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4 years using and championing the #fediverse full time and I've never written a #introductions toot. Well, or I have and can't find it.

I'm a #blind guy from 🇬🇧 with a passion for #technology and #programming, particularly #lowLevel #systemsProgramming in #C, #C++, #Rust, etc.

I've been a huge #freeSoftware / #openSource advocate for the majority of my life. I run #Linux and I love open, #decentralised technologies like #ActivityPub, #Matrix, #bitTorrent etc.

In my view, technology is built to make our lives easier, and in many ways, it isn't these days. It is truly my opinion that the only way #tech can be sustainable is if it's built using #FOSS, and does not give ultimate control to any 1 entity, individual or corporate. If technology is to help the people, it must be built *for* the people.

Currently working on, various projects with the rest of the Lower Elements gang at, and a Computing Science BSC at the #University of #stirling
in reply to Michael Connor Buchan

My brother is blind, so I'm always on the lookout for tech that helps.
Currently he has Victor Stream Reader that he uses to the best of his ability, but I wish the buttons were larger.
He uses a talking clock which he refers to a lot (it has the wrong time so I have to figure out how to reset it).
Finding tech that helps is difficult!
in reply to arccyclist :verified_gay:

@christopherd@mastodon.nzHonestly the thing that I think helps the most these days is a smart phone. Both iOS (via VoiceOver) and Android (via TalkBack) are accessible out of the box. iOS has historically been better for accessibility, but I think Android is catching up fairly quickly now. Microsoft's Seeing AI app helps us scan text, bar codes, even recognise our surroundings. It's only available for iOS but Google does have Lookout on Android, which is similar. There are also great navigation apps like Lazarillo, which announces what's around you and can help you get from A to B. I used to recommend (and loved) Microsoft SoundScape, but unfortunately they've discontinued it. There's also apps like Be My Eyes, where volunteers help blind people with whatever tasks they need help with over video chat.