Love Loss Lament by Electronight Alchemy on Apple Music
Album · 2024 · 9 SongsApple Music - Web Player
Vyšla nová verze open-source YouTube klienta #FreeTube. Umí blokovat reklamy, stahovat obsah a uživatele nesleduje.
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YouTube na počítači v aplikaci bez reklam a ve 4K?
Populární služba YouTube se otřásá a její provozovatel Google se snaží o navýšení zisků. Po letech služba začíAdolf Pupík (…
Pozor, v platnosti výstraha ČHMÚ na silné a velmi silné bouřky. Na jihu Čech už to bouří, a to s velmi vysokou intenzitou.
Apple Intelligence Features Not Coming to Europe at Launch Due to DMA
Apple today said that European customers will not get access to the Apple Intelligence, iPhone Mirroring, and SharePlay Screen Sharing features that...Juli Clover (
@pitermach It’s not simply mirroring, iPhone Mirroring to a Mac / iPad mirroring over SharePlay also allows you to remotely control the device, something that third party apps cannot do at the moment due to those APIs being locked down.
Third party apps can mirror the display (as they’ve been able to do for ages), but they can’t remotely control the device.
it is petty, they’re just trying to throw 🇪🇺 users against the EC, hoping they would protest
However, this is just a “delay” and it’s quite early to say what’ll happen
💗 💛 🩵
Pansexual Pride Beaded Loop Earrings
Made with pink Swarovski crystal beads, glass seed beads, and stainless steel findings…
DM with customs/questions
#Cvkvlv #CvkvlvBeadwork #Mvskoke #Native #Indigenous #NativeAmerican #Beadwork #Jewelry #Earrings #Handmade #IndigenousCreatives #Queer #Pride #PrideMonth #PrideMonth2024 #Pansexual #Pan #2S #TwoSpirit
Pansexual Pride Beaded Loop Earrings
Materials:Swarovski crystal beadsGlass seed beadsStainless steel fish hook findingsApproximately:4 1/4 inch or 11 cm length1/2 inch or 1 cm Beadwork
Yep, saw it.
Matt’s doing great work and this isn’t on him in any way.
This is an unacknowledged structural problem that has existed for at least eight years. It won’t be fixed solely with piecemeal effort funded by the commons.
To that point, from the post: “My current contract with the GNOME Foundation is ending soon, and we need to make sure that my current work is documented well enough that someone else can continue it if needed.”
500,000 Books Have Been Deleted From The Internet Archive’s Lending Library…
500,000 Books Have Been Deleted From The Internet Archive’s Lending Library
If you found out that 500,000 books had been removed from your local public library, at the demands of big publishers who refused to let them buy and lend new copies, and were further suing the lib…Techdirt
Kyberšmejdi měli v Praze výstavku... Díky @jakubzelenka za nasvícení. #kybez #soukromí…
Pronikli jsme na veletrh ISS World Prague. Sponzoruje ho firma pod sankcemi USA – Page Not Found
V tom hotelu je tolik špionážní techniky, že chvílemi při prezentacích kolísá internetové připojení. Do Prahy se opět sjeli na "ples odposlouchávačů" stovky delegátů z celého světa. Novinářům a širší veřejnosti byl tradičně vstup znemožně
Da Ihr gestern die Sonatine so mochtet, wie wäre es heute mit einer "Bagatelle" der #Komponistin Fanny Hensel (deren Bruder Felix Mendelssohn übrigens auch komponiert hat).
Das Stück ist wunderbar für ein kurzes Innehalten am Nachmittag, oder wann auch immer Ihr Euch das anhört.
(Meine innere Perfektionistin sagt, ich solle darauf hinweisen, dass die Aufnahme nicht superdupergut ist, aber die soll mal still sein.)
#Klavier #Klassik #Komponistinnen
ok, look. i don’t understand social media.
nearly every day, i wake up & post the same video(s) to the same 4-5 sites & the reactions are often so different! which is fine, but it really does make understanding feedback a more… complex task than i’d prefer 😅
the biggest lesson i’ve learned: you can’t please everyone, so don’t try. just create things that make YOU happy, & do your best to improve if it’s within your scope and ability.
the world will learn to love you, or it won’t! what does it matter?? 🫶🏼…
Purism Differentiator Series, Part 1: Summary – Purism
Purism makes premium phones, laptops, mini PCs and servers running free software on PureOS. Purism products respect people's privacy and freedom while protecting their security.Purism SPC
Kommentar: "Chatkontrolle" und auch Kinderschutz - vertagt
Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Kinder ist eines der abscheulichsten Verbrechen. Dennoch blockiert Deutschland in der EU ein Verfahren, um dagegen vorzugehen. Privatsphäre ist offenbar wichtiger als Kinderschutz, meint Kathrin Schmid.
Cyndi Lauper - Money Changes Everything (Live)
Cyndi Lauper's official music video for 'Money Changes Everything'. Listen to Cyndi Lauper: up for Cyndi’s email lis...YouTube
The Matrix Conference is the place where the Matrix hackers, and the public and the private sectors meet. Don't miss your chance to sponsor it!
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Sponsor the Matrix Conference
The Matrix Conference is coming to Berlin, Germany on September 19–22,
on that?
