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Items tagged with: Quantum

Ok wtf. So you're telling me that #Google #Chrome's #V8 #JavaScript engine was more #insecure than #Mozilla's #Spidermonkey after all these years? Because I'm pretty sure SM has been already doing plenty of the things mentioned in this article (I've touched on SM code plenty of times, so much more than I wanted because I worked on separating Spidermonkey from the monolithic #libxul, it's still hurting my brain...), even before the #Quantum rewrite. So even #PaleMoon which has been commonly trashed for being "old and insecure" is apparently more secure than Chrome, but most crucially it also disproves the long-standing blind belief by security freaks out there that Chrome is "more secure" than #Firefox when it's the other way around on many fronts...

#web #webbrowser #browser #browsers #openweb

Kicking Erwin Schrödinger out of my idols. Not because he chose a cat for his thought experiment, but because of one thing I learnt: he sexually abused children and kept a diary about it. 🤮 Src:

#schrodinger #quantum #physics

We finally start to see some interesting applications of #quantum algorithms.

The algorithm for motion tracking proposed in this paper isn't very different from the classic ones. You get a sequence of frames from a video [t-1, t, t+1], do absolute subtraction, get the changes, group them into segments, and track the changes of those segments over time.

However, scanning the frames and performing operations on individual pixels is a big bottleneck in the traditional algorithm, no matter how much we try and be smart or parallelize the operation.

Reducing space complexity by simultaneously exploring multiple paths (thanks to superposition) is exactly where quantum algorithms shine.

I'm just not sure though of how much it costs to convert a "classical" video into a "quantum" domain and back - that may be the bottleneck of the proposed approach.
