If something really bad is a 5 alarm fire, this is a 5² or perhaps even a 5! alarm fire.


Holy shit.

Just wow, wow, holy shit:

Completely rewriting a multi-million line COBOL codebase that has life-or-death consequences for real people in the space of a few months, using gen AI?

I’ve been writing software for 40-some years, and I have to say: this may be, without exaggeration, the stupidest software-related idea I’ve ever heard from leadership.


JD Vance on #Canada: "They just don't have the cards. There is no way that Canada can win a trade war with the United States."

Reminder Pierre #Poilievre has a direct connection to VP Vance through 🇨🇦MP Jivani, who is Vance's best friend. Jivani calls Vance his "brother by another mother." They attended university together & Jivani was Vance's groomsman at his wedding.

#MapleMAGA #cdnpoli #canada

in reply to Charlie Stross

Here's an Acorn Atom, released in 1980. I haven't ever used this computer myself. But neither have I used an Apple III, which is, as far as I know, the other well-known computer that came out that year... well-known for being a dud. The photo is from Wikipedia.

As I'm visually impaired, I'd appreciate a more detailed description of this image. #ALTforMe

@Friendica Support

Hi there,
working on moving old friendica sites from a shared hosting to a VPS, I ran into the following problem I can't find a solution for. This actually happens with one 2021.04 instance but not with another (anymore), so I'm crosschecking all the settings but can't find how to solve this. Both sites were installed as 2012.04 from the start:

not working version wrote:

This is Friendica, version 2021.04 that is running at the web location sub.domain.com/var/www/subdomaincom. The database version is 1413/1413, the post update version is 1400/1400.

working version wrote:

This is Friendica, version 2021.04 that is running at the web location sub.domain.com. The database version is 1413/1413, the post update version is 1400/1400.

As visible in the screen, the site also displays the following path on top of the page, and of course calls that URL:

Different intents to fix this by changing or deleting the following settings from the console didn't work out:

system.basepath => /var/www/domaincom
system.urlpath => /var/www/domaincom/

Even more astonishing, sending the following setting with the console:
/bin/console config system url https://sub.domain.com
.. the site is displayed and works as it should be for a few minutes, and than falls back into the wrong behavior, like if the worker changes something when ever the cron kicks in. In that time span I can log in and even go thru the admin settings but this setting is not available.

Intents to modify the following specifications in local.config.php didn't work out either:

'system.basepath' => '',
'url.basepath' => '',
'system.urlpath'=> '',

At least I figured out/ realized that url. and system. actually shouldn't be used at all as:
'config' => [
'system' => [

.. are actually "in charge" of defining that. So now I'm not sure either if those wrong lines somehow made it from local.config.php into the DB and are now part of the problem.

I found this conversation by @Hypolite Petovan on github:

Table config, cat = "system" AND key = "basepath"

and it actually looks like this is exactly te problem but I have no experience at all with mysql over CLI SSH and don't know what commands to use to delete the apparently wrong setting in the DB.

Screen of the front page showing the error

Is there a way to delete entries with bin/console?
I did manage to change some settings from there but couldn't find any hint how to "delete" an entry entirely from there:

/var/www/inversioncom/bin/console config -h
console config - Manage site configuration
bin/console config <category> <key> <value> [-h|--help|-?] [-v]

bin/console config system basepath /
system.basepath <= /

#AndroidAppRain at apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid today with 13 updated (11 RB) and 2 added apps:

* Inure App Manager (Trial): multi-purpose app manager for all rooted and non-rooted devices 🛡️
* Dharmik Online: Browse Bhagavad Gita 🛡️

Dharmik Only replaces the Dharmik app at IzzyOnDroid. The latter includes all media and is fully offline, but unfortunately jumped to an APK size of > 300 MB…

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

A new guide called "Using GitHub Repositories with a Screen Reader" has just launched 🚀

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help screen reader users navigate and interact with repos efficiently 💖

Check it out and share with your network 🤩


I'm really loving how Mastodon has become a refuge for all the grizzled seafarers on the ocean of the internet. They pop up in my feed and their bios all say something like

"I've been online for longer than the internet. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. 56k modems on fire in the light of Usenet. I watched IRC forks glitter in the dark near the Gateway 3000. All those moments will be lost in slop, like tears in rain. Time to deshittify."

