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This whole plan to sell off federal lands seems poorly thought out. Previous governments sold off everything not nailed down often meaning renting back building we used to own.. so we’re selling either garbage or needed buildings and *waves hands* housing

Dos teorías, por lo que veo, son las que tienen más sentido por ahora:

-Se va porque tiene como objetivo la presidencia del Consejo Europeo.
-Se queda, reforzado tras una moción de confianza.


  • Se queda (100%, 1 vote)
  • Se va (0%, 0 votes)
1 voter. Poll end: in 23 hours

I somehow manage to get interested in the most random things. My current craze? Player pianos and other mechanical instruments. Band organs, orchestrians, music boxes. Found this rendition of It's a Small World for player piano yesterday, and it has been stuck in my head ever since. It sounds so lively and happy.

Seguramente no sabréis que la Dirección General de Protección Civil en España, dependiente del Ministerio del Interior, edita de manera totalmente gratuita una obra llamada "Vademecum REMER" orientada a la Red Nacional de Radio de Emergencia pero que cualquier persona puede descargar y consultar libremente en su ordenador. Contiene muchísima información sobre meteorología, navegación aérea, catástrofes, cabotaje, cartografía, primeros auxilios, orientación, conversión de unidades, radioafición...

Se puede descargar desde pinchando en "Consultar documento en línea" y abriendo el index.html. Aunque la última edición es de 2017 trae un montón de cosas que no pierden vigencia.

Impuestos bien empleados, si me preguntan.

#HamRadio #ProtecciónCivil

Today, I am using my clemency power to pardon 11 individuals and commute the sentences of 5 individuals who were convicted of non-violent drug offenses.

These recipients have shown that they deserve forgiveness and the chance at building a brighter future beyond prison walls.

in reply to President Joe Biden

America was founded on the promise of second chances.

My commitment to rehabilitation and successful reentry for those returning to their communities after incarceration is ironclad. I'm focused on building a justice system that ensures everyone is treated equally under the law.

TBS has been updated to a0.06 and is live on Tweaking.

This release marks the completion of the transition to Laravel as well as some significant edits to the data collection and organization processes.

For full details of what’s changed, check out the repo

Fundraising is ongoing for the year and can be made here

We are deeply grateful to all the donors who have generously contributed to #TheBadSpace. Your support is instrumental in keeping the project alive and thriving. Thank you.

in reply to Seirdy

@Seirdy Your assumption implies you are listening to someone else about the project because you could have just asked or looked at the codebase yourself.

But you didn't, just like the hateful people who harass me do.

You need to reflect on that.

in reply to Secret Right Wing Cult Leader

if there’s a better venue to ask such a question than Fedi I’m willing to do so.
This entry was edited (21 minutes ago)

I've just seen a commandline webserver that pops up a "enter your email if you want to sign up to our newsletter" prompt on first run. The world we live in.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

Their documentation has a "change to Undefined mode" button at the top of the site. I don't mind startup culture, but this... this is peak 2024 Silicon Valley developer mentality.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

Streamlit sometimes feels like peak Silicon Valley startup parody, but damn is it a nice framework to use.

Este año estamos teniendo varios fallos técnicos de última hora en #EsLibre, y esta vez necesitamos la magia de Mastodon.

Estamos buscando una instancia abierta de #Mobilizon para poder subir el registro al evento, ya que nuestro Mobilizon está fallando sin motivo aparente.

¿Nos ayudas? Confiamos en que alguna comunidad amiga pueda echarnos un cable.

@bagder Where would be a good* place to buy cURL swag (T-shirts, stickers, mugs etc.)?

*the money goes to the cURL project, not anywhere else

Content warning: Question, Android accessibility

in reply to The Evil Chocolate Cookie

Content warning: Question, Android accessibility

in reply to André Polykanine

Content warning: Question, Android accessibility

#scala be like: oh no, ecosystem is too broken with many silos, 3 different effect libraries is too much, people can't decide, monads are too hard...

Scala solution: let's introduce a whole new thing called direct style, there's now 7 new libraries, competing against the previous 3 and std Futures. We are even working on effect things in a different way which will introduce 2 more ways to think about it!

Everybody else: yeah, tks but no, don't what deal with that craziness 😱😐

This entry was edited (5 hours ago)

O CEO da Geminiland decidiu partilhar connosco a sua opinião sobre Salazar.

Aviso: saco de vómito à mão.

in reply to João Barbosa

se es CEO de uma merda qualquer, cala-te, já que provavelmente vais dizer asneira..

Invest in PureOS that Supports Secure and Private Apps that in Turn Support Smartphones, Tablet PCs, laptops PCs, and Servers Manufactured by Purism!

