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Items tagged with: Libreoffice

Organise a #LibreOffice meetup in your area! For instance, some members of the German LibreOffice community met recently in Essen:… #foss #community

Update time! #LibreOffice 7.5.2 is now available, with fixes and improvements. All users are recommended to upgrade:…

Location: Bucharest. Dates: September 20 - 23. Event: the #LibreOffice Conference 2023! Registrations are now open – we'd ❤️ to see you there:…

News from the #LibreOffice Documentation community! Czech guides are available in the Bookshelf – and you can help us to translate more:…

EasyHacks are good starting points for anyone who wants to get started in #LibreOffice development! Learn more on our Dev Blog:…

Your donations help us to grow the #LibreOffice community, and therefore keep improving the software! Here's how they helped in 2022 👍

#libreoffice, #macos and #darkmode, a dark topic indeed...

(there is text in the fields at right, it just doesn't show)

thx @clt_news for having us!

@libreoffice plus a talk from yours truly on #webassembly with some intro covering a bit of general #libreoffice and #tdf topics:…

Last weekend, we met #LibreOffice users and free software fans at the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage event @clt_news in Germany! And we're just getting started with 2023 – we'll be at many more events:…

This is going to be awesome: the #LibreOffice Conference 2023, in Bucharest, this September! Join us, and give a talk about what you're doing – the Call for Papers is now open:…

Did you know? #LibreOffice has a Dashboard, showing stats for development activity, language translations, wiki edits and more: dashboard.documentfoundation.o…

..on my way to join the merry crowd at the booth, and just to say that we'll be having a talk upcoming tomorrow:…

#libreoffice #CLT2023

hey @libreoffice
On… you write 7.5.1 is compatible with macOS10.12+. The dmg says it is compatible with 10.14+.
Where to file a proper bug?

More dark mode and compatibility improvements are coming to #LibreOffice, thanks to the work of our QA team! Here's their summary from January:…

Enjoying #LibreOffice 7.5, released a few days ago? Check out the brand new guidebooks, just published by our documentation community:…

@libreoffice has a #DarkMode. 😍

OK, I updated from 7.3, so I probably missed this feature in 7.4, but this is a _huge_ improvement for me. And I just discovered, that I can change the document background, too. Less strain on my eyes. I'm in love! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️…

#LibreOffice #Office #FOSS #Accessibility

Hi Ubuntu Community, my question to LibreOffice was:
> » Do you know, why in "Ubuntu Software" of Canonical is still the version available?«

while "Major update! #LibreOffice 7.5 is now available, with:

✅ Dark mode improvements
✅ Data tables in charts
✅ Better bookmark handling"

Calling all coders: our EasyHacks are good starting points for to get started in #LibreOffice development. Here's one for QR code support:…

i would but i live in phoenix, az , usa have a great convention guys ! #linux #libreoffice #opensource #badass

Check out some of the new features in #LibreOffice 7.5, released yesterday, in this video (with subtitles in many languages):…

kudos to the #libreoffice #community for another awesome release!

Proud to be a part, having contributed 8 of the new features, and more than 260 commits overall to this LibreOffice 7.5 release.

#foss #office #release #opensource…


Thanks for your work.

I have written a short info/announcement in german language here:…

#libreoffice #libreoffice75

Major update! #LibreOffice 7.5 is now available, with:

✅ Dark mode improvements
✅ Data tables in charts
✅ Better bookmark handling

...and much more. Huge thanks to the LibreOffice community for making this release! Learn more, and download it:…

2023 got off to a good start in the #LibreOffice project! We had updates to the suite, new guidebooks, interviews with community members and more:…

This Saturday, at @fosdem don't miss Sarper Akdemir's talk about an #interoperability issue at the @libreoffice Technology devroom and hear how bug tracking can take one deep down the rabbit hole. 🐜

"An Interoperability Improvement in LibreOffice Impress Tables"
Sa. 4.2., 16:30 🕟…

#fosdem #fosdem23 #LOtech #LibreOffice #Collabora #CollaboraOffice #CollaboraOnline #foss #opensource

Already looking forward to @fosdem next week?

Saturday afternoon, don't miss our talks on @libreoffice Technology. Noel Grandin will not only address the “elephant” in the Dev Room, but also show how to turbocharge him. 🐘 ➡️ 🏎️

Hear about interesting challenges in a massive codebase!

Sa. 4.2, 16:10 🕓 #LOtech Dev Room 📹…

#LibreOffice #fosdem #fosdem23 #foss #opensource #collabora #collaboraoffice #collaboraonline #cool_dev

LibreOffice’s New App Icons Make a Bold Statement… #opensource #libreoffice

With #LibreOffice now able to include #QRCode directly, it's easy to create #WiFi connection posters!

(While still putting the info as text for those who can't decode the QR…)

Menu: Insert -> OLE Object -> QR code and barcode

The URI to use is a bit weird, cf.… (French but it's clear enough)


(A ; is required after the password, the remainder is optional. H is for hidden APs)

If you are used to working with #Microsoft #Office, you might feel lost when working with @libreoffice. But did you know that with just two #LibreOffice settings you can make the user interface look similar to a Microsoft Office product?…

What's even better than top-notch #LibreOffice documentation? The answer is: LibreOffice documentation in many languages! Our Czech community just finished translating the latest guide for Calc:…

Many new features are coming to #LibreOffice 7.5 in early February, thanks to our worldwide community and ecosystem developers! Have a look:…

New update! #LibreOffice 7.4.4 is now available, with compatibility improvements and fixes. Get it here:…

Blimey! 534 bug reports were resolved by the #LibreOffice QA community in December. Nice work! More details here:…