Phone call: "Hello is this Alex?"

Me: "Yes, who's this?"

P: "Hey, it's Ashley, sorry to bother you, how's your day going? Any plans for the weekend? It should be sunny"

Me: "I'm sorry, who is this?"

Ashley: "Oh yeah, I guess you're wondering why I'm calling. I'm a representative at TechLead360QuantumCore and since you're a director at Mozilla, we can help you improve your engineering output with our AI offering and data tracking"

*Close call and block number*

Chromium now has initial, experimental support for the xdg-session-management #wayland protocol, which will start shipping in canary channel in the coming days. I've implemented and tested it against Mutter 48, the only compositor supporting it atm - also experimentally - since version 47.

Quick demo at youtu.be/OG9ZLXzlwkQ

#chromium #wayland #linux #gnome #opensource #foss

This entry was edited (3 hours ago)

Holy shit.

Just wow, wow, holy shit:

Completely rewriting a multi-million line COBOL codebase that has life-or-death consequences for real people in the space of a few months, using gen AI?

I’ve been writing software for 40-some years, and I have to say: this may be, without exaggeration, the stupidest software-related idea I’ve ever heard from leadership.


Jsem celý zaskočený a nesvůj z toho, že mne followuje celých 12 lidí, což je zhruba o 1200% víc, než se mi stalo na jiných sociálních sítích, kde také pohostinsky nevystupuji. Děkuji moc za to a doufám, že důvěru a naděje ve mně kladené nezklamete.

#priznani #duvera #nadeje

#Mapycz (now #Mapycom) from #Seznam use #OpenStreetMap everywhere except their home country - Czech Republic, where they have their own proprietary maps.
There have been rumours in the #OSM community that they actually copy from OSM. Today I found proof that they really do.
I mapped a new park in #Brno just by surveying and taking notes last year. Later the park showed up on Mapy.com with exactly the same path layout. The new orthophoto is out and it revealed that I didn't get everything right and Seznam got it wrong too. Exactly the same mistakes.

Not cool, Seznam.

Ondřej Caletka reshared this.

in reply to Jozef Mlich

@jmlich Pepo, if you want to make judgments, please at least study the OSM license first. You cannot use OSM objects in a map where you already have proprietary objects of the same type. And you can list sources however you want.
They use OSM for everything in other countries. That's fine. They only use OSM for certain types in CZ, such as benches, recycling points. That's fine. They use their own proprietary data for roads and paths and they can't add roads and paths from OSM to them.
in reply to Jozef Mlich

@jmlich yes, it's a bit complicated, but Seznam navigates well in it. All they are officially doing is in line with the license. Except for these "quiet copies". That's why I think it's not systematic, but rather a failure of an individual or individuals who wanted to make their job easier. For the sake of Seznam I hope they will stop it. We also wouldn't want an engineer in our kernel team who would copy code from BSD to Linux. 🙂

Zaterdag 29 maart 2025 is in ons land een gedeeltelijke zonsverduistering zichtbaar.

Begin rond 11.14 uur
Maximum rond 12.07 uur
Einde rond 13.02 uur

De tijden zijn benaderend: er is een verschil van enkele minuten tussen het uiterste westen en het zuidoosten van het land.

OPGELET: NOOIT zonder bescherming naar de zon kijken. Om het fenomeen goed te kunnen volgen, heb je een eclipsbrilletje nodig.