Invest in the future of privacy, security, and tech freedom here:


I am not sure whether it is a feature just of Tusky or of Mastodon in general but videos loop without pause.

A pause of a couple of seconds before replaying (or a press to replay mechanism) would be more elegant than an unbroken loop in my opinion.

#videos #tusky

Wow, just installed a new @classicpress blog for the first time in over 3 years, basically since I got sick. For reference: ClassicPress is WordPress without the block editor. It also has other features that make it extremely light-weight and fast. Anyway I did that whole installation round with uploading the files to my hoster, creating a new database, writing down the details, installing an SSL certificate, and running the installer. And it all worked on first try! Tomorrow, I will fiddle with the settings, hook it up to @ulyssesapp, and will also try to hook it into the fediverse via the ActivityPub plugin which is rumored to work with ClassicPress as well as WordPress.

At first, I wasn’t sure how I would feel about diving back into this kind of tech tinkering. But it actually felt good when the admin dashboard came up. 😉

I have wanted to get back to blogging for a while, but none of the hosted offerings like WriteAs or MicroBlog felt like home.

in reply to Marco Zehe

I didn't know there was a maintained fork without the React garbage. That's good to know.
in reply to Emma Builds 🚀

@emma Yes, it either uses TinyMCE, but I don’t know which version, or you can switch to the simple text input where you have to write all HTML yourself. And there are also Markdown plugins that then convert to HTML. Https://

Some user-agents that hit my site this week:

“W3C standards are important. Stop fucking obsessing over User-Agent already.”


“I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said–\x22Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my User-Agent, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

i’m happy for you, or sorry that happened.



Writing an article with plans to paste into it a screenshot of a Numbers table. This multi-line, multi-column table would require a lengthy image description for screen readers. I realized I could just make it a Markdown table so everyone could read it, but that would be tedious. Then I thought, “I bet someone else has solved this!” I found the lovely John Franey’s site Table to Markdown, copied/pasted my spreadsheet & I’m done! Bought him a coffee using Apple Pay.

reshared this

A única mágoa é que Chuck Tingle non estea o suficientmente inmerso na política española para agasallarnos o tremendo novelón que sería Pounded on the Butt by my Husband Pietro Sonchez Who Did Not Hesitate To Resign as President of the Government For Our Love.

Soy el que le escribo los textos a Pedro Sánchez y he metido lo de que igual se pira para comprobar si los lee antes de firmar o no. Pido disculpas.

Yo principalmente espero que Sánchez no dimita porque lo que nos faltaba es que Manos Limpias se crezca aún más 🤦🏼‍♀️

If you run your own #synapse #matrix server you probably want to update to v1.105.1 now:

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Bubu :progress_pride:

Thank you! I was due to run updates anyway, this is just added impetus.

As the maintainer of the xf86-input-mouse driver for Xorg, I promise to never add any LLM/AI prompt generator code to our mouse driver.

No matter how long you've worked in #accessibility, there's always an opportunity for a new WTF: "Skip to main content (opens in a new tab)".

reshared this

Screen reader tip:

If you often have long-running operations in your terminal, don't want your screen reader to talk constantly while they're going but want to be notified when they finish, define the following alias (works for ZSH and Bash):

beep() {
echo -e '\a'

And then execute your commands like:

beep python

You can set your screen reader to quiet, and your terminal will beep once the command is done.

I also have a more advanced version of this that sends any error output to my phone via Telegram in case of failure.

reshared this

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

For good old command line windows stuffs, you can also do 'echo CTRL+G' in a batch file or at the end of a thing, and it will play the default windows sound.
in reply to Samuel Proulx

@fastfinge @johann Because I don't want this to happen every time, even for normal commands.

There is probably a way to make it smart and only beep when terminal is not in focus, but I'm lazy and this is good enough.

in reply to Samuel Proulx

@fastfinge @johann Because I don't want this to happen every time, even for normal commands.

There is probably a way to make it smart and only beep when terminal is not in focus, but I'm lazy and this is good enough.

