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I wish the low speed sound in EVs was configurable. I would set mine to the scream bear from Annihilation.

Have you had difficulties in organizing your online meeting links? Check out Perspective Meetings, an app that allows you to add all of your meetings in one place. You can add your meeting links to the app, and quicly join them from within the app. Check out the public beta at

in reply to Schmaker

teraz hráš? Fallout 1,2 a z časti aj Tactics boli skvelé. Že by si to dám zas? 🧐

Well, the Alex voice now has a 38-minute clip of it reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland as well. This increased the number of utterances from 336 to 945, and the new Piper model is now training at 6000 epochs, what fun!

Alguien sabe cuánto tiempo tiene de vigencia el documento de la firma electrónica de hacienda? este que termina en .p12. Gracias.

Zítra se koná šachový turnaj na počest mého zemřelého manžela. Mám předávat hlavní cenu. Nevím, jestli to dám bez slz...
This entry was edited (4 hours ago)

Ooh. Coming on July 11...

Best known as the author of Earthsearch, James Follett wrote over 50 radio dramas, and 25 novels. This gripping 3-book series, adapted and abridged for BBC Radio and read by Nigel Anthony, explores what takes place when a West Sussex village becomes cut off from the outside world by an alien force field after a UFO crash-lands.

Following a violent storm, the village of Pentworth is plagued by bizarre events. A strange crab-like mechanical creature is seen scuttling in the shadows, two visiting investigators from the Radio Communications Agency disappear in the local ‘plague swamp’ and the supplies of gas, electricity and water begin to falter. Then, suddenly, an invisible, impenetrable sphere appears, completely enclosing the town. With the residents trapped and unable to escape, a battle between good and evil begins...

The Pentworth Trilogy: written by James Follett, read by Nigel Anthony, BBC Audio

As grandes editoras estão a atacar o maior arquivo público digital do mundo o @internetarchive , por causa das suas atividades como biblioteca que fez empréstimos digitais controlados, durante a crise pandémica do COVID-19.
Defende o @internetarchive:

Now I have a lot more hope and enthusiasm for the Piper voices, so this weekend I will re-train Mac_alex, Keynote, and Votrax using a bit more data, + finetune from the HFC_male variant which will minimize the cutting off of words. These will be released as new RT voices and you will be able to install either type of voice to compare differences amongst them.
This entry was edited (2 hours ago)

Not yet updated to #LibreOffice 24.2? Here's an overview of some of the new features – with subtitles in 30 languages! #foss #OpenSource
in reply to LibreOffice

And the same video, but on PeerTube:

Introdução a _Identidade e família_

De tempos a tempos, preciso, por razões quase vitais, de me centrar em leituras desconfortáveis. Não de comentários abjectos na Internet, de opiniões divergentes de conhecidos ou desconhecidos, mas sim de artigos, textos e livros fundamentados e supostamente credíveis, que foquem temas que me são caros contudo abordados de perspectivas opostas à minha.

Todo este preâmbulo para dizer que comprei o balado livro Identidade e família e, por enquanto, ali a introdução. Se a premissa de que a família é a base fundamental da sociedade me parece consensual, todo o resto roça o alucinado digno de redes sociais, o que não esperava: A vitimização clássica dos autores calados pela censura do politicamente correcto (eles chamam-lhe “lutar pelo bem”), que não são ouvidos nem achados, mais ridícula vinda de intelectuais e gente com perfil público e claramente privilegiados; e a absurda concentração e abominação na tal ideologia de género e doutrinação escolar da mesma, que parece o fetiche preferido da direita radical e até da fofinha e que só eles sabem mesmo o que é e em que consiste realmente.

Veremos os próximos capítulos, mas isto começa… “bem”.

P.S. Já agora, o que estou aqui a fazer não é censurar nem ser politicamente correcto: é usar da mesma liberdade que estes senhores têm em publicar o que pensam para ter uma opinião diferente. É capaz de parecer estranho mas, pode-se fazer.

