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Items tagged with: TIL

TIL Jacques Lusseyran went blind at age 7. At age 14, alarmed by the Nazi's rise to power, he learned German to understand Hitlers speeches. At age 17 he was leader in the French resistance, and was sent to Buchenwald concentration camp. He was among the 990 out of 2000 French prisoners to survive.
#til #todayilearned

TIL that Mike Tyson went bankrupt in 2003. Despite having earned $400 million from boxing, examples of reckless spending included $6.3 million on luxury cars and $580K on his 30th birthday party. He has improved his financial situation and now receives $900K/month from his cannabis company, however.…
#til #todayilearned

TIL, Jumbo the elephant was not named such because of his size. Instead, Jumbo the word, meaning exceptionally large, was only introduced into the english language because of Jumbo the elephant. He was so big and so well known that his name became synonymous with size.
#til #todayilearned

TIL: a former Italian porn star, Carlo Massi, quit porn to do research in applied mathematics, got his PhD, taught real analysis, became a professor, and then got sacked for being a former porn star. He sued and won against the university.
#til #todayilearned

TIL that on Valentine's Day, a group of embittered singles in Shanghai bought up all the odd-numbered seats in the theater, forcing couples to sit apart.
#til #todayilearned

TIL about Duck Shit oolong which the discoverer of, named it so that he could keep all the leaves to himself.
#til #todayilearned

So apparently the term "patch" in software development comes from punched paper tape.

"Small corrections to the programmed sequence could be done by patching over portions of the paper tape and re-punching the holes in that section."

#til #computers #development #language #history

Did you miss the excellent office hours with @emitche all about the Message Context Menu? Now you can watch it on TIL!

And keep up to date all our @tilvids video content by following our TIL account at!

#Thunderbird #TIL #OpenSource

#TIL: This actor from episode Citizen Joe of #StarGate SG-1 TV series is the english dubbing artist of Homer #Simpson, grandpa Simpson, Krusty the clown or Barney Gumble.

TIL the photo of Salvador Dalí jumping and painting while water and live cats fly through the air took 5 hours and 26 tries because they couldn't get the timing right. The "floating" objects hung from wires or were held up off-camera. Dalí’s canvas frame was empty in the pic; he painted it in later.
#til #todayilearnedí_jumping_and/

« Je vais poser une question à CanardCanardVasY… C'est bizarre comme nom, quand même… »

Donc, finalement, j'ai cherché d'où venait le nom "DuckDuckGo" au lieu de faire ma recherche (c'était quoi déjà ???).

C'est donc écrit dans l'histoire sur Wikipédia :

Et… ça vient du jeu "Duck, duck, goose" qui n'est rien d'autre que… "le facteur n'est pas passé" :,_duck,_goose

Truc rigolo appris aujourd'hui !

#TIL #DuckDuckGo

The first gen ipod had a feature to view HTML pages ?? #TIL

TIL of the "Shoe Fitting Flouroscope" or "X-Ray Shoe Fitter" which existed in shoe stores up until the 70's - Allowing customers (mostly children) to look through a viewer at a live X-Ray of their feet, to see the bones of their toes and how they lined up with the stitching of the shoe's sole.
#til #todayilearned

#TIL that one of the most commonly played street vendor “jingles” in #Mexico City was created by a father-daughter #clown team (English with Spanish).

Hoy me enteré de que una de las canciones de los vendedores ambulantes más tocadas en #CDMX fue creada por unos #payasos —un padre y su hija (inglés con español).

#Clowns #Payaso #DF 🤡

This is a carbonized loaf of bread from Pompeii, 79 C.E. - preserved for thousands of years in the volcanic ashes of Mount Vesuvius. The baker left his stamp, which reads: “Celer, slave of Quintus Granius Verus." Celer is known to have survived the eruption, as his name later appears on a list of "freed men." Most bread at the time was baked in community ovens, so customized stamps were used to mark individual families’ and bakeries’ loaves.

#histodons #TIL #WeirdHistory #AncientHistory #DYK

#TIL, Public toots that are replies to other toots don't show up in the Local Timeline.

Omg, I am so oldschool.
Up untill now, when I broke the boot I always flashed an #Arch image to pendrive, booted from it mounted proper partitions and fixed the mess.
From now on I am using the netboot ipxe.efi.
#TIL #CanNotFindAnyPenDrive #WelcomeTo21stCetury

#: Bienen sind Fische nach kalifornischem Recht und werden deswegen besonders geschützt.

# in # applications, you can use Ctrl+Alt+i to open HUD (heads-up display) menu.

The HUD menu consists of a search box that does fuzzy search in the menus.

This is particularly useful when you are looking for a functionality or something in menus but you don't want to go through the menus one by one to find it.

I wish @libreoffice and other software with massive nested menus can adopt this.


Interesting. Reason why so many people are short sighted nowadays is insufficient amount of natural light in childhood causing inproper eye growing... 👀👓#til

It is all powered by a single motor? 😲🚡#til

I flew during freezing temperatures for the first time. I didn't know they spray each plane by antifreeze fluid. #traveling #til