🆕 article from @TetraLogical

Meet Josh: a sportsman who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy

"The missing piece is usability testing with disabled users. Even with good intentions, accessibility efforts can fall short without real user involvement."

#disability #a11y


A very wide coalition of parties in Denmark have agreed on a new "anti-Elon" law that will prevent foreign interference in Danish politics.

I hope Germany will get inspired.

Source (in Danish):

So if you are a US citizen and you lose your driver's license or equivalent ID, you may pay $25 or so and get a replacement. Did you know if you are a US Permanent Resident with a green card, if you lose your green card you pay $465?

Other interesting details, you have a 17-page document to complete that is provided for you at a field office for immigration, filled out. Now you have to supply a credit card to make the payment. There is no other payment option than a credit card. How many people have a credit card "on a US bank"? So you submit all of this by mail, no other means is allowed: you can not take it to an office.

Then, you must wait "up to 30 days for the payment and document request for the replacement to be accepted". Now you will wait up to 40 days for the new document to be mailed to you.

And this is what the process is in good days: who knows what will happen with the fee and process over the next weeks and months when all those wasteful federal workers are pruned from the system. Do you think immigrants (now called "Aliens" will be getting anything easier with the Trump Administration?

(Yes, this is happening right now with a friend).

A Trump State Department official, acting undersecretary for public diplomacy and public affairs Darren Beattie, has on a number of occasions called for the sterilization of “low-IQ trash”.


wo, i just received an email from google gemini, and i'm excited about it! seems like they are releasing a new feature called Gemini Live1! another AI feature that can help improve the lives of blind people.

"Google is starting to roll out updates to Gemini to make your conversations even more dynamic and engaging.

Gemini Live1 is a more natural way to have free-flowing voice conversations with Gemini on your phone. With our latest model, Live can better understand multiple languages, dialects, or accents in a single Live chat and help with your translation needs. In the coming months, we’ll also bring screen sharing and live video streaming capabilities to Live.

Your data is processed per the Gemini Apps Privacy Notice. As part of providing
this improved experience, your audio, video, and screenshares are stored in your
Gemini Apps Activity (if it’s on). Your data in Gemini Apps Activity is deleted per your
auto-delete period in that setting, and you can manage and delete your Gemini Apps
activity anytime. Learn more in the Gemini Apps Privacy Hub.

Thanks for using Gemini.
The Gemini Team

© 2025 Google Ireland Ltd
Gordon House, Barrow Street,
Dublin 4, Ireland.
1 Check responses for accuracy. Compatible with certain features and accounts. Internet connection required.
Available on select devices and in select countries, languages, and to users 18+.
You have received this mandatory service announcement to update you about important changes to Gemini."

#Blind #AI #Google #Gemini #GeminiLive1 #Tech

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Trump claims the people of Greenland have been treated "very bad" by The Kingdom of Denmark, but the US will take over Greenland which will treat the people very good. So today the Republicans held a Senate hearing about the US annexation of Greenland.

The hearing invited an expert from Texas Mineral Resources who explained how Greenland has natural resources which can be used in American electric car batteries.

Guess who were not invited…

The people of Greenland.

Republicans just voted to put a Putin apologist with no real intelligence experience in charge of our intelligence community. The Director of National Intelligence should be someone with integrity, experience, and commitment to our national security — not Tulsi Gabbard.

Gabbard is fundamentally unfit for this role. Her willingness to align herself with adversaries like Putin and Assad demonstrates a disregard for the principles and priorities of U.S. foreign policy. cbsnews.com/news/tulsi-gabbard…

in reply to Indivisible

But every Senate Republican (except for Mitch McConnell) just voted to confirm Gabbard. These Senate Republicans think they can get away with it. They think we’ll forget. They think their shameless betrayals of the people they work for will go unanswered.

They’re not counting on us funneling our fury into real action. indivisibleteam.medium.com/the…

As you may have heard, 17 states have sued the US government to overturn Section 504, a landmark piece of civil rights legislation that's provided #Disabled Americans with equal access to schools, medical facilities and other aspects of public life for more than 50 years. The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund is holding a webinar to discuss this lawsuit and provide ways we can fight back. Register here: dredf-org.zoom.us/webinar/regi…

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This week in The Big Picture: California AG Rob Bonta on how he’s pushing back against Trump’s unconstitutional orders—and winning. Plus, tomorrow, Jay Kuo breaks down how the courts and other institutions of resistance are trying to outmaneuver the Trump administration’s relentless game of cat-and-mouse. thinkbigpicture.substack.com/p…

#AP Says #Trump Blocked Access Because It Didn’t Rename #GulfOfMexico As #GulfOfAmerica

The #AssociatedPress said it was blocked from covering Trump‘s #ExecutiveOrder signing today because it declined to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America in its editorial style standards.