I wrote about how the user experience of encrypted messaging tools is sometimes just as important as the underlying tech. PGP, Jabber etc were not accessible. Signal makes it seamless. But the UI still has issues that can lead to mistakes 404media.co/behind-the-blog-fo…
in reply to Joseph Cox

> He changed his profile picture to a photo of himself so it was much easier to see which Jason Signal contact corresponded to that Jason.

This still leaves the risk of people deliberately changing their username+profile picture to match that of Jason to trick you to invite the wrong Jason to the group chat

In #Conversations_im we try to show the Jabber ID (not just the username) in relevant places (during invites, for new chats)

For #Signal that would be the phone number, I guess

in reply to Daniel Gultsch

after you wrote 404media.co/you-need-to-use-si… I actually made a mental note to show the Jabber ID more prominently in the list of group chat participants. Meaning if somebody fucks up the invite other people still have a chance to check via the participants list.

On a podcast long, long ago, @Ranger1138 @JamiePauls and I discussed how braille books have a very particular smell. I've just smelled the closest thing to it with a sample of Glossier You. This is one of those fragrances marketed as "your skin but better" and supposedly smells different on everyone, but for me, I was instantly transported to a high school summer in the TSBVI library browsing shelves on shelves of hardback braille. Reading from a display is great, but it's just not the same as feeling the weight of a book in your hands, turning its pages and knowing from the crispness of the braille whether it was a well-loved favorite or your own fingers were the first to find it.
in reply to Ricky Enger

I love the smell, but I must have missed out on at least one novel every time we went on vacation because I could only pack a volume or 2 to travel with me.
Our library let you order specific volumes and even paid the international postage, but of course they usually turned up out of sequence or not at all, then you couldn't get them properly when you got home.

I also never forget the wave of disappointment of walking into the school library, to see row upon row of colourful, cheery texts, each one a complete story unto itself, to find I had a whole 2 shelves of my own at the very back! But the 42 plain volumes were dictionaries and religious texts. Taking up as much room as more than a couple hundred stories my sighted peers had access to. That was a gut punch.

I saw Bloodywood last night. Pyrotechnics, headbanging, rapping/screaming, chugging on an 8-string guitar, and... thanking every single member of their (large) crew by name, with rounds of applause for each group, from their manager through to the tour bus driver. Lovely stuff.

Contemplating the oddness that, when I was only 10 years old, my grandmother bought her house for less than 5 percent of what my own home cost 20 years later. I'm no economist, but those are figures I can get my head around, and not in a good way.

I had a delightful experience finishing *When The Moon Hits your Eye* rather than working this afternoon, exactly the sort of day off I wanted. I ended up shopping last week, so a quieter change of pace is all to the good.

Sat through a theatrical performance of *Picture you Dead* last night. Not a big Roy Grace fan, but the machinations and tomfoolery onstage were entertaining enough. The performance did indeed, as the warning proclaimed, include flashing lights, loud sounds including gunshots and depictions of criminal activity and violence.

I do get to eat out before returning to reality: tonight, a 16 oz Rump steak, grilled to my liking with a Peppercorn sauce, served with sautéed mushrooms, homemade onion rings, chunky chips and garden peas. A pint or 2 of cider hopefully, and ... Starter? Or pudding? Hard to call. Either the Tiger Prawns cooked in garlic butter, or the posset, I think.

Back to the humdrum and the banal at home tomorrow and my first full working week in a while, so will have to get my skates on! I'm in the office on Thursday, too, so an early start on the train. And it's a Thursday, so no tennis either. Twice bedamned job. I daresay I'll change my mind when March's pay comes in on Monday.


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in reply to Sascha Presnac 🙄🤦‍♂️

We know it doesn't help you now, but we are coming closer to built-in Exchange support. You can follow updates on the Developer mailing list (thunderbird.topicbox.com/group…), and we include monthly updates on our blog (blog.thunderbird.net)

Possibly Severance spoilers in soundtrack track names?

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