A couple of weeks ago, I found a flow in the #Spotify iOS app which played samples of newly released songs by artists I like, and invited me to either like the song, opt to listen to the whole thing, or move onto the next. As terrible as this sounds, I actually quite liked it. But because Spotify is now a complete mess of things I don't care about, I've never been able to find it again, even after swiping past the hundreds of things on the Home tab.
in reply to Tuukka Ojala

Hmm. Okay, I'll take a look, in that totally obvious place! Thank you. @FreakyFwoof
in reply to James Scholes

I can't check this anymore because I recently switched away from Spotify, but when I used it the home tab had some "content filter" buttons at the top as well as a button for a what's new feed. I know clicking into the music filter gave an interface similar to what you just described with playing previews so I'd also look around there.
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach @FreakyFwoof Yeah, seems to be a variation of that same thing. It gives me previews of some of their curated playlists (I think?)
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach @tuukkao @FreakyFwoof Out of curiosity, what did you switch to and why? I'm strongly considering going back to Apple Music, as it is now apparently available with Alexa here without weird billing address shenanigans, and I have access to a subscription anyway because of Apple One.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki na, I don't like apple music's design and the algorythm isn't half as good as the spotify one. I'm in a due with my brother, because spotify premium individual is to expensive imo. @pitermach @jscholes @tuukkao @FreakyFwoof
in reply to Jonathan

@Jonathan859 @pitermach @tuukkao @FreakyFwoof I really don't mind the iOS and Mac apps, though Spotify for desktop is now a lot better than it used to be. Honestly the only reasons I switched were the Alexa skill and the fact that I could get a student subscription for dirt cheap.
in reply to Jonathan

@Jonathan859 @miki @pitermach @tuukkao I care less about algorithm and more about the fact that the UI is less cluttered, and Apple music just sounds great! I have both, and will listen on Apple if I have the choice, and spotify if I *do* want to hear something random I don't know about.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof @Jonathan859 @miki @tuukkao I also went to Apple. The choice was partly driven by price (after Spotify's price hike last month switching to Apple one for our whole family ended up costing the same as I was paying for spotify+iCloud storage earlier, but with better audio quality and OS integration), and partly phillosofical with spotify further reducing royalties for less popular artists. I still have free spotify if I want to listen to something that's on there and I do kind of miss having a nice new releases playlisst but other than that the transition has been OK.
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach @FreakyFwoof @Jonathan859 @miki How's the Apple music desktop situation these days? Any chance of not losing my mind with it on Windows?
in reply to Tuukka Ojala

@tuukkao @FreakyFwoof @Jonathan859 @miki The windows app is OK. A lot of tabbing, some hotkeys are weird and for some reason you can't press enter on individual tracks in a playlist and have to click, but everywhere else it's not bad.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof hmm get it. Though is it really true that apple music sounds better? Think I wouldn't actually hear a difference :) @miki @pitermach @jscholes @tuukkao
in reply to Jonathan

@Jonathan859 @miki @pitermach @tuukkao you don't all the time, but for things with half-decent highhats and top-end, I do. Also as has been said, Apple pay artists more. As an artist myself, I'm always glad when people listen on Apple music for sure.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof @Jonathan859 @miki @tuukkao Yep, I'm noticing more high end on tracks as well, and spacial audio can sometimes give an impressive effect. Not with every mix, but particularly live tracks, orchestral stuff sounds really great.
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach Hmm, might try it cuz well, why not. I have the abillity cuz my dad has an apple 1 subscription for the whole family. @FreakyFwoof @miki @jscholes @tuukkao

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

jasné, veď už je to v pohode, pri tejto vláde mu nič nehrozí.
in reply to Ralfeek

@Ralfeek možno nie možno áno ale nejako mi je bližšie ak bude tu na Slovensku.

Content warning: extremely terrible idea

in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

Content warning: extremely terrible idea

In the 46-year-old Voyager 1, a processor failed, preventing data transmission. NASA devised a way to reallocate its functions to other hardware, sending an update 24.14 billion kilometers from Earth (taking 45 hours for round-trip communication). It works.

Hmpf, dass #Android bei der Standard UI (Pixel 6a, Stock Launcher) oben Timer anzeigt ist ja nett, insbesondere da ich sehr viel mit Timern arbeite (ADHS, yay), aber dass diese willkürlich sortiert sind versteh ich nicht.

Dass in 12 Stunden ein Timer ausläuft ist nett, aber mich interessiert gerade der, der in drei Minuten bimmelt. Der sollte zuerst angezeigt werden.

Kann man da bei #Google einen Feature Request einreichen? Müssen effektiv ja nur ein sort() machen 😅

in reply to Elinya~ >^.^<

hast du grade mal einen screenshot was du genau meinst? (will rauskriegen ob das der launcher oder die android UI oder die clock app sind.)

#Trump losing 17% of the vote in a closed swing-state primary to a candidate who dropped out months ago should lead to a lotta commentary about his weakness. It won’t, because the press is obsessed with Trumpers sticking with Trump regardless, but it should.

Imagine how they’d cover Dean Phillips pulling those numbers against #Biden.


This entry was edited (9 hours ago)

It was easier for GitHub to put code into ice than it was to drop support of ICE.