“Mr Toon does not want Britain to rejoin the EU, or even the single market. He just wants politicians to come up with a plan to get his guitars across the channel in under a month.”
Are we really still at this petulant child stage?
'Guitar exports used to take 48 hrs - after Brexit it's three weeks'
Why are politicians so coy about their policies on the EU?Dave Harvey (BBC News)
"Your Monthly 50km"/50,34km❤️💙🚶♂️➡️
Vyšel jsem až v deset, ale asi to je jedno, když už v osm bylo dusno jako hrom🌞 Taky jsem ušel jen dva kilometry a teď jdu do sprchy🚿
Save 15% on Shrot on Steam
Shrot is a bite-sized old-school action RTS set on a sandy planet with horses, tractors and techno music.store.steampowered.com
Denn: "Jene Probleme, die eigentlich gelöst werden müssten, bleiben ungelöst. Wie ein Teppich legt sich das Meisternarrativ auf all diese gesellschaftlichen und strukturellen Probleme."
Ein Text von Gilda Sahebi, den bitte alle lesen sollten, die in Politik und Medien arbeiten:
Meisternarrativ zu Migration: Verlockend einfach
In Deutschland werden gängige Erzählungen zur Migration nicht gern infrage gestellt. Ursache dafür ist das wirkmächtige Meisternarrativ.taz.de
Over the last months, we've completely redesigned and rewritten @dino 's accounts and settings dialogs. The dialogs are combined into a single one now, which is adaptive and offers additional features like an option for OMEMO by default. The rewrite also resolves a number of issues and feature requests that were raised with the old implementation. It's still work in progress and will require further polishing.
#dino #xmpp #gtk #libadwaita
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der text, den ich seit 12 jahren immer wieder rauskramen muss.
»›party-patriotismus ist nationalismus‹ – deutsche fans verwandeln seit der wm 2006 internationale sport- und musikwettbewerbe in schwarz-rot-goldene jubelfeiern. politiker begrüßen die meere von nationalflaggen als zeichen eines harmlosen und unverkrampften patriotismus. sozialwissenschaftler halten das für eine gefährliche fehleinschätzung.«
Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕️?
Habe mich oft gefragt, warum etwa Terroristen „feige“ genannt werden. Nun weiß ich: Weil Feigheit vor der Wahrheit zum feindseligen Dualismus führt! #Feigheit #Dualismus #Cypher #Matrix scilogs.spektrum.de/natur-des-…
Cypher aus Matrix: Feigheit führt in den feindseligen Dualismus
Dr. Michael Blume deutet den Film Matrix als biblisch angereicherte Gnosis und den Schurken Cypher als Personifizierung der Feigheit.Michael Blume (Natur des Glaubens)
Lesenswert wie ein kleiner Krimi:
"Wie Habeck uns über die Weihnachtstage den Arsch rettete."
Oder auch, "Wieso die Grünen für Putin so problematisch sind. "
Nordstream 2: Wie Robert Habeck die Pipeline stoppte
Die Gaspipeline Nordstream 2 gilt als einer der großen Irrtümer der Ära Angela Merkel. Nun zeigen Dokumente, wie Robert Habeck die Pipeline kurz nach Amtsantritt stoppte.Johannes Bebermeier (t-online)
Ingrid Robeyns: "Niemand verdient mehr als 10 Millionen Euro – nicht mal ein Heiliger"
Wie viel ist zu viel Geld? Bislang wollte kaum jemand die Frage beantworten. Die Ökonomin und Philosophin Ingrid Robeyns fordert, Reichtum zu begrenzen. Mit zwei Zahlen.Ingrid Robeyns (ZEIT ONLINE)
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Ich fordere: Der Forderungsjournalismus muss sterben! | Übermedien
Jens Spahn von der CDU stellt Forderungen, und Medien melden das, oft ohne Einordnung. Dabei ist das in der Regel erst mal keine Nachricht.Arne Semsrott (Übermedien)
The recent Queensland Gives Philanthropy Week events were an incredible opportunity to learn of the innovative strides in QLD's philanthropy sector this year. We'd like to congratulate this year's winners, particularly GIVIT whom we have passed the innovation award baton to!