What's this junk. I go into my google drive on the website, and a bunch of live regions now spew out about my activity from even a year ago? what? Am I the only one experiencing this? help. Must. check. work. drive. (OK: Update. If you have details pane open (which re-shows until you hit "button Hide Details" on the site), and if it's switched to Activity tab, Google will throw all activity as a live region.) Wonderful work.
This entry was edited (2 hours ago)

Ahojte . Je tu niekto ,kto obchoduje na tejto platforme a je ochotný sa podeliť o skúsenosti ? 🤓

Dnes šiel okolo p. Truban (veľmi dobre bol oháknutý) ešte vidieť Spišiaka naživo a mám zase energie kopec.
This entry was edited (2 hours ago)

Just installed the Prosody #XMPP server on my home server using the #NixOS module and a Let's Encrypt certificate. Everything just works out of the box, including E2E encryption and push notifications to Monal on iOS.
in reply to Josh Kingsley

That's great to hear! Some people had reported issues with the NixOS packages a couple of months ago, so it sounds like they have been fixed 🙂
in reply to Prosody IM

Yes, there was a problem with building package luadbi-mysql, it was recently fixed.

I still marvel at the build construction of the BTSpeak a month later, because @BlazieTech have built a product which screams premium manufacturing. It doesn't feel like cheap plastic, the keys have that slightly rougher texture that's not just smooth ABS shine, and no creaking noises to when you squeeze the sides or generally handle the unit. It's lighter than an iPhone yet the same exact dimensions as my 14 Pro, yet with 9 keys I get things done faster than on smooth glass.
in reply to Tamas G

@dblazie Oh hey I wonder if they could add the piper TTS? Not sure how well it'd work on that device though.
in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

@pixelate @dblazie we did discuss that on the mailing list, I believe from BlazieTech's testing the voices were just super delayed on the Pi 4 in terms of speed, but these new "RT" streaming voices give me hope that they can split the process into more chunks that even the Pi's CPU and GPU would handle a lot better.

📌 Medzi spoločnosti, ktoré inzerovali svoju reklamu v druhej polovici marca na škodlivých weboch patria:
📍 Jysk
📍 Temu
📍 Frilla
📍 Witt
📍 Kraj
📍 Vidaxl
📍 Dr. Max
📌 Dané spoločnosti inzerovali svoju reklamu najmä na portáloch Hlavné správy, eReport, Veci Verejné a Hlavný denník, ktoré sú podľa projektu Konšpirá označené ako škodlivé weby šíriace dezinformácie.
📌 Dané spoločnosti sme aj priamo oslovili. Ani jedna zo spoločností sa však k danej problematike po priamom oslovení nevyjadrila.
📌 Inzerciu spoločnosti Glami, ktorá sa v predchádzajúcom reporte zaviazala regulovať svoju reklamu, sme na škodlivých weboch tentokrát nenašli.

A beginner's guide to digital accessibility

Tamas G reshared this.

Oh good, another AI tool jammed down my throat when I opened Instagram this week. Searched through settings for a way to disable it - nothing. Reddit hasn't been super helpful either.

It's extra frustrating to see the little thumbs up/down on the AI bot's chat prompts. How many years have people been asking for a thumbs down option on Meta products? Now it finally rolls out but only to help train their product that they'll use our free labour to make more revenue from.

Exclusive: Apple has been working on the most significant update to its Calculator app in years and the version being tested in early betas of macOS 15 sports brand-new features and exciting enhancements to the unit conversion system.

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👉🏼 Building a culture of accessibility

“Accessibility isn't solely important in the final product; it's crucial at every step of the process. Adopting accessible practices from the outset unlocks your team's full potential.”

#accessibility #culture

right, i'm actively looking for a new job. 12+ years experience: frontend development (html, css, javascript, php, python), user analytics, linux admin, UX/UI design, junior security. remote, cape town. #FediHire #getFediHired
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My laptop was cold. "No problem," I said to myself, as I launched World Community Grid. "It will warm up in no time."
It did.
This entry was edited (6 hours ago)

Content warning: Discussion of sexual topics, mention of "problematic" kinks

Me reading this:

“Come ON! Those have different meanings and add precision!”

“Oh damn people are using the more precise in a general sense to ‘sound smarter’” this is awful

“Do I… do I sound like a TOTAL ass when I speak ?”

Star Trek: Lower Decks Canceled For A Ridiculous Reason? (TLDR: Lower streaming hours collectively for the show caused by episode lengths also generally being shorter, unlike for other Trek series)

Two of our longest standing team members just celebrated their 10 years at Tuta! 🥳 🎉

Let's make some noise for Hanna & Bernd 🥂 🍰

(And before you ask: They are married - but not to each other! 🤣)

in reply to Tuta

Great work. Thanks for working for a company that respects their users.