Mit Dank an Prof. Dr. Rebecca Grotjahn – stellvertretend für die Fachschaft Frauen- & Gendermusik der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung – für diese überfällige & nötige Aufklärung & an @kontrovers für die Publikation 💎
Tragik des Augenblicks. Zu Arno Lückers »250 Komponistinnen. Frauen schreiben Musikgeschichte«
von Rebecca Grotjahn | Um es vorweg zu sagen: Dieses Buch ist ein Ärgernis. Nicht, weil – wie der Autor in den sogenannten sozialen Medien unterstellt – verbissene feministische Forscherinnen es nicht mögen, dass ein Mann in ihren Gewässern fischt od…kontrovers
EU surveillance mavens didn't have the votes to force tech companies to neuter their encryption, so they cancelled -- for now -- a vote.
This is obviously not the end of the matter. Governments absolutely hate the notion that they can't spy on everything, everyone, everywhere. So this dangerous measure will be back.…
EU cancels vote on child sexual abuse law amid encryption concerns
Countries clash over how to safeguard privacy when rooting out illegal pictures and grooming on private chat apps.Clothilde Goujard (POLITICO)
Movim 0.25 is out! With many exciting features such as file upload improvements, automatic nightmode and simplified admin configuration 😋
Checkout the complete changelog on our blog… 🥳
If you are enjoying using Movim daily or just want to support us do not hesitate to join our Patreon 😊
Get more from Movim on Patreon
creating a kickass distributed blogging and messaging platformMovim (Patreon)
Gmail Labels Using the Keyboard ~ A New Lesson from dSurf on YouTube
Activate the "...More" button in the video for quick access to the table of contents!
In this instructional demonstration you learn the following tasks:
• What labels are and how they are used
• Creating and adding labels to messages
• Nesting labels
• Adding color to labels
• Removing or deleting labels
• Searching with labels
• Creating a filter to move messages out of the inbox using a label
Gmail Labels Using the Keyboard
Labels in Gmail can be used to categorize the different email conversations you send or receive. You can create as many labels as you need and give them uniq...YouTube
We'd like to thank Josh Anderson for having us on the latest episode of Assistive Technology Update from Easter Seals Crossroads were we talk about the BT Speak Pro. ATU is a great podcast for learning more about how assistive technology can benefit those with disabilities.…
Learn more about the BT Speak Pro by visiting our product page.
ATU682 – BT Speak Pro from Blazie Technologies with David Goldfield - Assistive Technology at Easter Seals Crossroads
Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.Josh Anderson (Assistive Technology at Easter Seals Crossroads)
Mozilla is an advertising company now.
This seems completely normal and cool and not troublesome in any way.
Mozilla has acquired Anonym, a [blah blah blah] raise the bar for the advertising industry [blah blah blah] while delivering effective...
It went back to Open Source:……
V12 in development will move to the full GNU license and is moving away from the ESR release:…
That leaves "kind of sketchy"?
The road map of Floorp Browser v12 & v11.
We're currently undertaking a significant refactoring of Floorp, with the rすらーぷの妖精 (ABlog)
oh nice! i rescind what I said then.
The original reasons outlined for going proprietary felt sketchy because I wasn’t sure how other projects using the source would hurt Floorp the way the maintainer described, unless Floorp would start adding features that generated a revenue stream or something.
But if they backtracked that’s reassuring.
Nu zondag 23 juni is een herdenkingsactie voor de wielrenners die op 25 februari stierven bij een aanrijding. Toen overleden Steven en Joris. De actie krijgt steun van de nabestaanden
We verzamelen om 9u in de Pantserschipstraat en plaatsen witte fietsen. Om 10u vertrekt er een ingetogen fietstocht van de Pantserschipstraat naar de Kerk van Lochristi.
Link naar het facebook event:
#gent #goforzero #ghostbikes #cycling
De rit die Steven en Joris nooit reden
Událost ve městě Gent, Vlámský region, Belgie, pořádá Witte fietsen wake dne neděle, červen 23
Yesterday the #EU postponed the vote on #ChatControl - a huge win for #privacy 💪
Now we must convince #Australia to do the same.
If not, Australia could become the first #5Eyes to outlaw #encryption 🔒
Read our open letter
Open letter urging Australian government to protect encryption with revision of Online Safety Act.
Australia could be the first of the Five Eyes to abolish end-to-end encryption.Tutanota
Guter Kommentar der @tagesschau . Nicht nur ich fass mir an den Kopf was Bund und Länder da gerade eigentlich treiben. #fckafd boosten? 😳 😬
#SichereDrittstaaten #Asyl
"Politiker werben für eine schnelle Lösung - wohl wissend, dass es sie so nicht gibt. Die Politik weckt also gerade ganz bewusst Erwartungen, die sie nicht erfüllen kann. Und sie weiß es - warum macht sie das also? Populismus? Wahlkampf? Verzweiflung?"…
Asylverfahren in Drittstaaten: Es gibt keine schnelle Lösung
Bis zum nächsten Bund-Länder-Treffen sollen Modelle erarbeitet werden, die untersuchen, unter welchen Bedingungen Asylverfahren in Drittstaaten durchgeführt werden können. Doch so einfach ist das nicht, meint Bianca Schwarz.Bianca Schwarz (
ľudia sa nudia…
Audi niekto podpálil. Vrak nik neodstránil, po mesiaci začal horieť opäť
Čaká sa na obhliadku z poisťovne.Kristián Sabo (
in reply to Stefan Münz • • •Insgesamt allerdings deutlich weniger als früher.