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The #XMPP Newsletter for November 2024 is out!

Read about the latest XMPP universe updates and the latest updates on our #standards!…

Enjoy reading! 📰 ☕

#jabber #chat #interoperability #rtc
#opensource #decentralization

Yesterday I discovered that literary Cantonese survived in Hong Kong and I am gobsmacked. (All Chinese dialects used to have a literary version alongside the colloquial version, but Mandarin has taken over most of those functions elsewhere.)…

Dos cosas a decir sobre la IA:

Primero, he mantenido una postura contraria a la denominada propiedad intelectual desde hace 25 años y no la voy a cambiar por motivos coyunturales. La exclusión del conocimiento es un mal objetivo, y no es una buena base para montar ningún proyecto de liberación.

Segundo, el que la IA sea inútil para ti no quiere decir que sea inútil para todas las personas. La descripción automática de imágenes y la IA multimodal que permite hacer preguntas sobre una imagen es, quiérase o no, el mayor avance en accesibilidad para personas ciegas en los últimos 20 años. ¿Que viene a un coste energético y emdioambiental excesivo? Es posible, pero hay posibilidades de mejorar la eficiencia, utilizar renovables, y correr las redes localmente donde no necesitan refrigeración.

Dobré ránko, jaký je dle vás nejlepší client pro Mastodont na telefon?

(Samozřejmě opensource)

in reply to VV

Já mám Tusky, nebo Fedilab. Na push oznámení lze použit náš ntfy server Nebo občas používám
Je to sice webová aplikace, ale nainstaloval jsem jí na plochu v Androidu.

Hay dos cosas que nunca deben darse a la empresa: El correo y el teléfono móvil.
Si quieren tenerte localizado fuera de horas de trabajo, que te den correo y teléfono corporativo y que paguen la disponibilidad.

El Supremo rechaza que los empleados tengan que trabajar usando sus correos electrónicos personales…

🔓 Kmotr Motoristů donášel StB na kolegu závodníka, ten pak přišel o pas. „Je mi z toho zle,“ říká…

6 Linux Distros to Watch Out for in 2025…

@RaccoonForFriendica new version 0.3.4 has been released.

I'm sorry for having released multiple versions in so little time, this is an exception situation and is due to 0.3.2 not being available in F-Droid due to this issue.

The only way was to migrate to a different dependency injection framework and, if you wonder what happened, never use the Koin Annotations library if you want your builds to be reproducible!

- refactor(di): migrate from Koin to Kodein;
- chore(l10n): update German translation (thanks @Thomas for your continuous improvements);
- chore: update dependencies.

Hope this is the last release until next year and, with this, I wish everyone happy holidays 🎉🎄#livefasteattrash

#friendica #friendicadev #androidapp #androiddev #fediverseapp #raccoonforfriendica #kotlin #multiplatform #kmp #compose #cmp #opensource #procyonproject

RaccoonForFriendica reshared this.

Dear GitHub User, we made Copilot free for you now because nobody wants to buy our shit. The board is getting nervous as the user numbers are too low. Please sign up, you don‘t have to use it. Just sign up. Please.
Your friends at GitHub

Why are ethics questions always:

“Is it ethical to steal bread if your family is starving?”

And not:

“Is it ethical to hoard a million loaves of bread when other families are starving?”

🎉 Shrnutí roku 2024 na OSCloud: Novinky a pokroky!

🛠️ Co jsme letos přidali?
👉 Vikunja: Moderní nástroj na správu úkolů a projektů.

👉 Find My Device: Lokalizace a správa zařízení bezpečně a jednoduše.

👉 FreeScout: Nový nástroj pro efektivní zákaznickou podporu.

👉 Dokumentace OSCloud: Začali jsme vytvářet přehlednou dokumentaci.

👉 Nextcloud: Váš cloud s OnlyOffice pro snadné sdílení a spolupráci.

💡 Možnosti na OSCloud
🌐 Hostujeme několik menších i větších webů – od blogů přes fotografické galerie až po fóra.
📸 Webhosting pro fotografy s aplikacemi jako Piwigo, Immich nebo Lychee.
💬 Fóra díky Discourse a NodeBB.
📂 Možnost hostingu pro firemní i osobní projekty.

🔍 Naše hlavní aplikace
👉 Talk: Videohovory přímo z prohlížeče.
👉 MxChat: Bezpečný chat založený na Matrixu.
👉 CryptPad: Soukromá kancelář pro spolupráci.
👉 Mastodon: Naše instance pro otevřenou komunikaci.
👉 Pixelfed: Naše instance pro sdílení fotografií běží již několik let a stále roste.
👉 Vikunja: Všechny vaše úkoly na jednom místě.
👉 Wallabag: Ukládání článků na později.
👉 Tiny Tiny RSS: Sledujte novinky s vlastní RSS čtečkou.
👉 PairDrop: Sdílení souborů bez cloudových úložišť.
👉 SearXNG: Anonymní vyhledávání.
👉 PeerTube: Svobodné sdílení videí.
👉 Bitwarden: Bezpečný správce hesel.
👉 Nextcloud: Cloudové úložiště s OnlyOffice.
📢 Na co se můžete těšit?
Společně s @cynik_obecny pracujeme na novém webu OSCloud. Přinášíme přehledné služby a více možností pro naše uživatele!
🔐 OSCloud: Ochrana soukromí, otevřený software a bezpečnost na prvním místě
#oscloud #opensource #bezpecnost #soukromi

This entry was edited (2 hours ago)

in reply to ROMMIX

oooh that's exciting. What's funny is that the robot voice sounds SAM-like (Software Automatic Mouth) in an odd way. But yes, if I had to compare that voice, it actually sounds like Eloquence 4.2, or at least almost close to it. I like the cadance of the voice, it has a very nice way of talking I think. Great work on getting it to do this demo :)

#seattle does not deserve this amazing endeavor in local journalism. I laughed, I cried, but mostly laughed. Incredible. A plot fit for a Coen brothers movie.