#law #FirstAmendment #FreePress #journalism #whitewashing #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteNationalism

Fascinating idea by @doctorow about the trade wars inspired by #Trump

Meeting a #Tarrif with a Tarrif isn't going to help #Canadians however what Cory suggests here could:


More importantly, it might hurt the backers of the chaos coming out of the USA since Jan 20th.

/c @pluralistic

There are times when the wind fills your sails, and then there are weeks when everything just feels like a mess, oozing from all directions. No matter what you do, how hard you try, or how much effort you put in, it all turns out wrong. Experience whispers that I just need to grit my teeth and push through this swamp, no matter what. But my inner child just wants to crawl under a blanket, close my eyes, and hope all the monsters disappear.
in reply to Michael Babcock

As a sightling, I try to remember to test for accessibility in the apps I test and recommend. If I find issues (with my rudimentary VO skills), I always let the developer know. I would say 90% of the responses I get are positive. In some cases the tools are mostly accessible and the devs are often surprised that it was accessible at all and excited to find out and get problems fixed.

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Several questions askd today on what products I cover as the Blindness Product Specialist for Humanware (in Australia), so here is the list.
Annie, Brailliant BIX20, Brailliant BIX40, BraillNote Touch Plus 18, BrailleNote Touch Plus 32, Code Jumper, Juliet 120, Mantis Q40, Monarch, ReadEasy Evolve ECO, ReadEasy Evolve Max, Romeo 60, StellarTrek, TactileView, Victor Reader Stratus 4M, Victor Reader Stratus 12M, Victor Reader Stream.

Wow, I remember hearing about the Readeasy products when GW Micro was distributing them years ago. I didn't realize they were still around. Just like stand-alone blindness-centric computers (I don't use the term notetaker), I think there will always be a market for stand-alone reading machines, especially for people who aren't comfortable with standard computers.

I'm making my way through the Ditto help page. It so far is written in a very easy to understand style and the author(s) emphasize keyboard usage, which is great.

We stand in solidarity with our friends at @Codeberg. No project should have to deal with this kind of abuse and we applaud their efforts to tackle it and protect their community. If you share our desire for truly free software and infrastructure that doesn't harvest your data, and have to the means to, consider heading to donate.codeberg.org. Community funding is the best way to ensure that projects like Codeberg can continue to succeed and be independent.


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#история #PozorNaHlavu #kb #образование
...В свете новости о том, что в Питере еще с 2001 года на памятнике написано «Место, где 27 января 1837 г. состоялась дуэль поэта Пушкина А.С. с Дантесом Э.», и это до сих пор не могут исправить, у меня случился своего рода культурный шок, потому что нас, по ходу, в школе учили, что Пушкина застрелил Эдмон Дантес 🤣 Память продажная сучка, но больше я эту информацию нигде взять не мог, потому что «Монте-Кристо» вообще не читал (нет, я не невежественный болван, я читал в детстве дофига всего, просто что-то заходит, что-то нет, Дюма мне ни в каком виде не по нраву).

Ну и вдогонку, #Mistral уточняет, что, дескать,

Жорж Шарль де Геккерен, более известный как Дантес, был французским офицером, который стал известен благодаря своей роли в дуэли с Александром Пушкиным. Он был усыновлён голландским посланником в России бароном Геккереном, который также был любовником его матери. В результате усыновления Жорж получил фамилию Геккерен, но в обществе его часто называли по имени его биологического отца, барона Жозефа-Конрада Дантеса. Это имя стало более известным в связи с трагическими событиями, связанными с дуэлью и смертью Пушкина.

P.S. Он вам на Эдмон! 🤣

if you need a quick break - or a longer one -and you can't just head outside right now, - might i suggest this:


it's a place where you can listen to trees / forests across the globe. Sometimes there are birds, or wind, or insects can be heard, but always trees.

I adore trees. They are soothing and reassuring. They help me slow down. Maybe they can do the same for you?

#autisticJoy #ActuallyAutistic #actuallyWhovian #actuallyQueer #actuallyHuman

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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Miss the #AndroidAppRain at #IzzyOnDroid ? Well, I'm currently busy filling the gaps with #reproducibleBuilds – and as I was asked: Yes, that's much harder the longer an app was not updated. Missing dependencies that cannot be fixed anymore (like, JCenter went offline last year). Build issues / upstream fixes needed, but the dev no longer around to help. And so on. So with 3+ years unmaintained, maybe 9 our of 10 apps simply fail…

Doing our best to get as much in as possible, though 🤞

in reply to Friesenkiwi

@Friesenkiwi Thanks for asking! And be welcome to our wiki on #reproducibleBuilds at gitlab.com/IzzyOnDroid/repo/-/… – and especially look at the corresponding sub-pages for "Establish an App for RB" and "RB Hints for Developers" 😃