth it when one looks back at them as a memory. Still, living in the present is the way that's most optimal. In any case, the conclusion is, that we each grew up with different circumstances which we could not choose. Being entitled, arrogant, prideful... that won't help, one can just as easily be all of these one day, and the next have nothing. So seeing things with an open mind, and a shoulder of support is really the better option, even when there aren't other options, people must remember that there'll be support. At times, support is the only thing that keeps us going.
in reply to Simon Jaeger

@simon It's not just the blind, though, is it?
half the posts on one of the big UK subreddits are now anxiety posts. Young people who've never caught a bus, mailed a letter, filled a proscription, paid a bill. Literally, paid a bill. A bill comes with an amount and about a dozen ways to pay in black and white and rather than sit and read it, they turn to the net because they're anxious about what to do next.

The world has gone utterly off the rails.

in reply to Sean Randall

wait huh? I mean you're definitely right. anxiety is skyrocketing and a lot! of folks need a kick up the fundament. But I do think we're on another level in terms of the battles we end up fighting, and anxiety maybe is somewhat natural in such circumstances?
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Matthew J

@bermudianbrit @simon oh yes, I won't argue that much of the crap we get saddled with as blind folk is a level above. But I just wanted to point out that there are people in their late teens who, when they get a perfectly simple thing they were expecting (i.e. a bill), call it trauma or anxiety inducing and turn to the web for 'Advice'.

Nella Rose is a 27 year old youtuber/influencer and made a conscious choice to go onto a TV gameshow last year, which had been airing for over 20 years before this, and spoke direct to camera about how surprised she was at having to participate in the 'traumatising' events.
I just can't fathom the mindsets of some of these people, yet there's sometimes more accommodations for them than for genuine barriers thrown up due to disability.

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @simon yep. This is something I do agree with. Its a difficult ballencing act sometimes I think, not to be resentful of shit like that or the people who perpetuate it. complicated issues. Where does mental health end and just fucking get on with it begin? not simple.
in reply to Matthew J

@bermudianbrit @simon the problem is, as soon as you trot out the 'just fuckin' get on with it' concept, we're told that the trauma was always there and people just talk about it more now, so stop being such an asshole.
in reply to Sean Randall

@bermudianbrit @simon and that's hard. I know people, trans people in the main, who feel that only now is it safe to express how they've always felt. And I'm incredibly aware of how liberating that is for them.
I narrowly avoided being sent to an 'institute for the enfeebled' rather than plain old 'school' at the start of the 1990's. I was that close to being labeled mentally unfit for public society. I still got called retarded and many other vulgar terms people wouldn't feel it appropriate to use today.

I'm out of education now, but some of the things we weren't allowed to discuss, or even make our youth think about in the last few years of being a teacher is incredible.

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @simon elaborate? on things you're not allowed to discuss as a teacher? And do you think that fuels anxiety because then you're faced with them as an adult?
in reply to Matthew J

@bermudianbrit @simon I think so.
We got told not to speak to a particular student while they were walking the corridors once, because of the distraction factor. Not to reduce what we said, or avoid long encounters or limit it to the essentials, literally stop completely.

Then one year a student hadn't been accepted into the guide dog programme, so there was a blanket ban on mentioning dogs in range of them hearing, including in their shared classes.

Little things like that, it all added up to a wrapping in cotton wool attitude that never sat well with me.

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @bermudianbrit @simon I'm looking for work and really fucking struggling. But I have never asked my partner not to talk about jobs, never asked an employed person who is also job-seeking to please be quiet. My shit is *my* shit.
in reply to Estelle

@bermudianbrit @simon shared shit is the shit, no shit.
A problem shared, and all that. I'd never suggest not talking about it.
But to imply you can rewrite the world to erase these issues is an absolute disservice to anyone suffering anything, I think.

The first batch of videos from the recent #LibreOffice Conference 2024 are now online! (Apologies for the slight video stutter in places – beyond our control.) This is just the beginning, and there are many more to come (and PeerTube)...…

LibreOffice reshared this.

Redox OS now boots on real ARM hardware, and RISC-V can boot to a GUI in QEMU!

See the many other changes as detailed in our news post here:…

in reply to Jeremy Soller 🦀

Congrats on getting it booting on the Pi 4! Looking forward to more updates on that.

My birthday is late November. I always ask for Amazon vouchers. Easily get enough to cover everyone's Christmas presents. It's shallow, but I can't help the convenience.

Thats a new one. Post on one's Wordpress blog (RSS) to link to a post they just wrote on medium. Why not putting the post here in the blog?

Friends don't let friends post on Medium.