Shout out to all the 1st generation Nigerian American students about to be falsely accused of cheating, because some amateur hour AI cheating detector software recognizes that you write just like cousin Chukwuma back home! 🇳🇬🤷🏿‍♂️

Very impressed with the new Split #Braille Feature in #JAWS. Being able to read Teams chat with half my display whilst typing someplace else is tremendous. They seem to have well thought out the different modes and views. Shame about the cells wasted with the split and lack of customisability of the viewport widths. If I won the lottery I'd throw a few hundred k at #NVDASR for comparable #BrailleDisplay development

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in reply to Sean Randall

I have the same feeling for when I use Split Braille at work, it's become quite useful for splitting work between meeting chats / another document, sadly a new reason I've lately been switching to JFW during meetings.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg I wonder if the Braille Extender add-on could do something like this for NVDA.
in reply to Sean Randall

That said, updating #JAWS is still a pain. It's ridiculous that the US has had such a cheap way of using JAWS at home for over half a decade now and the rest of the world pays stupid prices or has to buy at very specific times of the year which you only know about if you're quite involved in the community,
And I'm still sad that workplace adjustments are still hugely JAWS driven, when NVDA Addon development should really have made this much more of an open thing.
Hey ho, it's all about the choice I suppose and that's a good thing. Hopefully screen readers will keep enspiring each other to new things.
in reply to Sean Randall

The "JAWS in the workplace" thing is also very country-specific. It seems to be more common in places where strong accessibility laws exist and employees can get funding for scripts. This is not the case here, for example, and almost nobody uses JAWS. I know people here who work in large companies, including banks and such, and NVDA is just fine.
in reply to Sean Randall

Before I went back to work I was a full time nvda user. However, is it wrong to say that if I ever get a windows pc, I'd happely pay for an anual jaws subscription?
in reply to ChadBlanco

@cublanco pretty much in the same boat, although I get JAWS for free as part of the Hungarian blind citizen's program that gives it out there to qualifying people. It's a timed license that gets renewed for 2 years at a time by the contract though. Work has mostly made me get JAWS again for home just in case I need one of the same tools that can make my job a bit more productive that NVDA doesn't have.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg @cublanco I spent a whole month writing research it rulesets I couldn't ever reuse, either. I wish there was a cross-compatible tool for snipping data out of web pages by rule like that. XPath was really clever at it.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cublanco oh yeah, the webpage customization features are terrific. (I also haven't quite figured out on all my sites why certain regions are considered a "glance" area, but the method JAWS has for identifying those I would welcome in NVDA too.) It's those slight pamperings that do add up in time you spend doing it manually
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg The thing that gets me, is someone thought that I needed three hours of relearning how to use JFW, when it only took me at least, five minutes? Mind you, the last version I used was 12 at home.

in reply to Lucinek

šéfkuchár ma zrušil že to je moc jednoduché.. snažil som sa byť proaktivní.

Apple's iPhone Screen Sizes Could Change in 2024, and Possibly Again in 2025

Another Zapatista song.
These #rebels want to build "A world with room for many worlds" and I love this idea of a non totalitarian ideology where different communities are free to find their own way of organising.

A world where many worlds coexist.

hechos contra el decoro - un mundo donde quepan muchos mundos


in reply to Ika Makimaki

That's one of my favourite groups, they have such cool songs and lyrics.

There's a pretty eclectic album called EZLN, el fuego y la palabra, that has an anthology of songs on the movement. You may already know of it, but in case you don't,

Ala, ya le he reventado las ilusiones a otro señor. Si es que esto no puede ser, me dejáis escribir y pasa lo que pasa.

Exclusive: Mercedes becomes the first automaker to sell autonomous cars in the U.S. that don't come with a requirement that drivers watch the road

I have to wonder, what does it take for a #blind person to communicate using #ham radio? Like, I thought about taking the test and doing all that but firstly, I wouldn't really know what to do with it if I had my license and there are, to my knowledge, no talking radios blind people can reliably use.
in reply to modulux

@modulux I definitely don't mind talking to older folks. I knew a guy who was fully into Ham radio and seemed to have a pretty big setup. I wonder, is there a way to talk to people from let's say, the other side of the country?
in reply to Rook

Yes, definitely. There are a couple things to consider though:

In general, though not all frequencies behave the same, the further you want to go the more power you need, and at that point the sort of antenna you have makes a big difference. So bear in mind if you can install a large antenna or not.

Also, transmitting morse is a lot easier than voice, so you can go a lot further with less power, but it is also a hassle to learn.

There are also hybrid radio/internet systems where you can use repeaters from the internet and such, like EchoLink.

Disclaimer: my radio days are mostly behind me and I'm talking from memory.