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Recently a friend recommended me to try out this awesome looking GPS navigation app specifically designed for visualy disabled users.
Seeing Assistant Move:…
Unfortunately I can't make it work on my Android 12 device. The app never receives GPS signal eventhough all the permissions are granted.
Do you know someone who is using it on Android? #Android #Accessibility

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Is it me or is #Google slowly removing accessibility support from #android #aosp apps?
I'm running android 12.1 and included calendar and keyboard are no longer accessible. Keyboard is not a problem for me, as I am using 3rd party braille keyboards either soft braille keyboard or the one included within corvus suite of apps.
However I am unable to find an accessible calendar app.
Etar is partially accessible, only the agenda view is useable with the screen reader.
Simple calendar has accessibility issues.
Have you got some more tips?

Woohoo! There are now free and open-source polish voices for RH Voice under creative commons licence.

Upgrading friend's Rock pro 64 from debian stretch throug debian buster to debian bullseye.

Nice to know is using the same stack for building email server I am running for a few years already. It's Haraka SMTP server, Dovecot imap server, rspamd for spam filtering and roundcube for accessing messages through the web.

Interesting development related to Google Analytics and GDPR

Jeej, perfektné, zdá sa, že na #friendica môžem posielať aj cez #Tusky!
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