#philanthropyweek #philanthropyawards #queensland
Žiadne zadné dvierka "iba pre tých dobrých" jednoducho neexistujú, hovorím to už celé roky herrman.sk/home/zijeme-v-divne…
From: @protonprivacy
Proton (@protonprivacy@mastodon.social)
"The fact that the EU interior ministers want to exempt police officers, soldiers, intelligence officers and even themselves from chat control scanning proves that they know exactly just how unreliable and dangerous the snooping algorithms are that t…Mastodon
Starosta Charkova varuje: Rusové loví naše lidi. Neumíte si představit, co nás čeká
Ihor Těrechov v exkluzivním rozhovoru pro Aktuálně.cz vyčísluje škody v Charkově a popisuje, jak ruská armáda "loví" civilisty.Anna Dohnalová (Aktuálně.cz)
I was today years old to learn about unifiedpush.org/ (thanks to @nlnet!) and holy wow!
Since switching to CalyxOS, private, reliable, but battery-efficient push notifications has been a "choose one, at best" sort of situation and this changes *everything*!!
Matrix (Element), Mastodon (Pachli), Telegram (Mercurygram) works, there are even forks for Signal! 🚀
#LinuxAppSummit #CFP #GNOME #KDE
Call for proposals
The Linux App Summit (LAS) is designed to accelerate the growth of the Linux application ecosystem by bringing together everyone involved in creating a great Linux application user experience.linuxappsummit.org
Plíží se weekend, čas zastavit se a odpočinout.
Tak to dnes v práci nepřehánějte a keep smajlík!
Po tomro týdnu už sotva pletu nohama. A to mi teď psal kolega, že nedorazí. Takže kratší pátek se nekoná. Budu muset zvládnout práci i za něj. Asi už budu v poledne na placičku. No nic. Ještě že je aspoň ten pátek!
Jo, a Max hodil konečně normálnější bobek, takže veterina se odkládá. 👍
Držte se bando! Odpoledne už budeme všichni odpočívat! 😘
Configuring email forwarding 101.
Most services: Check a box next to "Forward email to: ___"
AWS: "Write a Python program to accept an object you'll be uploading to S3, and also LOL good luck with KMS."
(No, really. aws.amazon.com/blogs/messaging…)
Forward Incoming Email to an External Destination | Amazon Web Services
Note: This post was written by Vesselin Tzvetkov, an AWS Senior Security Architect, and by Rostislav Markov, an AWS Senior Engagement Manager. Amazon SES has included support for incoming email for several years now.Amazon Web Services
It took five years to write, but here's the full story behind Lambda School, Silicon Valley's disastrous foray into for-profit education.
I explain how they burned through $120 million in funding, why Income Share Agreements failed, the crimes committed along the way, and how one developer turned journalist put an end to the fraud.
Fast Crimes at Lambda School
Two days after his company's downfall, Austen Allred wrote: I wish people could see how ugly it is to be envious, and how obvious it is to those around you when that's what's happening.Benjamin Sandofsky (Sandofsky)
I mean, the way companies work these days, they weren't going to get promoted anyway… or get a meaningful pay raise for that matter.
This has been true prettymuch since the original dot com bubble days. The only way to stay 'industry average' is to jump ship every couple of years. Stick around any more than that, you risk a massive pay gap.
Nearly half of Dell’s workforce refused to return to the office
Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted.
Nothing like a portable, cross-platform #Python setup script:
subprocess.check_call('git clone /[redacted].git]https://gitlab.com/[redacted]/[redacted].git /tmp/[redacted]', shell=True)
This is so common in Jupyter notebooks.
Literally today, I've had to deal with one that had !apt-get install all over the place.
Systems: What does a board of directors do? - Anil Dash
A blog about making culture. Since 1999.www.anildash.com
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - The Game - 30th Anniversary Edition
The 30th anniversary edition of the The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy game.BBC
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OpenStreetMap, la chanson 🎤
OpenStreetMap, I heed your call by @rtnf14 | Suno
high tempo electronic rock song. Listen and make your own with Suno.suno.com
in reply to Johnny in Mirrorshades • • •