Items tagged with: gpt4
Lately, I've taken to using this to describe images instead of using GPT, even if it takes a little longer for results to come back. I consider this to be quite impressive.
"On veut créer un champion européen, il faut s'en donner les moyens", affirme Arthur Mensch, de Mistral AI
La start-up française Mistral AI s'impose comme une championne européenne de l'IA. Elle vient de réussir une levée de fonds de 385 millions d'euros.Sonia Devillers (France Inter)
Detailed Image Descriptions with Bing - Accessible Android
For us visually impaired individuals, accessing image descriptions has long been a challenge. This post explains how to get Detailed Image Descriptions with BingHasan Çimen (Accessible Android)…
#gpt4 #AIHype #ThisIsWhyWeDontTestOnTheTrainingData
GPT-4 and professional benchmarks: the wrong answer to the wrong question
OpenAI may have tested on the training data. Besides, human benchmarks are meaningless for bots.Arvind Narayanan (AI Snake Oil)
#Development #Outlooks
The end of front-end development · Things are going to change, but not in the scary way people are saying
#Job #AI #GPT4 #ChatGPT #ChatBot #WebDevelopment #WebDev #Code #Frontend #HTML #CSS #JavaScript #Skills #Productivity
The End of Front-End Development
Large language models like GPT-4 are becoming increasingly capable, at an alarming rate. Within a couple of years, we won't need developers any more! …Or at least, that's the narrative going viral on