KUOW - ‘Beauty and the chief.’ How a secret romance ended former Seattle Police Chief Diaz’s career…

Going to Japan really ramps up your racism against white Americans

Z článku:

„Evidentně si mysleli, že se to proti nim neobrátí. A přesně to se stalo. Bohužel v zemi, která je zakonspirovaná, začali ten příběh otáčet proti opozici. Černá je bílá, vlastně žijeme v takovém orwellovském světě, kde slova ztrácí původní smysl. Lidé, kteří splňují všechny charakteristiky mussoliniovského fašismu, křičí na jiné, že jsou liberální fašisti,“ podotýká.… česká alternativa k YouTube postavená na PeerTube

O rozjezdu, svobodné alternativě k YouTube bez reklam a sledování, která je postavená na PeerTube. Včetně prvních zkušeností z provozu.

#fediverse #OpenAlt #PeerTube #video #YouTube…
(reakce na tento příspěvek se může zobrazit jako komentář pod článkem)

This entry was edited (12 hours ago)
in reply to Sesivany's blog

Velké díky za skvělý článek o vhsky! Opravdu si vážím tvé práce a času, který jsi tomu věnoval i pomoci na rozjezdu instance. Jen bych rád dodal, že vývojáři už vydali aplikaci pro mobilní telefony. Zatím umožňuje sledovat instance, ale v lednu je plánovaná aktualizace, která přinese možnost přihlásit se ke svému účtu.

in 8 months of time, I've received 3365 direct mentions. That's not bad, I'd say in terms of engagement level with folks here it's the same as I had on my former ex-social-media platform. I'm happier to still talk with a diverse group of people but have my coding nerdy friends who can discuss deep accessibility or programming topics too. You all are what I'm thankful for this holiday season then, keep on posting and being yourselves. Y'all brighten up many people's day just by existing, don't forget that.
This entry was edited (3 hours ago)
in reply to Tamas G

Bro I didn't even know you're on twitter, guess I wasn't searching hard enough hahahaha. Regardless though if you want more accessibility stuff you should try @esoteric_programmer he talks about these things and is ganing to be at the forfront of the Linux access world.
in reply to Tamas G

I believe there's more than these mentions. If you count by buffers. And since I don't use any clients, I can't count them. The numbers don't matter though, but the quality of interactions and new meetings.

tonight in the northern hemisphere we head into the longest night. tomorrow we wake up and start bringing more and more light into the world every day.


i hope anyone who wants it has a blessed solstice.

Taking a break by watching Scambaiters. I'm a 38-month sub for Scammer Payback, but recently into Mistress Scambaits and Agent-G9 for new content. Still good to escape into their livestreams and support good streamers.

The Ghosts in the Machine…

The best time to cancel Spotify was when they paid Rogan. The second best time was when they renewed it. The third best time is now.

They still pay more for promoting fascism than working artist, and do their best to avoid paying artists.

Decided to watch Superman & Lois S4 before it hit Max because YouTube decided randomly to spoil me today. After watching a few Superman videos and the new movie trailer a few times, it started auto playing a video titled (roughly) "Superman & Lois final scene of the series" >:(
in reply to Chris 🌱

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate most content suggestion algorithms?
in reply to Chris 🌱

I'm sorry 😔. I am very excited about the new movie, tho!

It’s been commonly known for years that Spotify is using “ghost artists” to minimize royalty pay outs to actual working musicians.

Few people care, but it’s worth mentioning anyway because this one company has done more damage to music than Napster ever allegedly did.…

Superman & Lois S4E1

Sensitive content

in reply to Chris 🌱

Superman & Lois S4E2

Sensitive content

in reply to Chris 🌱

Superman & Lois S4E3

Sensitive content

Potentially controversial opinion

Sensitive content

in reply to Marie Bayar

Potentially controversial opinion

Sensitive content

If we ever got our act together and did a Double Tap radio play. It would still never get halfway close to as good as this! Check it out, along with our cameos.…

anyone use the way around app? I have some questions. Basically is the data stored locally on a phone or could it be shared some how with someone else who has a phone? but a differentApple ID?
in reply to Brian Moore

In order to share the tags, you would need to log into the WayAround app with the same account. That’s not your Apple ID though. It’s a separate account.

🕐Z #NowPlaying At the top of the hour why not jazz up your day with a new edition of Smooth and Easy with Kelly Sapergia. an hour of Smooth #Jazz, #Chillout and #EasyListening music.… #TGVRadio 🤎🎷🐝🎧🌬️🎵

It's never too late to pick up a timeless, stone-cold classic videogame: Firewatch is on sale on Steam for a mere $1.99.…

Agree. So, why the voters didn't get this? Have dem's again fail at making people see?…

Musk is now outright supporting the Nazi party seeking power in Germany.…
in reply to Heidi Li Feldman

@ppatel I hope they will lose badly, good for Germany, but also teach Elon a lesson not to stick his nose into matters he knows nothing about.

What WordPress users need to know about the Automattic and WP Engine conflict…

Khronos reshared this.

The first open-source, privacy-focused voice assistant for the home is here…

Reading about the 20 December 1973 assassination of Franco's Prime Minister.

One historians believe triggered the downfall of Franco's Fascist regime in Spain.

When people say 'run government like a business,' they mean cut services, raise prices, and pay the CEO 400 times more than the workers.