You're on a ship hurtling through space and your crew's best engineers report that critical sub-systems - from water filtration, through to HVAC and food pods - are all failing. Evidence of sabotage. What do you do?

World's governments:

"Governments failed to reach a consensus [...] Many were forced to leave the talks early to catch flights, and negotiations were suspended at 8.30am when fewer than half of the countries were present"…


@mikedoise hi. I enjoyed listening to the Unmute show yesterday where you were helping to answer questions. You said something which I found absolutely fascinating that I have observed as a technology instructor and friend. Some of my friends and students struggle with mobility skills and technology. You mentioned there was a correlation. I would love to chat more with you about this because I have noticed it too. I do not struggle with mobility and absolutely love technology which is quite the opposite of some of my friends' situations. Any chance you could give me more information if there is any, about this correlation? again, great job on the show yesterday!
in reply to Chris Cooke

I too find this interesting because I know some who are good with tech but not so good with mobility or rather more specifically spatial relationships. Still others I know do ok with mobility within the defined parameters of buildings but not as good with out-door travel but are still good with technology. This is a fascinating topic indeed. Do share what you discover with all of us please.
in reply to Chris Cooke

I can imagine a plausible connection between the skills associated with navigating physical spaces and navigating graphical user interfaces, although it's still a conceptual stretch. I would expect understanding command line syntax to be unrelated to either, though, as it would seem more strongly connected with language and reasoning skills.

So there's talk of possible snow on Monday. Too soon in my opinion. At worse, the commute will be a slushy mess, but nothing more
in reply to Amy

And oof to that slushy commute, since drivers often cancel, take almost 30 minutes to show, or the prices surge beyond acceptability, which makes getting wto work timely challenging
in reply to David Dunphy

Yes. I do not miss having a commute. There are a few things good about going into work but I lived in the Carolina’s aka slushy country when I commuted to work and I did not miss it at all when I started working from home.

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  • República (80%, 8 votes)
10 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

The concern here is that old search engines can give you links and you can go into them to verify the content. AI taking over our search engines hides the sources of information, forcing us to blindly trust the AI and wherever it got its information from.


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Pes krvavý průjem, takže dieta. Blbec by byl schopný zdechnout hladem vedle misky s rýží, takže nežere.

Veterina, rozbor krve, kapačka, 3385 Kč, pokračování zítra. Jakou máte neděli vy?

Je to drahoušek.

in reply to Richard

Tak ať je brzo v pořádku 🍀🤞🏼
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Preventing enshittificatiom with the "Ulysses pact" from @pluralistic…

We consider our efforts aligned: #deltachat #chatmail and #webxdc implement "right to exit" on all levels of our decentralized messaging project.

- deploy your own servers permission free and interoperable with all e-mail servers ("federation mast")
- all apps and libraries and server components are 100% Foss
- interactive chat-shared web-apps can be used in other messengers


While porting 'Space Travel' to the PDP-7, Ken Thompson developed an operating system that became the foundation of Unix. It played a crucial role in the development of Unix.

Happy 53rd birthday, Unix! 🥳

#unix #opensource

Anyone know how to get in touch with Royal Mail?

The #HCaptcha is throwing that usual 'An error has occured' message and I can't get anywhere trying to have a package delivered.

This inaccessible HCaptcha plague is now a serious issue to blind people.

🔓 Odemykám → Respekt: Ticho na konci každé písně

Kapela The Cure hraje největší koncerty své kariéry a nikdy nebyla více v oblibě. Nyní po 16 letech přichází i s novým albem…

Tak když mám konečně po dlouhé době volno a chci vyrazit na kolo, tak mě chytnou záda. #wtf
in reply to Archos

ja, prave proto, aby me nechytly venku zada, jsem jel indoor. Sice me ted nebolej zada, zato me boli neco uplne jinyho.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Já vstávám v pět a v šest už jedu do Německa. Přijedu po šesté večer. Čelovka to holt jistí 😀

X is deprecated, migrate to

  • Mastodon (40%, 8 votes)
  • Wayland (60%, 12 votes)
20 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

in reply to Sylvia

Heh! Needed to read that 3 times to get it 🤣 Migrated many years ago already :awesome:

I got my new Ableton Move yesterday. The other one gets returned on Monday. So, for the short time I can do it, I put both of them on the floor, linked them together using Ableton Link, made a crappy complimentary sequence on both of them, and recorded this silly thing.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

lol, considered getting one of those for my partner but wasn't sure how accessible the tools were particularly if you're on Mac but Windows. Very nifty though
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Tamas G

