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Items tagged with: LEGO

LEGO MINDSTORMS was discontinued. End of story, right? Well, not so fast. We can fix this together. And you can help!…

Instead of chasing the latest gadgets and trends, let's see what we can do with the hundreds of thousands of excellent robots that are already out there. Saving the planet, one programmable brick at a time.

#LEGO #MINDSTORMS #ewaste #micropython

The evolution of #LEGO computer #UX design:…

#UX #lego

jo no, já zas pokukuju po #Lego #Titanic, ale je to obrovský a drahý. Dá to hodně energie udržet sebekontrolu...…

Ještěže je to tak drahé, jinak bych to asi potřeboval 😍 #lego…


World's first #Lego tram in Hungary…

Finally got round to finishing my Lego Large Dalek design, needs a fair bit of refining, and would likely have to rework the joint, but I really like this concept ^_^
Head spins and eye goes up and down.

#DoctorWho #Lego

#Lego made a Video to explain to kids why they track them. How do you feel about this?…

#privacy #PrivacyMatters

  • Oh, nice and educational (26%, 90 votes)
  • WTF that’s damn creepy 🤬 (73%, 246 votes)
336 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Neat! A system that allows blind and visually impaired people to build Lego sets independently: #blind #vi #lego #a11y

Let’s do a proper #introduction. I am Slothdude, a hobbyist #sloth #artist. I used to draw sloths on an app called #DrawQuest until it shut down, and then for a while drew sloth portraits of people on another app called French Girls until that shut down, too. Now I draw sloths wherever I can, usually with an iPad app #Procreate. I do slothified versions of fine #art as well as cartoons and #fanart. I am also a #lego enthusiast.
I can be found under the handle @dqslothdude on the bird site.