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Items tagged with: Libreoffice

It's happening! #LibreOffice 7.6 – our next major release – is due to arrive in August. Now the first Beta is available, so you can help to test it:…

#LibreOffice Conf Asia x UbuCon Asia 2023 will be held from 7-8 October 2023 in Surakarta, Indonesia! And the Call for Papers is now open:…

Mmm, donuts... Homer Simpsoning aside, this chart shows how #LibreOffice's rocking QA community worked on bug reports last month – more details on the blog:… #foss #opensource #donuts

What's the best thing about #LibreOffice? The software's pretty awesome, sure – but so is the worldwide community behind it! Learn what they did last year, and join them:… #oss #foss #community

Congrats to the 338 people who contributed to the #LibreOffice project in May! 🎉 Here's how to get your sticker pack – and there's some bonus merch too:… #foss #oss

Coming up in October! #LibreOffice x UbuCon Asia 2023 – in Surakarta, Indonesia. Join us there:… #conference #foss #opensource


I was wondering if the #libreoffice team had some projects about #AI integration.

MS Office is working hard on this topic.

-- fr --
Je me demandais si l'équipe de #libreoffice avait des projets d'intrégation de l' #ia.

MS Office avance bien sur ce sujet.


Welcome to June! But let's take a quick look back at May, and what we did in the #LibreOffice community. New updates, meetings, interviews and more:…

i use #libreoffice because its free and works better than anything similar I have tried.I've used it since it was called OpenOffice on the early 2000s and never looked back

Power up your brain! 🧠 Our #LibreOffice guidebooks – made by the awesome docs community – are full of useful info. And the guide for Math has just been updated for LibreOffice 7.5:…

Reminder! 🔔 The #LibreOffice Conference 2023 will take place from September 20 – 23 in Bucharest, Romania. We hope to see you there! More details here:… #opensource #foss

In 2022, 11,769 commits were made to the #LibreOffice source code, from 218 authors, in 10 repositories. We also took part in the Google Summer of Code, to support student developers:… #opensource #foss

Because sometimes i need something newer than #Lotus #AmiPro... 😀

And obviously i like the idea of #Open #Source... and open standards are the only way.

And... the roots of #LibreOffice are going back to my "neighborhood"... 😉

I love #LibreOffice for the ease of use, the richer features, the consistent media alignment and reliable SVG support, open document format, easy to install, easy to distribute, most consistent multi-platform experience, great documentation with real-world examples, helpful community and there's no stupid subscription! I prefer donating and have several times. Going to again later this week.

Thanks LibreOffice team! This is great software I never want to be without!

Me he interesado por el software libre desde hace un tiempo, eso me llevó a conocer libreoffice y debo decir que me ha encantado. Agradecido con #Libreoffice que me ha acompañado en mis proyectos escolares y lo sigue haciendo en los actuales.

I love #Libreoffice because it's opensource and platform agnostic. Those 2 are key and should be mandated as default for all software used in/by public institutions. ❤️ :libreoffice:

I mainly use #LibreOffice writer, and I love the layout of the program, that you can adapt almost everything to your needs, and especially the look of the writing on the screen. I actually enjoy writing with this program. ✍️

I love #LibreOffice because it's just works, and works great as well! It don't have features I don't need, like cloud service. And it is a #freesoftware.

I extremely dislike MS everything. I had been using a cloud based suite attached to my email. What I really needed was a robust suite that I can use offline that won't make my computer lag and is readable by most of the world. I found it in #LibreOffice and absolutely love it! 💕

I love #Libreoffice for a number of reasons:
Because it is completely #FreeSoftware.
Because I don't have to pay for its full version.
Because it is no Cloud stuff.
Because it is fully GDPR-compliant, while MSh*it isn't.
Because it is simpler to use LibreOffice than doing everything in #LaTex.
The #LibreOffice suite is one of my most important tools since my school days. You helped me to reach university.

I use #LibreOffice simply because it's free software that just works. And works well.
I can install it on every device and OS, producing documents in open formats that will work forever without depending on a specific suite or developer will.
Furthermore, LibreOffice has a fantastic community to interact with and ask questions to receive actual help and suggestions.
Thanks for the great work! :heart:

been using #LibreOffice since the early days and has been a loyal companion for all these years.
Even in my corporate environment that forcibly uses Win* and Office, I can just snuggle a portable installation and confortably use my templates in #opendocumentformat for everyday tasks at work.
I really like it because, it's free, predictable and it's against any task that you can imagine.
With #linux is just a match made in heaven.
Thanks all for the hard work ❤️

New features are coming to #LibreOffice, thanks to students in the Google Summer of Code! Better encryption, APNG support, a search field in the options dialog, and more:… #opensource #gsoc

I love #LibreOffice because it's free. It's not that I wouldn't pay for it (I do sometimes), but because it's free, installation is so simple. Never have to worry about licenses, using it on multiple computers, moving to a new OS, whatever. I really grinds my gears why many home users still prefer a pirated you know what.

I love #LibreOffice because of its wide range of uses and its high compatiblity; LO is a great Libre Software which works very well on GNU/Linux. I'm using it daily since i switched from Win** to Debian some years ago

I mainly use Calc, with a lot of data imported from multiple .csv files, then aggregated in a separate sheet via expressions, and set up to be filtered. I must say, #LibreOffice is faster handling lots of data than E***l. That is only one of the reasons I like to use the suite.

Final few days of the Month of LibreOffice! And you can get a sticker pack by simply using the hashtag #LibreOffice and telling the world why you love the suite 🥰

I'm trying to figure out if I have some time to contribute to #LibreOffice #docs There has to be a few hours a month to spare...

Meet the #LibreOffice community at events around the world! We were recently in north Italy, for instance:…

Become a #LibreOffice guru with our handbooks! They're made by an awesome worldwide community – here's what they did in 2022:… #foss #opensource

247 sticker packs awarded to #LibreOffice contributors so far in May! But there's still one week to go – so make sure you get yours:…

Ever heard the term "scratching your own itch"? It means: doing something out of motivation to solve a personal problem. Rafael Lima came across a limitation in #LibreOffice, and helped our community to fix it! Learn more :… #opensource #qa