It doesn't matter too much, since the screen reader is currently web-based. It does work a little better out-of-the-box with Voiceover on either Mac or iOS compared to NVDA, but thanks to some code from @tspivey that makes interrupting of regions way, way nicer, I prefer using it with NVDA now. No idea how Jaws does it.
I tried it with Talkback/Google Chrome, and it's much less nice there.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg I don't think it matters? The screen reader output is done via webpage ARIA Live Regions, so if you can get Mac to do that in a timely fashion, you're good to go as far as I know.
in reply to Timothy Wynn

@twynn oooh yeah, I heard the 34-minute overview Onj did on it, quite impressive but also a bit steep from say, a standard stylophone or something much more simple like a synth/looping device as such. Although the flexibility of pads and track layouts being so easy to make are both tempting upsides so for sure considering them the more I hear of it, like that production too.
in reply to Tamas G

Speaking of the Stylophone:
I got one of those for Christmas a few years ago, and was disappointed to discover that it is not a true synth anymore like the originals. It now plays tiny little samples and has aliasing. BOOOOOO!
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Jak dostat na Mastodon jiné uživatele, než programátory? #anketa #ankety

  • geneticky modifikované catgirls (30%, 11 votes)
  • programátorky? (19%, 7 votes)
  • zrovnoprávníme umělou inteligenci! (2%, 1 vote)
  • je potřeba efektivněji kazit mládež (27%, 10 votes)
  • vytvořit spekulativní .social bublinu (5%, 2 votes)
  • propagace Mastodonu na Tiktoku (25%, 9 votes)
  • samolepky v hospodách na WC (47%, 17 votes)
  • je to marný (22%, 8 votes)
  • mě to takhle vyhovuje (36%, 13 votes)
36 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Chao-c'

@xChaos Já, diagnostikovaný jakožto coder, se počítám mezi programátory taky?

Almost done preparing the @loops Android APK!

While we'll target the Google Play Store for Android users, I would love to also support F-Droid with the goal to get into @IzzyOnDroid

That means I'll have to open source the mobile app, but that is already a goal

Laugh all you want, there are few open source TikTok alternatives because few see beyond monetization and when removed, you are left with pure creativity and community-driven content.

Excited to see what we'll build together!


in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

The APK is currently 34MB, but I can slim that down further.

It was over 160MB earlier this evening 😅

in reply to dansup

160 MB 🙈 Yeah, those 34 MB are more like it. Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I'm confident now that the size won't be a show-stopper, thanks!

Grass is pretty amazing.

I was out at the farm, doing the regular fall chores and prepping beds for garlic, when my glasses lens fell out. The screw is, of course, gone. But I need my glasses to drive. Enter a natural material that's abundant, strong, flexible and able to hold a knot.

It got me home. Thanks, grass.
#grass #nature #AnyLandingYouWalkAwayFrom

in reply to Ian Rose

#eyegrasses Day 4 update

(To be read in the voice of German filmmaker Werner Hertzog)

At first, I found the blade of grass to be a simple solution to a problem. A satisfying answer to a question asked by circumstance. Then it became, I admit, something of an amusement. That was a fool's error. Now it is not me who laughs at the grass, but the grass which laughs cruelly at me. It sees me, and by extension all of humanity, stripped of our modern contrivances, naked before it, and it mocks us.

in reply to Ian Rose

The end of an era. On September 24, I used a blade of fresh grass to temporarily mend my glasses after one of the screws fell out in a hay field. I just hoped it would last the day.

Today, 39 days later, it finally started to slip, and I put a metal screw back into the hole. Thank you, blade of grass. You served me incredibly well. Amazing stuff, grass.

#eyegrasses #AllGoodThings

"ChatGPT-5 won’t be coming in 2025, according to Sam Altman – but superintelligence is ‘achievable’ with today’s hardware"

let's make Skynet finally 😎💀

in reply to Fred Brooker

SA mi príde ešte väčšia sľubotechna než Melón a to už je dosť čo povedať.

in reply to David Goldfield

I tried to subscribe to the podcast, but Pocket Casts wouldn't let me. It said that the file I importedwas invalid. I used the feed provided on the page linked in your post. Are you subscribed to it?
in reply to Jessica Dail

@KE8UPE I'm not subscribed to that podcast. I would reach out to the original provider since I just distribute the posts as they are written.

Welcome to the RB family, Soul Searching 🥳…

Soul Searching is an offline music application for Android 8 and above. It's a rework of the native mobile application Sweet Music using Jetpack Compose.

This was quite a journey fighting compression algorithms (Fedora using zlib-ng instead of zlib), but thanks to joint efforts and hard work of the author (thanks entername74!), it was finally made RB :awesome:

Btw: 313 apps / 26% now 😉

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

Is My Smartphone or Smart Device Listening In on Me?…