Items tagged with: LEGO
LEGO MINDSTORMS was discontinued. End of story, right? Well, not so fast. We can fix this together. And you can help!…
Instead of chasing the latest gadgets and trends, let's see what we can do with the hundreds of thousands of excellent robots that are already out there. Saving the planet, one programmable brick at a time.
#LEGO #MINDSTORMS #ewaste #micropython
Pybricks reboots LEGO® MINDSTORMS® for use in the modern classroom. Help us save hundreds of thousands of robots from the e-waste pile!Pybricks
The evolution of #LEGO computer #UX design:…
The UX of LEGO Interface Panels
LEGO interface panels are beautiful, iconic, and great for learning interface design basics. I bought 52 of them from BrickLink to explore the design, layout and organisation of complex
Elkészült az első életnagyságú legóvillamos, a Deák téren megnézhetik
A legóvillamost Dóczy Balázs tervezte, építésében 90 ember vett részt.Vida Benjámin (Telex)
#Lego made a Video to explain to kids why they track them. How do you feel about this?…
- Oh, nice and educational (26%, 90 votes)
- WTF that’s damn creepy 🤬 (73%, 246 votes)
LEGO for the Blind - Making LEGO accessible to all people!
Making LEGO accessible to all people!LEGO for the Blind
I can be found under the handle @dqslothdude on the bird site.